예제 #1
        // Update the local cache with current regulations from the database for a specific customer
        public void UpdateMemAndXmlCacheForCustomerFromDB(int customerID, bool forceUpdateIfCacheNotExpiredYet)
            // Get the current cache expiration for this customer
            DateTime _cacheExpireTime = GetCacheExpirationForCustomer(customerID);

            // Only update the cache if it is expired, or we have been explicitly told to do so
            if ((DateTime.UtcNow >= _cacheExpireTime) || (forceUpdateIfCacheNotExpiredYet))
                // Protect this section with our ReadWriterLockAlt that handles concurrency issues for us
                using (_cacheReadWriteLocker.WriteLock())
                    // If multiple threads were calling this same routine, we might've had to wait around awhile, so we
                    // will check the cache expiration again (unless we are in the "force update" mode)
                    _cacheExpireTime = GetCacheExpirationForCustomer(customerID);
                    if ((!forceUpdateIfCacheNotExpiredYet) && (DateTime.UtcNow >= _cacheExpireTime))
                        // Gather the regulations for current customer from the database
                        List <RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTO> customerRegsFromDB = GetRegulatedHoursForCustomerFromDB(customerID);

                        // Create cache object if doesn't exist yet
                        if (_cachedRegulations == null)
                            _cachedRegulations = new List <RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTO>();

                        // Remove existing items from memory cache for the current customer
                        RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTOPredicate predicate = new RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTOPredicate(customerID, null, null);
                        List <RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTO>   cachedCustomerRegulations = _cachedRegulations.FindAll(predicate.CompareCustomerID);
                        foreach (RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTO nextReg in cachedCustomerRegulations)

                        // Add the customer regulations that were obtained from the physical database

                        // Now rewrite the XML cache

                        // Finally, we will update the cache expiration for this customer so the cache won't try to be
                        // updated again for this customer until another hour from now.  Note that we need to be thread-safe
                        // in upating the expiration time, because another thread might be trying to read it
                        lock (_cacheExpirationsByCustomerId)
                            _cacheExpirationsByCustomerId[customerID] = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1);
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cache not expired yet, no need to update");
                /*System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cache not expired yet, no need to update");*/
예제 #2
        // Return a list of all regulations for a given customer, meter, bay, or combination of such parameters (from cache)
        public List <RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTO> GetRegulationsWithSameScope(int?cid, int?bayNumber, int?mid)
            // Update the cache in background thread. The update routine will return immediately if the cache isn't expired yet
            if (cid.HasValue)
                // Run this async so that the main thread can continue
                var task = new Task(() => { UpdateMemAndXmlCacheForCustomerFromDB(cid.Value, false); });

            RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTOPredicate predicate = new RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTOPredicate(cid, bayNumber, mid);
            List <RegulatedHours_ExperimentalDBSchemaV1DTO>   result    = null;

            // Protect this section with our ReadWriterLockAlt that handles concurrency issues for us
            using (_cacheReadWriteLocker.ReadLock())
                result = _cachedRegulations.FindAll(predicate.CompareVariableScope);