// ArcGIS Snippet Title:
        // Create Simple Line Symbol
        // Long Description:
        // Create a simple line symbol by specifying a color, width and line style.
        // Add the following references to the project:
        // ESRI.ArcGIS.Display
        // ESRI.ArcGIS.System
        // Intended ArcGIS Products for this snippet:
        // ArcGIS Desktop (Standard, Advanced, Basic)
        // ArcGIS Engine
        // ArcGIS Server
        // Applicable ArcGIS Product Versions:
        // 9.2
        // 9.3
        // 9.3.1
        // 10.0
        // Required ArcGIS Extensions:
        // (NONE)
        // Notes:
        // This snippet is intended to be inserted at the base level of a Class.
        // It is not intended to be nested within an existing Method.

        ///<summary>Create a simple line symbol by specifying a color, width and line style.</summary>
        ///<param name="rgbColor">An IRGBColor interface.</param>
        ///<param name="inWidth">A System.Double that is the width of the line symbol in points. Example: 2</param>
        ///<param name="inStyle">An esriSimpleLineStyle enumeration. Example: esriSLSSolid.</param>
        ///<returns>An ISimpleLineSymbol interface.</returns>
        public ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISimpleLineSymbol CreateSimpleLineSymbol(ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRgbColor rgbColor, System.Double inWidth, ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.esriSimpleLineStyle inStyle)
            if (rgbColor == null)

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.SimpleLineSymbolClass();
            simpleLineSymbol.Style = inStyle;
            simpleLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            simpleLineSymbol.Width = inWidth;

        // ArcGIS Snippet Title:
        // Create Simple Fill Symbol
        // Long Description:
        // Create a simple fill symbol by specifying a color, outline color and fill style.
        // Add the following references to the project:
        // ESRI.ArcGIS.Display
        // ESRI.ArcGIS.System
        // Intended ArcGIS Products for this snippet:
        // ArcGIS Desktop (Standard, Advanced, Basic)
        // ArcGIS Engine
        // ArcGIS Server
        // Applicable ArcGIS Product Versions:
        // 9.2
        // 9.3
        // 9.3.1
        // 10.0
        // Required ArcGIS Extensions:
        // (NONE)
        // Notes:
        // This snippet is intended to be inserted at the base level of a Class.
        // It is not intended to be nested within an existing Method.

        ///<summary>Create a simple fill symbol by specifying a color, outline color and fill style.</summary>
        ///<param name="fillColor">An IRGBColor interface. The color for the inside of the fill symbol.</param>
        ///<param name="fillStyle">An esriSimpleLineStyle enumeration for the inside fill symbol. Example: esriSFSSolid.</param>
        ///<param name="borderColor">An IRGBColor interface. The color for the outside line border of the fill symbol.</param>
        ///<param name="borderStyle">An esriSimpleLineStyle enumeration for the outside line border. Example: esriSLSSolid.</param>
        ///<param name="borderWidth">A System.Double that is the width of the outside line border in points. Example: 2</param>
        ///<returns>An ISimpleFillSymbol interface.</returns>
        public ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISimpleFillSymbol CreateSimpleFillSymbol(ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRgbColor fillColor, ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.esriSimpleFillStyle fillStyle, ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRgbColor borderColor, ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.esriSimpleLineStyle borderStyle, System.Double borderWidth)
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.SimpleLineSymbolClass();
            simpleLineSymbol.Width = borderWidth;
            simpleLineSymbol.Color = borderColor;
            simpleLineSymbol.Style = borderStyle;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.SimpleFillSymbolClass();
            simpleFillSymbol.Outline = simpleLineSymbol;
            simpleFillSymbol.Style   = fillStyle;
            simpleFillSymbol.Color   = fillColor;
