protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     var ctx = s.Ctx;
     var newTarget = ctx.Local(s.Target.Type);
     var phi = new ExprVarPhi(ctx) { Exprs = new[] { s.Target, newTarget } };
     this.phiMap.Add(s.Target, phi);
     return new StmtAssignment(s.Ctx, newTarget, (Expr)this.Visit(s.Expr));
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     if (s.Target == {
         this.replaceWith = s.Expr;
         return null;
     } else {
         return base.VisitAssignment(s);
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     var expr = (Expr)this.Visit(s.Expr);
     if (expr != s.Expr) {
         return new StmtAssignment(s.Ctx, s.Target, expr);
     } else {
         return s;
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     if (this.nowReplace.ContainsKey(s.Target)) {
         var expr = s.Expr;
         if (!s.Expr.Type.IsBoolean()) {
             expr = this.ConvertToBoolean(s.Expr);
         return new StmtAssignment(s.Ctx, this.nowReplace[s.Target], expr);
     return base.VisitAssignment(s);
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     var expr = (Expr)this.Visit(s.Expr);
     var type = expr.Type;
     if (type.IsNonPrimitiveValueType()) {
         if (expr.ExprType != Expr.NodeType.VarThis && !type.IsRuntimeHandle() && !type.IsEnum()) {
             // This will not copy pointers to value-types, which is correct.
             // It will only copy actual value-types, except 'this' and runtime handles and enums
             expr = InternalFunctions.ValueTypeDeepCopyIfRequired(type, () => expr) ?? expr;
     if (expr != s.Expr) {
         return new StmtAssignment(s.Ctx, s.Target, expr);
     } else {
         return s;
예제 #6
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     // TODO: The special processing for ByRef vars shouldn't be needed - it should be handled elsewhere
     if (s.Target.Type.IsByReference && !s.Expr.Type.IsByReference) {
     this.js.Append(" = ");
     if (!s.Target.Type.IsByReference && s.Expr.Type.IsByReference) {
     return s;
예제 #7
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     this.code.Append(" = ");
     return s;
예제 #8
 private Stmt StoreElem(Instruction inst) {
     var value = this.stack.Pop();
     var index = this.stack.Pop();
     var array = this.stack.Pop();
     var arrayAccess = new ExprVarArrayAccess(this.ctx, array, index);
     var assignment = new StmtAssignment(this.ctx, arrayAccess, value);
     return assignment;
예제 #9
 private Stmt SsaLocalAssignment(Expr expr) {
     if (expr.Type == null) {
     var target = new ExprVarLocal(this.ctx, expr.Type);
     var assignment = new StmtAssignment(this.ctx, target, expr);
     return assignment;
예제 #10
 private Stmt SsaInstResultAssignment(Instruction inst, Expr expr) {
     var target = this.instResults[inst];
     var assignment = new StmtAssignment(this.ctx, target, expr);
     return assignment;
예제 #11
 private Stmt StLoc(int idx) {
     var expr = this.InsertConvIfRequired(this.stack.Pop(), this.localTypes[idx]);
     var target = new ExprVarLocal(this.ctx, expr.Type);
     var assignment = new StmtAssignment(this.ctx, target, expr);
     this.locals[idx] = target;
     return assignment;
예제 #12
 private Stmt StArg(int idx) {
     var expr = this.stack.Pop();
     var target = new ExprVarLocal(this.ctx, expr.Type);
     var assignment = new StmtAssignment(this.ctx, target, expr);
     this.args[idx] = target;
     return assignment;
        public static ICode V(ICode ast) {
            var ctx = ast.Ctx;
            var blockInfo = FindSuitableBlocks.GetInfo(ast);
            var bestBlock = blockInfo
                .Where(x => !x.Value.containsLeaveProtectedRegion && x.Value.numConts <= 1)
                .OrderBy(x => x.Value.numConts == 0 ? 1000 : x.Value.numConts)
                .ThenBy(x => x.Value.numICodes)
            if (bestBlock.Key == null) {
                return ast;
            if (bestBlock.Value.numConts > 1) {
                // Best block must have just one continuation
                return ast;
            Stmt addContTo = null;
            if (bestBlock.Value.numConts == 0) {
                addContTo = (Stmt)blockInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.numConts == 0 && x.Key != bestBlock.Key).Key;
                if (addContTo == null) {
                    return ast;
            var blockAst = (Stmt)bestBlock.Key;
            if (blockAst.StmtType != Stmt.NodeType.Block) {
                // Best block must be StmtBlock
                return ast;
            var stmtBlock = (StmtBlock)blockAst;
            var stmts = stmtBlock.Statements.ToArray();
            var cont = bestBlock.Value.numConts == 0 ? new StmtContinuation(ctx, addContTo, false) : (StmtContinuation)stmts.Last();

            var ifSkipContentPhi = new ExprVarPhi(ctx);
            var ifSkipInitialVar = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean);
            var ifSkipContentVar = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean);
            var ifSkipContentPhiExprs = new List<Expr> { ifSkipInitialVar, ifSkipContentVar };
            var ifSkipReset = new StmtAssignment(ctx, ifSkipContentVar, ctx.Literal(false));

