public void Update(string name, string note, string bookmarknote, string tme, bool regionmark, bool istarget) { this.Text = "Update Bookmark"; buttonOK.Text = "Update"; textBoxName.Text = name; textBoxName.ReadOnly = !regionmark; textBoxNotes.Text = bookmarknote; textBoxTravelNote.Text = note; textBoxTime.Text = tme; checkBoxTarget.Checked = istarget; if (regionmark) { buttonEDSM.Hide(); labelTravelNote.Hide(); labelTravelNoteEdit.Hide(); textBoxTravelNote.Hide(); int delta = buttonOK.Location.Y - labelTravelNote.Location.Y; ShiftLocationY(buttonOK, delta); ShiftLocationY(buttonCancel, delta); ShiftLocationY(buttonDelete, delta); this.Height -= delta; } else { var edsm = new EDSM.EDSMClass(); edsmurl = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(name); } }
public void NotedSystem(string name, string note, bool target) { this.Text = "System Information"; buttonCancel.Hide(); buttonDelete.Hide(); textBoxNotes.Hide(); textBoxTime.Hide(); labelTimeMade.Hide(); labelBookmarkNotes.Hide(); textBoxName.Text = name; textBoxTravelNote.Text = (note != null) ? note : ""; int delta = textBoxTravelNote.Location.Y - checkBoxTarget.Location.Y; // before we move it checkBoxTarget.Location = new Point(checkBoxTarget.Location.X, labelTimeMade.Location.Y); buttonEDSM.Location = new Point(buttonEDSM.Location.X, labelTimeMade.Location.Y); ShiftLocationY(buttonOK, delta); ShiftLocationY(labelTravelNote, delta); ShiftLocationY(labelTravelNoteEdit, delta); ShiftLocationY(textBoxTravelNote, delta); this.Height -= delta; checkBoxTarget.Checked = target; var edsm = new EDSM.EDSMClass(); edsmurl = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(name); }
public void TriggerEDSMRefresh() { SQLiteDBClass db = new SQLiteDBClass(); EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); edsm.GetNewSystems(db); db.GetAllSystems(); }
public void NewSystemBookmark(string name, string note, string tme) { this.Text = "New System Bookmark"; textBoxName.Text = name; textBoxTravelNote.Text = note; textBoxTime.Text = tme; buttonDelete.Hide(); var edsm = new EDSM.EDSMClass(); edsmurl = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(name); }
// (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016) public static void SendComments(string star , string note) { if (!EDDConfig.Instance.CheckCommanderEDSMAPI) return; EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); Task taskEDSM = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { edsm.SetComment(star, note); }); }
// (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016) public static void SendComments(string star , string note, long edsmid = 0) { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); if (!edsm.IsApiKeySet) return; Task taskEDSM = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { edsm.SetComment(star, note, edsmid); }); }
// (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016, seen UTC time being sent, and same UTC time on ESDM). public static void SendTravelLog(HistoryEntry he) { if (!EDDConfig.Instance.CheckCommanderEDSMAPI) return; EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); string errmsg; Task taskEDSM = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { // LOCAL time, there is a UTC converter inside this call if (edsm.SendTravelLog(, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg)) he.SetEdsmSync(); }); }
// (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016, seen UTC time being sent, and same UTC time on ESDM). public static void SendTravelLog(HistoryEntry he) { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); if (!edsm.IsApiKeySet) return; string errmsg; Task taskEDSM = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { // LOCAL time, there is a UTC converter inside this call if (edsm.SendTravelLog(, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg)) he.SetEdsmSync(); }); }
public bool DownloadFromEDSM() { try { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); string url = EDSMClass.ServerAddress + "galactic-mapping/json-edd"; bool newfile; return DownloadFileHandler.DownloadFile(url, GalacticMappingFile, out newfile); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("DownloadFromEDSM exception:" + ex.Message); } return false; }
internal static bool SendTravelLog(EDSMClass edsm, VisitedSystemsClass system, EDDiscoveryForm mainform) { string json; if (!system.HasTravelCoordinates) { json = edsm.SetLog(system.Name, system.Time); } else { json = edsm.SetLogWithPos(system.Name, system.Time, system.X, system.Y, system.Z); } if (json != null) { JObject msg = (JObject)JObject.Parse(json); int msgnum = msg["msgnum"].Value <int>(); string msgstr = msg["msg"].Value <string>(); if (msgnum == 100 || msgnum == 401 || msgnum == 402 || msgnum == 403) { system.EDSM_sync = true; system.Update(); return(true); } else { if (mainform != null) { mainform.LogLine("EDSM sync ERROR:" + msgnum.ToString() + ":" + msgstr); } System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Error sync:" + msgnum.ToString() + " : " + system.Name); return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
private void GetEDSMDistances() { try { if (EDDConfig.UseDistances) { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); EDDBClass eddb = new EDDBClass(); string lstdist = _db.GetSettingString("EDSCLastDist", "2010-01-01 00:00:00"); string json; // Get distances lstdist = _db.GetSettingString("EDSCLastDist", "2010-01-01 00:00:00"); List<DistanceClass> dists = new List<DistanceClass>(); if (lstdist.Equals("2010-01-01 00:00:00")) { LogText("Downloading mirrored EDSM distance data. (Might take some time)" + Environment.NewLine); eddb.GetEDSMDistances(); json = LoadJsonFile(_fileEDSMDistances); if (json != null) { LogText("Adding mirrored EDSM distance data." + Environment.NewLine); dists = new List<DistanceClass>(); dists = DistanceClass.ParseEDSM(json, ref lstdist); LogText("Found " + dists.Count.ToString() + " distances." + Environment.NewLine); Application.DoEvents(); DistanceClass.Store(dists); _db.PutSettingString("EDSCLastDist", lstdist); } } LogText("Checking for new distances from EDSM. "); Application.DoEvents(); json = edsm.RequestDistances(lstdist); dists = new List<DistanceClass>(); dists = DistanceClass.ParseEDSM(json, ref lstdist); if (json == null) LogText("No response from server." + Environment.NewLine); else LogText("Found " + dists.Count.ToString() + " new distances." + Environment.NewLine); Application.DoEvents(); DistanceClass.Store(dists); _db.PutSettingString("EDSCLastDist", lstdist); } _db.GetAllDistances(EDDConfig.UseDistances); // Load user added distances updateMapData(); OnDistancesLoaded(); GC.Collect(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogText("GetEDSMDistances exception:" + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine); LogText(ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine); } }
