private void Main() { Rect barRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, 45 * scale); if (barRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { mouseHoversToolbar = true; } GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f); GUI.Box(barRect, "", SplineEditorGUI.whiteBox); GUI.color = SplineEditorGUI.activeColor; if (computer.hasMorph && !MorphWindow.editShapeMode) { DreamteckEditorGUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2f - 200f, 10, 400, 30), "Editing unavailable outside of morph states."); return; } if (computer.hasMorph) { if (tool == PointTool.Create || tool == PointTool.Delete) { tool = PointTool.None; } } else { if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(5 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), addButtonContent, true, tool == PointTool.Create)) { ToggleCreateTool(); } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(45 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), removeButtonContent, computer.pointCount > 0, tool == PointTool.Delete)) { if (tool != PointTool.Delete) { tool = PointTool.Delete; } else { tool = PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(85 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), presetButtonContent, true, presetWindow != null)) { if (presetWindow == null) { presetWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow <PresetsWindow>(true); presetWindow.Init(this,, new Vector2(350, 20 * 22)); } } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(150 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), moveButtonContent, true, tool == PointTool.Move)) { if (tool != PointTool.Move) { ToggleMoveTool(); } else { tool = PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(190 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), rotateButtonContent, true, tool == PointTool.Rotate)) { if (tool != PointTool.Rotate) { ToggleRotateTool(); } else { tool = PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(230 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), scaleButtonContent, true, tool == PointTool.Scale)) { if (tool != PointTool.Scale) { ToggleScaleTool(); } else { tool = PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(270 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), normalsButtonContent, !computer.is2D, tool == PointTool.NormalEdit)) { if (tool != PointTool.NormalEdit) { tool = PointTool.NormalEdit; } else { tool = PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(330 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), mirrorButtonContent, computer.pointCount > 0 || InMirrorMode(), InMirrorMode())) { if (InMirrorMode()) { ExitMirrorMode(); } else { EnterMirrorMode(); } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(370 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), mergeButtonContent, computer.pointCount > 0 && !computer.isClosed, InMergeMode())) { if (InMergeMode()) { ExitMergeMode(); } else { EnterMergeMode(); } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(410 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), splitButtonContent, computer.pointCount > 0 && !computer.isClosed, InSplitMode())) { if (InSplitMode()) { ExitSplitMode(); } else { EnterSplitMode(); } } int operation = 0; float operationsPosition = Screen.width - (190 * scale + 100); #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX operationsPosition = 430 * scale; #endif bool hover = SplineEditorGUI.DropDown(new Rect(operationsPosition, 10 * scale, 150 * scale, 25 * scale), SplineEditorGUI.defaultButton, operations, HasSelection(), ref operation); if (hover) { mouseHoversToolbar = true; } if (selectedPointsCount > 0) { switch (operation) { case 1: CenterSelection(); break; case 2: MoveTransformToSelection(); break; case 3: FlatSelection(0); break; case 4: FlatSelection(1); break; case 5: FlatSelection(2); break; case 6: MirrorSelection(0); break; case 7: MirrorSelection(1); break; case 8: MirrorSelection(2); break; case 9: DistributeEvenly(); break; case 10: EditorWindow.GetWindow <RelaxWindow>(true).Init(this, new Vector2(250, 90)); break; } } GUI.color = SplineEditorGUI.activeColor; ((SplineComputer)target).editorPathColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(operationsPosition + 160 * scale, 13 * scale, 40 * scale, 20 * scale), ((SplineComputer)target).editorPathColor); }