            var inIfBlock = new StmtBlock(ctx, stmts.Take(stmts.Length - (bestBlock.Value.numConts == 0 ? 0 : 1)));
            var ifBlock = new StmtIf(ctx, ctx.ExprGen.Not(ifSkipContentPhi), inIfBlock, null);
            var newBlock = new StmtBlock(ctx, ifBlock, ifSkipReset, cont);
            ast = VisitorReplace.V(ast, blockAst, newBlock);

            var allConts = VisitorFindContinuationsRecursive.Get(ast);
            var contsNeedChanging = allConts.Where(x => x != cont && x.To == cont.To).ToArray();
            var contsReplaceInfo = contsNeedChanging
                .Select(x => {
                    var ifVar = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean);
                    var newCont = new StmtBlock(ctx,
                        new StmtAssignment(ctx, ifVar, ctx.Literal(true)),
                        new StmtContinuation(ctx, newBlock, x.LeaveProtectedRegion));
                    return new { oldCont = x, ifVar, newCont };

            foreach (var contReplace in contsReplaceInfo) {
                ast = VisitorReplace.V(ast, contReplace.oldCont, contReplace.newCont);
            ifSkipContentPhi.Exprs = ifSkipContentPhiExprs;

            // TODO: Shouldn't be required, but definite-assignment doesn't quite work properly, so is required
            var initalSkipVarAssignment = new StmtAssignment(ctx, ifSkipInitialVar, ctx.Literal(false));
            var newAst = new StmtBlock(ctx, initalSkipVarAssignment, (Stmt)ast);

            return newAst;
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     var aInfo = this.GetAInfo(s.Target);
     aInfo.assignment = s;
     if (s.Target.ExprType != Expr.NodeType.VarLocal || s.Target.Type.IsByReference ||
         VisitorFindSpecials.Any(s.Expr, Expr.Special.PossibleSideEffects)) {
         aInfo.mustKeep = true;
     return s;
예제 #15
        public static JsResult CreateFrom(IEnumerable<MethodReference> rootMethods, bool verbose = false, bool testing = false) {
            var todo = new Queue<MethodReference>();
            foreach (var method in rootMethods) {
            Action<MethodReference> addTodo = m => {
                if (m.ContainsGenericParameters()) {
                    throw new Exception("Cannot add todo method with generic parameters");
            // Each method, with the count of how often it is referenced.
            var methodsSeen = new Dictionary<MethodReference, int>(rootMethods.ToDictionary(x => x, x => 1), TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance);
            // Each type, with the count of how often it is referenced directly (newobj only at the moment).
            var typesSeen = new Dictionary<TypeReference, int>(TypeExtensions.TypeRefEqComparerInstance);
            // ASTs of all methods
            var methodAsts = new Dictionary<MethodReference, ICode>(TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance);
            // Each field, with the count of how often it is referenced.
            var fieldAccesses = new Dictionary<FieldReference, int>(TypeExtensions.FieldReqEqComparerInstance);
            // Each type records which virtual methods have their NewSlot definitions
            var virtualCalls = new Dictionary<TypeReference, HashSet<MethodReference>>(TypeExtensions.TypeRefEqComparerInstance);
            // Each basemost virtual method records the least-derived type actually called
            // This allows only virtual methods in more-derived types to be transcoded
            var virtualCallExactMethods = new Dictionary<MethodReference, IEnumerable<TypeReference>>(TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance);
            // Each interface type records which interface methods are called
            var interfaceCalls = new Dictionary<TypeReference, HashSet<MethodReference>>(TypeExtensions.TypeRefEqComparerInstance);
            // All instance constructors must be updated after all methods have been processed, to initialise all referenced
            // instance fields in the type, and to sort out 'return' statements.
            // This has to be done later, so the list of referenced fields in complete
            var instanceConstructors = new List<Ctx>();

            while (todo.Any()) {
                // TODO: parallelise
                var mRef = todo.Dequeue();
                var mDef = mRef.Resolve();
                var tRef = mRef.DeclaringType;
                var tDef = tRef.Resolve();
                var ctx = new Ctx(tRef, mRef);
                var ast = (ICode)JsResolver.ResolveMethod(ctx);
                if (ast == null) {
                    var transcodeCtx = JsResolver.TranslateCtx(ctx) ?? ctx;
                    if (transcodeCtx.MRef.ContainsGenericParameters()) {
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Method/type must not have generic parameters");
                    if (transcodeCtx.MDef.IsAbstract) {
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot transcode an abstract method");
                    if (transcodeCtx.MDef.IsInternalCall) {
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot transcode an internal call");
                    if (transcodeCtx.MDef.IsExternal()) {
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot transcode an external method");
                    if (!transcodeCtx.MDef.HasBody) {
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot transcode method without body");

