public async void StartSearch() { Duplicates.Clear(); positionList.Clear(); ElapsedTimer.Reset(); SearchSW.Reset(); float positionCounter = 0f; for (var i = 0; i < Settings.ThumbnailCount; i++) { positionCounter += 1.0F / (Settings.ThumbnailCount + 1); positionList.Add(positionCounter); } _isScanning = true; m_pauseTokeSource = new PauseTokenSource(); m_cancelationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); //get files Logger.Instance.Info(Properties.Resources.BuildingFileList); await Task.Run(() => InternalBuildFileList()); FilesEnumerated?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); //start scan Logger.Instance.Info(Properties.Resources.StartScan); if (!m_cancelationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { await Task.Run(() => InternalSearch(m_cancelationTokenSource.Token, m_pauseTokeSource)); } ScanDone?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); Logger.Instance.Info(Properties.Resources.ScanDone); _isScanning = false; ScanProgressValue = 0; DatabaseHelper.SaveDatabase(DatabaseFileList); }
private void InternalSearch(CancellationToken cancelToken, PauseTokenSource pauseTokenSource) { ElapsedTimer.Start(); SearchSW.Start(); var duplicateDict = new Dictionary <string, DuplicateItem>(); try { var parallelOpts = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount, CancellationToken = cancelToken }; var reScanList = ScanFileList .Where(vf => !vf.Flags.Any(EntryFlags.ManuallyExcluded | EntryFlags.AllErrors)) .Where(vf => (vf.mediaInfo == null && !vf.IsImage) || vf.grayBytes == null || vf.grayBytes.Count != Settings.ThumbnailCount) .ToList(); InitProgress(reScanList.Count); Parallel.For(0, reScanList.Count, parallelOpts, i => { while (pauseTokenSource.IsPaused) { Thread.Sleep(50); } var entry = reScanList[i]; if (entry.mediaInfo == null && !entry.IsImage) { var ffProbe = new FFProbeWrapper.FFProbeWrapper(); var info = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(entry.Path); if (info == null) { entry.Flags.Set(EntryFlags.MetadataError); return; } entry.mediaInfo = info; } if (entry.grayBytes == null) { var(error, grayBytes) = entry.IsImage ? GetImageAsBitmaps(entry, positionList.Count) : GetVideoThumbnailAsBitmaps(entry, positionList); if (error > 0) { entry.Flags.Set(error); } else { entry.grayBytes = grayBytes; } } IncrementProgress(entry.Path); }); SearchSW.Stop(); Logger.Instance.Info(string.Format(Properties.Resources.ThumbnailsFinished, SearchSW.Elapsed, processedFiles)); SearchSW.Restart(); var percentageDifference = 1.0f - Settings.Percent / 100f; var dupeScanList = ScanFileList.Where(vf => !vf.Flags.Any(EntryFlags.AllErrors | EntryFlags.ManuallyExcluded)).ToList(); InitProgress(dupeScanList.Count); Parallel.For(0, dupeScanList.Count, parallelOpts, i => { while (pauseTokenSource.IsPaused) { Thread.Sleep(50); } var baseItem = dupeScanList[i]; if (baseItem.grayBytes == null || baseItem.grayBytes.Count == 0) { IncrementProgress(baseItem.Path); return; } for (var n = i + 1; n < dupeScanList.Count; n++) { var compItem = dupeScanList[n]; if (baseItem.IsImage && !compItem.IsImage) { continue; } if (compItem.grayBytes == null || compItem.grayBytes.Count == 0) { continue; } if (baseItem.grayBytes.Count != compItem.grayBytes.Count) { continue; } var duplicateCounter = 0; var percent = new float[baseItem.grayBytes.Count]; for (var j = 0; j < baseItem.grayBytes.Count; j++) { Debug.Assert(baseItem.grayBytes[j].Length == compItem.grayBytes[j].Length, "Images must be of same length"); percent[j] = ExtensionMethods.PercentageDifference(baseItem.grayBytes[j], compItem.grayBytes[j]); if (percent[j] < percentageDifference) { duplicateCounter++; } else { break; } } if (duplicateCounter != baseItem.grayBytes.Count) { continue; } var percSame = percent.Average(); lock (duplicateDict) { var foundBase = duplicateDict.TryGetValue(baseItem.Path, out var existingBase); var foundComp = duplicateDict.TryGetValue(compItem.Path, out var existingComp); if (foundBase && foundComp) { //this happens with 4+ identical items: //first, 2+ duplicate groups are found independently, they are merged in this branch if (existingBase.GroupId != existingComp.GroupId) { foreach (var dup in duplicateDict.Values.Where(c => c.GroupId == existingComp.GroupId)) { dup.GroupId = existingBase.GroupId; } } } else if (foundBase) { duplicateDict.Add(compItem.Path, new DuplicateItem(compItem, percSame) { GroupId = existingBase.GroupId }); } else if (foundComp) { duplicateDict.Add(baseItem.Path, new DuplicateItem(baseItem, percSame) { GroupId = existingComp.GroupId }); } else { var groupId = Guid.NewGuid(); duplicateDict.Add(compItem.Path, new DuplicateItem(compItem, percSame) { GroupId = groupId }); duplicateDict.Add(baseItem.Path, new DuplicateItem(baseItem, percSame) { GroupId = groupId }); } } } IncrementProgress(baseItem.Path); }); SearchSW.Stop(); Logger.Instance.Info(string.Format(Properties.Resources.DuplicatesCheckFinishedIn, SearchSW.Elapsed)); Duplicates = new HashSet <DuplicateItem>(duplicateDict.Values); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Logger.Instance.Info(Properties.Resources.CancellationExceptionCaught); } }
