예제 #1
        protected MachineBase(DeserializationContext input, int[] palette)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (palette == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("palette");
            if (palette.Length != 0x100)
                throw new ArgumentException("palette incorrect size, must be 256.");

            _MachineHalt         = input.ReadBoolean();
            _FrameHZ             = input.ReadInt32();
            _VisiblePitch        = input.ReadInt32();
            _Scanlines           = input.ReadInt32();
            FirstScanline        = input.ReadInt32();
            SoundSampleFrequency = input.ReadInt32();
            NOPRegisterDumping   = input.ReadBoolean();
            InputState           = input.ReadInputState();

            Palette = palette;
            Logger  = null;
예제 #2
        public PokeySound(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m) : this(m)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            _lastUpdateCpuClock = input.ReadUInt64();
            _bufferIndex        = input.ReadInt32();
            _audf                = input.ReadBytes();
            _audc                = input.ReadBytes();
            _audctl              = input.ReadByte();
            _skctl               = input.ReadByte();
            _output              = input.ReadBytes();
            _outvol              = input.ReadBytes();
            _divideMax           = input.ReadIntegers(4);
            _divideCount         = input.ReadIntegers(4);
            _pokeyTicks          = input.ReadInt32();
            _pokeyTicksPerSample = input.ReadInt32();
            _baseMultiplier      = input.ReadInt32();
            _poly04Counter       = input.ReadInt32();
            _poly05Counter       = input.ReadInt32();
            _poly17Counter       = input.ReadInt32();
            _poly17Size          = input.ReadInt32();
예제 #3
        public Cart78SG(DeserializationContext input) : base(input)
            var version = input.CheckVersion(1, 2);

            Bank = input.ReadIntegers(4);
            if (version == 1)
            RAM = input.ReadOptionalBytes(0x4000);
예제 #4
        public M6502(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m, int runClocksMultiple) : this(m, runClocksMultiple)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            Clock                  = input.ReadUInt64();
            RunClocks              = input.ReadInt32();
            RunClocksMultiple      = input.ReadInt32();
            EmulatorPreemptRequest = input.ReadBoolean();
            Jammed                 = input.ReadBoolean();
            IRQInterruptRequest    = input.ReadBoolean();
            NMIInterruptRequest    = input.ReadBoolean();
            PC = input.ReadUInt16();
            A  = input.ReadByte();
            X  = input.ReadByte();
            Y  = input.ReadByte();
            S  = input.ReadByte();
            P  = input.ReadByte();
예제 #5
        public TIASound(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m, int cpuClocksPerSample) : this(m, cpuClocksPerSample)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            Bit9               = input.ReadExpectedBytes(511);
            P4                 = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            P5                 = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            P9                 = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            DivByNCounter      = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            DivByNMaximum      = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            AUDC               = input.ReadExpectedBytes(2);
            AUDF               = input.ReadExpectedBytes(2);
            AUDV               = input.ReadExpectedBytes(2);
            OutputVol          = input.ReadExpectedBytes(2);
            LastUpdateCPUClock = input.ReadUInt64();
            BufferIndex        = input.ReadInt32();
예제 #6
파일: PIA.cs 프로젝트: WolfpawGroup/RTC3
        public PIA(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m) : this(m)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            var version = input.CheckVersion(1, 2);
            RAM          = input.ReadExpectedBytes(0x80);
            TimerTarget  = input.ReadUInt64();
            TimerShift   = input.ReadInt32();
            IRQEnabled   = input.ReadBoolean();
            IRQTriggered = input.ReadBoolean();
            DDRA         = input.ReadByte();
            WrittenPortA = input.ReadByte();
            if (version > 1)
                DDRB         = input.ReadByte();
                WrittenPortB = input.ReadByte();
예제 #7
파일: TIA.cs 프로젝트: ddugovic/RASuite
        public TIA(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m) : this()
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (m == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("m");

            M = m;
            TIASound = input.ReadTIASound(M, CPU_TICKS_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE);