                    if (!typesSeen.ContainsKey(tRef)) {
                        typesSeen.Add(tRef, 0);
                    ast = Transcoder.ToAst(transcodeCtx, verbose);

                for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                    var astOrg = ast;
                    ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorJsRewriteSealedVCalls.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorJsRewriteSealedVCalls", verbose);
                    ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorJsResolveAll.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorJsResolveAll", verbose);
                    ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorJsResolveConv.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorJsResolveConv", verbose);
                    ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorJsResolveSpecialTypes.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorJsResolveSpecialTypes", verbose);
                    ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorJsResolveDelegates.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorJsResolveDelegates", verbose);
                    // 64bit must be after everything else
                    ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorJsResolve64Bit.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorJsResolve64Bit", verbose);
                    if (ast == astOrg) {
                    if (i > 10) {
                        // After 10 iterations even the most complex method should be sorted out
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Error: Stuck in loop trying to resolve AST");
                ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorJsResolveValueTypes.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorJsResolveValueTypes", verbose);
                ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorIfSimplification.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorIfSimplification", verbose);
                ast = Transcoder.DoStep(s => (Stmt)VisitorJsResolveByRefParameters.V(s), (Stmt)ast, "VisitorJsResolveByRefParameters", verbose);

                if (mDef.IsVirtual && mRef.DeclaringType.IsValueType) {
                    // 'this' may be boxed or unboxed. Must be unboxed if boxed
                    // This is required because in real .NET the boxed and unboxed versions are both directly
                    // available at the this reference; this is not the case in the JS emulation of boxing
                    var unbox = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, "if (this._) this = this.v;", ctx.ThisNamed);
                    ast = new StmtBlock(ctx, unbox, (Stmt)ast);
                    Transcoder.Print((Stmt)ast, "Unbox-this", verbose);

                if (mDef.IsConstructor && !mDef.IsStatic) {
                    // Instance constructor; add instance field initialisation and final return of 'this' later

                var cctors = VisitorFindStaticConstructors.V(ast)
                    .Where(x => !TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance.Equals(x, mRef))
                if (cctors.Any()) {
                    // All methods that access static fields or methods must call the static constructor at the very
                    // start of the method. Except the static construtor itself, which must not recurse into itself.
                    var cctorCalls = cctors
                        .Select(x => new StmtWrapExpr(ctx, new ExprCall(ctx, x, null, Enumerable.Empty<Expr>(), false))).ToArray();
                    ast = new StmtBlock(ctx, cctorCalls.Concat((Stmt)ast));
                    Transcoder.Print((Stmt)ast, "Call-cctors", verbose);

                if (mDef.IsConstructor && mDef.IsStatic) {
                    // At the beginning of the static constructor, it rewrites itself as an empty function, so it is only called once.
                    var rewrite = new StmtAssignment(ctx, new ExprJsVarMethodReference(ctx, mRef), new ExprJsEmptyFunction(ctx));
                    ast = new StmtBlock(ctx, rewrite, (Stmt)ast);
                    Transcoder.Print((Stmt)ast, "cctor-once-only", verbose);

                methodAsts.Add(mRef, ast);

                var fieldRefs = VisitorFindFieldAccesses.V(ast);
                foreach (var fieldRef in fieldRefs) {
                    fieldAccesses[fieldRef] = fieldAccesses.ValueOrDefault(fieldRef) + 1;
                var arrayRefs = VisitorFindNewArrays.V(ast);
                foreach (var arrayRef in arrayRefs) {
                    typesSeen[arrayRef] = typesSeen.ValueOrDefault(arrayRef) + 1;
                var types = VisitorFindRequiredTypes.V(ast);
                foreach (var type in types) {
                    typesSeen[type] = typesSeen.ValueOrDefault(type) + 1;
                if (mDef.GetCustomAttribute<JsReturnTypeDeepUseAttribute>(true) != null) {
                    var retType = mDef.ReturnType.FullResolve(ctx);
                    var retTypes = retType.EnumThisAllContainedTypes().ToArray();
                    foreach (var type in retTypes) {
                        typesSeen[type] = typesSeen.ValueOrDefault(type) + 1;
                        if (type.IsGenericInstance && type.Resolve().FullName == "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2") {
                            // HACK - ensure no-arg ctor is present. JSON needs it
                            var ctor = type.EnumResolvedMethods().First(x => x.Name == ".ctor" && !x.HasParameters);
                            if (!methodsSeen.ContainsKey(ctor)) {
                                methodsSeen.Add(ctor, 1);
                            // HACK - ensure Add(key, value) method present. JSON need sit
                            var mAdd = type.EnumResolvedMethods().First(x => x.Name == "Add");
                            if (!methodsSeen.ContainsKey(mAdd)) {
                                methodsSeen.Add(mAdd, 1);

                var calledMethods = new List<ICall>();
                var calls = VisitorFindCalls.V(ast);
                foreach (var call in calls.Where(x => x.ExprType == Expr.NodeType.NewObj || x.IsVirtualCall)) {
                    // Add reference to each type constructed (direct access to type variable)
                    typesSeen[call.Type] = typesSeen.ValueOrDefault(call.Type) + 1;
                foreach (var call in calls) {
                    if (call.CallMethod.DeclaringType.Resolve().IsInterface) {
                        var methodSet = interfaceCalls.ValueOrDefault(call.CallMethod.DeclaringType, () => new HashSet<MethodReference>(TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance), true);
                        // Methods that require transcoding are added to 'todo' later
                    if (call.IsVirtualCall) {
                        var mBasemost = call.CallMethod.GetBasemostMethod(null);
                        var methodSet = virtualCalls.ValueOrDefault(mBasemost.DeclaringType, () => new HashSet<MethodReference>(TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance), true);
                        var objType = call.Obj.Type;
                        var already = virtualCallExactMethods.ValueOrDefault(mBasemost).EmptyIfNull();
                        if (!already.Any(x => x.IsBaseOfOrEqual(objType))) {
                            virtualCallExactMethods[mBasemost] = already.Concat(objType).ToArray();
                        // Methods that require transcoding are added to 'todo' later
                foreach (var call in calledMethods) {
                    if (methodsSeen.ContainsKey(call.CallMethod)) {
                    } else {
                        methodsSeen.Add(call.CallMethod, 1);

                if (!todo.Any()) {
                    // Add System.RuntimeType if any types have been seen
                    if (typesSeen.Any(x => x.Value > 0) && !typesSeen.Any(x => x.Key.FullName == "System.RuntimeType")) {
                        var runtimeType = ctx.Module.Import(Type.GetType("System.RuntimeType"));
                        typesSeen.Add(runtimeType, 1);
                    // Scan all virtual calls and add any required methods
                    // Need care to handle virtual methods with generic arguments
                    var virtualRoots = new HashSet<MethodReference>(virtualCalls.SelectMany(x => x.Value), TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance);
                    var requireMethods =
                        from type in typesSeen.Keys
                        //let typeReverseMapped = JsResolver.ReverseTypeMap(type)
                        let typeAndBases = type.EnumThisAllBaseTypes().ToArray()
                        let mVRoots = typeAndBases.SelectMany(x => virtualCalls.ValueOrDefault(x).EmptyIfNull()).ToArray()
                        let methods = type.EnumResolvedMethods(mVRoots).ToArray()
                        from method in methods//.Select(x => JsResolver.ResolveMethod(x))
                        let methodDef = method.Resolve()
                        where methodDef != null // HACK?
                        where !methodDef.IsStatic && methodDef.IsVirtual && !methodDef.IsAbstract
                        where !methodsSeen.ContainsKey(method)
                        let mBasemost = method.GetBasemostMethod(method)
                        where virtualCallExactMethods.ValueOrDefault(mBasemost).EmptyIfNull().Any(x => {
                            //return x.IsBaseOfOrEqual(typeReverseMapped) || typeReverseMapped.IsBaseOfOrEqual(x);
                            return x.IsBaseOfOrEqual(type) || type.IsBaseOfOrEqual(x);
                        where virtualRoots.Contains(mBasemost)
                        select method;
                    var requireMethodsArray = requireMethods.Distinct(TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance).ToArray();
                    foreach (var method in requireMethodsArray) {
                        methodsSeen.Add(method, 1); // TODO: How to properly handle count?
                    // Scan all interface calls and add any required methods
                    var iFaceMethods =
                        from type in typesSeen.Keys
                        from iFace in interfaceCalls
                        let iFaceType = iFace.Key
                        let typeAndBases = type.EnumThisAllBaseTypes().ToArray()
                        where typeAndBases.Any(x => x.DoesImplement(iFaceType))
                        let methods = typeAndBases.SelectMany(x => x.EnumResolvedMethods(iFace.Value)).ToArray()
                        from method in methods//.Select(x => JsResolver.ResolveMethod(x))
                        where !methodsSeen.ContainsKey(method)
                        let methodDef = method.Resolve()
                        where methodDef != null // HACK?
                        where !methodDef.IsStatic && methodDef.IsVirtual && !methodDef.IsAbstract
                        from iFaceMethod in iFace.Value
                        where method.IsImplementationOf(iFaceMethod)
                        select method;
                    var iFaceMethodsArray = iFaceMethods.Distinct(TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance).ToArray();
                    foreach (var method in iFaceMethodsArray) {
                        methodsSeen.Add(method, 1);

