예제 #1
        public void Connect(dynConnector connector)

            ellipse1Dot.Fill = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black;

            //throw the event for a connection
예제 #2
        public void Disconnect(dynConnector connector)
            if (connectors.Contains(connector))

            //don't set back to white if
            //there are still connectors on this port
            if (connectors.Count == 0)
                ellipse1Dot.Fill = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White;

            //throw the event for a connection
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Deserialize a function definition from a given path.  A side effect of this function is that
        ///     the node is added to the dictionary of loadedNodes.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="funcDefGuid">The function guid we're currently loading</param>
        /// <param name="controller">Reference to the calling controller</param>
        /// <param name="def">The resultant function definition</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool GetDefinitionFromPath(Guid funcDefGuid, DynamoController controller, out FunctionDefinition def)
                var xmlPath = GetNodePath(funcDefGuid);

                #region read xml file

                var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                string funName = null;
                string category = "";
                double cx = dynBench.CANVAS_OFFSET_X;
                double cy = dynBench.CANVAS_OFFSET_Y;
                string id = "";

                // load the header
                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynWorkspace"))
                    foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
                        if (att.Name.Equals("X"))
                            cx = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Y"))
                            cy = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Name"))
                            funName = att.Value;
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Category"))
                            category = att.Value;
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("ID"))
                            id = att.Value;

                // we have a dyf and it lacks an ID field, we need to assign it
                // a deterministic guid based on its name.  By doing it deterministically,
                // files remain compatible
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(funName))
                    id = GuidUtility.Create(GuidUtility.UrlNamespace, funName).ToString();


                //If there is no function name, then we are opening a home definition
                if (funName == null)
                    //View the home workspace, then open the bench file
                    if (!controller.ViewingHomespace)
                        controller.ViewHomeWorkspace(); //TODO: Refactor
                    def = null;
                    return controller.OpenWorkbench(xmlPath);

                dynSettings.Bench.Log("Loading node definition for \"" + funName + "\" from: " + xmlPath);

                var workSpace = new FuncWorkspace(
                    funName, category.Length > 0
                    ? category
                    : BuiltinNodeCategories.MISC, cx, cy);

                def = new FunctionDefinition(Guid.Parse(id))
                        Workspace = workSpace

                // load a dummy version, so any nodes depending on this node
                // will find an (empty) identifier on compilation
                FScheme.Expression dummyExpression = FScheme.Expression.NewNumber_E(5);
                controller.FSchemeEnvironment.DefineSymbol(def.FunctionId.ToString(), dummyExpression);
                this.loadedNodes.Add(def.FunctionId, def);

                dynWorkspace ws = def.Workspace;

                //this.Log("Opening definition " + xmlPath + "...");

                XmlNodeList elNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynElements");
                XmlNodeList cNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynConnectors");
                XmlNodeList nNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynNotes");

                XmlNode elNodesList = elNodes[0];
                XmlNode cNodesList = cNodes[0];
                XmlNode nNodesList = nNodes[0];

                #region instantiate nodes

                foreach (XmlNode elNode in elNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute typeAttrib = elNode.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute guidAttrib = elNode.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute nicknameAttrib = elNode.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute xAttrib = elNode.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute yAttrib = elNode.Attributes[4];

                    string typeName = typeAttrib.Value;

                    string oldNamespace = "Dynamo.Elements.";
                    if (typeName.StartsWith(oldNamespace))
                        typeName = "Dynamo.Nodes." + typeName.Remove(0, oldNamespace.Length);

                    //test the GUID to confirm that it is non-zero
                    //if it is zero, then we have to fix it
                    //this will break the connectors, but it won't keep
                    //propagating bad GUIDs
                    var guid = new Guid(guidAttrib.Value);
                    if (guid == Guid.Empty)
                        guid = Guid.NewGuid();

                    string nickname = nicknameAttrib.Value;

                    double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value);
                    double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value);