private void buttonSync_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); if (!edsm.IsApiKeySet) { MessageBox.Show("Please ensure a commander is selected and it has a EDSM API key set"); return; } try { _discoveryForm.EdsmSync.StartSync(edsm, EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.SyncToEdsm, EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.SyncFromEdsm, EDDConfig.Instance.DefaultMapColour); } catch (Exception ex) { _discoveryForm.LogLine($"EDSM Sync failed: {ex.Message}"); } }
public bool StartSync(EDSMClass edsm, bool syncto, bool syncfrom, int defmapcolour) { if (running) // Only start once. return false; _syncTo = syncto; _syncFrom = syncfrom; _defmapcolour = defmapcolour; ThreadEDSMSync = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(SyncThread)); ThreadEDSMSync.Name = "EDSM Sync"; ThreadEDSMSync.IsBackground = true; ThreadEDSMSync.Start(edsm); return true; }
private void viewOnEDSMToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IEnumerable<DataGridViewRow> selectedRows = dataGridViewDistances.SelectedCells.Cast<DataGridViewCell>() .Select(cell => cell.OwningRow) .Distinct() .OrderBy(cell => cell.Index); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; var cellVal = selectedRows.First<DataGridViewRow>().Cells[0].Value; if (cellVal != null) { string sysName = cellVal.ToString(); EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); if (!edsm.ShowSystemInEDSM(sysName)) LogTextHighlight("System could not be found - has not been synched or EDSM is unavailable" + Environment.NewLine); } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void viewOnEDSMToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); long? id_edsm = rightclicksystem.System?.id_edsm; if (id_edsm == 0) { id_edsm = null; } if (!edsm.ShowSystemInEDSM(, id_edsm)) MessageBox.Show("System could not be found - has not been synched or EDSM is unavailable"); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void StoreSystemNote() { string txt; try { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); SQLiteDBClass db = new SQLiteDBClass(); edsm.apiKey = db.GetSettingString("EDSMApiKey", ""); edsm.commanderName = db.GetSettingString("CommanderName", ""); if (currentSysPos == null || currentSysPos.curSystem == null) return; //SystemPosition sp = (SystemPosition)dataGridView1.Rows[lastRowIndex].Cells[1].Tag; txt = richTextBoxNote.Text; if (currentSysPos.curSystem.Note == null) currentSysPos.curSystem.Note = ""; if (currentSysPos != null && !txt.Equals(currentSysPos.curSystem.Note)) { SystemNoteClass sn; List<SystemClass> systems = new List<SystemClass>(); if (SQLiteDBClass.globalSystemNotes.ContainsKey(currentSysPos.curSystem.SearchName)) { sn = SQLiteDBClass.globalSystemNotes[currentSysPos.curSystem.SearchName]; sn.Note = txt; sn.Time = DateTime.Now; sn.Update(); } else { sn = new SystemNoteClass(); sn.Name =; sn.Note = txt; sn.Time = DateTime.Now; sn.Add(); } currentSysPos.curSystem.Note = txt; dataGridView1.Rows[lastRowIndex].Cells[3].Value = txt; if (edsm.commanderName == null || edsm.apiKey == null) return; if (edsm.commanderName.Length>1 && edsm.apiKey.Length>1) edsm.SetComment(sn); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + ex.Message); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); LogText("Exception : " + ex.Message, Color.Red); LogText(ex.StackTrace, Color.Red); } }
internal static bool SendTravelLog(EDSMClass edsm, VisitedSystemsClass system, EDDiscoveryForm mainform) { string json; if (!system.HasTravelCoordinates) json = edsm.SetLog(system.Name, system.Time); else json = edsm.SetLogWithPos(system.Name, system.Time, system.X, system.Y, system.Z); if (json != null) { JObject msg = (JObject)JObject.Parse(json); int msgnum = msg["msgnum"].Value<int>(); string msgstr = msg["msg"].Value<string>(); if (msgnum == 100 || msgnum == 401 || msgnum == 402 || msgnum == 403) { system.EDSM_sync = true; system.Update(); return true; } else { if (mainform!=null) mainform.LogLine("EDSM sync ERROR:" + msgnum.ToString() + ":" + msgstr); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Error sync:" + msgnum.ToString() + " : " + system.Name); return false; } } else return false; }
public void Sync() { try { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); edsm.apiKey = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.APIKey; edsm.commanderName = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Name; //string comments = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)); List<VisitedSystemsClass> log; List<SystemNoteClass> notes; int ret = edsm.GetLogs(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out log); int nret = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out notes); if (log == null) log = new List<VisitedSystemsClass>(); if (_syncTo) { // Send Unsynced system to EDSM. List<VisitedSystemsClass> systems = (from s in mainForm.VisitedSystems where s.EDSM_sync == false && s.Commander == EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Nr select s).ToList<VisitedSystemsClass>(); mainForm.LogLine("EDSM: Sending " + systems.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries"); foreach (var system in systems) { if (Exit) { running = false; return; } if ( system.EDSM_sync == false) { // check if it exist in EDSM VisitedSystemsClass ps2 = (from c in log where c.Name == system.Name && c.Time.Ticks == system.Time.