예제 #1
        private static void client_HelloEvent(object obj, DpwsServiceDescription helloEventArgs)
            // Print Hello event information
            Debug.Print("Hello Event:");

            Debug.Print("Endpoint Address = " +

            for (int t = 0; t < helloEventArgs.ServiceTypes.Count; ++t)
                DpwsServiceType serviceType = helloEventArgs.ServiceTypes[t];
                Debug.Print("\tName = " + serviceType.TypeName);
                Debug.Print("\tNamespace = " + serviceType.NamespaceUri);

            foreach (string xaddr in helloEventArgs.XAddrs)
                Debug.Print("\tTransport Address = " + xaddr);

            Debug.Print("Metadata Version = " +
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a DpwsServiceDescription to the end of the collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">
 /// The DpwsServiceDescription element to be added to the end of the collection.
 /// The value can be null.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The collection index at which the DpwsServiceDescription has been added.
 /// </returns>
 public int Add(DpwsServiceDescription value)
     lock (m_threadLock)
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether an instance of a specified DpwsServiceDescription is in the collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">
 /// The DpwsServiceDescription to locate in the collection. The value can be null.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// True if DpwsServiceDescription is found in the collection; otherwise, false.
 /// </returns>
 public bool Contains(DpwsServiceDescription item)
     lock (m_threadLock)
예제 #4
        private DpwsServiceDescriptions ProcessMatch(DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType type, byte[] response, string messageID, IPEndPoint remoteEP, WsMessageCheck messageCheck)
            Microsoft.SPOT.Debug.Assert(type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ProbeMatch
                || type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ResolveMatch);

            // Parse and build header
            WsWsaHeader header;
            XmlReader reader;
                reader = WsSoapMessageParser.ParseSoapMessage(response, out header);
                return null;

                // Make sure this is a probe matches response
                String headerAction = (type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ProbeMatch) ?
                    WsWellKnownUri.WsdNamespaceUri + "/ProbeMatches" :
                    WsWellKnownUri.WsdNamespaceUri + "/ResolveMatches";

                if (header.Action != headerAction)
                    return null;

                // Make sure this is not a duplicate probe response
                if (messageCheck != null)
                    if (messageCheck.IsDuplicate(header.MessageID, remoteEP.ToString()) == true)
                        System.Ext.Console.Write("ProbeMatches / ResolveMatches - Duplicate response - " + header.Action + " received");
                        return null;

                // Make sure the messageID matches the request ID
                if (header.RelatesTo != messageID)
                    return null;

                // Process the probe matches
                int depth = reader.Depth;
                DpwsServiceDescriptions matches = new DpwsServiceDescriptions(reader, type);
                Microsoft.SPOT.Debug.Assert(XmlReaderHelper.HasReadCompleteNode(depth, reader));

                return matches;
예제 #5
        public MFTestResults DiscoveryTest_DpwsServiceDescription()
            /// <summary>
            /// 1. Verifies each of the proerties of a ByeEventArgs object
            /// 2. Sets and re-verifies for simple properties.
            /// </summary>

            ProtocolVersion v = new ProtocolVersion10();
            bool testResult = true;
                WsWsaEndpointRef ep = new WsWsaEndpointRef(new System.Uri(v.AnonymousUri));
                DpwsServiceTypes st = new DpwsServiceTypes();
                DpwsServiceDescription testBEA = new DpwsServiceDescription(ep, st);

                if (testBEA.Endpoint != null)
                    if (testBEA.Endpoint.GetType() != Type.GetType("Ws.Services.WsaAddressing.WsWsaEndpointRef"))
                        throw new Exception("Endpoint wrong type");

                if (testBEA.Endpoint != ep)
                    throw new Exception("Endpoint bad data");

                if (testBEA.MetadataVersion != null)
                    if (testBEA.MetadataVersion.GetType() != Type.GetType("System.String"))
                        throw new Exception("MetadataVersion wrong type");

                if (testBEA.MetadataVersion != null)
                    throw new Exception("MetadataVersion bad data");

