예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes an incoming request message payload to discover what kind of
        /// message is embedded in it and returns the type, or null if no match is found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recipient">The intended or actual recipient of the request message.</param>
        /// <param name="fields">The name/value pairs that make up the message payload.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A newly instantiated <see cref="IProtocolMessage"/>-derived object that this message can
        /// deserialize to.  Null if the request isn't recognized as a valid protocol message.
        /// </returns>
        public IDirectedProtocolMessage GetNewRequestMessage(MessageReceivingEndpoint recipient, IDictionary<string, string> fields)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyArgumentNotNull(recipient, "recipient");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyArgumentNotNull(fields, "fields");

            RequestBase message = null;

            // Discern the OpenID version of the message.
            Protocol protocol = Protocol.V11;
            string ns;
            if (fields.TryGetValue(Protocol.V20.openid.ns, out ns)) {
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyProtocol(string.Equals(ns, Protocol.OpenId2Namespace, StringComparison.Ordinal), MessagingStrings.UnexpectedMessagePartValue, Protocol.V20.openid.ns, ns);
                protocol = Protocol.V20;

            string mode;
            if (fields.TryGetValue(protocol.openid.mode, out mode)) {
                if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.associate)) {
                    if (fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.dh_consumer_public)) {
                        message = new AssociateDiffieHellmanRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                    } else {
                        message = new AssociateUnencryptedRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.checkid_setup) ||
                    string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.checkid_immediate)) {
                    AuthenticationRequestMode authMode = string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.checkid_immediate) ? AuthenticationRequestMode.Immediate : AuthenticationRequestMode.Setup;
                    if (fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.identity)) {
                        message = new CheckIdRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location, authMode);
                    } else {
                        ErrorUtilities.VerifyProtocol(!fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.claimed_id), OpenIdStrings.IdentityAndClaimedIdentifierMustBeBothPresentOrAbsent);
                        message = new SignedResponseRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location, authMode);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.cancel) ||
                    (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.setup_needed) && (protocol.Version.Major >= 2 || fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.user_setup_url)))) {
                    message = new NegativeAssertionResponse(protocol.Version, recipient.Location, mode);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.id_res)) {
                    if (fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.identity)) {
                        message = new PositiveAssertionResponse(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                    } else {
                        ErrorUtilities.VerifyProtocol(!fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.claimed_id), OpenIdStrings.IdentityAndClaimedIdentifierMustBeBothPresentOrAbsent);
                        message = new IndirectSignedResponse(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.check_authentication)) {
                    message = new CheckAuthenticationRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.error)) {
                    message = new IndirectErrorResponse(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                } else {
                    ErrorUtilities.ThrowProtocol(MessagingStrings.UnexpectedMessagePartValue, protocol.openid.mode, mode);

            if (message != null) {

            return message;
 public void Setup()
     CheckIdRequest request = new CheckIdRequest(Protocol.V20.Version, OPUri, AuthenticationRequestMode.Immediate);
     request.ReturnTo = RPUri;
     this.response = new IndirectErrorResponse(request);
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Prepares the return value for the GetRequest method in the event of an exception.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ex">The exception that forms the basis of the error response.  Must not be null.</param>
		/// <param name="httpRequestInfo">The incoming HTTP request.  Must not be null.</param>
		/// <param name="incomingMessage">The incoming message.  May be null in the case that it was malformed.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// Either the <see cref="IRequest"/> to return to the host site or null to indicate no response could be reasonably created and that the caller should rethrow the exception.
		/// </returns>
		private IRequest GetErrorResponse(ProtocolException ex, HttpRequestInfo httpRequestInfo, IDirectedProtocolMessage incomingMessage) {
			Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(ex != null);
			Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(httpRequestInfo != null);

			Logger.OpenId.Error("An exception was generated while processing an incoming OpenID request.", ex);
			IErrorMessage errorMessage;

			// We must create the appropriate error message type (direct vs. indirect)
			// based on what we see in the request.
			string returnTo = httpRequestInfo.QueryString[Protocol.Default.openid.return_to];
			if (returnTo != null) {
				// An indirect request message from the RP
				// We need to return an indirect response error message so the RP can consume it.
				// Consistent with OpenID 2.0 section 5.2.3.
				var indirectRequest = incomingMessage as SignedResponseRequest;
				if (indirectRequest != null) {
					errorMessage = new IndirectErrorResponse(indirectRequest);
				} else {
					errorMessage = new IndirectErrorResponse(Protocol.Default.Version, new Uri(returnTo));
			} else if (httpRequestInfo.HttpMethod == "POST") {
				// A direct request message from the RP
				// We need to return a direct response error message so the RP can consume it.
				// Consistent with OpenID 2.0 section
				errorMessage = new DirectErrorResponse(Protocol.Default.Version, incomingMessage);
			} else {
				// This may be an indirect request from an RP that was so badly
				// formed that we cannot even return an error to the RP.
				// The best we can do is display an error to the user.
				// Returning null cues the caller to "throw;"
				return null;

			errorMessage.ErrorMessage = ex.ToStringDescriptive();

			// Allow host to log this error and issue a ticket #.
			// We tear off the field to a local var for thread safety.
			IErrorReporting hostErrorHandler = this.ErrorReporting;
			if (hostErrorHandler != null) {
				errorMessage.Contact = hostErrorHandler.Contact;
				errorMessage.Reference = hostErrorHandler.LogError(ex);

			if (incomingMessage != null) {
				return new AutoResponsiveRequest(incomingMessage, errorMessage, this.SecuritySettings);
			} else {
				return new AutoResponsiveRequest(errorMessage, this.SecuritySettings);