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault<VisitedSystemsClass>(); if (ps2 != null) { system.EDSM_sync = true; system.Update(); } else { SendTravelLog(edsm, system, mainForm); } } } } TravelLogUnit tlu = null; bool newsystem = false; if (_syncFrom) { // Check for new systems from EDSM foreach (var system in log) { VisitedSystemsClass ps2 = mainForm?.VisitedSystems == null ? null : (from c in mainForm.VisitedSystems where c.Name == system.Name && c.Time.Ticks == system.Time.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault<VisitedSystemsClass>(); if (ps2 == null) // Add to local DB... { if (tlu == null) // If we dontt have a travellogunit yet then create it. { tlu = new TravelLogUnit(); tlu.type = 2; // EDSM tlu.Path = ""; tlu.Name = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tlu.Size = 0; tlu.Add(); // Add to Database } VisitedSystemsClass vs = new VisitedSystemsClass(); vs.Source =; vs.Unit = tlu.Name; vs.Name = system.Name; vs.Time = system.Time; vs.MapColour = _defmapcolour; vs.EDSM_sync = true; vs.Commander = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Nr; vs.Add(); // Add to DB; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("New from EDSM"); newsystem = true; } } // Sync comments from EDSM foreach (var note in notes) { SystemNoteClass dbnote = SystemNoteClass.GetSystemNoteClass(note.Name.ToLower()); if ( dbnote != null ) // if there.. { if (note.Time > dbnote.Time) { dbnote.Time = note.Time; dbnote.Note = note.Note; dbnote.Update(); } } else { note.Add(); } } } mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Done"); if (newsystem) OnNewEDSMTravelLog(this); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message); mainForm.LogLineHighlight("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message); } }
private void GetEDSCSystems() { try { SQLiteDBClass db = new SQLiteDBClass(); EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); string json; string rwsystime = db.GetSettingString("RWLastSystems", "2000-01-01 00:00:00"); // Latest time from RW file. string rwsysfiletime = ""; CommanderName = db.GetSettingString("CommanderName", ""); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { travelHistoryControl1.textBoxCmdrName.Text = CommanderName; }); json = LoadJsonArray(fileTgcSystems); List<SystemClass> systems = SystemClass.ParseEDSC(json, ref rwsysfiletime); if (!rwsystime.Equals(rwsysfiletime)) // New distance file from Redwizzard { SystemClass.Delete(SystemStatusEnum.EDSC); // Remove all EDSC systems. db.PutSettingString("RWLastSystems", rwsysfiletime); db.PutSettingString("EDSMLastSystems", rwsysfiletime); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { TravelHistoryControl.LogText("Adding data from tgcsystems.json " + Environment.NewLine); }); SystemClass.Store(systems); EDDBClass eddb = new EDDBClass(); DBUpdateEDDB(eddb); } string retstr = edsm.GetNewSystems(db); Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { TravelHistoryControl.LogText(retstr); }); db.GetAllSystemNotes(); db.GetAllSystems(); SystemNames.Clear(); foreach (SystemClass system in SystemData.SystemList) { SystemNames.Add(; } } catch (Exception ex) { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { TravelHistoryControl.LogText("GetEDSCSystems exception:" + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine); }); } }
private void buttonSync_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxCmdrName.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter commander name before sending distances!"); return; } var dists = from p in SQLiteDBClass.dictDistances where p.Value.Status == DistancsEnum.EDDiscovery orderby p.Value.CreateTime select p.Value; EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); foreach (var dist in dists) { string json, json2; if (dist.Dist > 0) { LogText("Add distance: " + dist.NameA + " => " + dist.NameB + " :" + dist.Dist.ToString("0.00") + "ly" + Environment.NewLine); json = edsm.SubmitDistances(textBoxCmdrName.Text, dist.NameA, dist.NameB, dist.Dist); json2 = edsc.SubmitDistances(textBoxCmdrName.Text, dist.NameA, dist.NameB, dist.Dist); } else { dist.Delete(); return; } if (json != null) { string str=""; bool trilok; if (edsm.ShowDistanceResponse(json, out str, out trilok)) { LogText(str); dist.Status = DistancsEnum.EDDiscoverySubmitted; dist.Update(); } else { LogText(str); } } } }
/* private void GetRedWizzardFiles() { WebClient web = new WebClient(); try { LogText("Checking for new EDDiscovery data" + Environment.NewLine); //GetNewRedWizzardFile(_fileTgcSystems, ""); //GetNewRedWizzardFile(fileTgcDistances, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { LogText("GetRedWizzardFiles exception:" + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine); return; } } private void GetNewRedWizzardFile(string filename, string url) { string etagFilename = filename + ".etag"; var request = (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create(url); request.UserAgent = "EDDiscovery v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName.Split(',')[1].Split('=')[1]; request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; if (File.Exists(etagFilename)) { var etag = File.ReadAllText(etagFilename); if (etag != "") { request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.IfNoneMatch] = etag; } } try { var response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse(); LogText("Downloading " + filename + "..." + Environment.NewLine); File.WriteAllText(filename + ".etag.tmp", response.Headers[HttpResponseHeader.ETag]); var destFileStream = File.Open(filename + ".tmp", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); response.GetResponseStream().CopyTo(destFileStream); destFileStream.Close(); response.Close(); if (File.Exists(filename)) File.Delete(filename); if (File.Exists(etagFilename)) File.Delete(etagFilename); File.Move(filename + ".tmp", filename); File.Move(etagFilename + ".tmp", etagFilename); } catch (WebException e) { var code = ((HttpWebResponse) e.Response).StatusCode; if (code == HttpStatusCode.NotModified) { LogText(filename + " is up to date." + Environment.NewLine); } else { throw e; } } } */ private void GetEDSMSystems() { try { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); string rwsystime = _db.GetSettingString("EDSMLastSystems", "2000-01-01 00:00:00"); // Latest time from RW file. CommanderName = _db.GetSettingString("CommanderName", ""); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { travelHistoryControl1.textBoxCmdrName.Text = CommanderName; }); // List<SystemClass> systems = SystemClass.ParseEDSC(json, ref rwsysfiletime); DateTime edsmdate = DateTime.Parse(rwsystime, new CultureInfo("sv-SE")); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(edsmdate).TotalDays > 7) // Over 7 days do a sync from EDSM { SyncAllEDSMSystems(); } else { if (CanSkipSlowUpdates()) { LogLine("Skipping loading updates (DEBUG option)."); LogLine(" Need to turn this back on again? Look in the Settings tab."); } else { string retstr = edsm.GetNewSystems(_db); Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { TravelHistoryControl.LogText(retstr); }); } } _db.GetAllSystemNotes(); _db.GetAllSystems(); Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { SystemNames.Clear(); foreach (SystemClass system in SystemData.SystemList) { SystemNames.Add(; } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { TravelHistoryControl.LogText("GetEDSMSystems exception:" + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine); TravelHistoryControl.LogText(ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine); }); } GC.Collect(); }
private void Sync(EDSMClass edsm) { try { mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync begin"); List <HistoryEntry> hlfsdunsyncedlist = mainForm.history.FilterByNotEDSMSyncedAndFSD; // first entry is oldest if (_syncTo && hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count > 0) // send systems to edsm (verified with dates, 29/9/2016, utc throughout) { DateTime utcmin = hlfsdunsyncedlist[0].EventTimeUTC.AddDays(-1); // 1 days for margin ;-) only get them back to this date for speed.. mainForm.LogLine("EDSM: Sending " + hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries"); List <HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null; edsm.GetLogs(utcmin, out edsmsystemlog); // always returns a log, time is in UTC as per HistoryEntry and JournalEntry int edsmsystemssent = 0; foreach (var he in hlfsdunsyncedlist) { if (Exit) { running = false; return; } HistoryEntry ps2 = (from c in edsmsystemlog where == && c.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (ps2 != null) // it did, just make sure EDSM sync flag is set.. { he.SetEdsmSync(); } else { string errmsg; // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016) // it converts to UTC inside the function, supply local for now if (edsm.SendTravelLog(, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate && !he.IsStarPosFromEDSM, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg)) { he.SetEdsmSync(); } if (errmsg.Length > 0) { mainForm.LogLine(errmsg); } edsmsystemssent++; } } mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM Systems sent {0}", edsmsystemssent)); } // TBD Comments to edsm? if (_syncFrom) // Verified ok with time 29/9/2016 { var json = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1)); if (json != null) { JObject msg = JObject.Parse(json); int msgnr = msg["msgnum"].Value <int>(); JArray comments = (JArray)msg["comments"]; if (comments != null) { int commentsadded = 0; foreach (JObject jo in comments) { string name = jo["system"].Value <string>(); string note = jo["comment"].Value <string>(); string utctime = jo["lastUpdate"].Value <string>(); int edsmid = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(JSONHelper.GetStringDef(jo["systemId"], "0"), out edsmid)) { edsmid = 0; } DateTime localtime = DateTime.ParseExact(utctime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal).ToLocalTime(); SystemNoteClass curnote = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(name, edsmid); if (curnote != null) { // curnote uses local time to store if (localtime.Ticks > curnote.Time.Ticks) // if newer, add on (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016) { curnote.Note += ". EDSM: " + note; curnote.Time = localtime; curnote.EdsmId = edsmid; curnote.Update(); commentsadded++; } } else { curnote = new SystemNoteClass(); curnote.Note = note; curnote.Time = localtime; curnote.Name = name; curnote.Journalid = 0; curnote.EdsmId = edsmid; curnote.Add(); commentsadded++; } } mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM Comments downloaded/updated {0}", commentsadded)); } } } if (_syncFrom) // verified after struggle 29/9/2016 { List <HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null; edsm.GetLogs(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out edsmsystemlog); // get the full list of systems edsmsystemlog = edsmsystemlog.OrderBy(s => s.EventTimeUTC).ToList(); List <HistoryEntry> hlfsdlist = mainForm.history.FilterByFSD.OrderBy(h => h.EventTimeUTC).ToList(); // FSD jumps only List <HistoryEntry> toadd = new List <HistoryEntry>(); int previdx = -1; foreach (HistoryEntry he in edsmsystemlog) // find out list of ones not present { int index = hlfsdlist.FindIndex(x =>, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && x.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks); if (index < 0) { // Look for any entries where DST may have thrown off the time foreach (var vi in hlfsdlist.Select((v, i) => new { v = v, i = i }).Where(vi =>, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { if (vi.i > previdx) { double hdiff = vi.v.