public Source(Source source) { SourceName = source.SourceName; SourceType = source.SourceType; if (source.Modes != null) foreach (var newmode in source.Modes.Select(mode => new Mode(mode))) { Modes.Add(newmode); } }
public bool Equals(Source other) { if (Guid != other.Guid) return false; if (SourceName != other.SourceName) return false; if (SourceType != other.SourceType) return false; var modes = (from m in Modes orderby m.ModeName select m).ToList(); var othermodes = (from m in other.Modes orderby m.ModeName select m).ToList(); if (modes.Count != othermodes.Count) return false; if (modes.Where((t, i) => !t.Equals(othermodes[i])).Any()) return false; return true; }
void Copy(Scenario scenario) { Name = scenario.Name; Comments = scenario.Comments; ShowAllAnalysisPoints = scenario.ShowAllAnalysisPoints; ShowAllPerimeters = scenario.ShowAllPerimeters; ShowAllSpecies = scenario.ShowAllSpecies; StartTime = new TimeSpan(scenario.StartTime.Ticks); Duration = new TimeSpan(scenario.Duration.Ticks); TimePeriod = (TimePeriod)scenario.TimePeriod; Location = scenario.Location; Wind = scenario.Wind; SoundSpeed = scenario.SoundSpeed; Sediment = scenario.Sediment; Bathymetry = scenario.Bathymetry; // Here we map the old perimeter to the new perimeter so that the copied platform gets the proper perimeter var perimeterMap = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>(); foreach (var perimeter in scenario.Perimeters) { var newPerimeter = new Perimeter(perimeter) { Scenario = this }; perimeterMap.Add(perimeter.Guid, newPerimeter.Guid); Perimeters.Add(newPerimeter); } var modeMap = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>(); var allModes = new List<Mode>(); foreach (var platform in scenario.Platforms) { var newPlatform = new Platform(platform) { Scenario = this }; // Make sure the new perimeter gets the proper copied perimeter from the original scenario if (platform.Perimeter != null) newPlatform.Perimeter = Perimeters.Find(p => p.Guid == perimeterMap[platform.Perimeter.Guid]); Platforms.Add(newPlatform); foreach (var source in platform.Sources) { var newSource = new Source(source) { Platform = newPlatform }; newPlatform.Sources.Add(newSource); foreach (var mode in source.Modes) { var newMode = new Mode(mode) { Source = newSource }; modeMap.Add(mode.Guid, newMode.Guid); newSource.Modes.Add(newMode); allModes.Add(newMode); } } } foreach (var analysisPoint in scenario.AnalysisPoints) { var newAnalysisPoint = new AnalysisPoint(analysisPoint) { Scenario = this }; AnalysisPoints.Add(newAnalysisPoint); foreach (var transmissionLoss in analysisPoint.TransmissionLosses) { var newTransmissionLoss = new TransmissionLoss { AnalysisPoint = newAnalysisPoint, LayerSettings = new LayerSettings(transmissionLoss.LayerSettings) }; foreach (var mode in transmissionLoss.Modes) newTransmissionLoss.Modes.Add(allModes.Find(m => m.Guid == modeMap[mode.Guid])); newAnalysisPoint.TransmissionLosses.Add(newTransmissionLoss); foreach (var radial in transmissionLoss.Radials) { var newRadial = new Radial(radial) { TransmissionLoss = newTransmissionLoss }; newTransmissionLoss.Radials.Add(newRadial); newRadial.CopyFiles(radial); } } } foreach (var species in scenario.ScenarioSpecies) { var newSpecies = new ScenarioSpecies(species) { Scenario = this }; ScenarioSpecies.Add(newSpecies); newSpecies.CopyFiles(species); } }
public void PlatformBehaviorToKML() { var jaxOpsArea = new GeoArray(new Geo(29.3590, -79.2195), new Geo(31.1627, -79.2195), new Geo(31.1627, -81.2789), new Geo(30.1627, -81.2789), new Geo(29.3590, -80.8789), new Geo(29.3590, -79.2195)); var platform = new Platform { PlatformName = "Test Platform", Perimeter = jaxOpsArea, Depth = 0, IsRandom = true, TrackType = TrackType.PerimeterBounce, Sources = new ObservableList<Source>(), Speed = 20, }; var source = new Source { SourceName = "Test Source", Modes = new ObservableList<Mode>(), Platform = platform, }; platform.Sources.Add(source); var mode = new Mode { ModeName = "Test Mode", PulseInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 10), PulseLength = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500), Depth = 5, HighFrequency = 1000, LowFrequency = 1000, DepressionElevationAngle = 10, VerticalBeamWidth = 90, SourceLevel = 200, Source = source, }; source.Modes.Add(mode); var behavior = new PlatformBehavior(platform, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1), 