            RegW = input.ReadExpectedBytes(0x40);
            HSync = input.ReadInt32();
            HMoveCounter = input.ReadInt32();
            ScanLine = input.ReadInt32();
            FrameBufferIndex = input.ReadInt32();
            //FrameBufferElement = input.ReadBufferElement();
            StartHMOVEClock = input.ReadUInt64();
            HMoveLatch = input.ReadBoolean();
            StartClock = input.ReadUInt64();
            P0 = input.ReadInt32();
            P0mmr = input.ReadBoolean();
            EffGRP0 = input.ReadByte();
            OldGRP0 = input.ReadByte();
            P0type = input.ReadInt32();
            P0suppress = input.ReadInt32();
            P1 = input.ReadInt32();
            P1mmr = input.ReadBoolean();
            EffGRP1 = input.ReadByte();
            OldGRP1 = input.ReadByte();
            P1type = input.ReadInt32();
            P1suppress = input.ReadInt32();
            M0 = input.ReadInt32();
            M0mmr = input.ReadBoolean();
            M0type = input.ReadInt32();
            M0size = input.ReadInt32();
            m0on = input.ReadBoolean();
            M1 = input.ReadInt32();
            M1mmr = input.ReadBoolean();
            M1type = input.ReadInt32();
            M1size = input.ReadInt32();
            m1on = input.ReadBoolean();
            BL = input.ReadInt32();
            BLmmr = input.ReadBoolean();
            OldENABL = input.ReadBoolean();
            BLsize = input.ReadInt32();
            blon = input.ReadBoolean();
            PF210 = input.ReadUInt32();
            PFReflectionState = input.ReadInt32();
            colubk = input.ReadByte();
            colupf = input.ReadByte();
            colup0 = input.ReadByte();
            colup1 = input.ReadByte();
            vblankon = input.ReadBoolean();
            scoreon = input.ReadBoolean();
            pfpriority = input.ReadBoolean();
            DumpEnabled = input.ReadBoolean();
            DumpDisabledCycle = input.ReadUInt64();
            Collisions = (TIACxPairFlags)input.ReadInt32();
            WSYNCDelayClocks = input.ReadInt32();
            EndOfFrame = input.ReadBoolean();
예제 #8
        protected MachineBase(DeserializationContext input, int[] palette)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (palette == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("palette");
            if (palette.Length != 0x100)
                throw new ArgumentException("palette incorrect size, must be 256.");

            _MachineHalt = input.ReadBoolean();
            _FrameHZ = input.ReadInt32();
            _VisiblePitch = input.ReadInt32();
            _Scanlines = input.ReadInt32();
            FirstScanline = input.ReadInt32();
            SoundSampleFrequency = input.ReadInt32();
            NOPRegisterDumping = input.ReadBoolean();
            InputState = input.ReadInputState();

            Palette = palette;
            Logger = null;
예제 #9
        public PokeySound(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m) : this(m)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            _lastUpdateCpuClock = input.ReadUInt64();
            _bufferIndex = input.ReadInt32();
            _audf = input.ReadBytes();
            _audc = input.ReadBytes();
            _audctl = input.ReadByte();
            _skctl = input.ReadByte();
            _output = input.ReadBytes();
            _outvol = input.ReadBytes();
            _divideMax = input.ReadIntegers(4);
            _divideCount = input.ReadIntegers(4);
            _pokeyTicks = input.ReadInt32();
            _pokeyTicksPerSample = input.ReadInt32();
            _baseMultiplier = input.ReadInt32();
            _poly04Counter = input.ReadInt32();
            _poly05Counter = input.ReadInt32();
            _poly17Counter = input.ReadInt32();
            _poly17Size = input.ReadInt32();
예제 #10
파일: M6502.cs 프로젝트: ddugovic/RASuite
        public M6502(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m, int runClocksMultiple) : this(m, runClocksMultiple)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            Clock = input.ReadUInt64();
            RunClocks = input.ReadInt32();
            RunClocksMultiple = input.ReadInt32();
            EmulatorPreemptRequest = input.ReadBoolean();
            Jammed = input.ReadBoolean();
            IRQInterruptRequest = input.ReadBoolean();
            NMIInterruptRequest = input.ReadBoolean();
            PC = input.ReadUInt16();
            A = input.ReadByte();
            X = input.ReadByte();
            Y = input.ReadByte();
            S = input.ReadByte();
            P = input.ReadByte();
예제 #11
        public TIA(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m) : this()
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (m == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("m");

            M        = m;
            TIASound = input.ReadTIASound(M, CPU_TICKS_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE);