                    //Type t = Type.GetType(typeName);
                    TypeLoadData tData;
                    Type t;

                    if (!controller.builtinTypesByTypeName.TryGetValue(typeName, out tData))
                        t = Type.GetType(typeName);
                        if (t == null)
                            dynSettings.Bench.Log("Error loading definition. Could not load node of type: " + typeName);
                            return false;
                        t = tData.Type;

                    var el = controller.CreateInstanceAndAddNodeToWorkspace(t, nickname, guid, x, y, ws, Visibility.Hidden);

                    if (el == null)
                        return false;

                    el.LoadElement(elNode); // inject the node properties from the xml

                    // it has no
                    if (el is dynFunction)
                        var fun = el as dynFunction;

                        // we've found a custom node, we need to attempt to load its guid.
                        // if it doesn't exist (i.e. its a legacy node), we need to assign it one,
                        // deterministically
                        Guid funId;
                            funId = Guid.Parse(fun.Symbol);
                            funId = GuidUtility.Create(GuidUtility.UrlNamespace, nicknameAttrib.Value);
                            fun.Symbol = funId.ToString();

                        // if it's not a recurisve node and it's not yet loaded, load it
                        if (funcDefGuid != funId && !this.loadedNodes.ContainsKey(funId))
                            fun.Definition = this.loadedNodes[funId];
                        else if ( this.loadedNodes.ContainsKey(funId ))
                            fun.Definition = this.loadedNodes[funId];




                #region instantiate connectors

                foreach (XmlNode connector in cNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute guidStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute intStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute guidEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute intEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute portTypeAttrib = connector.Attributes[4];

                    var guidStart = new Guid(guidStartAttrib.Value);
                    var guidEnd = new Guid(guidEndAttrib.Value);
                    int startIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intStartAttrib.Value);
                    int endIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intEndAttrib.Value);
                    int portType = Convert.ToInt16(portTypeAttrib.Value);

                    //find the elements to connect
                    dynNode start = null;
                    dynNode end = null;

                    foreach (dynNode e in ws.Nodes)
                        if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidStart)
                            start = e;
                        else if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidEnd)
                            end = e;
                        if (start != null && end != null)

                    //don't connect if the end element is an instance map
                    //those have a morphing set of inputs
                    //dynInstanceParameterMap endTest = end as dynInstanceParameterMap;

                    //if (endTest != null)
                    //    continue;

                        if (start != null && end != null && start != end)
                            var newConnector = new dynConnector(
                                start.NodeUI, end.NodeUI,
                                startIndex, endIndex,
                                portType, false

                        dynSettings.Bench.Log(string.Format("ERROR : Could not create connector between {0} and {1}.", start.NodeUI.GUID, end.NodeUI.GUID));


                #region instantiate notes

                if (nNodesList != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode note in nNodesList.ChildNodes)
                        XmlAttribute textAttrib = note.Attributes[0];
                        XmlAttribute xAttrib = note.Attributes[1];
                        XmlAttribute yAttrib = note.Attributes[2];

                        string text = textAttrib.Value;
                        double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value);
                        double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value);

                        //dynNote n = Bench.AddNote(text, x, y, ws);
                        //Bench.AddNote(text, x, y, ws);

                        var paramDict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        paramDict.Add("x", x);
                        paramDict.Add("y", y);
                        paramDict.Add("text", text);
                        paramDict.Add("workspace", ws);


                foreach (dynNode e in ws.Nodes)


                ws.FilePath = xmlPath;

                controller.PackageManagerClient.LoadPackageHeader(def, funName);

                var expression = CompileFunction(def);
                controller.FSchemeEnvironment.DefineSymbol(def.FunctionId.ToString(), expression);

            catch (Exception ex)
                dynSettings.Bench.Log("There was an error opening the workbench.");
                def = null;
                return false;

            return true;
예제 #4
파일: Commands.cs 프로젝트: Tadwork/Dynamo
        public void Execute(object parameters)
            ArrayList connectionData = parameters as ArrayList;

            dynNodeUI start = connectionData[0] as dynNodeUI;
            dynNodeUI end = connectionData[1] as dynNodeUI;
            int startIndex = (int)connectionData[2];
            int endIndex = (int)connectionData[3];

            dynConnector c = new dynConnector(start, end, startIndex, endIndex, 0);
예제 #5
        public void Disconnect(dynConnector connector)
            if (connectors.Contains(connector))

