예제 #1
        protected override void OnCreateManager( )
            base.OnCreateManager( );

            // Test bounds
            // Many bounds, to many octrees
            // Where each bounds has one entity target.
            // Results return, weather collision with an instance occured.

            // Toggle manually only one example systems at the time
            if (!(ExampleSelector.selector == Selector.IsBoundsCollidingSystem_Bounds2Octree))
                return;                                                                                     // Early exit
            Debug.Log("Start Test Is Bounds Colliding Octree System");

            // ***** Initialize Octree ***** //

            // Create new octree
            // See arguments details (names) of _CreateNewOctree and coresponding octree readme file.
            EntityCommandBuffer ecb = barrier.CreateCommandBuffer();
            Entity newOctreeEntity  = EntityManager.CreateEntity( );

            AddNewOctreeSystem._CreateNewOctree(ecb, newOctreeEntity, 8, float3.zero, 1, 1, 1);

            EntityManager.AddComponent(newOctreeEntity, typeof(IsBoundsCollidingTag));

            // Assign target bounds entity, to octree entity
            Entity octreeEntity = newOctreeEntity;

            // ***** Example Components To Add / Remove Instance ***** //

            // Example of adding and removing some instanceses, hence entity blocks.

            // Add

            int i_instances2AddCount = ExampleSelector.i_generateInstanceInOctreeCount;  // Example of x octrees instances. // 100
            NativeArray <Entity> a_instanceEntities = Common._CreateInstencesArray(EntityManager, i_instances2AddCount);

            // Request to add n instances.
            // User is responsible to ensure, that instances IDs are unique in the octrtree.
            EntityManager.AddBuffer <AddInstanceBufferElement> (octreeEntity);    // Once system executed and instances were added, buffer will be deleted.
            BufferFromEntity <AddInstanceBufferElement> addInstanceBufferElement = GetBufferFromEntity <AddInstanceBufferElement> ();

            Common._RequesAddInstances(ecb, octreeEntity, addInstanceBufferElement, ref a_instanceEntities, i_instances2AddCount);

            // Remove

            EntityManager.AddBuffer <RemoveInstanceBufferElement> (octreeEntity);    // Once system executed and instances were removed, component will be deleted.
            BufferFromEntity <RemoveInstanceBufferElement> removeInstanceBufferElement = GetBufferFromEntity <RemoveInstanceBufferElement> ();

            // Request to remove some instances
            // Se inside method, for details
            int i_instances2RemoveCount = ExampleSelector.i_deleteInstanceInOctreeCount = 53;  // Example of x octrees instances / entities to delete. // 53

            Common._RequestRemoveInstances(ecb, octreeEntity, removeInstanceBufferElement, ref a_instanceEntities, i_instances2RemoveCount);

            // Ensure example array is disposed.

            // ***** Example Bounds Components For Collision Checks ***** //

            Debug.Log("Octree: create dummy boundary box, to test for collision.");
            float3 f3_blockCenter = new float3(10, 2, 10);

            // Only test
            Blocks.PublicMethods._AddBlockRequestViaCustomBufferWithEntity(ecb, EntityManager.CreateEntity(), f3_blockCenter, new float3(1, 1, 1) * 5);

            // Create test bounds
            // Many bounds, to many octrees
            // Where each bounds has one octree entity target.
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                ecb.CreateEntity( );   // Check bounds collision with octree and return colliding instances.
                ecb.AddComponent(new IsActiveTag());
                ecb.AddComponent(new IsBoundsCollidingTag());
                // This may be overritten by, other system. Check corresponding collision check system.
                ecb.AddComponent(new BoundsData()
                    bounds = new Bounds()
                        center = float3.zero, size = new float3(5, 5, 5)
                // Check bounds collision with octree and return colliding instances.
                ecb.AddComponent(new OctreeEntityPair4CollisionData()
                    octree2CheckEntity = newOctreeEntity
                ecb.AddComponent(new IsCollidingData());      // Check bounds collision with octree and return colliding instances.
                // ecb.AddBuffer <CollisionInstancesBufferElement> () ; // Not required in this system
            } // for
        protected override void OnCreateManager( )
            base.OnCreateManager( );

            // Test octrees
            // Many octrees, to ray pair
            // Where each octree has one ray entity target.
            // Results return, weather collision with an instance occured.

