예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// \brief <b>Description</b>
        /// \details Validates all attributes associated with a SeasonalEmployee
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seEmployee"></param>
        /// <returns>a bool that indicates whether the values to validate are acceptable</returns>
        public static bool validate(SeasonalEmployee seEmployee)
            bool confirmed = true;

            bool[] test = new bool[] {
                validateName(seEmployee.Type, seEmployee.FirstName),
                validateName(seEmployee.Type, seEmployee.LastName),
                validateSIN(seEmployee.Type, seEmployee.SIN, seEmployee.DOB),

            foreach (bool flag in test)
                if (!flag)
                    confirmed = false;
                    Logging.Log("[SeasonalEmployee.Validate] Employee - " + seEmployee.LastName + ", "
                                + seEmployee.FirstName + " (" + seEmployee.SIN + ") - INVALID");
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// \brief <b>Description</b>
 /// \details takes a Seasonalemployee object and puts all attributes into a string[],
 ///  and then joins all items in the string array into a "|" delimited string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="emp"></param>
 /// <returns>returns the string that holds all the attributes of the employee object delimited by "|"</returns>
 public static string join(SeasonalEmployee emp)
     string[] item = new string[] {
         emp.Type.ToString(), emp.LastName, emp.FirstName, emp.SIN, emp.DOB.ToString(DateFormat),
         emp.Season.ToString().ToUpper(), emp.PiecePay.ToString()
     return(string.Join("|", item));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// \brief <b>Description</b>
        /// \details takes all values in a Seasonal Employee and constructs a string
        /// to be used in the presentation class to display employee details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="season">working season for the seasonal employee</param>
        /// <returns>string thats formated to be displayed in the presentation class</returns>
        public static string display(SeasonalEmployee employee, bool shouldLog)
            string sinTemp = employee.SIN;

            sinTemp = sinTemp.Insert(6, " ");
            sinTemp = sinTemp.Insert(3, " ");
            string print =
                "Employee Classification : Seasonal \n"
                + "First Name              : " + employee.FirstName + "\n"
                + "Last Name               : " + employee.LastName + "\n"
                + "Date Of Birth           : " + employee.DOB.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "\n"
                + "SIN                     : " + sinTemp + "\n"
                + "Season                  : " + employee.Season + "\n"
                + "Piece Pay               : " + employee.PiecePay.ToString() + "\n";

            if (shouldLog)
                Logging.Log("[SeasonalEmployee.Display] Employee: \n" + print);