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(he.EventTimeUTC).TotalHours; if (hdiff >= -2 && hdiff <= 2 && hdiff == Math.Floor(hdiff)) { if (vi.v.System.id_edsm <= 0) { vi.v.System.id_edsm = 0; mainForm.history.FillEDSM(vi.v); } if (vi.v.System.id_edsm <= 0 || vi.v.System.id_edsm == he.System.id_edsm) { index = vi.i; break; } } } } } if (index < 0) { toadd.Add(he); } else { previdx = index; } } if (toadd.Count > 0) // if we have any, we can add { TravelLogUnit tlu = new TravelLogUnit(); // need a tlu for it tlu.type = 2; // EDSM tlu.Name = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tlu.Size = 0; tlu.Path = "EDSM"; tlu.CommanderId = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Nr; tlu.Add(); // Add to Database using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) { foreach (HistoryEntry he in toadd) { EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je = EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateFSDJournalEntry(, tlu.CommanderId.Value, he.EventTimeUTC,, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, _defmapcolour, (int)EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.SyncFlags.EDSM); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC,; je.Add(cn); } } if (OnDownloadedSystems != null) { OnDownloadedSystems(); } mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM downloaded {0} systems", toadd.Count)); } } mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message); mainForm.LogLineHighlight("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message); } }
public void Sync() { try { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); edsm.apiKey = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.APIKey; edsm.commanderName = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Name; //string comments = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)); List <VisitedSystemsClass> log; List <SystemNoteClass> notes; int ret = edsm.GetLogs(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out log); int nret = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out notes); if (log == null) { log = new List <VisitedSystemsClass>(); } if (_syncTo) { // Send Unsynced system to EDSM. List <VisitedSystemsClass> systems = (from s in mainForm.VisitedSystems where s.EDSM_sync == false && s.Commander == EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Nr select s).ToList <VisitedSystemsClass>(); mainForm.LogLine("EDSM: Sending " + systems.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries"); foreach (var system in systems) { if (Exit) { running = false; return; } if (system.EDSM_sync == false) { // check if it exist in EDSM VisitedSystemsClass ps2 = (from c in log where c.Name == system.Name && c.Time.Ticks == system.Time.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault <VisitedSystemsClass>(); if (ps2 != null) { system.EDSM_sync = true; system.Update(); } else { SendTravelLog(edsm, system, mainForm); } } } } TravelLogUnit tlu = null; bool newsystem = false; if (_syncFrom) { // Check for new systems from EDSM foreach (var system in log) { VisitedSystemsClass ps2 = mainForm?.VisitedSystems == null ? null : (from c in mainForm.VisitedSystems where c.Name == system.Name && c.Time.Ticks == system.Time.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault <VisitedSystemsClass>(); if (ps2 == null) // Add to local DB... { if (tlu == null) // If we dontt have a travellogunit yet then create it. { tlu = new TravelLogUnit(); tlu.type = 2; // EDSM tlu.Path = ""; tlu.Name = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tlu.Size = 0; tlu.Add(); // Add to Database } VisitedSystemsClass vs = new VisitedSystemsClass(); vs.Source =; vs.Unit = tlu.Name; vs.Name = system.Name; vs.Time = system.Time; vs.MapColour = _defmapcolour; vs.EDSM_sync = true; vs.Commander = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Nr; vs.Add(); // Add to DB; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("New from EDSM"); newsystem = true; } } // Sync comments from EDSM foreach (var note in notes) { SystemNoteClass dbnote = SystemNoteClass.GetSystemNoteClass(note.Name.ToLower()); if (dbnote != null) // if there.. { if (note.Time > dbnote.Time) { dbnote.Time = note.Time; dbnote.Note = note.Note; dbnote.Update(); } } else { note.Add(); } } } mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Done"); if (newsystem) { OnNewEDSMTravelLog(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message); mainForm.LogLineHighlight("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message); } }
public void Update(string name, string note, string bookmarknote, string tme, bool regionmark , bool istarget ) { this.Text = "Update Bookmark"; buttonOK.Text = "Update"; textBoxName.Text = name; textBoxName.ReadOnly = !regionmark; textBoxNotes.Text = bookmarknote; textBoxTravelNote.Text = note; textBoxTime.Text = tme; checkBoxTarget.Checked = istarget; if ( regionmark ) { buttonEDSM.Hide(); labelTravelNote.Hide(); labelTravelNoteEdit.Hide(); textBoxTravelNote.Hide(); int delta = buttonOK.Location.Y - labelTravelNote.Location.Y; ShiftLocationY(buttonOK, delta); ShiftLocationY(buttonCancel, delta); ShiftLocationY(buttonDelete, delta); this.Height -= delta; } else { var edsm = new EDSM.EDSMClass(); edsmurl = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(name); } }
private void buttonSync_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxCmdrName.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter commander name before sending distances/ travel history to EDSM!"); return; } var db = new SQLiteDBClass(); var dists = from p in SQLiteDBClass.dictDistances where p.Value.Status == DistancsEnum.EDDiscovery orderby p.Value.CreateTime select p.Value; EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); foreach (var dist in dists) { string json; if (dist.Dist > 0) { LogText("Add distance: " + dist.NameA + " => " + dist.NameB + " :" + dist.Dist.ToString("0.00") + "ly" + Environment.NewLine); json = edsm.SubmitDistances(textBoxCmdrName.Text, dist.NameA, dist.NameB, dist.Dist); } else { if (dist.Dist < 0) // Can removedistance by adding negative value dist.Delete(); else { dist.Status = DistancsEnum.EDDiscoverySubmitted; dist.Update(); } json = null; } if (json != null) { string str=""; bool trilok; if (edsm.ShowDistanceResponse(json, out str, out trilok)) { LogText(str); dist.Status = DistancsEnum.EDDiscoverySubmitted; dist.Update(); } else { LogText(str); } } } if (db.GetSettingString("EDSMApiKey", "").Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter EDSM api key (In settings) before sending travel history to EDSM!"); return; } sync.StartSync(); }
