public Vector2 GetCurrentSample(Agent agent)
			int commonSampleCount = this.layerCount * this.outerLayerSampleCount;
			Vector2 oldVelocity = agent.SuggestedVel / agent.Characteristics.MaxSpeed;
			// this can happen if the max speed changed during the last update
			if (oldVelocity.LengthSquared > 1f)
			if (this.currentSampleIdx >= commonSampleCount + 1)
				return Vector2.Zero;
			if (this.currentSampleIdx >= commonSampleCount)
				return oldVelocity;

			int layerIdx = this.currentSampleIdx % this.layerCount;
			int directionIdx = (this.currentSampleIdx / this.layerCount) % this.outerLayerSampleCount;

			float undistortedSpeedFactor = (float)(layerIdx + 1) / this.layerCount;
			float undistortedAngle = MathF.Lerp(-1.0f, 1.0f, ((float)directionIdx / this.outerLayerSampleCount));

			float speedFactor = undistortedSpeedFactor;
			float angle = MathF.Atan2(oldVelocity.Y, oldVelocity.X) + MathF.Pow(Math.Abs(undistortedAngle), 0.8f) * undistortedAngle * MathF.RadAngle180;
			return new Vector2(MathF.Cos(angle) * speedFactor, MathF.Sin(angle) * speedFactor);
예제 #2
		public Vector2 GetCurrentSample(Agent agent)
			if (this.currentSampleIdx >= this.layerCount * this.outerLayerSampleCount)
				return Vector2.Zero;

			var layerIdx = this.currentSampleIdx % layerCount;
			var directionIdx = (this.currentSampleIdx / this.layerCount) % this.outerLayerSampleCount;

			float angle = ((float)directionIdx / this.outerLayerSampleCount) * MathF.RadAngle360;
			float speedFactor = (float)(layerIdx + 1) / this.layerCount;
			return new Vector2(MathF.Cos(angle) * speedFactor, MathF.Sin(angle) * speedFactor);
		public float CalculateVelocityCost(Agent agent, Vector2 sampleVelocity, float toiPenality)
			float score = 0.0f;

			float deltaVelocityPenality = (sampleVelocity - agent.GameObj.Transform.Vel.Xy).Length / (2.0f * this.MaxSpeed);
			score += this.velocityPreservationFactor * deltaVelocityPenality;

			if (agent.Target != null)
				if (sampleVelocity.LengthSquared > float.Epsilon)
					score += this.directionFactor * agent.Target.CalculateCost(agent, sampleVelocity.Normalized);
				score += this.speedFactor * (this.prefSpeed - sampleVelocity.Length) / this.MaxSpeed;
			score += this.toiFactor * MathF.Pow(toiPenality, this.toiExponent);

			score /= this.velocityPreservationFactor + this.speedFactor + this.directionFactor + this.toiFactor;
			return score;
예제 #4
		public float CalculateVelocityCost(Agent agent, Vector2 sampleVelocity, float toiPenality)
			if (this.updateBaseImplParams)
				// [aggressiveness]
				// interpretation: aggressive agents are likely to ignore other agents more => avoid them only if absolutly necessary
				// implementation: 
				// we use a function which is
				// - zero if aggressiveness == 0
				// - one if aggressiveness == 0.5
				// - infinity if aggressiveness == 1 [to prevent numerical problem we don't actually use infinity but just a high value]
				// ... and use it as toi exponent. This will lead to a toi-cost-function which is very steep close to one 
				// => the agent will avoid other agents in the last moment
				// => if aggressiveness is 0 the opposit happens - the agent avoids other agents very early
				this.baseImpl.ToiExponent = AdvancedAgentCharacteristics.DEFAULT_TOI_EXPONENT * (1f / (1f - MathF.Lerp(0.01f, 0.99f, this.aggressiveness)) - 1f);

				this.updateBaseImplParams = false;
			return this.baseImpl.CalculateVelocityCost(agent, sampleVelocity, toiPenality);
예제 #5
		public float CalculateCost(Agent agent, Vector2 sampleDirection)
			float dirLen = this.direction.Length;
			return 0.5f * (1.0f - Vector2.Dot(this.direction / (dirLen > 0.0f ? dirLen : 1.0f), sampleDirection));
예제 #6
		public IEnumerable<Agent> FindNeighborAgents(Agent referenceAgent)
			// ToDo: Performance Optimization when necessary.
			return Scene.Current.FindComponents<Agent>().Where(a => a != referenceAgent);
예제 #7
		public float CalculateCost(Agent agent, Vector2 sampleDirection)
			var agentPos = agent.GameObj.Transform.Pos.Xy;
			var posDelta = this.location - agentPos;
			return 0.5f * (1f - Vector2.Dot(posDelta.Normalized, sampleDirection));