                if (testBEA.XAddrs != null)
                    if (testBEA.XAddrs.GetType() != Type.GetType("System.String"))
                        throw new Exception("XAddrs wrong type");

                if (testBEA.XAddrs != null)
                    throw new Exception("XAddrs bad data");

                if (testBEA.ServiceTypes != null)
                    if (testBEA.ServiceTypes.GetType() != Type.GetType("Dpws.Client.DpwsServiceTypes"))
                        throw new Exception("ServiceTypes wrong type");

                if (testBEA.ServiceTypes.Count != 0)
                    throw new Exception("ServiceTypes bad data");

            catch (Exception e)
                testResult = false;
                Log.Comment("Incorrect exception caught: " + e.Message);
            return (testResult ? MFTestResults.Pass : MFTestResults.Fail);
예제 #6
        private static void client_ByeEvent(object obj, DpwsServiceDescription byeEventArgs)
            // Print Bye event information
            Debug.Print("Bye Event:");

            Debug.Print("Endpoint Address = " +

            foreach (string xaddr in byeEventArgs.XAddrs)
                Debug.Print("\tTransport Address = " + xaddr);
        /// <summary>
        /// Bye event handler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">A reference to the object calling the event handler.</param>
        /// <param name="byeEventArgs">A DpwsServiceDescription object containing the Bye parameters.</param>
        /// <remarks>This handler simply displays the Bye message.</remarks>
        void SimpleServiceClient_ByeEvent(object obj, DpwsServiceDescription byeEventArgs)
            Log.Comment("Received Bye Event");

            if (m_receivedByeEvent) return;

            if (byeEventArgs.Endpoint.Address.AbsoluteUri == c_ServiceUrn)
                m_receivedByeEvent = true;


            //Log.Comment("SimpleService received a bye request.");
            ////Log.Comment("Endpoint address: " + byeEventArgs.Endpoint.Address.AbsoluteUri);
            ////Log.Comment("Xaddrs: " + byeEventArgs.XAddrs);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a directed Resolve request and parses ResolveMatch response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endpointAddress">
        /// A string containing a Dpws devices transport endpoint address.
        /// For example:
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="serviceAddress">
        /// A string containing the address of a service that will handle the resolve request.
        /// For example: urn:uuid:2bcdd1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b20
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="targetServiceAddress">
        /// A string containing the address of a service that can process the resolve request.
        /// For example: urn:uuid:3cb0d1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b20
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A Resolve is used to resolve the transport address of a know service. The request contains a service
        /// address aquired from configuration or a previous Resolve or Metadata Get request.
        /// The DirectedResolve method sends a Http request to the specified endpoint address.
        /// If the endpoint contains a device with this address receives the request, it must send a unicast ResolveMatches
        /// response back to the client that made the request.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        /// A collection of ResolveMatches objects. A ResolveMatch object contains endpoint details used
        /// used to locate the actual service on a network and the types supported by the service.
        /// </returns>
        public DpwsServiceDescription DirectedResolve(string endpointAddress, string serviceAddress, string targetServiceAddress)
            String    messageID      = "";
            WsMessage resolveRequest = BuildResolveRequest(targetServiceAddress, serviceAddress, ref messageID);

            if (resolveRequest == null)

            System.Ext.Console.Write("Sending Resolve:");
            System.Ext.Console.Write(resolveRequest.Body as byte[]);

            // Create an http client and send the resolve request. Use a WspHttpClient to get an array response.
            WsHttpClient httpClient = new WsHttpClient(m_version);

            WsMessage resolveResponse = httpClient.SendRequest(resolveRequest, new Uri(endpointAddress));

            DpwsDiscoClientProcessor soapProcessor = new DpwsDiscoClientProcessor(m_version);
            DpwsServiceDescription   resolveMatch  = soapProcessor.ProcessResolveMatch(resolveResponse, messageID, null, null);

