private void OpenDoxReference(System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs args) { DoxUtil.CManager manager = DoxUtil.CManager.Manager; if (manager == null) { return; } if (manager.Options.ClickOnRef == false) { return; } DoxTokenTag spanTag = FindSpanTag(args); if (spanTag == null) { return; } if (spanTag.Type == DoxTokenType.Ref && spanTag.WellKnown) { var doxURL = spanTag.Argument; DoxUtil.CManager.OpenHTML(doxURL); } }
private DoxTokenTag FindSpanTag(System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs args) { try { // find canavas var over = System.Windows.Input.Mouse.PrimaryDevice.DirectlyOver; Canvas canvas = over as Canvas; if (canvas == null) { System.Windows.FrameworkElement elem = over as System.Windows.FrameworkElement; while (elem != null && elem.Parent != null) { canvas = elem as Canvas; if (canvas != null) { break; } elem = elem.Parent as System.Windows.FrameworkElement; } } if (canvas == null) { return(null); } // get mouse position relative to canavas System.Windows.Point pos = args.GetPosition(canvas); // HitTestResult hitRes = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(canvas, pos); // find the line where the mouse hovers var lines = this.WpfTextView.TextViewLines; Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Formatting.ITextViewLine hitLine = null; foreach (var line in lines) { if (line.Left < pos.X && line.Right > pos.X && line.Top < pos.Y && line.Bottom > pos.Y) { hitLine = line; break; } } if (hitLine == null) { return(null); } // find the positon in the line where the mouse hovers SnapshotPoint?snapPt = hitLine.GetBufferPositionFromXCoordinate(pos.X); if (snapPt == null) { return(null); } // find doxygen tag DoxTokenTag spanInfo = DoxTokenTaggerHelper.TagHitTest(this.Aggregator, this.WpfTextView.TextSnapshot, snapPt.Value); return(spanInfo); } catch { } return(null); }
//! \brief create Quickinfo content public void AugmentQuickInfoSession(IQuickInfoSession session, IList <object> qiContent, out ITrackingSpan applicableToSpan) { applicableToSpan = null; DoxUtil.CManager manager = DoxUtil.CManager.Manager; if (manager == null) { return; } // Map the trigger point down to our buffer. SnapshotPoint?subjectTriggerPoint = session.GetTriggerPoint(SubjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot); if (!subjectTriggerPoint.HasValue) { return; } ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot = subjectTriggerPoint.Value.Snapshot; DoxTokenTag spanInfo = DoxTokenTaggerHelper.TagHitTest(this.Aggregator, currentSnapshot, subjectTriggerPoint.Value); if (spanInfo == null) { return; } bool isCmdKnown = spanInfo.Type != DoxTokenType.Cmd || spanInfo.WellKnown; string cmdName = spanInfo.Name; if (spanInfo.Name.Length > 0 && (spanInfo.Name[0] == '@' || spanInfo.Name[0] == '\\')) { cmdName = spanInfo.Name.Substring(1); } var opt = manager.Options; var colDflt = Color.FromRgb(128, 128, 128); var colCmd = CmdClassifications.CmdColor; var colHRef = CmdClassifications.RefColor; var colInc = CmdClassifications.IncludeColor; /* * try * { * var cmdClassify = ClassificationRegistry.GetClassificationType(CmdClassifications.DoxCommand); * if (cmdClassify!=null) * { * * } * } * catch { } */ if (opt.GeneralQT) { // C# String Formatting Dictionary Intellisence // [] var textBlock = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock { TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.NoWrap }; if (isCmdKnown) { AddText(textBlock, colDflt, false, false, "Doxygen Special Command "); AddText(textBlock, colCmd, true, false, "@" + cmdName); AddText(textBlock, colDflt, false, false, " ["); AddText(textBlock, colHRef, false, true, manager.Options.DoxCommadsHelpURL + "#cmd" + cmdName); AddText(textBlock, colDflt, false, false, "]"); } else { AddText(textBlock, colDflt, false, false, "Unknown Doxygen Special Command "); AddText(textBlock, colDflt, true, false, "@" + cmdName); AddText(textBlock, colDflt, false, false, ", see ["); AddText(textBlock, colHRef, false, true, manager.Options.DoxCommadsHelpURL); AddText(textBlock, colDflt, false, false, "] for more information"); } qiContent.Add(textBlock); } switch (spanInfo.Type) { case DoxTokenType.Cmd: // nothing to do break; case DoxTokenType.Ref: if (opt.RefQT) { var refTextBlock = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock { TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.NoWrap }; if (spanInfo.WellKnown) { AddText(refTextBlock, colDflt, false, false, "["); AddText(refTextBlock, colHRef, false, true, spanInfo.Argument); AddText(refTextBlock, colDflt, false, false, "]"); } else { AddText(refTextBlock, colDflt, false, false, "unknown doxgen reference "); AddText(refTextBlock, colDflt, true, false, "spanInfo.Argument"); } qiContent.Add(refTextBlock); } break; case DoxTokenType.Image: if (opt.ImageQT) { if (spanInfo.WellKnown) { var imagePath = spanInfo.Argument; AddImage(qiContent, imagePath); qiContent.Add(CreateTextBlockHRef(colDflt, colHRef, "image file", "file:///" + imagePath)); } else { var imgTextBlock = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock { TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.NoWrap }; AddText(imgTextBlock, colDflt, false, false, "unknown image file "); AddText(imgTextBlock, colDflt, true, false, spanInfo.Argument); qiContent.Add(imgTextBlock); //var hlpURL = manager.FindDoxygenLink(DoxUtil.CManager.DoxRefAddImage, false); //if (hlpURL != "") // qiContent.Add(CreateTextBlockHRef(colDflt, colHRef, "How to add an image to source code documentation", hlpURL)); } } break; case DoxTokenType.Dot: if (opt.DotQT) { // create preview string dotContent = spanInfo.ContentSpan.GetText(); var previewImg = manager.GenerateDotGraphPreview(dotContent); if (previewImg != null) { qiContent.Add(previewImg); } // add help URL qiContent.Add(CreateTextBlockHRef(colDflt, colHRef, "Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software", DoxUtil.CManager.GraphvizHelpURL)); } break; case DoxTokenType.DotFile: if (opt.DotQT) { var dotTextBlock = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock { TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.NoWrap }; if (spanInfo.WellKnown) { var dotPath = spanInfo.Argument; var previewImg = manager.GenerateDotFileGraphPreview(dotPath); if (previewImg != null) { qiContent.Add(previewImg); } } else { AddText(dotTextBlock, colDflt, false, false, "unknown dot graph file "); AddText(dotTextBlock, colDflt, true, false, spanInfo.Argument); } qiContent.Add(dotTextBlock); } break; case DoxTokenType.Msc: if (opt.MscQT) { // create preview string mscContent = spanInfo.ContentSpan.GetText(); var previewImg = manager.GenerateMscGraphPreview("msc {\n" + mscContent + "\n}\n"); if (previewImg != null) { qiContent.Add(previewImg); } // add help URL qiContent.Add(CreateTextBlockHRef(colDflt, colHRef, "Mscgen", DoxUtil.CManager.MscgenHelpURL)); } break; case DoxTokenType.MscFile: if (opt.MscQT) { var mscTextBlock = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock { TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.NoWrap }; if (spanInfo.WellKnown) { var mscPath = spanInfo.Argument; var previewImg = manager.GenerateMscFileGraphPreview(mscPath); if (previewImg != null) { qiContent.Add(previewImg); } } else { AddText(mscTextBlock, colDflt, false, false, "unknown dot graph file "); AddText(mscTextBlock, colDflt, true, false, spanInfo.Argument); } qiContent.Add(mscTextBlock); } break; case DoxTokenType.DiaFile: // TODO $$$ not yet implemented break; case DoxTokenType.Uml: if (opt.PlantUmlQT) { // create preview string umlContent = spanInfo.ContentSpan.GetText(); var previewImg = manager.GeneratePlatUMLPreview("@startuml\n" + umlContent + "\n@enduml"); if (previewImg != null) { qiContent.Add(previewImg); } // add help URL qiContent.Add(CreateTextBlockHRef(colDflt, colHRef, "PlantUML in a nutshell", DoxUtil.CManager.PlanUMLHelpURL)); } break; case DoxTokenType.LatexFormula: if (opt.LatexFormulaQT) { // create preview string latexFormula = spanInfo.ContentSpan.GetText(); var previewImg = manager.GenerateLatexFormulaPreview(latexFormula); if (previewImg != null) { qiContent.Add(previewImg); } // add help URL qiContent.Add(CreateTextBlockHRef(colDflt, colHRef, "LaTeX/Mathematics", DoxUtil.CManager.LatexHelpURL)); } break; } if (qiContent.Count > 0) { applicableToSpan = currentSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(spanInfo.Span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive); } }