/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="serviceProvider">Defines a mechanism for retrieving a service object.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IQueryable Cacheable( this IQueryable query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { var cacheServiceProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEFCacheServiceProvider>(); var cacheKeyProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEFCacheKeyProvider>(); return(Cacheable(query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, cacheKeyProvider, cacheServiceProvider)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TType">Entity type.</typeparam> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="serviceProvider">Defines a mechanism for retrieving a service object.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static EFCachedQueryable <TType> Cacheable <TType>( this IQueryable <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { var cacheServiceProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEFCacheServiceProvider>(); var cacheKeyProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEFCacheKeyProvider>(); return(new EFCachedQueryable <TType>(query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, cacheKeyProvider, cacheServiceProvider)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="cacheKeyProvider">Gets an EF query and returns its hash to store in the cache.</param> /// <param name="cacheServiceProvider">Cache Service Provider.</param> /// <returns>Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source.</returns> public static IQueryable Cacheable( this IQueryable query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IEFCacheKeyProvider cacheKeyProvider, IEFCacheServiceProvider cacheServiceProvider) { var type = typeof(EFCachedQueryable <>).MakeGenericType(query.ElementType); var cachedQueryable = Activator.CreateInstance(type, query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, cacheKeyProvider, cacheServiceProvider); return(cachedQueryable as IQueryable); }
/// <summary> /// Defines methods to create and execute queries that are described by an System.Linq.IQueryable object. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="cacheKeyProvider">Gets an EF query and returns its hash to store in the cache.</param> /// <param name="cacheServiceProvider">The Cache Service Provider.</param> public EFMaterializer( IQueryable query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IEFCacheKeyProvider cacheKeyProvider, IEFCacheServiceProvider cacheServiceProvider) { _query = query; _cachePolicy = cachePolicy; _debugInfo = debugInfo; _cacheKeyProvider = cacheKeyProvider; _cacheServiceProvider = cacheServiceProvider; }
/// <summary> /// Defines methods to create and execute queries that are described by an System.Linq.IQueryable object. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="cacheKeyProvider">Gets an EF query and returns its hash to store in the cache.</param> /// <param name="cacheServiceProvider">The Cache Service Provider.</param> public EFCachedQueryProvider( IQueryable <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IEFCacheKeyProvider cacheKeyProvider, IEFCacheServiceProvider cacheServiceProvider) { _query = query; _cachePolicy = cachePolicy; _debugInfo = debugInfo; _cacheKeyProvider = cacheKeyProvider; _cacheServiceProvider = cacheServiceProvider; }
/// <summary> /// Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="cacheKeyProvider">Gets an EF query and returns its hash to store in the cache.</param> /// <param name="cacheServiceProvider">Cache Service Provider.</param> public EFCachedQueryable( IQueryable <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IEFCacheKeyProvider cacheKeyProvider, IEFCacheServiceProvider cacheServiceProvider) { CachePolicy = cachePolicy; DebugInfo = debugInfo; CacheKeyProvider = cacheKeyProvider; CacheServiceProvider = cacheServiceProvider; Query = query.MarkAsNoTracking(); _provider = new EFCachedQueryProvider(Query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, cacheKeyProvider, cacheServiceProvider); }
/// <summary> /// Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="cacheKeyProvider">Gets an EF query and returns its hash to store in the cache.</param> /// <param name="cacheServiceProvider">Cache Service Provider.</param> public EFCachedDbSet( DbSet <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IEFCacheKeyProvider cacheKeyProvider, IEFCacheServiceProvider cacheServiceProvider) { CachePolicy = cachePolicy; DebugInfo = debugInfo; CacheKeyProvider = cacheKeyProvider; CacheServiceProvider = cacheServiceProvider; Query = query; _provider = new EFCachedQueryProvider <TType>(Query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, cacheKeyProvider, cacheServiceProvider); }
