Internal class encapsulating a layer item representing a map layer. This class manages the events coming from the layer and the legend refresh process.
상속: ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.Primitives.LayerItemViewModel
예제 #1
		private void AddGroupChildLayers()
			if (Layer is GroupLayerBase)
				ObservableCollection<LayerItemViewModel> mapLayerItems = new ObservableCollection<LayerItemViewModel>();
				if ((Layer as GroupLayerBase).ChildLayers != null)
					foreach (Layer layer in (Layer as GroupLayerBase).ChildLayers.Where(l => l.ShowLegend))
						Layer layerToFind = layer;
						MapLayerItem mapLayerItem = LayerItems == null ? null : LayerItems.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Layer == layerToFind) as MapLayerItem;

						if (mapLayerItem == null || mapLayerItems.Contains(mapLayerItem)) // else reuse existing map layer item to avoid querying again the legend and lose the item states (note : contains test if for the degenerated case where a layer is twice or more in a group layer)
							// Create a new map layer item
							mapLayerItem = new MapLayerItem(layer) { LegendTree = this.LegendTree, LayerItemsOptions = LegendTree.LayerItemsOptions};
							if (_dispatcher != null)
								_dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => mapLayerItem.Refresh()));
				LayerItems = mapLayerItems;
				// Don't display the AcceleratedDisplayLayers root node
				if (Layer is AcceleratedDisplayLayers)
					IsTransparent = true;
		private void AddGroupChildLayers()
			if (Layer is GroupLayer)
				ObservableCollection<LayerItemViewModel> mapLayerItems = new ObservableCollection<LayerItemViewModel>();
				if ((Layer as GroupLayer).ChildLayers != null)
					foreach (Layer layer in (Layer as GroupLayer).ChildLayers)
						Layer layerToFind = layer;
						MapLayerItem mapLayerItem = LayerItems == null ? null : LayerItems.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Layer == layerToFind) as MapLayerItem;

						if (mapLayerItem == null || mapLayerItems.Contains(mapLayerItem)) // else reuse existing map layer item to avoid querying again the legend and lose the item states (note : contains test if for the degenerated case where a layer is twice or more in a group layer)
							// Create a new map layer item
							mapLayerItem = new MapLayerItem(layer) { LegendTree = this.LegendTree };
							if (_dispatcher != null)
								_dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => mapLayerItem.Refresh()));
				LayerItems = mapLayerItems;