static void Main(string[] args) { var h = new Hero("Bron", "Dragonslayer", 100, 100, 2); var w = new Weapon("The Axe of Destiny", 20); h.Equip(w); var s = new Spell("Fireball", 30, 50, 2); h.Learn(s); var map = new Dungeon(@"C:\Users\IVAN\Desktop\Programming-101-CSharp\Week 5.2\DungeonsAndLizards\bin\Debug\level1.txt"); map.Spawn(h); map.PrintMap(); map.MoveHero(Direction.Right); map.MoveHero(Direction.Down); map.PrintMap(); }
/// <summary> /// Main method. /// </summary> public static void Main() { // TODO : add fights feature // TODO : combat method for fights // TODO : enemy adding order ? // TODO : check addition of new characters, weapons and spells in the game // TODO : add validation // TODO : refactor with build methods (take damage, take healing etc) // TODO : remove magic numbers // TODO : bugfixing // TODO : dungeon class violates SRP ? var defaultHero = new Hero("John", "Jedi", 100, 100, 2); var defaultWeapon = new Weapon("Default weapon", 100); var defaultSpell = new Spell("Default spell", 120, 50, 2); List<Enemy> enemiesList = new List<Enemy>(); bool isSpawned = false; defaultHero.Learn(defaultSpell); defaultHero.Equip(defaultWeapon); string text = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\Viktor\Desktop\GitHub\HackBulgaria-CSharp\Week 5\OOPExercises\DungeonsAndLizards\game settings\map.txt"); var dungeon = new Dungeon(text); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Dungeons and Lizards Game !"); Console.WriteLine("To check game rules enter \"help\""); // TODO : equip enemies/heroes with different spells and weapons? int enemiesCounter = text.Count(character => character == 'E'); while (true) { Console.Write("Enter a command: "); string input = Console.ReadLine(); string[] word = input.Split(' '); if (Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsInputLongerThan2Words(input)) { switch (word[0]) { case "print": switch (word[1]) { case "map": dungeon.PrintMap(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Did you mean \"print map\"?"); break; } break; case "create": switch (word[1]) { case "hero": if (Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsLengthWordsLong(input, 7) && Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsWordParsableToInt(input, new[] { 4, 5, 6 }) && Validation.cs.Stats.IsValuePositive(new[] { int.Parse(word[4]), int.Parse(word[5]), int.Parse(word[6]) })) { Hero hero = new Hero(word[2], word[3], int.Parse(word[4]), int.Parse(word[5]), int.Parse(word[6])); defaultHero = hero; Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: Hero created !"); } break; case "enemy": if (Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsLengthWordsLong(input, 5) && Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsWordParsableToInt(input, new[] { 2, 3, 4 }) && Validation.cs.Stats.IsValuePositive(new[] { int.Parse(word[2]), int.Parse(word[3]), int.Parse(word[4]) })) { if (enemiesCounter > enemiesList.Count) { Enemy enemy = new Enemy(int.Parse(word[2]), int.Parse(word[3]), int.Parse(word[4])); enemiesList.Add(enemy); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: Enemy created !"); } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: You cannot add more enemies because there are too few on the map !"); } } break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Command \"create\" take \"hero\" or \"enemy\" as parameters !"); break; } break; case "add": switch (word[1]) { case "weapon": if (Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsLengthWordsLong(input, 4) && Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsWordParsableToInt(input, new[] { 3 }) && Validation.cs.Stats.IsValuePositive(int.Parse(word[3]))) { Weapon weapon = new Weapon(word[2], int.Parse(word[3])); defaultWeapon = weapon; Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: Weapon added !"); } break; case "spell": if (Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsLengthWordsLong(input, 6) && Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsWordParsableToInt(input, new[] { 3, 4, 5 }) && Validation.cs.Stats.IsValuePositive(new[] { int.Parse(word[3]), int.Parse(word[4]), int.Parse(word[4]) })) { Spell spell = new Spell(word[2], int.Parse(word[3]), int.Parse(word[4]), int.Parse(word[5])); defaultSpell = spell; Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: Spell added !"); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Command \"add\" takes \"weapon\" or \"spell\" as parameters !"); break; } break; case "equip": switch (word[1]) { case "hero": if (Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsLengthWordsLong(input, 2)) { defaultHero.Equip(defaultWeapon); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: Hero equipped !"); } break; case "enemy": if (Validation.cs.CharacterValidation.IsLengthWordsLong(input, 2)) { enemiesList[0].Equip(defaultWeapon); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: Enemy equipped !"); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Command \"equip\" takes \"hero\" or \"enemy\" as parameters !"); break; } break; case "learn": switch (word[1]) { case "hero": defaultHero.Learn(defaultSpell); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: {0} learned {1} spell", defaultHero.Name, defaultSpell.Name); break; case "enemy": enemiesList[0].Learn(defaultSpell); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: {0} learned {1} spell", enemiesList[0].Name, defaultSpell.Name); break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Command \"learn\" takes \"hero\" or \"enemy\" as parameters !"); break; } break; case "can": if (word[1] == "cast") { Console.WriteLine("Hero can cast {0} : {1}", defaultSpell, defaultHero.CanCast(defaultSpell)); } break; case "attack": switch (word[1]) { case "weapon": case "spell": dungeon.HeroAttack(word[1]); break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Command \"attack\" takes \"weapon\" or \"spell\" as parameters"); break; } break; case "move": if (isSpawned) { switch (word[1]) { case "right": dungeon.MoveHero(Direction.Right); break; case "left": dungeon.MoveHero(Direction.Left); break; case "up": dungeon.MoveHero(Direction.Up); break; case "down": dungeon.MoveHero(Direction.Down); break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: command \"move\" can be used only with \"up\", \"down\", \"left\" or \"right\""); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Hero not spawned !"); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unknown command \"{0}\"", input); break; } } else { switch (word[0]) { case "help": Console.WriteLine("List of commands : "); Console.WriteLine("Replace \"<>\" with desired stats"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("create hero <hero name> <hero class> <hero heatlh> <hero mana> <hero mana regeneration>"); Console.WriteLine("create enemy <enemy health> <enemy mana> <enemy damage>"); Console.WriteLine("add weapon <weapon name> <weapon damage>"); Console.WriteLine("add spell <spell name> <spell damage> <spell manacost> <spell range>"); Console.WriteLine("equip hero"); Console.WriteLine("equip enemy"); Console.WriteLine("learn hero"); Console.WriteLine("learn enemy"); Console.WriteLine("known as"); Console.WriteLine("is alive"); Console.WriteLine("can cast"); Console.WriteLine("attack"); Console.WriteLine("print map"); Console.WriteLine("move <any of the 4 directions>"); Console.WriteLine("exit/quit"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); break; case "spawn": // if (defaultHero.Equals(defaultHero)) // { // Console.WriteLine("WARNING: You are using the default hero"); // } if (!isSpawned) { dungeon.Spawn(defaultHero); Console.WriteLine("SUCCES: {0} spawned !", defaultHero.Name); isSpawned = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: You have already spawned a hero !"); } break; case "known": case "knownAs": case "knownas": Console.WriteLine(defaultHero.KnownAs()); break; case "isalive": case "isAlive": Console.WriteLine("Hero is alive : {0}", defaultHero.IsAlive()); break; case "print": case "printmap": dungeon.PrintMap(); break; case "exit": case "quit": Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unknown command \"{0}\"", input); break; } } Console.WriteLine(); } }