public ActionResult NextFlow(AssignModel assign) { var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); /* 工程師的流程控管 */ if (assign.Cls == "工務/營建工程師") { /* 如點選有費用、卻無輸入費用明細 */ var isCharged = _context.RepairDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault().IsCharged; if (isCharged == "Y") { var CheckRepairCost = _context.RepairCosts.Where(c => c.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault(); if (CheckRepairCost == null) { string msg = "尚未輸入費用明細!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } } var repairDtl = _context.RepairDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault(); /* 3 = 已完成,4 = 報廢 */ if (repairDtl.DealState == 3 || repairDtl.DealState == 4) { if (repairDtl.EndDate == null) { string msg = "報廢及已完成,需輸入完工日!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } } /* 工程師做結案 */ if (assign.FlowCls == "結案") { if (_context.RepairEmps.Where(emp => emp.DocId == assign.DocId).Count() <= 0) { string msg = "沒有維修工程師紀錄!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } else if (_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).EndDate == null) { string msg = "沒有完工日!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } else if (_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 0) { string msg = "處理狀態不可空值!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } if (_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).FailFactor == 0) { string msg = "故障原因不可空白!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).InOut)) { string msg = "維修方式不可空白!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } if (_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 1 || _context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 2) { string msg = "處理狀態不可為處理中或未處理!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } } } if (assign.FlowCls == "結案" || assign.FlowCls == "廢除") { assign.FlowUid = ur.Id; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { RepairFlowModel rf = _context.RepairFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId && f.Status == "?").FirstOrDefault(); if (assign.FlowCls == "驗收人") { if (_context.RepairEmps.Where(emp => emp.DocId == assign.DocId).Count() <= 0) { //throw new Exception("沒有維修工程師紀錄!!"); string msg = "沒有維修工程師紀錄!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } else if (_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).EndDate == null) { //throw new Exception("沒有完工日!!"); string msg = "沒有完工日!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } else if (_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 0) { //throw new Exception("處理狀態不可空值!!"); string msg = "處理狀態不可空值!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } if (_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).FailFactor == 0) { //throw new Exception("故障原因不可空白!!"); string msg = "故障原因不可空白!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).InOut)) { //throw new Exception("維修方式不可空白!!"); string msg = "維修方式不可空白!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } if (_context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 1 || _context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 2) { //throw new Exception("維修方式不可空白!!"); string msg = "處理狀態不可為處理中或未處理!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } } if (assign.FlowCls == "結案") { RepairDtlModel rd = _context.RepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId); rd.CloseDate = DateTime.Now; rf.Opinions = "[" + assign.AssignCls + "]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; rf.Status = "2"; rf.UserId = ur.Id; rf.UserName = _context.AppUsers.Find(ur.Id).FullName; rf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; rf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(rf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.Entry(rd).State = EntityState.Modified; //If "結案", delete 1 dealing doc to the engineer. //var repairDoc = _context.Repairs.Find(assign.DocId); //var eng = _context.EngDealingDocs.Find(repairDoc.EngId); //eng.DealingDocs = eng.DealingDocs - 1; //_context.Entry(eng).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); //Send Mail //To all users in this repair's flow. //try //{ // Tmail mail = new Tmail(); // string body = ""; // string sto = ""; // AppUserModel u; // RepairModel repair = _context.Repairs.Find(assign.DocId); // if (repair.Building != null) // { // repair.BuildingName = _context.Buildings.Where(b => b.BuildingId == Convert.ToInt32(repair.Building)).FirstOrDefault().BuildingName; // repair.FloorName = _context.Floors.Where(f => f.BuildingId == Convert.ToInt32(repair.Building) && f.FloorId == repair.Floor).FirstOrDefault().FloorName; // repair.AreaName = _context.Places.Where(p => p.BuildingId == Convert.ToInt32(repair.Building) && p.FloorId == repair.Floor && p.PlaceId == repair.Area).FirstOrDefault().PlaceName; // } // else // { // repair.BuildingName = "(無資料)"; // repair.FloorName = ""; // repair.AreaName = ""; // } // mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ur.Email); //u.Email // /* If is charged, send mail to all flow users. */ // if (rd.IsCharged == "Y") // { // _context.RepairFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId) // .ToList() // .ForEach(f => // { // u = _context.AppUsers.Find(f.UserId); // sto += u.Email + ","; // }); // } // else // { // _context.RepairFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId).Where(f => f.Cls.Contains("工程師") == false) // .ToList() // .ForEach(f => // { // u = _context.AppUsers.Find(f.UserId); // sto += u.Email + ","; // }); // } // var temp = _context.RepairFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId).Where(f => f.Cls.Contains("工程師") == false) // .ToList(); // mail.sto = sto.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }); // mail.message.Subject = "工務智能請修系統[請修案-結案通知]:設備名稱: " + repair.AssetName; // body += "<p>表單編號:" + repair.DocId + "</p>"; // body += "<p>申請日期:" + repair.ApplyDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; // body += "<p>申請人:" + repair.UserName + "</p>"; // body += "<p>財產編號:" + repair.AssetNo + "</p>"; // body += "<p>設備名稱:" + repair.AssetName + "</p>"; // body += "<p>請修地點:" + repair.PlaceLoc + " " + repair.BuildingName + " " + repair.FloorName + " " + repair.AreaName + "</p>"; // //body += "<p>放置地點:" + repair.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; // body += "<p>故障描述:" + repair.TroubleDes + "</p>"; // body += "<p>處理描述:" + rd.DealDes + "</p>"; // body += "<p><a href='" + "?DocId=" + repair.DocId + "&dealType=Views'" + ">檢視案件</a></p>"; // body += "<br/>"; // body += "<p>使用IE瀏覽器注意事項:</p>"; // body += "<p>「工具」→「相容性檢視設定」→移除</p>"; // body += "<br/>"; // body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; // body += "<br/>"; // body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; // mail.message.Body = body; // mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; // mail.SendMail(); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // throw new Exception(ex.Message); //} } else if (assign.FlowCls == "廢除") { rf.Opinions = "[廢除]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; rf.Status = "3"; rf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; rf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(rf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } else { //轉送下一關卡 rf.Opinions = "[" + assign.AssignCls + "]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; rf.Status = "1"; rf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; rf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(rf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // RepairFlowModel flow = new RepairFlowModel(); flow.DocId = assign.DocId; flow.StepId = rf.StepId + 1; flow.UserId = assign.FlowUid.Value; flow.UserName = _context.AppUsers.Find(assign.FlowUid.Value).FullName; flow.Status = "?"; flow.Cls = assign.FlowCls; flow.Rtt = DateTime.Now; _context.RepairFlows.Add(flow); _context.SaveChanges(); //Send Mail //To the next flow user. try { Tmail mail = new Tmail(); string body = ""; AppUserModel u; RepairModel repair = _context.Repairs.Find(assign.DocId); if (repair.Building != null) { repair.BuildingName = _context.Buildings.Where(b => b.BuildingId == Convert.ToInt32(repair.Building)).FirstOrDefault().BuildingName; repair.FloorName = _context.Floors.Where(f => f.BuildingId == Convert.ToInt32(repair.Building) && f.FloorId == repair.Floor).FirstOrDefault().FloorName; repair.AreaName = _context.Places.Where(p => p.BuildingId == Convert.ToInt32(repair.Building) && p.FloorId == repair.Floor && p.PlaceId == repair.Area).FirstOrDefault().PlaceName; } else { repair.BuildingName = "(無資料)"; repair.FloorName = ""; repair.AreaName = ""; } mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ur.Email); //ur.Email u = _context.AppUsers.Find(flow.UserId); = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email // = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.message.Subject = "工務智能請修系統[請修案]:設備名稱: " + repair.AssetName; body += "<p>表單編號:" + repair.DocId + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請日期:" + repair.ApplyDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請人:" + repair.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>財產編號:" + repair.AssetNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>設備名稱:" + repair.AssetName + "</p>"; body += "<p>故障描述:" + repair.TroubleDes + "</p>"; body += "<p>請修地點:" + repair.PlaceLoc + " " + repair.BuildingName + " " + repair.FloorName + " " + repair.AreaName + "</p>"; //body += "<p>放置地點:" + repair.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href='" + "?docId=" + repair.DocId + "&dealType=Edit'" + ">處理案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<p>使用IE瀏覽器注意事項:</p>"; body += "<p>「工具」→「相容性檢視設定」→移除</p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; /* If next flow is not engineer, send mail. */ if (flow.Cls.Contains("工程師") == false) { mail.SendMail(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } return(new JsonResult(assign) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