            //don't set back to white if
            //there are still connectors on this port
            if(connectors.Count == 0)
                ellipse1Dot.Fill = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White;

            //throw the event for a connection
예제 #6
        public void Connect(dynConnector connector)

            ellipse1Dot.Fill = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black;

            //throw the event for a connection
예제 #7
        private void UserControl_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Port {0} selected.", this.Index));

            #region test for a port

            dynBench bench = dynSettings.Bench;

            if (!bench.WorkBench.IsConnecting)
                //test if port already has a connection if so grab it
                //and begin connecting to somewhere else
                //don't allow the grabbing of the start connector
                if (this.Connectors.Count > 0 && this.Connectors[0].Start != this)
                    bench.ActiveConnector = this.Connectors[0];
                    bench.WorkBench.IsConnecting = true;
                        //you've begun creating a connector
                        dynConnector c = new dynConnector(this, bench.WorkBench, e.GetPosition(bench.WorkBench));
                        bench.ActiveConnector = c;
                        bench.WorkBench.IsConnecting = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                //attempt a connection between the port
                //and the connector
                if (!bench.ActiveConnector.Connect(this))
                    bench.WorkBench.IsConnecting = false;
                    bench.ActiveConnector = null;
                    //you've already started connecting
                    //now you're going to stop
                    bench.WorkBench.IsConnecting = false;
                    bench.ActiveConnector = null;

            //set the handled flag so that the element doesn't get dragged
            e.Handled = true;

예제 #8
        public void Disconnect(dynConnector connector)
            //throw the event for a connection

            if (connectors.Contains(connector))

            //don't set back to white if
            //there are still connectors on this port
            if (connectors.Count == 0)
                IsConnected = false;

            if (connectors.Count == 0)
                Owner.State = ElementState.DEAD;
예제 #9
        public void Connect(dynConnector connector)

            //throw the event for a connection

            IsConnected = true;
예제 #10
        public bool OpenWorkbench(string xmlPath)
            Bench.Log("Opening home workspace " + xmlPath + "...");

                #region read xml file

                var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynWorkspace"))
                    foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
                        if (att.Name.Equals("X"))
                            //Bench.CurrentX = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                            Bench.CurrentOffset = new Point(Convert.ToDouble(att.Value), Bench.CurrentOffset.Y);
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Y"))
                            //Bench.CurrentY = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                            Bench.CurrentOffset = new Point(Bench.CurrentOffset.X, Convert.ToDouble(att.Value));

                XmlNodeList elNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynElements");
                XmlNodeList cNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynConnectors");
                XmlNodeList nNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynNotes");

                XmlNode elNodesList = elNodes[0];
                XmlNode cNodesList = cNodes[0];
                XmlNode nNodesList = nNodes[0];

                foreach (XmlNode elNode in elNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute typeAttrib = elNode.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute guidAttrib = elNode.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute nicknameAttrib = elNode.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute xAttrib = elNode.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute yAttrib = elNode.Attributes[4];

                    string typeName = typeAttrib.Value;

                    //test the GUID to confirm that it is non-zero
                    //if it is zero, then we have to fix it
                    //this will break the connectors, but it won't keep
                    //propagating bad GUIDs
                    var guid = new Guid(guidAttrib.Value);
                    if (guid == Guid.Empty)
                        guid = Guid.NewGuid();

                    string nickname = nicknameAttrib.Value;

                    double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value);
                    double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value);

                    if (typeName.StartsWith("Dynamo.Elements."))
                        typeName = "Dynamo.Nodes." + typeName.Remove(0, 16);

                    TypeLoadData tData;
                    Type t;

                    if (!builtinTypesByTypeName.TryGetValue(typeName, out tData))
                        t = Type.GetType(typeName);
                        if (t == null)
                            Bench.Log("Error loading workspace. Could not load node of type: " + typeName);
                            return false;
                        t = tData.Type;

                    dynNode el = CreateInstanceAndAddNodeToWorkspace(
                        t, nickname, guid, x, y,



                    if (ViewingHomespace)
                        el.SaveResult = true;

                    if (el is dynFunction)
                        var fun = el as dynFunction;