86400); #if true var kml = new KMLRoot(); var folder = new Folder("Jacksonville"); = "Jacksonville OpArea"; jaxOpsArea.Placemark.Snippet = "The operational area"; jaxOpsArea.Placemark.Snippet.maxLines = 1; folder.Add(jaxOpsArea.Placemark); #if true var timeStep = 0; foreach (var state in behavior.PlatformStates) { if (timeStep % 100 == 0) { = string.Format("TimeStep {0}", timeStep); folder.Add(state.PlatformLocation.Location.Placemark); } timeStep++; } #else = "Platform track"; result.Placemark.Snippet = "The track of the platform"; result.Placemark.Snippet.maxLines = 1; result.Placemark.Geometry.AltitudeMode = AltitudeMode.clampedToGround; folder.Add(result.Placemark); #endif kml.Document.Add(folder); var savePath = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Platform Behavior Tests", "PlatformBehavior.kml"); Debug.WriteLine("Saving KML..."); kml.Save(savePath); #endif }
internal void Log(Source source, string message) { LogBase(new LogEntry(source), message); }
void AddMode(Source source) { //var vm = new CreateModeViewModel(); //var result = ESME.Globals.VisualizerService.ShowDialog("CreateModeView", vm); //if (!result.HasValue || !result.Value) return; ((LayerControl)source.LayerControl).Expand(); AddMode(source, "New Mode", true); OnPropertyChanged("CanPlaceAnalysisPoint"); OnPropertyChanged("IsSaveScenarioCommandEnabled"); }
void AddMode(Source source, string name, bool isNew, float frequency = 1000f, float depth = 0f, float maxPropagationRadius = 25000f) { var mode = new Mode { ActiveTime = 1f, Depth = depth, DepressionElevationAngle = 0f, HighFrequency = frequency, LowFrequency = frequency, MaxPropagationRadius = maxPropagationRadius, ModeName = name, ModeType = null, PulseInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 30), PulseLength = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500), RelativeBeamAngle = 0, Source = source, SourceLevel = 200, VerticalBeamWidth = 180f, HorizontalBeamWidth = 90, IsNew = isNew, TransmissionLossPluginType = Globals.PluginManagerService[PluginType.TransmissionLossCalculator][PluginSubtype.Bellhop].DefaultPlugin.PluginIdentifier.Type, }; source.Modes.Add(mode); //source.Platform.Scenario.Add(mode); source.Platform.Scenario.UpdateAnalysisPoints(); }
void SourceProperties(Source source) { //ESME.Globals.VisualizerService.ShowDialog("TreeViewItemPropertiesView", new SourcePropertiesViewModel { Source = source }); var vm = new PropertiesViewModel { PropertyObject = source, WindowTitle = "Source Properties: " + source.SourceName }; Globals.VisualizerService.ShowDialog("SourcePropertiesView", vm); }
void DeleteSource(Source source) { if (Globals.MessageBoxService.ShowYesNo(string.Format("Are you sure you want to delete the source \"{0}\"?", source.SourceName), MessageBoxImage.Warning) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) return; source.Delete(); OnPropertyChanged("CanPlaceAnalysisPoint"); OnPropertyChanged("IsSaveScenarioCommandEnabled"); }
async void SourceBoundToLayer(Source source) { if (!source.IsNew) return; source.IsNew = false; ((LayerControl)source.LayerControl).Select(); await Task.Delay(50); ((LayerControl)source.LayerControl).Edit(); }
static Source AddSource(Platform platform, string name, bool isNew) { var source = new Source { Platform = platform, SourceName = name, SourceType = null, IsNew = isNew, }; platform.Sources.Add(source); return source; }
public void CreateScenario(string locationName, string scenarioName, double north, double south, double east, double west) { Console.WriteLine("Creating database service..."); var database = new MasterDatabaseService { MasterDatabaseDirectory = _databaseDirectory }; Console.WriteLine("Loading plugins..."); var plugins = new PluginManagerService { PluginDirectory = PluginDirectory }; var cache = new EnvironmentalCacheService(plugins, database); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Looking for test location '{0}'...", locationName)); var location = database.FindLocation(locationName); if (location != null) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Test location '{0}' already exists. Deleting the existing location.", locationName)); database.DeleteLocation(location); } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Creating test location '{0}'...", locationName)); var geoRect = new GeoRect(north, south, east, west); location = new Location { Name = locationName, Comments = null, GeoRect = geoRect }; location.LayerSettings.IsChecked = true; database.Add(location); foreach (var month in NAVOConfiguration.AllMonths) { // SoundSpeed dataset for each month Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Importing soundspeed for {0}", month)); cache.ImportDatasetTest(database.