public IActionResult Create(KeepModel keep) { AppUserModel ur = _context.AppUsers.Where(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keep.AssetNo)) //{ // throw new Exception("財產編號不可空白!!"); //} string msg = ""; try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //更新申請人的Email if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keep.Email)) { throw new Exception("電子信箱不可空白!!"); } AppUserModel a = _context.AppUsers.Find(keep.UserId); a.Email = keep.Email; _context.Entry(a).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // AssetKeepModel kp = _context.AssetKeeps.Find(keep.DeviceNo); AssetModel at = _context.Assets.Find(keep.DeviceNo); // keep.AssetNo = _context.Assets.Find(keep.DeviceNo).AssetNo; keep.AssetName = _context.Assets.Find(keep.DeviceNo).Cname; keep.EngId = kp.KeepEngId; //keep.AccDpt = at.AccDpt; keep.SentDate = DateTime.Now; keep.Cycle = "手動出單"; keep.Src = "M"; _context.Entry(keep).State = EntityState.Modified; // KeepDtlModel dl = new KeepDtlModel(); //var notInExceptDevice = _context.ExceptDevice.Find(keep.AssetNo); /* If can find data in ExceptDevice table, the device is "not" 統包. * It means if value is "Y", the device is 統包 */ //if (notInExceptDevice == null) //{ // dl.NotInExceptDevice = "Y"; //} //else //{ // dl.NotInExceptDevice = "N"; //} dl.DocId = keep.DocId; switch (kp == null ? "自行" : kp.InOut) { case "自行": dl.InOut = "0"; break; case "委外": dl.InOut = "1"; break; case "租賃": dl.InOut = "2"; break; case "保固": dl.InOut = "3"; break; default: dl.InOut = "0"; break; } _context.KeepDtls.Add(dl); _context.SaveChanges(); // KeepFlowModel kf = new KeepFlowModel(); kf.DocId = keep.DocId; kf.StepId = 1; kf.UserId = ur.Id; kf.Status = "1"; //rf.Role = Roles.GetRolesForUser().FirstOrDefault(); kf.Rtp = ur.Id; kf.Rdt = null; kf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; kf.Cls = "申請者"; _context.KeepFlows.Add(kf); // kf = new KeepFlowModel(); kf.DocId = keep.DocId; kf.StepId = 2; kf.UserId = kp == null ? ur.Id : kp.KeepEngId; kf.Status = "?"; AppUserModel u = _context.AppUsers.Find(kf.UserId); if (u == null) { throw new Exception("無工程師資料!!"); } //rf.Role = Roles.GetRolesForUser(u.UserName).FirstOrDefault(); kf.Rtp = null; kf.Rdt = null; kf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; kf.Cls = "設備工程師"; _context.KeepFlows.Add(kf); _context.SaveChanges(); //send mail Tmail mail = new Tmail(); string body = ""; u = _context.AppUsers.Find(ur.Id); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email //u = _context.AppUsers.Find(kp.KeepEngId); = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email mail.message.Subject = "醫工工務智能保修系統[醫工保養案]:設備名稱: " + keep.AssetName; body += "<p>表單編號:" + keep.DocId + "</p>"; body += "<p>送單日期:" + keep.SentDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請人:" + keep.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>財產編號:" + keep.AssetNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>設備名稱:" + keep.AssetName + "</p>"; body += "<p>放置地點:" + keep.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''" + "?docId=" + keep.DocId + "&dealType=KeepEdit" + ">處理案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; //mail.SendMail(); return(Ok(keep)); } else { msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; } return(BadRequest(msg)); }
public IActionResult NextFlow(AssignModel assign) { var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); /* 工程師的流程控管 */ if (assign.Cls == "工務/營建工程師") { /* 如點選有費用、卻無輸入費用明細 */ var isCharged = _context.KeepDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault().IsCharged; if (isCharged == "Y") { var CheckKeepCost = _context.KeepCosts.Where(c => c.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault(); if (CheckKeepCost == null) { string msg = "尚未輸入費用明細!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } } /* 工程師做結案 */ if (assign.FlowCls == "結案") { if (_context.KeepEmps.Where(emp => emp.DocId == assign.DocId).Count() <= 0) { string msg = "沒有維修工程師紀錄!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } else if (_context.KeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).EndDate == null) { string msg = "沒有完工日!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } else if (_context.KeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).Result == null) { string msg = "保養結果不可空白!