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a directed Resolve request and parses ResolveMatch response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endpointAddress">
        /// A string containing a Dpws devices transport endpoint address.
        /// For example:
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="serviceAddress">
        /// A string containing the address of a service that will handle the resolve request.
        /// For example: urn:uuid:2bcdd1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b20
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="targetServiceAddress">
        /// A string containing the address of a service that can process the resolve request.
        /// For example: urn:uuid:3cb0d1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b20
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A Resolve is used to resolve the transport address of a know service. The request contains a service
        /// address aquired from configuration or a previous Resolve or Metadata Get request.
        /// The DirectedResolve method sends a Http request to the specified endpoint address.
        /// If the endpoint contains a device with this address receives the request, it must send a unicast ResolveMatches
        /// response back to the client that made the request.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        /// A collection of ResolveMatches objects. A ResolveMatch object contains endpoint details used
        /// used to locate the actual service on a network and the types supported by the service.
        /// </returns>
        public DpwsServiceDescription DirectedResolve(string endpointAddress, string serviceAddress, string targetServiceAddress)
            String messageID = "";

            byte[] resolveRequest = BuildResolveRequest(targetServiceAddress, serviceAddress, ref messageID);

            if (resolveRequest == null)

            System.Ext.Console.Write("Sending Resolve:");
            System.Ext.Console.Write(new string(new UTF8Encoding().GetChars(resolveRequest)));

            // Create an http client and send the resolve request. Use a WspHttpClient to get an array response.
            WsHttpClient httpClient = new WsHttpClient();

            byte[] resolveResponse = httpClient.SendRequest(resolveRequest, endpointAddress, false, false);
            DpwsDiscoClientProcessor soapProcessor = new DpwsDiscoClientProcessor();
            DpwsServiceDescription   resolveMatch  = soapProcessor.ProcessResolveMatch(resolveResponse, messageID, null, null);

예제 #10
        internal DpwsServiceDescriptions(XmlReader reader, DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType type)
            Microsoft.SPOT.Debug.Assert(type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ProbeMatch ||
                type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ResolveMatch);

            String collectionName, itemName;
            if (type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ProbeMatch)
                collectionName = "ProbeMatches";
                itemName = "ProbeMatch";
                collectionName = "ResolveMatches";
                itemName = "ResolveMatch";

            reader.ReadStartElement(collectionName, WsWellKnownUri.WsdNamespaceUri);

            while (reader.IsStartElement(itemName, WsWellKnownUri.WsdNamespaceUri))
                int depth = reader.Depth;
                m_serviceDescriptions.Add(new DpwsServiceDescription(reader, type));
                Microsoft.SPOT.Debug.Assert(XmlReaderHelper.HasReadCompleteNode(depth, reader));

            if (type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ResolveMatch && m_serviceDescriptions.Count > 1)
                // Per schema, there can only be 1 resolve match
                throw new XmlException();

            XmlReaderHelper.SkipAllSiblings(reader); // xs:any
            reader.ReadEndElement(); // collectionName
 /// <summary>
 /// Method used by the discovery callback methods to raise a Bye event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="byeEventArgs">A HelloEventArgs object containing hello event details.</param>
 internal void RaiseByeEvent(DpwsServiceDescription byeEventArgs)
     if (ByeEvent != null)
         ByeEvent(this, byeEventArgs);
 /// <summary>
 /// Method used by the discovery callback methods to raise a Hello event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="helloEventArgs">A HelloEventArgs object containing hello event details.</param>
 internal void RaiseHelloEvent(DpwsServiceDescription helloEventArgs)
     if (HelloEvent != null)
         HelloEvent(this, helloEventArgs);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a DpwsServiceDescription to the end of the collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">
 /// The DpwsServiceDescription element to be added to the end of the collection.
 /// The value can be null.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The collection index at which the DpwsServiceDescription has been added.
 /// </returns>
 public int Add(DpwsServiceDescription value)
     lock (m_threadLock)
         return m_serviceDescriptions.Add(value);
        internal DpwsServiceDescriptions(XmlReader reader, DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType type, ProtocolVersion v, IPEndPoint remoteEP)
            m_threadLock          = new object();
            m_serviceDescriptions = new ArrayList();            