                        // we've found a custom node, we need to attempt to load its guid.
                        // if it doesn't exist (i.e. its a legacy node), we need to assign it one,
                        // deterministically
                        Guid funId;
                            funId = Guid.Parse(fun.Symbol);
                            funId = GuidUtility.Create(GuidUtility.UrlNamespace, nicknameAttrib.Value);
                            fun.Symbol = funId.ToString();

                        FunctionDefinition funcDef = this.CustomNodeLoader.GetFunctionDefinition(funId);
                        if (funcDef != null)
                            fun.Definition = funcDef;
                            fun.NodeUI.Error("No definition found.");

                    //read the sub elements
                    //set any numeric values
                    //foreach (XmlNode subNode in elNode.ChildNodes)
                    //   if (subNode.Name == "System.Double")
                    //   {
                    //      double val = Convert.ToDouble(subNode.Attributes[0].Value);
                    //      el.OutPortData[0].Object = val;
                    //      el.Update();
                    //   }
                    //   else if (subNode.Name == "System.Int32")
                    //   {
                    //      int val = Convert.ToInt32(subNode.Attributes[0].Value);
                    //      el.OutPortData[0].Object = val;
                    //      el.Update();
                    //   }


                foreach (XmlNode connector in cNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute guidStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute intStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute guidEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute intEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute portTypeAttrib = connector.Attributes[4];

                    var guidStart = new Guid(guidStartAttrib.Value);
                    var guidEnd = new Guid(guidEndAttrib.Value);
                    int startIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intStartAttrib.Value);
                    int endIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intEndAttrib.Value);
                    int portType = Convert.ToInt16(portTypeAttrib.Value);

                    //find the elements to connect
                    dynNode start = null;
                    dynNode end = null;

                    foreach (dynNode e in Nodes)
                        if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidStart)
                            start = e;
                        else if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidEnd)
                            end = e;
                        if (start != null && end != null)

                    //don't connect if the end element is an instance map
                    //those have a morphing set of inputs
                    //dynInstanceParameterMap endTest = end as dynInstanceParameterMap;

                    //if (endTest != null)
                    //    continue;

                    if (start != null && end != null && start != end)
                        var newConnector = new dynConnector(start.NodeUI, end.NodeUI,
                                                            startIndex, endIndex, portType);


                CurrentSpace.Connectors.ForEach(x => x.Redraw());

                #region instantiate notes

                if (nNodesList != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode note in nNodesList.ChildNodes)
                        XmlAttribute textAttrib = note.Attributes[0];
                        XmlAttribute xAttrib = note.Attributes[1];
                        XmlAttribute yAttrib = note.Attributes[2];

                        string text = textAttrib.Value;
                        double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value);
                        double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value);

                        //dynNote n = Bench.AddNote(text, x, y, this.CurrentSpace);
                        //Bench.AddNote(text, x, y, this.CurrentSpace);

                        var paramDict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        paramDict.Add("x", x);
                        paramDict.Add("y", y);
                        paramDict.Add("text", text);
                        paramDict.Add("workspace", CurrentSpace);


                foreach (dynNode e in CurrentSpace.Nodes)


                HomeSpace.FilePath = xmlPath;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Bench.Log("There was an error opening the workbench.");
                Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace);
                return false;
            return true;
예제 #11
        internal bool OpenDefinition(
            string xmlPath,
            Dictionary<Guid, HashSet<FunctionDefinition>> children,
            Dictionary<Guid, HashSet<Guid>> parents)
                #region read xml file

                var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                string funName = null;
                string category = "";
                double cx = dynBench.CANVAS_OFFSET_X;
                double cy = dynBench.CANVAS_OFFSET_Y;
                string id = "";

                // load the header
                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynWorkspace"))
                    foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
                        if (att.Name.Equals("X"))
                            cx = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Y"))
                            cy = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Name"))
                            funName = att.Value;
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Category"))
                            category = att.Value;
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("ID"))
                            id = att.Value;