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, 15, month, plugins[PluginType.EnvironmentalDataSource, PluginSubtype.SoundSpeed].PluginIdentifier)); // Wind dataset for each month Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Importing wind for {0}", month)); cache.ImportDatasetTest(database.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, 60, month, plugins[PluginType.EnvironmentalDataSource, PluginSubtype.Wind].PluginIdentifier)); } // Sediment dataset Console.WriteLine("Importing 5min sediment"); cache.ImportDatasetTest(database.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, 5f, TimePeriod.Invalid, plugins[PluginType.EnvironmentalDataSource, PluginSubtype.Sediment].PluginIdentifier)); Console.WriteLine("Importing 0.1min sediment"); cache.ImportDatasetTest(database.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, 0.1f, TimePeriod.Invalid, plugins[PluginType.EnvironmentalDataSource, PluginSubtype.Sediment].PluginIdentifier)); // Bathymetry dataset at 2min resolution Console.WriteLine("Importing 2min bathymetry"); cache.ImportDatasetTest(database.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, 2f, TimePeriod.Invalid, plugins[PluginType.EnvironmentalDataSource, PluginSubtype.Bathymetry].PluginIdentifier)); // Bathymetry dataset at 1min resolution Console.WriteLine("Importing 1min bathymetry"); cache.ImportDatasetTest(database.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, 1f, TimePeriod.Invalid, plugins[PluginType.EnvironmentalDataSource, PluginSubtype.Bathymetry].PluginIdentifier)); // Bathymetry dataset at 0.5min resolution Console.WriteLine("Importing 0.5min bathymetry"); cache.ImportDatasetTest(database.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, 0.5f, TimePeriod.Invalid, plugins[PluginType.EnvironmentalDataSource, PluginSubtype.Bathymetry].PluginIdentifier)); Scenario scenario; database.Add(scenario = new Scenario { Location = location, Name = scenarioName, Comments = string.Format("Some comments for {0}", scenarioName), StartTime = new DbTimeSpan(new TimeSpan(0, 12, 0, 0)), Duration = new DbTimeSpan(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0, 0)), TimePeriod = TimePeriod.April, }); location.Scenarios.Add(scenario); Platform platform; database.Add(platform = new Platform { Description = "Platform description", PlatformName = "PlatformName", PlatformType = "PlatformType", RepeatCount = 0, Scenario = scenario, Course = 45, Depth = 0, Geo = geoRect.Center, Speed = 0, IsRandom = false, TrackType = TrackType.Stationary, Perimeter = null, }); Source source; database.Add(source = new Source { Platform = platform, SourceName = "SourceName", SourceType = "SourceType", }); database.Add(new Mode { ActiveTime = 500, DepressionElevationAngle = 0, Depth = 5, HighFrequency = 3000, HorizontalBeamWidth = 360, LowFrequency = 3000, MaxPropagationRadius = 25000, ModeName = "ModeName", ModeType = "ModeType", //PSMModeGuid = PulseInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 30), PulseLength = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500), RelativeBeamAngle = 0, Source = source, SourceLevel = 200, VerticalBeamWidth = 180, }); database.SetEnvironmentalData(scenario, (from data in location.EnvironmentalDataSets where data.SourcePlugin.PluginSubtype == PluginSubtype.Wind && ((TimePeriod)scenario.TimePeriod == (TimePeriod)data.TimePeriod) select data).FirstOrDefault()); database.SetEnvironmentalData(scenario, (from data in location.EnvironmentalDataSets where data.SourcePlugin.PluginSubtype == PluginSubtype.SoundSpeed && ((TimePeriod)scenario.TimePeriod == (TimePeriod)data.TimePeriod) select data).FirstOrDefault()); database.SetEnvironmentalData(scenario, (from data in location.EnvironmentalDataSets where data.SourcePlugin.PluginSubtype == PluginSubtype.Sediment orderby data.Resolution select data).FirstOrDefault()); database.SetEnvironmentalData(scenario, (from data in location.EnvironmentalDataSets where data.SourcePlugin.PluginSubtype == PluginSubtype.Bathymetry orderby data.Resolution select data).FirstOrDefault()); database.SaveChanges(); }