            Microsoft.SPOT.Debug.Assert(type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ProbeMatch ||
                type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ResolveMatch);

            String collectionName, itemName;
            if (type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ProbeMatch)
                collectionName = "ProbeMatches";
                itemName = "ProbeMatch";
                collectionName = "ResolveMatches";
                itemName = "ResolveMatch";

            reader.ReadStartElement(collectionName, v.DiscoveryNamespace);

            while (reader.IsStartElement(itemName, v.DiscoveryNamespace))
                int depth = reader.Depth;
                m_serviceDescriptions.Add(new DpwsServiceDescription(reader, type, v, remoteEP));
                Microsoft.SPOT.Debug.Assert(XmlReaderHelper.HasReadCompleteNode(depth, reader));

            if (type == DpwsServiceDescription.ServiceDescriptionType.ResolveMatch && m_serviceDescriptions.Count > 1)
                // Per schema, there can only be 1 resolve match
                throw new XmlException();

            XmlReaderHelper.SkipAllSiblings(reader); // xs:any
            reader.ReadEndElement(); // collectionName
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether an instance of a specified DpwsServiceDescription is in the collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">
 /// The DpwsServiceDescription to locate in the collection. The value can be null.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// True if DpwsServiceDescription is found in the collection; otherwise, false.
 /// </returns>
 public bool Contains(DpwsServiceDescription item)
     lock (m_threadLock)
         return m_serviceDescriptions.Contains(item);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Use to send a resolve request to the ws-discovery address and receive a resolve match.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">A byte array containing a the resolve message.</param>
        /// <param name="messageID">
        /// A string containing the message ID of a resolve request. This ID will be used to validate against
        /// a ResolveMatch received if it don't match, the ResolveMatch is discarded.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeout">
        /// A DateTime value containing the length of time this request will wait for resolve match.
        /// until the timeout value has expired.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A resolve match object.</returns>
        private DpwsServiceDescription SendResolveRequest(byte[] message, string messageID, long timeout)
            WsMessageCheck messageCheck = new WsMessageCheck();

            System.Ext.Console.Write("Sending Resolve:");
            System.Ext.Console.Write(new string(new UTF8Encoding().GetChars(message)));

            // Create a new UdpClient
            Socket     udpClient = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
            IPEndPoint localEP   = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, m_discoResponsePort);


            // Very important - Set default multicast interface for the underlying socket
            byte[] ipBytes = IPAddress.Parse(WsNetworkServices.GetLocalIPV4Address()).GetAddressBytes();
            long   longIP  = (long)((ipBytes[0] + (ipBytes[1] << 0x08) + (ipBytes[2] << 0x10) + (ipBytes[3] << 0x18)) & 0xFFFFFFFF);

            udpClient.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.MulticastInterface, (int)longIP);

            // Random back off implemented as per soap over udp specification
            // for unreliable multicast message exchange
            SendWithBackoff(message, udpClient);

            // Wait for resolve match as long a timeout has not expired
            DpwsServiceDescription resolveMatch = null;

            byte[]   resolveResponse = new byte[c_MaxUdpPacketSize];
            EndPoint remoteEP        = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
            int      responseLength;
            long     endTime = (long)(DateTime.Now.Ticks + (timeout * 10000));
            DpwsDiscoClientProcessor soapProcessor = new DpwsDiscoClientProcessor();

            while (DateTime.Now.Ticks < endTime)
                if (udpClient.Available > 0)
                    // Since MF sockets does not have an IOControl method catch 10054 to get around the problem
                    // with Upd and ICMP.
                        // Wait for response
                        responseLength = udpClient.ReceiveFrom(resolveResponse, c_MaxUdpPacketSize, SocketFlags.None, ref remoteEP);
                    catch (SocketException se)
                        if (se.ErrorCode == 10054)
                        throw se;

                    // If we received process resolve match
                    if (responseLength > 0)
                        System.Ext.Console.Write("ResolveMatches Response From: " + ((IPEndPoint)remoteEP).Address.ToString());
                        System.Ext.Console.Write(new String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resolveResponse)));