            // Add type count to System.RuntimeType
            var runtimeTypeInc = typesSeen.Keys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullName == "System.RuntimeType");
            if (runtimeTypeInc != null) {
                typesSeen[runtimeTypeInc] += 2;

            var instanceFieldsByType = fieldAccesses
                .Where(x => !x.Key.Resolve().IsStatic)
                .ToLookup(x => x.Key.DeclaringType.FullResolve(x.Key), TypeExtensions.TypeRefEqComparerInstance);
            // Update all instance constructors to initialise instance fields, add final 'return' statement,
            // and update any early returns to return 'this'
            foreach (var ctx in instanceConstructors) {
                var fields = instanceFieldsByType[ctx.TRef].Select(x => x.Key);
                var initStmts = fields.Select(x => {
                    var f = x.FullResolve(ctx.TRef, ctx.MRef);
                    var assign = new StmtAssignment(ctx,
                        new ExprFieldAccess(ctx, ctx.This, f),
                        new ExprDefaultValue(ctx, f.FieldType));
                    return assign;
                var returnStmt = new StmtReturn(ctx, ctx.This);
                var ast = methodAsts[ctx.MRef];
                ast = new StmtBlock(ctx, initStmts.Concat((Stmt)ast).Concat(returnStmt));
                ast = VisitorJsReturnThis.V(ast, ctx.This);
                methodAsts[ctx.MRef] = ast;

            // Locally name all instance fields; base type names must not be re-used in derived types
            var instanceFieldsIndexed = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<IEnumerable<FieldReference>, int>>(); // <index, Tuple<all fields, total use count>>
            instanceFieldsByType.TypeTreeTraverse(x => x.Key, (fields, idx) => {
                var ordered = fields.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToArray(); // Order by usage count, highest first
                foreach (var field in ordered) {
                    var idxInfo = instanceFieldsIndexed.ValueOrDefault(idx, () => Tuple.Create(Enumerable.Empty<FieldReference>(), 0));
                    var newIdxInfo = Tuple.Create((IEnumerable<FieldReference>)idxInfo.Item1.Concat(field.Key).ToArray(), idxInfo.Item2 + field.Value);
                    instanceFieldsIndexed[idx] = newIdxInfo;
                return idx;
            }, 0);
            var orderedInstanceFields = instanceFieldsIndexed.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Item2).ToArray();
            var instanceFieldNameGen = new NameGenerator();
            var instanceFieldNames = orderedInstanceFields
                .Select(x => new { name = instanceFieldNameGen.GetNewName(), fields = x.Value.Item1 })
                .SelectMany(x => x.fields.Select(y => new { f = y, name = }))
            // Prepare list of static fields for global naming
            var staticFields = fieldAccesses.Where(x => x.Key.Resolve().IsStatic).ToArray();

            // Prepare local variables for global naming.
            // All locals in all methods are sorted by usage count, then all methods usage counts are combined
            var clusters = methodAsts.Values.SelectMany(x => VisitorJsPhiClusters.V(x).Select(y => new ExprVarCluster(y))).ToArray();
            var varToCluster = clusters.SelectMany(x => x.Vars.Select(y => new { cluster = x, var = y })).ToDictionary(x => x.var, x => x.cluster);
            var varsWithCount = methodAsts.Values.Select(x => {
                var methodVars = VisitorFindVars.V(x);
                // Parameters need one extra count, as they appear in the method declaration
                methodVars = methodVars.Concat(methodVars.Where(y => y.ExprType == Expr.NodeType.VarParameter).Distinct());
                var ret = methodVars.Select(y => varToCluster.ValueOrDefault(y) ?? y)
                    .GroupBy(y => y)
                    .Select(y => new { var = y.Key, count = y.Count() })
                    .OrderByDescending(y => y.count)
                return ret;
            var localVarCounts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            foreach (var x in varsWithCount) {
                for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++) {
                    localVarCounts[i] = localVarCounts.ValueOrDefault(i) + x[i].count;

            // Globally name all items that require names
            var needNaming =
                localVarCounts.Select(x => new { item = (object)x.Key, count = x.Value })
                .Concat(methodsSeen.Select(x => new { item = (object)x.Key, count = x.Value }))
                .Concat(staticFields.Select(x => new { item = (object)x.Key, count = x.Value }))
                .Concat(typesSeen.Select(x => new { item = (object)x.Key, count = x.Value }))
                .Where(x => x.count > 0)
                .OrderByDescending(x => x.count)
            var nameGen = new NameGenerator();
            var globalNames = needNaming.ToDictionary(x => x.item, x => nameGen.GetNewName());

            // Create map of all local variables to their names
            var localVarNames = varsWithCount.Select(x => x.Select((y, i) => new { y.var, name = globalNames[i] }))
                .SelectMany(x => x)
                .SelectMany(x => {
                    var varCluster = x.var as ExprVarCluster;
                    if (varCluster != null) {
                        return varCluster.Vars.Select(y => new { var = y, name = });
                    } else {
                        return new[] { x };
                .ToDictionary(x => x.var, x =>;

            // Create map of all method names
            var methodNames = methodsSeen.Keys.ToDictionary(x => x, x => globalNames[x], TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance);

            // Create list of all static field names
            var staticFieldNames = staticFields.Select(x => new { f = x.Key, name = globalNames[x.Key] });
            // Create map of all fields
            if (testing) {
                instanceFieldNames = instanceFieldNames.Select(x => {
                    switch (x.f.FullName) {
                    case "System.String System.Exception::_message":
                        return new { x.f, name = "$$_message" };
                    return x;
            var fieldNames = instanceFieldNames.Concat(staticFieldNames).ToDictionary(x => x.f, x =>, TypeExtensions.FieldReqEqComparerInstance);
            // Create map of type names
            var typeNames = typesSeen
                .Where(x => x.Value > 0)
                .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => globalNames[x.Key], TypeExtensions.TypeRefEqComparerInstance);

            // Create virtual call tables
            var virtualCallIndices = new Dictionary<MethodReference, int>(TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance);
            var allVirtualMethods = new Dictionary<TypeReference, HashSet<MethodReference>>(TypeExtensions.TypeRefEqComparerInstance);
            typesSeen.Select(x => x.Key).TypeTreeTraverse(x => x, (type, vCalls) => {
                var mNewSlots = virtualCalls.ValueOrDefault(type).EmptyIfNull().ToArray();
                int idx = vCalls.Length;
                foreach (var mNewSlot in mNewSlots) {
                    virtualCallIndices[mNewSlot] = idx++;
                var vCallsWithThisType = vCalls.Concat(mNewSlots).ToArray();
                if (vCallsWithThisType.Length > 0) {
                    var typesAndBases = type.EnumThisAllBaseTypes().ToArray();
                    var mVRoots = typesAndBases.SelectMany(x => virtualCalls.ValueOrDefault(x).EmptyIfNull()).ToArray();
                    var ms = type.EnumResolvedMethods(mVRoots).ToArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < vCalls.Length; i++) {
                        var mVCall = vCallsWithThisType[i];
                        foreach (var m in ms) {
                            if (m.MatchMethodOnly(mVCall)) {
                                vCallsWithThisType[i] = m;
                    var typeVMethods = new HashSet<MethodReference>(vCallsWithThisType, TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance);
                    allVirtualMethods.Add(type, typeVMethods);
                return vCallsWithThisType;
            }, new MethodReference[0]);

            var typeData = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TypeData)).Cast<TypeData>().ToArray();

            // Name all items that are within the type information
            var needTypeInformationNaming =
                interfaceCalls.Select(x => new { item = (object)x.Key, count = 1 })
                .Concat(typeData.Select(x => new { item = (object)x, count = 1 }))
                .OrderByDescending(x => x.count)
            var typeInformationNameGen = new NameGenerator();
            var typeInformationNames = needTypeInformationNaming.ToDictionary(x => x.item, x => typeInformationNameGen.GetNewName());
            if (testing) {
                typeInformationNames[TypeData.Name] = "$$TypeName";
                typeInformationNames[TypeData.Namespace] = "$$TypeNamespace";

            // Create map of interfaces to their names
            var interfaceNames = interfaceCalls.Keys.ToDictionary(x => x, x => typeInformationNames[x], TypeExtensions.TypeRefEqComparerInstance);
            var interfaceCallIndices = interfaceCalls.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Select((m, i) => new { m, i })).ToDictionary(x => x.m, x => x.i, TypeExtensions.MethodRefEqComparerInstance);

            // Create map of type data constants
            var typeDataNames = typeData.ToDictionary(x => x, x => typeInformationNames[x]);

            var resolver = new JsMethod.Resolver {
                LocalVarNames = localVarNames,
                MethodNames = methodNames,
                FieldNames = fieldNames,
                TypeNames = typeNames,
                VirtualCallIndices = virtualCallIndices,
                InterfaceCallIndices = interfaceCallIndices,
                InterfaceNames = interfaceNames,
                TypeDataNames = typeDataNames,

            var js = new StringBuilder();
            int jsIndent = 1;
            Action jsNewLine = () => {
                js.Append(' ', jsIndent * JsMethod.tabSize);

            js.Append("\"use strict\";");
            // Construct methods
            foreach (var methodInfo in methodAsts) {
                var mRef = methodInfo.Key;
                var ast = methodInfo.Value;
                var mJs = JsMethod.Create(mRef, resolver, ast);
                var mJsLines = mJs.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                foreach (var line in mJsLines) {

            // Construct static fields
            foreach (var field in staticFields.Select(x => x.Key)) {
                js.AppendFormat("// {0}", field.FullName);
                if (field.Name == "Empty" && field.DeclaringType.FullName == "System.String") {
                    // Special case, as string does not have a static constructor to set String.Empty
                    js.AppendFormat("var {0} = \"\";", fieldNames[field]);
                } else {
                    js.AppendFormat("var {0} = {1};", fieldNames[field], DefaultValuer.Get(field.FieldType, fieldNames));

            // Construct type data
            var typesSeenOrdered = typesSeen
                .Where(x => x.Value > 0)
                .Select(x => x.Key)
                .OrderByReferencedFirst(x => x)
            var domTypes = new Dictionary<string, TypeReference>();
            foreach (var type in typesSeenOrdered) {
                var unmappedType = type;
                var tDef = unmappedType.Resolve();
                // Check for DOM types
                var jsClassAttr = tDef.GetCustomAttribute<JsClassAttribute>();
                if (jsClassAttr != null) {
                    if (jsClassAttr.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1) {
                        // Non-abstract types only
                        var tagOrConstructorName = (string)jsClassAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
                        domTypes.Add(tagOrConstructorName, unmappedType);
                // Type JS
                js.AppendFormat("// {0}", unmappedType.FullName);
                js.AppendFormat("var {0}={{", typeNames[type]);
                // Type information
                js.AppendFormat("{0}:\"{1}\"", typeDataNames[TypeData.JsName], typeNames[type]);
                js.AppendFormat(", {0}:\"{1}\"", typeDataNames[TypeData.Name], unmappedType.Name());
                js.AppendFormat(", {0}:\"{1}\"", typeDataNames[TypeData.Namespace], unmappedType.Namespace);
                js.AppendFormat(", {0}:{1}", typeDataNames[TypeData.IsValueType], unmappedType.IsValueType ? "true" : "false");
                js.AppendFormat(", {0}:{1}", typeDataNames[TypeData.IsPrimitive], unmappedType.IsPrimitive ? "true" : "false");
                js.AppendFormat(", {0}:{1}", typeDataNames[TypeData.IsArray], unmappedType.IsArray ? "true" : "false");
                js.AppendFormat(", {0}:{1}", typeDataNames[TypeData.ElementType], unmappedType.IsArray ? typeNames.ValueOrDefault(((ArrayType)unmappedType).ElementType, "null") : "null");
                js.AppendFormat(", {0}:{1}", typeDataNames[TypeData.IsInterface], tDef.IsInterface ? "true" : "false");
                var assignableTo = typesSeenOrdered.Where(x => unmappedType.IsAssignableTo(x)).Where(x => !x.IsSame(unmappedType)).ToArray();
                js.AppendFormat(", {0}:[{1}]", typeDataNames[TypeData.AssignableTo], string.Join(", ", assignableTo.Select(x => typeNames[x])));
                if (tDef.FullName == "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2") {
                    var typeGen = (GenericInstanceType)type;
                    var dict = tDef.Module.Import(typeof(DotNetWebToolkit.Cil2Js.JsResolvers.Classes._Dictionary<,>));
                    var dictGen = dict.MakeGeneric(typeGen.GenericArguments[0], typeGen.GenericArguments[1]);
                    var jsSlotsName = fieldNames[dictGen.EnumResolvedFields().First(x => x.Name == "slots")];
                    var slot = dictGen.Resolve().NestedTypes.First(x => x.Name == "Slot");
                    var slotGen = slot.MakeGeneric(typeGen.GenericArguments[0], typeGen.GenericArguments[1]);
                    var jsHashCodeName = fieldNames[slotGen.EnumResolvedFields().First(x => x.Name == "hashCode")];
                    var jskeyName = fieldNames[slotGen.EnumResolvedFields().First(x => x.Name == "key")];
                    var jsValueName = fieldNames[slotGen.EnumResolvedFields().First(x => x.Name == "value")];
                    js.AppendFormat(", {0}:['{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}']", typeDataNames[TypeData.IsDictionary], jsSlotsName, jsHashCodeName, jskeyName, jsValueName);
                if (!tDef.IsInterface) {
                    if (!tDef.IsAbstract) {
                        // Virtual method table, only needed on concrete types
                        var typeAndBases = type.EnumThisAllBaseTypes().ToArray();
                        var methods = allVirtualMethods.ValueOrDefault(type);
                        if (methods != null) {
                            var idxs = methods
                                .Select(x => {
                                    var xBasemost = x.GetBasemostMethod(x);
                                    return new { m = x, idx = virtualCallIndices[xBasemost] };
                                .OrderBy(x => x.idx)
                            var s = string.Join(", ", idxs.Select(x => methodNames.ValueOrDefault(x.m, "null")));
                            js.AppendFormat(", {0}:[{1}]", typeDataNames[TypeData.VTable], s);
                        // Interface tables, only needed on concrete types
                        var implementedIFaces = interfaceCalls.Where(x => typeAndBases.Any(y => y.DoesImplement(x.Key))).ToArray();
                        foreach (var iFace in implementedIFaces) {
                            js.Append(", ");
                            var iFaceName = interfaceNames[iFace.Key];
                            js.AppendFormat("{0}:[", iFaceName);
                            var qInterfaceTableNames =
                                from iMethod in iFace.Value
                                let tMethod = typeAndBases.SelectMany(x => x.EnumResolvedMethods(iMethod)).First(x => x.IsImplementationOf(iMethod))
                                //let tM2 = JsResolver.ResolveMethod(tMethod)
                                let idx = interfaceCallIndices[iMethod]
                                orderby idx
                                let methodName = methodNames[tMethod]
                                select methodName;
                            var interfaceTableNames = qInterfaceTableNames.ToArray();
                            js.Append(string.Join(", ", interfaceTableNames));
                if (tDef.IsEnum && tDef.GetCustomAttribute<JsStringEnumAttribute>() != null) {
                    // JS string/enum map
                    var values = tDef.Fields.Where(x => x.IsLiteral).Select(x => {
                        return string.Format("{0}:\"{1}\",\"{1}\":{0}", x.Constant, JsResolver.JsName(x));
                    js.AppendFormat(", {0}:{{{1}}}", typeDataNames[TypeData.EnumStringMap], string.Join(", ", values));
                // end
            // Add type of each type, if System.RuntimeType has been seen
            var typeRuntimeType = typesSeen.Keys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullName == "System.RuntimeType");
            if (typeRuntimeType != null) {
                foreach (var type in typesSeenOrdered) {
                    js.Append("._ = ");
            // Add comments descibing each interface
            js.Append("// Interface name map");
            js.AppendFormat("// {0} = VTable", typeDataNames[TypeData.VTable]);
            foreach (var iFace in interfaceNames) {
                js.AppendFormat("// {0} = {1}", iFace.Value, iFace.Key.FullName);
            // Add map of DOM types
            if (domTypes.Any()) {
                js.Append("// DOM type mapping");
                // TODO: Auto-name this
                js.Append("var __ = {");
                foreach (var domType in domTypes) {
                    js.AppendFormat("'{0}': {1},", domType.Key, typeNames[domType.Value]);
            if (typesSeenOrdered.Any()) {
                js.Append("// json type mapping");
                // TODO: Auto-name this
                js.Append("var $$ = {");
                foreach (var type in typesSeenOrdered) {
                    js.AppendFormat("'{0}':{0},", typeNames[type]);
                var typesDicts = typesSeenOrdered
                    .Where(x => x.IsGenericInstance && x.Resolve().FullName == "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2")
                if (typesDicts.Any()) {
                    js.Append("// json dictionary info");
                    // TODO: Auto-name or get rid of this
                    js.Append("var $d = {");
                    var any = false;
                    foreach (var type in typesDicts) {
                        var typeName = typeNames[type];
                        var ctor = type.EnumResolvedMethods().First(x => x.Name == ".ctor" && !x.HasParameters);
                        var mAdd = type.EnumResolvedMethods().First(x => x.Name == "Add");
                        // If dict not involved in JSON, these methods may not be present
                        if (methodNames.ContainsKey(ctor) && methodNames.ContainsKey(mAdd)) {
                            var ctorName = methodNames[ctor];
                            var mAddName = methodNames[mAdd];
                            js.AppendFormat("'{0}':[{1},{2}],", typeName, ctorName, mAddName);
                            any = true;
                    if (any) {