            // Toggle manually only one example systems at the time
            if (!(ExampleSelector.selector == Selector.IsRayCollidingSystem_Octrees2Ray))
                return;                                                                                // Early exit
            Debug.Log("Start Test Is Ray Colliding Octree System");

            // Create new octree
            // See arguments details (names) of _CreateNewOctree and coresponding octree readme file.
            EntityCommandBuffer ecb = barrier.CreateCommandBuffer();

            // Many octrees, to single, or many rays
            // Where each octree has one ray entity target.

            // ***** Example Ray Components For Collision Checks ***** //

            // Test ray entity
            // for each octree
            Entity rayEntity = EntityManager.CreateEntity();

            EntityManager.AddComponentData(rayEntity, new IsActiveTag());
            EntityManager.AddComponentData(rayEntity, new RayData());
            EntityManager.AddComponentData(rayEntity, new RayMaxDistanceData()
                f = 100f

            // ***** Initialize Octree ***** //

            int i_octreesCount = ExampleSelector.i_generateInstanceInOctreeCount;  // Example of x octrees instances. // 1000

            for (int i_octreeEntityIndex = 0; i_octreeEntityIndex < i_octreesCount; i_octreeEntityIndex++)
                ecb = barrier.CreateCommandBuffer();
                Entity newOctreeEntity = EntityManager.CreateEntity( );

                AddNewOctreeSystem._CreateNewOctree(ecb, newOctreeEntity, 8, float3.zero - new float3(1, 1, 1) * 0.5f, 1, 1.01f, 1);

                EntityManager.AddComponent(newOctreeEntity, typeof(IsRayCollidingTag));

                EntityManager.AddComponentData(newOctreeEntity, new IsCollidingData());      // Check bounds collision with octree and return colliding instances.
                EntityManager.AddBuffer <CollisionInstancesBufferElement> (newOctreeEntity);

                // Assign target ray entity, to octree entity
                Entity octreeEntity = newOctreeEntity;

                // Check bounds collision with octree and return colliding instances.
                EntityManager.AddComponentData(octreeEntity, new RayEntityPair4CollisionData()
                    ray2CheckEntity = rayEntity

                // ***** Example Components To Add / Remove Instance ***** //

                // Example of adding and removing some instanceses, hence entity blocks.

                // Add

                int i_instances2AddCount = 100;
                NativeArray <Entity> a_instanceEntities = Common._CreateInstencesArray(EntityManager, i_instances2AddCount);

                // Request to add n instances.
                // User is responsible to ensure, that instances IDs are unique in the octrtree.
                EntityManager.AddBuffer <AddInstanceBufferElement> (octreeEntity);    // Once system executed and instances were added, buffer will be deleted.
                BufferFromEntity <AddInstanceBufferElement> addInstanceBufferElement = GetBufferFromEntity <AddInstanceBufferElement> ();

                Common._RequesAddInstances(ecb, octreeEntity, addInstanceBufferElement, ref a_instanceEntities, i_instances2AddCount);

                // Remove

                EntityManager.AddBuffer <RemoveInstanceBufferElement> (octreeEntity);    // Once system executed and instances were removed, component will be deleted.
                BufferFromEntity <RemoveInstanceBufferElement> removeInstanceBufferElement = GetBufferFromEntity <RemoveInstanceBufferElement> ();

                // Request to remove some instances
                // Se inside method, for details
                int i_instances2RemoveCount = ExampleSelector.i_deleteInstanceInOctreeCount;  // Example of x octrees instances / entities to delete. // 53
                Common._RequestRemoveInstances(ecb, octreeEntity, removeInstanceBufferElement, ref a_instanceEntities, i_instances2RemoveCount);

                // Ensure example array is disposed.
            } // for