                // we have a dyf and it lacks an ID field, we need to assign it
                // a deterministic guid based on its name.  By doing it deterministically,
                // files remain compatible
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(funName))
                    id = GuidUtility.Create(GuidUtility.UrlNamespace, funName).ToString();


                //If there is no function name, then we are opening a home definition
                if (funName == null)
                    //View the home workspace, then open the bench file
                    if (!ViewingHomespace)
                        ViewHomeWorkspace(); //TODO: Refactor
                    return OpenWorkbench(xmlPath);
                else if ( this.CustomNodeLoader.Contains(funName) )
                    Bench.Log("ERROR: Could not load definition for \"" + funName +
                              "\", a node with this name already exists.");
                    return false;

                Bench.Log("Loading node definition for \"" + funName + "\" from: " + xmlPath);

                FunctionDefinition def = NewFunction(
                    category.Length > 0
                        ? category
                        : BuiltinNodeCategories.MISC,
                    false, cx, cy

                dynWorkspace ws = def.Workspace;

                //this.Log("Opening definition " + xmlPath + "...");

                XmlNodeList elNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynElements");
                XmlNodeList cNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynConnectors");
                XmlNodeList nNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynNotes");

                XmlNode elNodesList = elNodes[0];
                XmlNode cNodesList = cNodes[0];
                XmlNode nNodesList = nNodes[0];

                var dependencies = new Stack<Guid>();

                #region instantiate nodes

                foreach (XmlNode elNode in elNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute typeAttrib = elNode.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute guidAttrib = elNode.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute nicknameAttrib = elNode.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute xAttrib = elNode.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute yAttrib = elNode.Attributes[4];

                    string typeName = typeAttrib.Value;

                    string oldNamespace = "Dynamo.Elements.";
                    if (typeName.StartsWith(oldNamespace))
                        typeName = "Dynamo.Nodes." + typeName.Remove(0, oldNamespace.Length);

                    //test the GUID to confirm that it is non-zero
                    //if it is zero, then we have to fix it
                    //this will break the connectors, but it won't keep
                    //propagating bad GUIDs
                    var guid = new Guid(guidAttrib.Value);
                    if (guid == Guid.Empty)
                        guid = Guid.NewGuid();

                    string nickname = nicknameAttrib.Value;

                    double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value);
                    double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value);

                    //Type t = Type.GetType(typeName);
                    TypeLoadData tData;
                    Type t;

                    if (!builtinTypesByTypeName.TryGetValue(typeName, out tData))
                        t = Type.GetType(typeName);
                        if (t == null)
                            Bench.Log("Error loading definition. Could not load node of type: " + typeName);
                            return false;
                        t = tData.Type;

                    dynNode el = CreateInstanceAndAddNodeToWorkspace(t, nickname, guid, x, y, ws, Visibility.Hidden);

                    if (el == null)
                        return false;


                    if (el is dynFunction)
                        var fun = el as dynFunction;

                        // we've found a custom node, we need to attempt to load its guid.
                        // if it doesn't exist (i.e. its a legacy node), we need to assign it one,
                        // deterministically
                        Guid funId;
                            funId = Guid.Parse(fun.Symbol);
                            funId = GuidUtility.Create(GuidUtility.UrlNamespace, nicknameAttrib.Value);
                            fun.Symbol = funId.ToString();

                        if (dynSettings.Controller.CustomNodeLoader.IsInitialized(funId))
                            fun.Definition = dynSettings.Controller.CustomNodeLoader.GetFunctionDefinition(funId);



                #region instantiate connectors

                foreach (XmlNode connector in cNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute guidStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute intStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute guidEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute intEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute portTypeAttrib = connector.Attributes[4];

                    var guidStart = new Guid(guidStartAttrib.Value);
                    var guidEnd = new Guid(guidEndAttrib.Value);
                    int startIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intStartAttrib.Value);
                    int endIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intEndAttrib.Value);
                    int portType = Convert.ToInt16(portTypeAttrib.Value);