private void InternalSearch(CancellationToken cancelToken, PauseTokenSource pauseTokenSource) { ElapsedTimer.Start(); var startTime = DateTime.Now; processedFiles = 0; var lastProgressUpdate = DateTime.MinValue; var progressUpdateItvl = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300); void IncrementProgress(Action <TimeSpan> fn) { Interlocked.Increment(ref processedFiles); var pushUpdate = processedFiles == ScanProgressMaxValue || lastProgressUpdate + progressUpdateItvl < DateTime.Now; if (!pushUpdate) { return; } lastProgressUpdate = DateTime.Now; var timeRemaining = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).Ticks * (ScanProgressMaxValue - (processedFiles + 1)) / (processedFiles + 1)); fn(timeRemaining); } try { var st = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var reScanList = ScanFileList.Where(vf => (vf.mediaInfo == null && !vf.IsImage) || vf.grayBytes == null).ToList(); ScanProgressMaxValue = reScanList.Count; Parallel.For(0, reScanList.Count, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount, CancellationToken = cancelToken }, i => { while (pauseTokenSource.IsPaused) { Thread.Sleep(50); } var entry = reScanList[i]; if (entry.mediaInfo == null && !entry.IsImage) { var ffProbe = new FFProbeWrapper.FFProbeWrapper(); var info = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(entry.Path); if (info == null) { return; } entry.mediaInfo = info; } if (entry.grayBytes == null) { entry.grayBytes = entry.IsImage ? GetImageAsBitmaps(entry, positionList.Count) : GetVideoThumbnailAsBitmaps(entry, positionList); if (entry.grayBytes == null) { return; } } //report progress IncrementProgress(remaining => Progress?.Invoke(this, new OwnScanProgress { CurrentPosition = processedFiles, CurrentFile = entry.Path, Elapsed = ElapsedTimer.Elapsed, Remaining = remaining })); }); st.Stop(); Logger.Instance.Info(string.Format(Properties.Resources.ThumbnailsFinished, st.Elapsed, processedFiles)); processedFiles = 0; ScanProgressMaxValue = ScanFileList.Count; st.Restart(); startTime = DateTime.Now; var percentageDifference = 1.0f - Settings.Percent / 100f; Parallel.For(0, ScanFileList.Count, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount, CancellationToken = cancelToken }, i => { while (pauseTokenSource.IsPaused) { Thread.Sleep(50); } foreach (var itm in ScanFileList) { if (itm == ScanFileList[i] || itm.IsImage && !ScanFileList[i].IsImage) { continue; } if (itm.grayBytes == null || itm.grayBytes.Count == 0) { continue; } if (ScanFileList[i].grayBytes == null || ScanFileList[i].grayBytes.Count == 0) { continue; } if (itm.grayBytes.Count != ScanFileList[i].grayBytes.Count) { continue; } var duplicateCounter = 0; var percent = new float[itm.grayBytes.Count]; for (var j = 0; j < itm.grayBytes.Count; j++) { percent[j] = ExtensionMethods.PercentageDifference2(itm.grayBytes[j], ScanFileList[i].grayBytes[j]); if (percent[j] < percentageDifference) { duplicateCounter++; } else { break; } } if (duplicateCounter != itm.grayBytes.Count) { continue; } lock (AddDuplicateLock) { var firstInList = false; var secondInList = false; var groupId = Guid.NewGuid(); foreach (var v in Duplicates) { if (v.Path == itm.Path) { groupId = v.GroupId; firstInList = true; } else if (v.Path == ScanFileList[i].Path) { secondInList = true; } } if (!firstInList) { var origDup = new DuplicateItem(itm, percent.Average()) { GroupId = groupId }; var origImages = itm.IsImage ? GetImageThumbnail(origDup, positionList.Count) : GetVideoThumbnail(origDup, positionList); if (origImages == null) { continue; } origDup.Thumbnail = origImages; Duplicates.Add(origDup); } if (!secondInList) { var dup = new DuplicateItem(ScanFileList[i], percent.Average()) { GroupId = groupId }; var images = ScanFileList[i].IsImage ? GetImageThumbnail(dup, positionList.Count) : GetVideoThumbnail(dup, positionList); if (images == null) { continue; } dup.Thumbnail = images; Duplicates.Add(dup); } } //we found a matching source then duplicate was added no need to go deeper break; } //report progress IncrementProgress(remaining => Progress?.Invoke(this, new OwnScanProgress { CurrentPosition = processedFiles, CurrentFile = ScanFileList[i].Path, Elapsed = ElapsedTimer.Elapsed, Remaining = remaining })); }); st.Stop(); Logger.Instance.Info(string.Format(Properties.Resources.DuplicatesCheckFinishedIn, st.Elapsed)); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Logger.Instance.Info(Properties.Resources.CancellationExceptionCaught); } }