public void InitControl(EDDiscoveryForm discoveryForm) { _discoveryForm = discoveryForm; FreezeTrilaterationUI(); edsm = new EDSMClass(); edsm.apiKey = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.APIKey; edsm.commanderName = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Name; SetTriStatus("Press Start New"); }
public static List<JournalScan> GetBodiesList(int edsmid) { List<JournalScan> bodies = new List<JournalScan>(); EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); JObject jo = edsm.GetBodies(edsmid); // Colonia if (jo != null) { foreach (JObject bodie in jo["bodies"]) { EDSMClass.ConvertFromEDSMBodies(bodie); JournalScan js = new JournalScan(bodie); js.EdsmID = edsmid; bodies.Add(js); } return bodies; } return null; }
public void EDSM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DrawnPanel dp = sender as DrawnPanel; Console.WriteLine("EDSM click on " + dp.Name); EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); string url = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(dp.Name); if (url.Length > 0) // may pass back empty string if not known, this solves another exception System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url); else MessageBox.Show("System " + dp.Name + " unknown to EDSM"); }
public void Sync() { try { SQLiteDBClass db = new SQLiteDBClass(); EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); edsm.apiKey = db.GetSettingString("EDSMApiKey", ""); edsm.commanderName = db.GetSettingString("CommanderName", ""); //string comments = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)); List<SystemPosition> log; int ret = edsm.GetLogs(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out log); if (log == null) log = new List<SystemPosition>(); // Send Unsynced system to EDSM. List<SystemPosition> systems = (from s in mainForm.VisitedSystems where s.vs !=null && s.vs.EDSM_sync == false select s).ToList<SystemPosition>(); mainForm.LogLine("EDSM: Sending " + systems.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries", Color.Black); foreach (var system in systems) { string json = null; if (Exit) { running = false; return; } if (system.vs != null && system.vs.EDSM_sync == false) { // check if it exist in EDSM SystemPosition ps2 = (from c in log where c.Name == system.Name && c.time.Ticks == system.time.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault<SystemPosition>(); if (ps2 != null) { system.vs.EDSM_sync = true; system.Update(); } else json = edsm.SetLog(system.Name, system.time); if (json != null) { JObject msg = (JObject)JObject.Parse(json); int msgnum = msg["msgnum"].Value<int>(); string msgstr = msg["msg"].Value<string>(); if (msgnum == 100 || msgnum == 401 || msgnum == 402 || msgnum == 403) { if (msgnum == 100) System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("New"); system.vs.EDSM_sync = true; system.Update(); } else { mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync ERROR:" + msgnum.ToString() +":" + msgstr, Color.Red); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Error sync:" + msgnum.ToString() + " : " + system.Name); break; } } } } TravelLogUnit tlu = null; // Check for new systems from EDSM bool newsystem = false; int defaultColour = db.GetSettingInt("DefaultMap", Color.Red.ToArgb()); foreach (var system in log) { SystemPosition ps2 = (from c in mainForm.VisitedSystems where c.Name == system.Name && c.time.Ticks == system.time.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault<SystemPosition>(); if (ps2 == null) // Add to local DB... { if (tlu == null) // If we dontt have a travellogunit yet then create it. { tlu = new TravelLogUnit(); tlu.type = 2; // EDSM tlu.Path = ""; tlu.Name = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tlu.Size = 0; tlu.Add(); // Add to Database } VisitedSystemsClass vs = new VisitedSystemsClass(); vs.Source =; vs.Unit = tlu.Name; vs.Name = system.Name; vs.Time = system.time; vs.MapColour = defaultColour; vs.EDSM_sync = true; vs.Add(); // Add to DB; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("New from EDSM"); newsystem = true; } } mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Done", Color.Black); if (newsystem) OnNewEDSMTravelLog(this); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message); mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message, Color.Red); } }
private void Sync(EDSMClass edsm) { try { mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync begin"); List<HistoryEntry> hlfsdunsyncedlist = mainForm.history.FilterByNotEDSMSyncedAndFSD; // first entry is oldest if ( _syncTo && hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count > 0 ) // send systems to edsm (verified with dates, 29/9/2016, utc throughout) { DateTime utcmin = hlfsdunsyncedlist[0].EventTimeUTC.AddDays(-1); // 1 days for margin ;-) only get them back to this date for speed.. mainForm.LogLine("EDSM: Sending " + hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries"); List<HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null; edsm.GetLogs(utcmin, out edsmsystemlog); // always returns a log, time is in UTC as per HistoryEntry and JournalEntry int edsmsystemssent = 0; foreach (var he in hlfsdunsyncedlist) { if (Exit) { running = false; return; } HistoryEntry ps2 = (from c in edsmsystemlog where == && c.