private void Main() { Rect barRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, 45 * scale); if (barRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { mouseHovers = true; } GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f); GUI.Box(barRect, "", SplineEditorGUI.whiteBox); GUI.color = SplineEditorGUI.activeColor; if (computer.hasMorph && !MorphWindow.editShapeMode) { SplineEditorGUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2f - 200f, 10, 400, 30), "Editing unavailable outside of morph states."); return; } if (computer.hasMorph) { if (editor.tool == SplineEditor.PointTool.Create || editor.tool == SplineEditor.PointTool.Delete) { editor.tool = SplineEditor.PointTool.None; } } else { if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(5 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), addButtonContent, true, editor.tool == SplineEditor.PointTool.Create)) { editor.ToggleCreateTool(); } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(45 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), removeButtonContent, computer.pointCount > 0, editor.tool == SplineEditor.PointTool.Delete)) { if (editor.tool != SplineEditor.PointTool.Delete) { editor.tool = SplineEditor.PointTool.Delete; } else { editor.tool = SplineEditor.PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(85 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), presetButtonContent, true, presetWindow != null)) { if (presetWindow == null) { presetWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow <PresetsWindow>(); presetWindow.init(editor, "Primitives & Presets", new Vector3(200, 200)); } } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(150 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), moveButtonContent, true, editor.tool == SplineEditor.PointTool.Move)) { if (editor.tool != SplineEditor.PointTool.Move) { editor.ToggleMoveTool(); } else { editor.tool = SplineEditor.PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(190 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), rotateButtonContent, true, editor.tool == SplineEditor.PointTool.Rotate)) { if (editor.tool != SplineEditor.PointTool.Rotate) { editor.ToggleRotateTool(); } else { editor.tool = SplineEditor.PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(230 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), scaleButtonContent, true, editor.tool == SplineEditor.PointTool.Scale)) { if (editor.tool != SplineEditor.PointTool.Scale) { editor.ToggleScaleTool(); } else { editor.tool = SplineEditor.PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(270 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), normalsButtonContent, true, editor.tool == SplineEditor.PointTool.NormalEdit)) { if (editor.tool != SplineEditor.PointTool.NormalEdit) { editor.tool = SplineEditor.PointTool.NormalEdit; } else { editor.tool = SplineEditor.PointTool.None; } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(330 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), mirrorButtonContent, computer.pointCount > 0 || editor.InMirrorMode(), editor.InMirrorMode())) { if (editor.InMirrorMode()) { editor.ExitMirrorMode(); } else { editor.EnterMirrorMode(); } } if (SplineEditorGUI.BigButton(new Rect(370 * scale, 5 * scale, 35 * scale, 35 * scale), mergeButtonContent, computer.pointCount > 0 && !computer.isClosed, editor.InMergeMode())) { if (editor.InMergeMode()) { editor.ExitMergeMode(); } else { editor.EnterMergeMode(); } } int operation = 0; List <string> options = new List <string>(); options.Add("Operations"); if (editor.selectedPointsCount > 0) { options.Add("Center to Transform"); options.Add("Move Transform to"); } if (editor.selectedPointsCount >= 2) { options.Add("Flat X"); options.Add("Flat Y"); options.Add("Flat Z"); options.Add("Mirror X"); options.Add("Mirror Y"); options.Add("Mirror Z"); } if (editor.selectedPointsCount >= 3) { options.Add("Distribute evenly"); } bool hover = SplineEditorGUI.DropDown(new Rect(Screen.width - (190 * scale + 100), 10 * scale, 150 * scale, 25 * scale), SplineEditorGUI.defaultButton, options.ToArray(), editor.HasSelection(), ref operation); if (hover) { mouseHovers = true; } if (operation > 0) { if (operation == 1 && editor.selectedPointsCount > 0) { editor.CenterSelection(); } else if (operation == 2 && editor.selectedPointsCount > 0) { editor.MoveTransformToSelection(); } if (editor.selectedPointsCount >= 2) { if (operation <= 5) { editor.FlatSelection(operation - 3); } else if (operation <= 8) { editor.MirrorSelection(operation - 6); } else if (operation == 9) { editor.DistributeEvenly(); } } } GUI.color = SplineEditorGUI.activeColor; ((SplineComputer) = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(Screen.width - (30 * scale + 100), 13 * scale, 40 * scale, 20 * scale), ((SplineComputer); }