            RegW             = input.ReadExpectedBytes(0x40);
            HSync            = input.ReadInt32();
            HMoveCounter     = input.ReadInt32();
            ScanLine         = input.ReadInt32();
            FrameBufferIndex = input.ReadInt32();
            //FrameBufferElement = input.ReadBufferElement();
            StartHMOVEClock = input.ReadUInt64();
            HMoveLatch      = input.ReadBoolean();
            StartClock      = input.ReadUInt64();
            P0                = input.ReadInt32();
            P0mmr             = input.ReadBoolean();
            EffGRP0           = input.ReadByte();
            OldGRP0           = input.ReadByte();
            P0type            = input.ReadInt32();
            P0suppress        = input.ReadInt32();
            P1                = input.ReadInt32();
            P1mmr             = input.ReadBoolean();
            EffGRP1           = input.ReadByte();
            OldGRP1           = input.ReadByte();
            P1type            = input.ReadInt32();
            P1suppress        = input.ReadInt32();
            M0                = input.ReadInt32();
            M0mmr             = input.ReadBoolean();
            M0type            = input.ReadInt32();
            M0size            = input.ReadInt32();
            m0on              = input.ReadBoolean();
            M1                = input.ReadInt32();
            M1mmr             = input.ReadBoolean();
            M1type            = input.ReadInt32();
            M1size            = input.ReadInt32();
            m1on              = input.ReadBoolean();
            BL                = input.ReadInt32();
            BLmmr             = input.ReadBoolean();
            OldENABL          = input.ReadBoolean();
            BLsize            = input.ReadInt32();
            blon              = input.ReadBoolean();
            PF210             = input.ReadUInt32();
            PFReflectionState = input.ReadInt32();
            colubk            = input.ReadByte();
            colupf            = input.ReadByte();
            colup0            = input.ReadByte();
            colup1            = input.ReadByte();
            vblankon          = input.ReadBoolean();
            scoreon           = input.ReadBoolean();
            pfpriority        = input.ReadBoolean();
            DumpEnabled       = input.ReadBoolean();
            DumpDisabledCycle = input.ReadUInt64();
            Collisions        = (TIACxPairFlags)input.ReadInt32();
            WSYNCDelayClocks  = input.ReadInt32();
            EndOfFrame        = input.ReadBoolean();
예제 #12
파일: PIA.cs 프로젝트: CadeLaRen/BizHawk
        public PIA(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m) : this(m)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            var version = input.CheckVersion(1, 2);
            RAM = input.ReadExpectedBytes(0x80);
            TimerTarget = input.ReadUInt64();
            TimerShift = input.ReadInt32();
            IRQEnabled = input.ReadBoolean();
            IRQTriggered = input.ReadBoolean();
            DDRA = input.ReadByte();
            WrittenPortA = input.ReadByte();
            if (version > 1)
                DDRB = input.ReadByte();
                WrittenPortB = input.ReadByte();
예제 #13
        public TIASound(DeserializationContext input, MachineBase m, int cpuClocksPerSample) : this(m, cpuClocksPerSample)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            Bit9 = input.ReadExpectedBytes(511);
            P4 = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            P5 = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            P9 = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            DivByNCounter = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            DivByNMaximum = input.ReadIntegers(2);
            AUDC = input.ReadExpectedBytes(2);
            AUDF = input.ReadExpectedBytes(2);
            AUDV = input.ReadExpectedBytes(2);
            OutputVol = input.ReadExpectedBytes(2);
            LastUpdateCPUClock = input.ReadUInt64();
            BufferIndex = input.ReadInt32();
예제 #14
파일: Maria.cs 프로젝트: ddugovic/RASuite
        public Maria(DeserializationContext input, Machine7800 m, int scanlines)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (m == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("m");

            M = m;
            TIASound = new TIASound(input, M, CPU_TICKS_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE);

            var version = input.CheckVersion(1, 2);
            LineRAM = input.ReadExpectedBytes(512);
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted values, MariaPalette[8,4]
                for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) 
            Registers = input.ReadExpectedBytes(0x40);
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted value, Scanline
            switch (version)
                case 1:
                    WM = (input.ReadByte() != 0);
                case 2:
                    WM = input.ReadBoolean();
            DLL = input.ReadUInt16();
            DL = input.ReadUInt16();
            Offset = input.ReadInt32();
            Holey = input.ReadInt32();
            Width = input.ReadInt32();
            HPOS = input.ReadByte();
            PaletteNo = input.ReadByte();
            INDMode = input.ReadBoolean();
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted value (DLI)
            CtrlLock = input.ReadBoolean();
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted value (VBLANK)
            DMAEnabled = input.ReadBoolean();
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted value (DMAOn)
            ColorKill = input.ReadBoolean();
            CWidth = input.ReadBoolean();
            BCntl = input.ReadBoolean();
            Kangaroo = input.ReadBoolean();
            RM = input.ReadByte();
예제 #15
        public Maria(DeserializationContext input, Machine7800 m, int scanlines)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (m == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("m");

            M = m;
            TIASound = new TIASound(input, M, CPU_TICKS_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE);

            var version = input.CheckVersion(1, 2);

            LineRAM = input.ReadExpectedBytes(512);
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted values, MariaPalette[8,4]
                for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            Registers = input.ReadExpectedBytes(0x40);
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted value, Scanline
            switch (version)
            case 1:
                WM = (input.ReadByte() != 0);

            case 2:
                WM = input.ReadBoolean();
            DLL       = input.ReadUInt16();
            DL        = input.ReadUInt16();
            Offset    = input.ReadInt32();
            Holey     = input.ReadInt32();
            Width     = input.ReadInt32();
            HPOS      = input.ReadByte();
            PaletteNo = input.ReadByte();
            INDMode   = input.ReadBoolean();
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted value (DLI)
            CtrlLock = input.ReadBoolean();
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted value (VBLANK)
            DMAEnabled = input.ReadBoolean();
            if (version == 1)
                // formerly persisted value (DMAOn)
            ColorKill = input.ReadBoolean();
            CWidth    = input.ReadBoolean();
            BCntl     = input.ReadBoolean();
            Kangaroo  = input.ReadBoolean();
            RM        = input.ReadByte();