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (ps2 != null) // it did, just make sure EDSM sync flag is set.. { he.SetEdsmSync(); } else { string errmsg; // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016) // it converts to UTC inside the function, supply local for now if ( edsm.SendTravelLog(, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate && !he.IsStarPosFromEDSM, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg) ) he.SetEdsmSync(); if (errmsg.Length > 0) mainForm.LogLine(errmsg); edsmsystemssent++; } } mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM Systems sent {0}", edsmsystemssent)); } // TBD Comments to edsm? if ( _syncFrom ) // Verified ok with time 29/9/2016 { var json = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1)); if (json != null) { JObject msg = JObject.Parse(json); int msgnr = msg["msgnum"].Value<int>(); JArray comments = (JArray)msg["comments"]; if (comments != null) { int commentsadded = 0; foreach (JObject jo in comments) { string name = jo["system"].Value<string>(); string note = jo["comment"].Value<string>(); string utctime = jo["lastUpdate"].Value<string>(); int edsmid = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(JSONHelper.GetStringDef(jo["systemId"], "0"), out edsmid)) edsmid = 0; DateTime localtime = DateTime.ParseExact(utctime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal).ToLocalTime(); SystemNoteClass curnote = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(name, edsmid); if (curnote != null) { // curnote uses local time to store if (localtime.Ticks > curnote.Time.Ticks) // if newer, add on (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016) { curnote.Note += ". EDSM: " + note; curnote.Time = localtime; curnote.EdsmId = edsmid; curnote.Update(); commentsadded++; } } else { curnote = new SystemNoteClass(); curnote.Note = note; curnote.Time = localtime; curnote.Name = name; curnote.Journalid = 0; curnote.EdsmId = edsmid; curnote.Add(); commentsadded++; } } mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM Comments downloaded/updated {0}", commentsadded)); } } } if (_syncFrom ) // verified after struggle 29/9/2016 { List<HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null; edsm.GetLogs(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out edsmsystemlog); // get the full list of systems edsmsystemlog = edsmsystemlog.OrderBy(s => s.EventTimeUTC).ToList(); List<HistoryEntry> hlfsdlist = mainForm.history.FilterByTravel.Where(h => h.IsLocOrJump).OrderBy(h => h.EventTimeUTC).ToList(); // FSD jumps only List<HistoryEntry> toadd = new List<HistoryEntry>(); int previdx = -1; foreach (HistoryEntry he in edsmsystemlog) // find out list of ones not present { int index = hlfsdlist.FindIndex(x =>, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && x.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks); if (index < 0) { // Look for any entries where DST may have thrown off the time foreach (var vi in hlfsdlist.Select((v,i) => new {v = v, i = i}).Where(vi =>, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { if (vi.i > previdx) { double hdiff = vi.v.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(he.EventTimeUTC).TotalHours; if (hdiff >= -2 && hdiff <= 2 && hdiff == Math.Floor(hdiff)) { if (vi.v.System.id_edsm <= 0) { vi.v.System.id_edsm = 0; mainForm.history.FillEDSM(vi.v); } if (vi.v.System.id_edsm <= 0 || vi.v.System.id_edsm == he.System.id_edsm) { index = vi.i; break; } } } } } if (index < 0) { toadd.Add(he); } else { previdx = index; } } if ( toadd.Count >0 ) // if we have any, we can add { TravelLogUnit tlu = new TravelLogUnit(); // need a tlu for it tlu.type = 2; // EDSM tlu.Name = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tlu.Size = 0; tlu.Path = "EDSM"; tlu.CommanderId = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Nr; tlu.Add(); // Add to Database using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) { foreach (HistoryEntry he in toadd) { EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je = EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateFSDJournalEntry(, tlu.CommanderId.Value, he.EventTimeUTC,, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, _defmapcolour, (int)EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.SyncFlags.EDSM); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC,; je.Add(cn); } } if (OnDownloadedSystems != null) OnDownloadedSystems(); mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM downloaded {0} systems", toadd.Count)); } } mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message); mainForm.LogLineHighlight("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message); } }
public void Sync(bool pushOnly) { try { SQLiteDBClass db = new SQLiteDBClass(); EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); edsm.apiKey = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.APIKey; edsm.commanderName = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Name; //string comments = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)); List <SystemPosition> log; int ret = edsm.GetLogs(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), out log); if (log == null) { log = new List <SystemPosition>(); } // Send Unsynced system to EDSM. List <SystemPosition> systems = (from s in mainForm.VisitedSystems where s.vs != null && s.vs.EDSM_sync == false && s.vs.Commander == EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.CurrentCommander.Nr select s).ToList <SystemPosition>(); mainForm.LogLine("EDSM: Sending " + systems.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries", Color.Black); foreach (var system in systems) { string json = null; if (Exit) { running = false; return; } if (system.vs != null && system.vs.EDSM_sync == false) { // check if it exist in EDSM SystemPosition ps2 = (from c in log where c.Name == system.Name && c.time.Ticks == system.time.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault <SystemPosition>(); if (ps2 != null) { system.vs.EDSM_sync = true; system.Update(); } else { json = edsm.SetLog(system.Name, system.time); } if (json != null) { JObject msg = (JObject)JObject.Parse(json); int msgnum = msg["msgnum"].Value <int>(); string msgstr = msg["msg"].Value <string>(); if (msgnum == 100 || msgnum == 401 || msgnum == 402 || msgnum == 403) { if (msgnum == 100) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("New"); } system.vs.EDSM_sync = true; system.Update(); } else { mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync ERROR:" + msgnum.ToString() + ":" + msgstr, Color.Red); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Error sync:" + msgnum.ToString() + " : " + system.Name); break; } } } } TravelLogUnit tlu = null; bool newsystem = false; if (!pushOnly) { // Check for new systems from EDSM int defaultColour = db.GetSettingInt("DefaultMap", Color.Red.ToArgb()); foreach (var system in log) { SystemPosition ps2 = (from c in mainForm.VisitedSystems where c.Name == system.Name && c.time.Ticks == system.time.