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_context.KeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).InOut)) { string msg = "保養方式不可空白!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } } } if (assign.FlowCls == "結案" || assign.FlowCls == "廢除") { assign.FlowUid = ur.Id; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { KeepFlowModel kf = _context.KeepFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId && f.Status == "?").FirstOrDefault(); if (assign.FlowCls == "驗收人") { if (_context.KeepEmps.Where(emp => emp.DocId == assign.DocId).Count() <= 0) { throw new Exception("沒有維修工程師紀錄!!"); } else if (_context.KeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).EndDate == null) { throw new Exception("沒有完工日!!"); } if (_context.KeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).Result == null) { throw new Exception("保養結果不可空白!!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_context.KeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).InOut)) { throw new Exception("保養方式不可空白!!"); } } if (assign.FlowCls == "結案") { KeepDtlModel kd = _context.KeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId); kd.CloseDate = DateTime.Now; kf.Opinions = "[" + assign.AssignCls + "]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; kf.Status = "2"; kf.UserId = ur.Id; kf.UserName = _context.AppUsers.Find(ur.Id).FullName; kf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; kf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(kf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.Entry(kd).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); //Send Mail //To all users in this keep's flow. Tmail mail = new Tmail(); string body = ""; string sto = ""; AppUserModel u; KeepModel keep = _context.Keeps.Find(assign.DocId); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ur.Email); //u.Email _context.KeepFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId) .ToList() .ForEach(f => { u = _context.AppUsers.Find(f.UserId); sto += u.Email + ","; }); mail.sto = sto.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }); mail.message.Subject = "工務智能保修系統[保養案-結案通知]:設備名稱: " + keep.AssetName; body += "<p>表單編號:" + keep.DocId + "</p>"; body += "<p>送單日期:" + keep.SentDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請人:" + keep.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>財產編號:" + keep.AssetNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>設備名稱:" + keep.AssetName + "</p>"; body += "<p>放置地點:" + keep.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; body += "<p>保養結果:" + kd.Result + "</p>"; body += "<p>保養描述:" + kd.Memo + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''" + "?DocId=" + keep.DocId + "&dealType=KeepViews" + ">檢視案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; //mail.SendMail(); } else if (assign.FlowCls == "廢除") { kf.Opinions = "[廢除]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; kf.Status = "3"; kf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; kf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(kf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } else { //轉送下一關卡 kf.Opinions = "[" + assign.AssignCls + "]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; kf.Status = "1"; kf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; kf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(kf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // KeepFlowModel flow = new KeepFlowModel(); flow.DocId = assign.DocId; flow.StepId = kf.StepId + 1; flow.UserId = assign.FlowUid.Value; flow.UserName = _context.AppUsers.Find(assign.FlowUid.Value).FullName; flow.Status = "?"; flow.Cls = assign.FlowCls; flow.Rtt = DateTime.Now; _context.KeepFlows.Add(flow); _context.SaveChanges(); //Send Mail //To user and the next flow user. Tmail mail = new Tmail(); string body = ""; AppUserModel u; KeepModel keep = _context.Keeps.Find(assign.DocId); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ur.Email); //ur.Email u = _context.AppUsers.Find(flow.UserId); = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email // = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.message.Subject = "工務智能保修系統[保養案]:設備名稱: " + keep.AssetName; body += "<p>表單編號:" + keep.DocId + "</p>"; body += "<p>送單日期:" + keep.SentDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請人:" + keep.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>財產編號:" + keep.AssetNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>設備名稱:" + keep.AssetName + "</p>"; body += "<p>放置地點:" + keep.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''" + "?docId=" + keep.DocId + "&dealType=KeepEdit" + ">處理案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; //mail.SendMail(); } return(new JsonResult(assign) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }