/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the LineStatus EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToLineStatus(LineStatus lineStatus) { base.AddObject("LineStatus", lineStatus); }
public bool UpdateLineStatusWithTime(string client, string line, bool on, string strEventTime) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strEventTime)) return false; DateTime eventTime; if (!DateTime.TryParse(strEventTime, out eventTime)) return false; using (DB db = new DB()) { LineStatus lineStat = (from o in db.LineStatus where o.Client == client && o.Line == line select o).FirstOrDefault(); bool result = false; if (lineStat != null) { if (on != lineStat.Status || lineStat.Status == true)//Only log False once, but constantly update time for True { lineStat.Status = on; lineStat.EventTime = eventTime; result = db.SaveChanges() > 0; } } else { lineStat = new LineStatus(); lineStat.Client = client; lineStat.Line = line; lineStat.Status = on; lineStat.ShiftStart = "06:00:00"; lineStat.Timezone = "Eastern Standard Time"; lineStat.EventTime = eventTime; db.AddToLineStatus(lineStat); result = db.SaveChanges() > 0; } if (result == true) { DBHelper.UpdateAscommPing(client, DateTime.Now, line, true); } return result; } } catch (Exception ex) { String fileName = this.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/log.txt"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, ex.ToString()); throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new LineStatus object. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Initial value of the ID property.</param> /// <param name="timezone">Initial value of the Timezone property.</param> public static LineStatus CreateLineStatus(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.String timezone) { LineStatus lineStatus = new LineStatus(); lineStatus.ID = id; lineStatus.Timezone = timezone; return lineStatus; }