                            resolveMatch = soapProcessor.ProcessResolveMatch(resolveResponse, messageID, (IPEndPoint)remoteEP, messageCheck);
                            if (resolveMatch != null)
                        catch (Exception e)


            udpClient = null;

            // Display results
            if (resolveMatch == null)
                System.Ext.Console.Write("Resolve timed out.");

        void m_simpleControl_ByeEvent(object obj, DpwsServiceDescription byeEventArgs)
            System.Ext.Console.Write("SimpleServiceClient received a bye request.");
            System.Ext.Console.Write("Endpoint address: " + byeEventArgs.Endpoint.Address.ToString());
            if (byeEventArgs.XAddrs != null)
                System.Ext.Console.Write("Xaddrs: " + byeEventArgs.XAddrs[0]);

            if (m_deviceSelected.WaitOne(0,false) && m_simpleServiceClient.EndpointAddress == byeEventArgs.Endpoint.Address.ToString())
                m_selectedService = null;
        void m_simpleControl_HelloEvent(object obj, DpwsServiceDescription helloEventArgs)
            // If SelectedDevice is set don't do discovery again until Bye event is received
            if (m_deviceSelected.WaitOne(0, false) || m_inDiscovery)

            m_inDiscovery = true;

            // Print Hello information
                System.Ext.Console.Write("SimpleServiceClient received a hello request.");
                System.Ext.Console.Write("Endpoint address: " + helloEventArgs.Endpoint.Address.ToString());

                CheckConnection(helloEventArgs.ServiceTypes, helloEventArgs.Endpoint.Address.AbsoluteUri);

                System.Ext.Console.Write("Xaddrs: " + ((helloEventArgs.XAddrs == null) ? "none" : helloEventArgs.XAddrs[0]));
                System.Ext.Console.Write("Metadata version: " + helloEventArgs.MetadataVersion);
                m_inDiscovery = false;
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Use to send a resolve request to the ws-discovery address and receive a resolve match.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">A byte array containing a the resolve message.</param>
        /// <param name="messageID">
        /// A string containing the message ID of a resolve request. This ID will be used to validate against
        /// a ResolveMatch received if it don't match, the ResolveMatch is discarded.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeout">
        /// A DateTime value containing the length of time this request will wait for resolve match.
        /// until the timeout value has expired.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A resolve match object.</returns>
        private DpwsServiceDescription SendResolveRequest(byte[] message, string messageID, long timeout)
            WsMessageCheck messageCheck = new WsMessageCheck();

            DpwsServiceDescription resolveMatch = null;

            System.Ext.Console.Write("Sending Resolve:");

            // Create a new UdpClient
            using (Socket udpClient = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp))
                uint       ipLocal = WsNetworkServices.GetLocalIPV4AddressValue();
                IPAddress  localIP = IPAddress.Parse(WsNetworkServices.GetLocalIPV4Address());
                IPEndPoint localEP = new IPEndPoint(localIP, 0);

                // Very important - Set default multicast interface for the underlying socket
                udpClient.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.MulticastInterface, (int)ipLocal);
                udpClient.ReceiveTimeout = (int)timeout;


                // Random back off implemented as per soap over udp specification
                // for unreliable multicast message exchange
                Thread th = SendWithBackoff(message, udpClient);

                // Wait for resolve match as long a timeout has not expired
                byte[]   resolveResponse = new byte[c_MaxUdpPacketSize];
                EndPoint remoteEP        = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                int      responseLength;
                DpwsDiscoClientProcessor soapProcessor = new DpwsDiscoClientProcessor(m_version);

                while (true)
                    // Since MF sockets does not have an IOControl method catch 10054 to get around the problem
                    // with Upd and ICMP.
                        // Wait for response
                        responseLength = udpClient.ReceiveFrom(resolveResponse, c_MaxUdpPacketSize, SocketFlags.None, ref remoteEP);
                    catch (SocketException se)
                        if ((SocketError)se.ErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset)

                        if ((SocketError)se.ErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut)