            js.Append("// Exports");
            if (!testing) {
                var rootMethodsByType = rootMethods.ToLookup(x => x.DeclaringType, TypeExtensions.TypeRefEqComparerInstance);
                Action<NamespaceTree> treeToJs = null;
                treeToJs = tree => {
                    foreach (var subNs in tree.Namespaces) {
                        js.AppendFormat("'{0}': ", subNs.NamespacePart);
                    if (tree.Types.Any()) {
                        foreach (var type in tree.Types) {
                            js.AppendFormat("'{0}': {{", type.Name);
                            foreach (var method in rootMethodsByType[type]) {
                                js.AppendFormat("'{0}': {1},", method.Name, methodNames[method]);
                var trees = NamespaceTree.Make(rootMethodsByType.Select(x => x.Key));
                foreach (var tree in trees) {
                    js.AppendFormat("window['{0}'] = ", tree.NamespacePart);
            } else {
                js.AppendFormat("window['main'] = {0};", methodNames[rootMethods.First()]);


            var jsStr = js.ToString();
            var qFieldMap =
                from fieldName in fieldNames
                let declType = fieldName.Key.DeclaringType
                let declTypeMapped = JsResolver.TypeMapReverse(declType) ?? declType
                let declTypeName = declTypeMapped.AssemblyQualifiedName()
                where declType != null
                group fieldName by declTypeName;
            var fieldMap = qFieldMap.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToDictionary(y => y.Key.Name, y => y.Value));
            var qTypeMap =
                from typeName in typeNames
                let type = typeName.Key.AssemblyQualifiedName()
                where type != null
                select new { type, typeName.Value };
            var ttt = qTypeMap.ToArray();
            var typeMap = ttt.ToDictionary(x => x.type, x => x.Value);
            var jsTypeMap = new JsonTypeMap(typeMap, fieldMap);
            return new JsResult(jsStr, jsTypeMap);
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     var ctx = s.Ctx;
     var expr = (Expr)this.Visit(s.Expr);
     var target = (ExprVar)this.Visit(s.Target);
     if (target.Type.IsBoolean() && expr.Type.IsInteger()) {
         expr = new ExprJsExplicit(ctx, "!!expr", ctx.Boolean, expr.Named("expr"));
     } else if (target.Type.IsUnsignedInteger() && expr.Type.IsSignedInteger()) {
         expr = new ExprConv(ctx, expr, expr.Type.UnsignedEquivilent(ctx.TypeSystem), false);
     if (expr != s.Expr || target != s.Target) {
         return new StmtAssignment(ctx, target, expr);
     } else {
         return s;
 protected override ICode VisitAssignment(StmtAssignment s) {
     return s;