                    //find the elements to connect
                    dynNode start = null;
                    dynNode end = null;

                    foreach (dynNode e in ws.Nodes)
                        if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidStart)
                            start = e;
                        else if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidEnd)
                            end = e;
                        if (start != null && end != null)

                    //don't connect if the end element is an instance map
                    //those have a morphing set of inputs
                    //dynInstanceParameterMap endTest = end as dynInstanceParameterMap;

                    //if (endTest != null)
                    //    continue;

                        if (start != null && end != null && start != end)
                            var newConnector = new dynConnector(
                                start.NodeUI, end.NodeUI,
                                startIndex, endIndex,
                                portType, false

                        Bench.Log(string.Format("ERROR : Could not create connector between {0} and {1}.", start.NodeUI.GUID, end.NodeUI.GUID));


                #region instantiate notes

                if (nNodesList != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode note in nNodesList.ChildNodes)
                        XmlAttribute textAttrib = note.Attributes[0];
                        XmlAttribute xAttrib = note.Attributes[1];
                        XmlAttribute yAttrib = note.Attributes[2];

                        string text = textAttrib.Value;
                        double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value);
                        double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value);

                        //dynNote n = Bench.AddNote(text, x, y, ws);
                        //Bench.AddNote(text, x, y, ws);

                        var paramDict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        paramDict.Add("x", x);
                        paramDict.Add("y", y);
                        paramDict.Add("text", text);
                        paramDict.Add("workspace", ws);


                foreach (dynNode e in ws.Nodes)


                ws.FilePath = xmlPath;

                bool canLoad = true;

                //For each node this workspace depends on...
                foreach (Guid dep in dependencies)
                    canLoad = false;
                    //Dep -> Ws
                    if (children.ContainsKey(dep))
                        children[dep] = new HashSet<FunctionDefinition> {def};

                    //Ws -> Deps
                    if (parents.ContainsKey(def.FunctionId))
                        parents[def.FunctionId] = new HashSet<Guid> {dep};

                if (canLoad)
                    SaveFunction(def, false);

                PackageManagerClient.LoadPackageHeader(def, funName);
                nodeWorkspaceWasLoaded(def, children, parents);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Bench.Log("There was an error opening the workbench.");
                Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace);
                return false;

            return true;
예제 #12
        public void Execute(object parameters)
            var connectionData = parameters as Dictionary<string,object>;

            var start = (dynNodeUI)connectionData["start"];
            var end = (dynNodeUI)connectionData["end"];
            var startIndex = (int)connectionData["port_start"];
            var endIndex = (int)connectionData["port_end"];

            var c = new dynConnector(start, end, startIndex, endIndex, 0);

예제 #13
        bool OpenWorkbench(string xmlPath)
            Bench.Log("Opening home workspace " + xmlPath + "...");

                #region read xml file

                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynWorkspace"))
                    foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
                        if (att.Name.Equals("X"))
                            Bench.CurrentX = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Y"))
                            Bench.CurrentY = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);

                XmlNodeList elNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynElements");
                XmlNodeList cNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynConnectors");
                XmlNodeList nNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynNotes");

                XmlNode elNodesList = elNodes[0] as XmlNode;
                XmlNode cNodesList = cNodes[0] as XmlNode;
                XmlNode nNodesList = nNodes[0] as XmlNode;

                foreach (XmlNode elNode in elNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute typeAttrib = elNode.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute guidAttrib = elNode.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute nicknameAttrib = elNode.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute xAttrib = elNode.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute yAttrib = elNode.Attributes[4];

                    string typeName = typeAttrib.Value.ToString();
                    Guid guid = new Guid(guidAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    string nickname = nicknameAttrib.Value.ToString();

                    double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value.ToString());

                    if (typeName.StartsWith("Dynamo.Elements."))
                        typeName = "Dynamo.Nodes." + typeName.Remove(0, 16);

                    TypeLoadData tData;
                    Type t;

                    if (!builtinTypesByTypeName.TryGetValue(typeName, out tData))
                        t = Type.GetType(typeName);
                        if (t == null)
                            Bench.Log("Error loading workspace. Could not load node of type: " + typeName);
                            return false;
                        t = tData.Type;

                    dynNode el = AddDynElement(
                       t, nickname, guid, x, y,



                    if (this.ViewingHomespace)
                        el.SaveResult = true;