                        throw se;

                    // If we received process resolve match
                    if (responseLength > 0)
                        System.Ext.Console.Write("ResolveMatches Response From: " + ((IPEndPoint)remoteEP).Address.ToString());

                            WsWsaHeader header = new WsWsaHeader();

                            XmlReader reader = WsSoapMessageParser.ParseSoapMessage(resolveResponse, ref header, m_version);

                            WsMessage msg = new WsMessage(header, null, WsPrefix.Wsdp);

                            msg.Reader = reader;

                            resolveMatch = soapProcessor.ProcessResolveMatch(msg, messageID, (IPEndPoint)remoteEP, messageCheck);
                            if (resolveMatch != null)
                        catch (Exception e)


            // Display results
            if (resolveMatch == null)
                System.Ext.Console.Write("Resolve timed out.");

        void SimpleServiceClient_HelloEvent(object obj, DpwsServiceDescription helloEventArgs)
            m_receivedHelloEvent = true;
            DpwsMetadata m_mexDetails = null;

                // Print Hello information
                //Log.Comment("SimpleService received a hello request.");
                ////Log.Comment("Endpoint address: " + helloEventArgs.Endpoint.Address.AbsoluteUri);
                string types = "";
                int count = helloEventArgs.ServiceTypes.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    DpwsServiceType type = helloEventArgs.ServiceTypes[i];
                    types += "NamespaceUri: " + type.NamespaceUri + " " + "TypeName: " + type.TypeName + "\n";
                ////Log.Comment("Types: " + types);

                if (helloEventArgs.XAddrs != null)
                    foreach (String xaddr in helloEventArgs.XAddrs)
                        ////Log.Comment("Xaddrs: " + xaddr);

                ////Log.Comment("Metadata version: " + helloEventArgs.MetadataVersion);

                // Probe for services. For each valid probe match, print service information.
                DpwsServiceType searchType = new DpwsServiceType("SimpleService", "http://schemas.example.org/SimpleService");
                DpwsServiceTypes searchTypes = new DpwsServiceTypes();


                // Accept the first 10 found within the first 10 seconds
                DpwsServiceDescriptions probeMatches = this.DiscoveryClient.Probe(searchTypes, 1, 10000);

                // retry
                if (probeMatches.Count == 0)
                    probeMatches = this.DiscoveryClient.Probe(searchTypes, 1, 10000);

                if (probeMatches != null)
                    // Print the probe match information
                    ////Log.Comment("ProbeMatches received: " + probeMatches.Count);
                    int probeMatchCount = probeMatches.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < probeMatchCount; i++)
                        DpwsServiceDescription probeMatch = probeMatches[i];
                        ////Log.Comment("  Endpoint Address = " + probeMatch.Endpoint.Address.AbsoluteUri);
                        ////Log.Comment("  Types:");


                        //////Log.Comment("  Xaddrs:");
                        //foreach (string xaddr in probeMatch.XAddrs)
                        //    //Log.Comment("    TransportAddress = " + xaddr);
                        ////Log.Comment("  Metadata Version = " + probeMatch.MetadataVersion);

                        // Resolve this endpoint
                        DpwsServiceDescription resolveMatch = this.DiscoveryClient.Resolve(probeMatch.Endpoint.Address.AbsoluteUri, 10000);
                        if (resolveMatch != null)
                            // Print resolve match information
                            ////Log.Comment("  Endpoint Address = " + resolveMatch.Endpoint.Address.AbsoluteUri);
                            ////Log.Comment("  Types:");


                            ////Log.Comment("  Xaddrs:");
                            //foreach (string xaddr in resolveMatch.XAddrs)
                            //    //Log.Comment("    TransportAddress = " + xaddr);

                            //Log.Comment("  Metadata Version = " + resolveMatch.MetadataVersion);

                            // For each Xaddr, get metadata
                            foreach (string xaddr in resolveMatch.XAddrs)
                                // Call Get
                                m_mexDetails = this.MexClient.Get(xaddr);

                                if (m_mexDetails == null)

