예제 #1
         * Create App Profile button was clicked, so launch the appropriate form.
        private void BtnCreateAppProfileClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Show Create App Profile form.
            CreateAppProfile form = new CreateAppProfile();

            // If the user pressed 'Save' the NewAppProfile will be non-null, so let's save it.
            if (form.NewAppProfile != null)
                _globalPreferences.AppProfiles.Add(form.NewAppProfile.AppName, form.NewAppProfile);
                // Force refresh of ListView with newly added profile.
예제 #2
         * When the user right-clicks an App Profile and chooses Edit, launch the
         * Create App Profile form with the existing information preloaded.
        private void CtxMenuEditAppProfileClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lstAppProfiles.SelectedItems.Count != 1)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please select exactly one App Profile before trying to edit it.",
                                "Error: Too Many or Too Few Selected Profiles", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

            // Get the AppProfile which corresponds with the selected row
            ListViewItem selectedItem = lstAppProfiles.SelectedItems[0];
            string appName = selectedItem.Text;
            AppProfile appProfile = _globalPreferences.AppProfiles[appName];

            // Launch the Create App Profile form with the existing profile pre-filled
            CreateAppProfile form = new CreateAppProfile(appProfile);

            // Handle the changes, if they were saved (making them non-null).
            if (form.NewAppProfile != null)
                // Remove the profile from Global Preferences keyed by old App Name (in case the name changed)
                // Insert the new App Profile to Global Prefs
                _globalPreferences.AppProfiles.Add(form.NewAppProfile.AppName, form.NewAppProfile);
                // update Local Preferences if needed
                if (_localPreferences.LocalAppProfiles.ContainsKey(appName))
                    string localFolder = _localPreferences.LocalAppProfiles[appName].LocalFolder;
                    _localPreferences.LocalAppProfiles.Add(form.NewAppProfile.AppName, new LocalAppProfile(form.NewAppProfile, localFolder));
                    // Since mapped files may have changed, remap them.
                // Update screen