/// <summary>
        /// Provides the functionality to map a DLL from disk into a process
        /// </summary>
        public void Assign(System.Diagnostics.Process process, string dllFilePath)
            // Validate the arguments

            if (process is null || process.HasExited)
                throw new ArgumentException("The process provided was invalid");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dllFilePath))
                throw new ArgumentException("The DLL file path provided was invalid");


            var dllBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(dllFilePath);

            _dllBytes = new Memory <byte>(new byte[dllBytes.Length]);


            _peImage = new PeImage(dllBytes);

            _processManager = new ProcessAccessor(process);

            //_symbolParser = new SymbolParser(RetrieveNtdllFilePath(process), "RtlInsertInvertedFunctionTable", "RtlRemoveInvertedFunctionTable");
        //private SymbolParser _symbolParser;

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the functionality to map a DLL from memory into a process
        /// </summary>
        public void Assign(System.Diagnostics.Process process, ReadOnlyMemory <byte> dllBytes)
            // Validate the arguments

            if (process is null || process.HasExited)
                throw new ArgumentException("The process provided was invalid");

            if (dllBytes.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException("The DLL bytes provided were invalid");


            _dllBytes = new Memory <byte>(new byte[dllBytes.Length]);


            _peImage = new PeImage(dllBytes);

            _processManager = new ProcessAccessor(process);

            //_symbolParser = new SymbolParser(RetrieveNtdllFilePath(process), "RtlInsertInvertedFunctionTable", "RtlRemoveInvertedFunctionTable");