                                    ////Log.Comment("Get failed. Address: " + xaddr);
                                    m_getMex = true;

                                    // Display metadata information
                                    ////Log.Comment("  Metadata:");
                                    ////Log.Comment("    ThisModel:");
                                    ////Log.Comment("      Manufacturer: " + m_mexDetails.ThisModel.Manufacturer);
                                    ////Log.Comment("      ManufacturerUrl: " + m_mexDetails.ThisModel.ManufacturerUrl);
                                    ////Log.Comment("      ModelName: " + m_mexDetails.ThisModel.ModelName);
                                    ////Log.Comment("      ModelNumber: " + m_mexDetails.ThisModel.ModelNumber);
                                    ////Log.Comment("      ModelUrl: " + m_mexDetails.ThisModel.ModelUrl);
                                    ////Log.Comment("      PresentationUrl: " + m_mexDetails.ThisModel.PresentationUrl);
                                    ////Log.Comment("    ThisDevice:");
                                    ////Log.Comment("      FirmwareVersion: " + m_mexDetails.ThisDevice.FirmwareVersion);
                                    ////Log.Comment("      FriendlyName: " + m_mexDetails.ThisDevice.FriendlyName);
                                    ////Log.Comment("      SerialNumber: " + m_mexDetails.ThisDevice.SerialNumber);
                                    if (m_mexDetails.Relationship.Host != null)
                                        ////Log.Comment("    Host:");
                                        ////Log.Comment("      Service ID: " + m_mexDetails.Relationship.Host.ServiceID);
                                        ////Log.Comment("      Address: " + m_mexDetails.Relationship.Host.EndpointRefs[0].Address.AbsoluteUri);
                                        ////Log.Comment("      Types:");

                                    if (m_mexDetails.Relationship.HostedServices != null)
                                        ////Log.Comment("    HostedServices:");
                                        int hostedServiceCount = m_mexDetails.Relationship.HostedServices.Count;
                                        for (int j = 0; j < hostedServiceCount; j++)
                                            DpwsMexService hostedService = m_mexDetails.Relationship.HostedServices[j];

                                            ////Log.Comment("      Service ID: " + hostedService.ServiceID);
                                            ////Log.Comment("      Address: " + hostedService.EndpointRefs[0].Address.AbsoluteUri);
                                            ////Log.Comment("      Types:");


                            if (m_mexDetails != null)
                                // Look for the SimpleService in the HostedServices collection, create an HTTP
                                // client, call TwoWayRequest on the service endpoint, and display the result.
                                int hostedServiceCount = m_mexDetails.Relationship.HostedServices.Count;
                                for (int j = 0; j < hostedServiceCount; j++)
                                    DpwsMexService hostedService = m_mexDetails.Relationship.HostedServices[j];

                                    if (hostedService.ServiceTypes["SimpleService"] != null)    // found a SimpleService endpoint
                                        string endpointAddress = hostedService.EndpointRefs[0].Address.AbsoluteUri;
                                        ////Log.Comment("Calling TwoWayRequest at endpoint: " + endpointAddress);

                                        // Create HttpClient and send request
                                        int x = 150;
                                        int y = 180;

                                        byte[] TwoWayRequest = Build2wayRequest(x, y, endpointAddress);

                                        //Log.Comment(new String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(TwoWayRequest)));
                                        //DpwsHttpClient httpClient = new DpwsHttpClient();
                                        //DpwsSoapResponse response = httpClient.SendRequest(TwoWayRequest, endpointAddress, false, false);

                                        WsHttpClient httpClient = new WsHttpClient(m_version);
                                        WsMessage response = httpClient.SendRequest(new WsMessage(null, TwoWayRequest, WsPrefix.Wsdp), new Uri(endpointAddress));
                                        if (response != null)       // got a response
                                                int sum = Parse2WayResponse(response.Header, response.Reader);
                                                //Log.Comment("Received sum of " + sum.ToString() + " from " + endpointAddress);
                                                if ((x + y) == sum)
                                                    m_twoWay = true;

            if (m_mexDetails != null)