public static void WeakestLink() { OutputHandler.PrintText("Input N"); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int n); OutputHandler.PrintText("Input the order of players choosing"); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int orderOfExclusion); OutputHandler.PrinStartGame(orderOfExclusion); Engine(n, orderOfExclusion); }
public static void Engine(int n, int orderOfExclusion) { int round = 1; int currentChoose = 0; if (orderOfExclusion > n) { throw new ArgumentException("Excluding is impossible becase number of players less than order of excluding", "orderOfExclusion"); } var Players = SetListOfPlayers(n); while (Players.Count > orderOfExclusion - 1) { OutputHandler.PrintRound(round); currentChoose = (currentChoose + orderOfExclusion) % Players.Count; Players.Remove(Players[currentChoose]); OutputHandler.PrintNumberPlayersRemaining(Players.Count); round++; } OutputHandler.PrintEndGame(); }