                    //read the sub elements
                    //set any numeric values
                    //foreach (XmlNode subNode in elNode.ChildNodes)
                    //   if (subNode.Name == "System.Double")
                    //   {
                    //      double val = Convert.ToDouble(subNode.Attributes[0].Value);
                    //      el.OutPortData[0].Object = val;
                    //      el.Update();
                    //   }
                    //   else if (subNode.Name == "System.Int32")
                    //   {
                    //      int val = Convert.ToInt32(subNode.Attributes[0].Value);
                    //      el.OutPortData[0].Object = val;
                    //      el.Update();
                    //   }



                foreach (XmlNode connector in cNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute guidStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute intStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute guidEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute intEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute portTypeAttrib = connector.Attributes[4];

                    Guid guidStart = new Guid(guidStartAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    Guid guidEnd = new Guid(guidEndAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    int startIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intStartAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    int endIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intEndAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    int portType = Convert.ToInt16(portTypeAttrib.Value.ToString());

                    //find the elements to connect
                    dynNode start = null;
                    dynNode end = null;

                    foreach (dynNode e in Nodes)
                        if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidStart)
                            start = e;
                        else if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidEnd)
                            end = e;
                        if (start != null && end != null)

                    //don't connect if the end element is an instance map
                    //those have a morphing set of inputs
                    //dynInstanceParameterMap endTest = end as dynInstanceParameterMap;

                    //if (endTest != null)
                    //    continue;

                    if (start != null && end != null && start != end)
                        dynConnector newConnector = new dynConnector(start.NodeUI, end.NodeUI,
                            startIndex, endIndex, portType);


                #region instantiate notes
                if (nNodesList != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode note in nNodesList.ChildNodes)
                        XmlAttribute textAttrib = note.Attributes[0];
                        XmlAttribute xAttrib = note.Attributes[1];
                        XmlAttribute yAttrib = note.Attributes[2];

                        string text = textAttrib.Value.ToString();
                        double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value.ToString());
                        double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value.ToString());

                        dynNote n = Bench.AddNote(text, x, y, this.CurrentSpace);


                foreach (var e in this.CurrentSpace.Nodes)


                homeSpace.FilePath = xmlPath;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Bench.Log("There was an error opening the workbench.");
                Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace);
                return false;
            return true;
예제 #14
        bool OpenDefinition(
            string xmlPath,
            Dictionary<string, HashSet<dynWorkspace>> children,
            Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> parents)
                #region read xml file

                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                string funName = null;
                string category = "";
                double cx = dynBench.CANVAS_OFFSET_X;
                double cy = dynBench.CANVAS_OFFSET_Y;

                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynWorkspace"))
                    foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
                        if (att.Name.Equals("X"))
                            cx = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Y"))
                            cy = Convert.ToDouble(att.Value);
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Name"))
                            funName = att.Value;
                        else if (att.Name.Equals("Category"))
                            category = att.Value;

                //If there is no function name, then we are opening a home definition
                if (funName == null)
                    //View the home workspace, then open the bench file
                    if (!this.ViewingHomespace)
                        ViewHomeWorkspace(); //TODO: Refactor
                    return this.OpenWorkbench(xmlPath);
                else if (this.FunctionDict.ContainsKey(funName))
                    Bench.Log("ERROR: Could not load definition for \"" + funName + "\", a node with this name already exists.");
                    return false;

                Bench.Log("Loading node definition for \"" + funName + "\" from: " + xmlPath);

                //TODO: refactor to include x,y
                var ws = this.NewFunction(
                   category.Length > 0
                      ? category
                      : BuiltinNodeCategories.MISC,

                ws.PositionX = cx;
                ws.PositionY = cy;

                //this.Log("Opening definition " + xmlPath + "...");

                XmlNodeList elNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynElements");
                XmlNodeList cNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynConnectors");
                XmlNodeList nNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynNotes");