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault <SystemPosition>(); if (ps2 == null) // Add to local DB... { if (tlu == null) // If we dontt have a travellogunit yet then create it. { tlu = new TravelLogUnit(); tlu.type = 2; // EDSM tlu.Path = ""; tlu.Name = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tlu.Size = 0; tlu.Add(); // Add to Database } VisitedSystemsClass vs = new VisitedSystemsClass(); vs.Source =; vs.Unit = tlu.Name; vs.Name = system.Name; vs.Time = system.time; vs.MapColour = defaultColour; vs.EDSM_sync = true; vs.Add(); // Add to DB; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("New from EDSM"); newsystem = true; } } } mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Done", Color.Black); if (newsystem) { OnNewEDSMTravelLog(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message); mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message, Color.Red); } }
public void InitControl(EDDiscoveryForm discoveryForm) { _discoveryForm = discoveryForm; edsm = new EDSMClass(); _currentRoute = new SavedRouteClass(""); _savedRoutes = new List<SavedRouteClass>(); }
void gotoEDSM() { HistoryEntry sys = userControlTravelGrid.GetCurrentHistoryEntry; if (sys != null) _discoveryForm.history.FillEDSM(sys, reload: true); if (sys != null && sys.System != null) // solve a possible exception { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( { long? id_edsm = sys.System.id_edsm; if (id_edsm <= 0) { id_edsm = null; } EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); string url = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(, id_edsm); if (url.Length > 0) // may pass back empty string if not known, this solves another exception Process.Start(url); else MessageBox.Show("System unknown to EDSM"); } } }
private void SubmitToEDSC() { var travelHistoryControl = _discoveryForm.TravelControl; string commanderName = travelHistoryControl.GetCommanderName(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commanderName)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter commander name before submitting the system!"); UnfreezeTrilaterationUI(); return; } var distances = new Dictionary<string, double>(); foreach (var item in lastTrilatelationEntries) { var system = item.Key; var entry = item.Value; distances.Add(, entry.Distance); } var edsc = new EDSCClass(); var edsm = new EDSMClass(); //if (!EDSCClass.UseTest) //{ // Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate // { // // TODO temporarily mess with EDSC in test mode only // LogText("Forcibly switching to EDSC UseTest mode." + Environment.NewLine, Color.OrangeRed); // }); // EDSCClass.UseTest = true; //} var responseC = edsc.SubmitDistances(commanderName,, distances); var responseM = edsm.SubmitDistances(commanderName,, distances); Console.WriteLine(responseC); Console.WriteLine(responseM); string infoC, infoM; bool trilaterationOkC; bool trilaterationOkM; var responseOkC = edsc.ShowDistanceResponse(responseC, out infoC); var responseOkM = edsm.ShowDistanceResponse(responseM, out infoM, out trilaterationOkM); trilaterationOkC = infoC.IndexOf("Trilateration succesful") != -1; // FIXME this is ugly Console.WriteLine(infoC); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { if (responseOkC && trilaterationOkC) { LogText("EDSC submission succeeded, trilateration successful." + Environment.NewLine, Color.Green); } else if (responseOkC) { LogText("EDSC submission succeeded, but trilateration failed. Try adding more distances." + Environment.NewLine, Color.Orange); } else { LogText("EDSC submission failed." + Environment.NewLine, Color.Red); } if (responseOkM && trilaterationOkM) { LogText("EDSM submission succeeded, trilateration successful." + Environment.NewLine, Color.Green); } else if (responseOkM) { LogText("EDSM submission succeeded, but trilateration failed. Try adding more distances." + Environment.NewLine, Color.Orange); } else { LogText("EDSM submission failed." + Environment.NewLine, Color.Red); } }); if (responseOkC && trilaterationOkC) { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { //Visible = false; travelHistoryControl.TriggerEDSCRefresh(); // TODO we might eventually avoid this by further parsing EDSC response travelHistoryControl.RefreshHistory(); }); } else { Invoke((MethodInvoker) UnfreezeTrilaterationUI); lastTrilatelationResult = null; lastTrilatelationEntries = null; } }
private void SyncAllEDSMSystems() { try { EDDBClass eddb = new EDDBClass(); EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(); string edsmsystems = Path.Combine(Tools.GetAppDataDirectory(), "edsmsystems.json"); bool newfile = false; string rwsysfiletime = "2014-01-01 00:00:00"; LogText("Get systems from EDSM." + Environment.NewLine); eddb.DownloadFile("", edsmsystems, out newfile); if (newfile) { LogText("Adding EDSM systems." + Environment.NewLine); _db.GetAllSystems(); string json = LoadJsonFile(edsmsystems); List<SystemClass> systems = SystemClass.ParseEDSM(json, ref rwsysfiletime); List<SystemClass> systems2Store = new List<SystemClass>(); foreach (SystemClass system in systems) { // Check if sys exists first SystemClass sys = SystemData.GetSystem(; if (sys == null) systems2Store.Add(system); else if (! || sys.x != system.x || sys.y!=system.y || sys.z != system.z) // Case or position changed systems2Store.Add(system); } SystemClass.Store(systems2Store); systems.Clear(); systems = null; systems2Store.Clear(); systems2Store = null; json = null; _db.PutSettingString("EDSMLastSystems", rwsysfiletime); _db.GetAllSystems(); } else LogText("No new file." + Environment.NewLine); string retstr = edsm.GetNewSystems(_db); Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { TravelHistoryControl.LogText(retstr); }); GC.Collect(); } catch (Exception ex) { Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { TravelHistoryControl.LogText("GetAllEDSMSystems exception:" + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine); }); } }