/// <summary> /// Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="cacheKeyProvider">Gets an EF query and returns its hash to store in the cache.</param> /// <param name="cacheServiceProvider">Cache Service Provider.</param> public EFCachedDbSet( DbSet <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IEFCacheKeyProvider cacheKeyProvider, IEFCacheServiceProvider cacheServiceProvider) { CachePolicy = cachePolicy; DebugInfo = debugInfo; CacheKeyProvider = cacheKeyProvider; CacheServiceProvider = cacheServiceProvider; Query = query; var queryable = Query.AsNoTracking().AsQueryable(); ElementType = queryable.ElementType; Expression = queryable.Expression; _provider = new EFCachedQueryProvider(queryable, cachePolicy, debugInfo, cacheKeyProvider, cacheServiceProvider); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new item to the cache. /// </summary> /// <param name="cacheKey">key</param> /// <param name="value">value</param> /// <param name="rootCacheKeys">cache dependencies</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item.</param> public void InsertValue(string cacheKey, object value, ISet <string> rootCacheKeys, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy) { if (value == null) { value = NullObject; // `HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert` won't accept null values. } foreach (var rootCacheKey in rootCacheKeys) { _dcReaderWriterLock.TryWriteLocked(() => { _dependenciesCacheManager.AddOrUpdate(rootCacheKey, new HashSet <string> { cacheKey }, updateValue: set => { set.Add(cacheKey); return(set); }); }); } _vcmReaderWriterLock.TryWriteLocked(() => { if (cachePolicy == null) { _valuesCacheManager.Add(cacheKey, value); } else { _valuesCacheManager.Add(new CacheItem <object>( cacheKey, value, cachePolicy.ExpirationMode == CacheExpirationMode.Absolute ? ExpirationMode.Absolute : ExpirationMode.Sliding, cachePolicy.Timeout)); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TType">Entity type.</typeparam> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="cacheKeyProvider">Gets an EF query and returns its hash to store in the cache.</param> /// <param name="cacheServiceProvider">Cache Service Provider.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static EFCachedDbSet <TType> Cacheable <TType>( this DbSet <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IEFCacheKeyProvider cacheKeyProvider, IEFCacheServiceProvider cacheServiceProvider) where TType : class { return(new EFCachedDbSet <TType>(query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, cacheKeyProvider, cacheServiceProvider)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TType">Entity type.</typeparam> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <returns>Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source.</returns> public static EFCachedDbSet <TType> Cacheable <TType>( this DbSet <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy) where TType : class { return(Cacheable(query, cachePolicy, new EFCacheDebugInfo())); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <returns>Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source.</returns> public static IQueryable Cacheable(this IQueryable query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy) { return(Cacheable(query, cachePolicy, new EFCacheDebugInfo())); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TType">Entity type.</typeparam> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <param name="cacheKeyProvider">Gets an EF query and returns its hash to store in the cache.</param> /// <param name="cacheServiceProvider">Cache Service Provider.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static EFCachedQueryable <TType> Cacheable <TType>( this IQueryable <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo, IEFCacheKeyProvider cacheKeyProvider, IEFCacheServiceProvider cacheServiceProvider) { return(new EFCachedQueryable <TType>(query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, cacheKeyProvider, cacheServiceProvider)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TType">Entity type.</typeparam> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <returns>Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source.</returns> public static EFCachedQueryable <TType> Cacheable <TType>(this IQueryable <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy) { return(Cacheable(query, cachePolicy, new EFCacheDebugInfo())); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <returns>Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source.</returns> public static IQueryable Cacheable(this IQueryable query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo) { return(Cacheable(query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, _defaultCacheKeyProvider, _defaultCacheServiceProvider)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new query where the entities returned will be cached in the IEFCacheServiceProvider. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TType">Entity type.</typeparam> /// <param name="query">The input EF query.</param> /// <param name="cachePolicy">Defines the expiration mode of the cache item. If you set it to null or don't specify it, the global `new CacheManager.Core.ConfigurationBuilder().WithExpiration()` setting will be used automatically.</param> /// <param name="debugInfo">Stores the debug information of the caching process.</param> /// <returns>Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source.</returns> public static EFCachedDbSet <TType> Cacheable <TType>( this DbSet <TType> query, EFCachePolicy cachePolicy, EFCacheDebugInfo debugInfo) where TType : class { return(Cacheable(query, cachePolicy, debugInfo, _defaultCacheKeyProvider, _defaultCacheServiceProvider)); }