                XmlNode elNodesList = elNodes[0] as XmlNode;
                XmlNode cNodesList = cNodes[0] as XmlNode;
                XmlNode nNodesList = nNodes[0] as XmlNode;

                var dependencies = new Stack<string>();

                #region instantiate nodes
                foreach (XmlNode elNode in elNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute typeAttrib = elNode.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute guidAttrib = elNode.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute nicknameAttrib = elNode.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute xAttrib = elNode.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute yAttrib = elNode.Attributes[4];

                    string typeName = typeAttrib.Value.ToString();

                    var oldNamespace = "Dynamo.Elements.";
                    if (typeName.StartsWith(oldNamespace))
                        typeName = "Dynamo.Nodes." + typeName.Remove(0, oldNamespace.Length);

                    Guid guid = new Guid(guidAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    string nickname = nicknameAttrib.Value.ToString();

                    double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value.ToString());

                    //Type t = Type.GetType(typeName);
                    TypeLoadData tData;
                    Type t;

                    if (!builtinTypesByTypeName.TryGetValue(typeName, out tData))
                        t = Type.GetType(typeName);
                        if (t == null)
                            Bench.Log("Error loading definition. Could not load node of type: " + typeName);
                            return false;
                        t = tData.Type;

                    dynNode el = AddDynElement(t, nickname, guid, x, y, ws, System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden);

                    if (el == null)
                        return false;


                    if (el is dynFunction)
                        var fun = el as dynFunction;
                        if (fun.Symbol != ws.Name)


                #region instantiate connectors
                foreach (XmlNode connector in cNodesList.ChildNodes)
                    XmlAttribute guidStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[0];
                    XmlAttribute intStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[1];
                    XmlAttribute guidEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[2];
                    XmlAttribute intEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[3];
                    XmlAttribute portTypeAttrib = connector.Attributes[4];

                    Guid guidStart = new Guid(guidStartAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    Guid guidEnd = new Guid(guidEndAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    int startIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intStartAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    int endIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intEndAttrib.Value.ToString());
                    int portType = Convert.ToInt16(portTypeAttrib.Value.ToString());

                    //find the elements to connect
                    dynNode start = null;
                    dynNode end = null;

                    foreach (dynNode e in ws.Nodes)
                        if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidStart)
                            start = e;
                        else if (e.NodeUI.GUID == guidEnd)
                            end = e;
                        if (start != null && end != null)

                    //don't connect if the end element is an instance map
                    //those have a morphing set of inputs
                    //dynInstanceParameterMap endTest = end as dynInstanceParameterMap;

                    //if (endTest != null)
                    //    continue;

                    if (start != null && end != null && start != end)
                        dynConnector newConnector = new dynConnector(
                           start.NodeUI, end.NodeUI,
                           startIndex, endIndex,
                           portType, false


                #region instantiate notes
                if (nNodesList != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode note in nNodesList.ChildNodes)
                        XmlAttribute textAttrib = note.Attributes[0];
                        XmlAttribute xAttrib = note.Attributes[1];
                        XmlAttribute yAttrib = note.Attributes[2];

                        string text = textAttrib.Value.ToString();
                        double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value.ToString());
                        double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value.ToString());

                        dynNote n = Bench.AddNote(text, x, y, ws);

                foreach (var e in ws.Nodes)



                ws.FilePath = xmlPath;

                bool canLoad = true;

                //For each node this workspace depends on...
                foreach (var dep in dependencies)
                    //If the node hasn't been loaded...
                    if (!FunctionDict.ContainsKey(dep))
                        canLoad = false;
                        //Dep -> Ws
                        if (children.ContainsKey(dep))
                            children[dep] = new HashSet<dynWorkspace>() { ws };

                        //Ws -> Deps
                        if (parents.ContainsKey(ws.Name))
                            parents[ws.Name] = new HashSet<string>() { dep };

                if (canLoad)
                    SaveFunction(ws, false);

                nodeWorkspaceWasLoaded(ws, children, parents);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Bench.Log("There was an error opening the workbench.");
                Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace);
                return false;

            return true;