예제 #1
        // Note: In the Tuple, the first item is the file full path, and the second item is any object that accompanies the file.
        public FileTreeWalker(IEnumerable <Tuple <string, object> > filesPathsAndUserState)
            _thisRootFolder = new FolderWalker(".", "");

            foreach (Tuple <string, object> filePathAndUserState in filesPathsAndUserState)
                string filePath  = filePathAndUserState.Item1;
                object userState = filePathAndUserState.Item2;

                string   normalizedFilePath = filePath.Replace('/', '\\'); //make sure we have a consistent separator between the different elements.
                string[] splittedPath       = normalizedFilePath.Split('\\');
                int      splittedPathLength = splittedPath.Length;

                //now we loop through the path's elements to create/go through the folders:
                FolderWalker currentFolder = _thisRootFolder;
                for (int i = 0; i < splittedPathLength - 1; ++i)
                    string folderName = splittedPath[i];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(folderName))
                        currentFolder = currentFolder.GetSubFolderOrCreateIfNotExists(folderName);

                if (!FoldersHelper.IsAFolder(filePath))
                    //create the file.
                    currentFolder.GetFileOrCreateIfNotExists(splittedPath[splittedPathLength - 1], userState);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the ProjectItems contained in the passed collection, as well as the "sub project items", which
        /// are the project items that are dependent on other project items. For example, "MainPage.xaml.cs" is
        /// a sub project item of "MainPage.xaml".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentCollection">The collection of project items.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static IEnumerable <EnvDTE.ProjectItem> GetFilesIncludingSubFiles(EnvDTE.ProjectItems parentCollection)
            foreach (EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem in parentCollection)
                if (!FoldersHelper.IsAFolder(projectItem))
                    yield return(projectItem);

                    foreach (EnvDTE.ProjectItem subProjectItem in GetFilesIncludingSubFiles(projectItem.ProjectItems))
                        yield return(subProjectItem);
예제 #3
        static void CopyFilesAndFoldersRecursively(IEnumerable <ProjectItemWrapper> sourceProjectItems, EnvDTE.ProjectItems destinationProjectItems, Context.CopyOrAddAsLink howToDealWithCSharpFiles, int level = 1)
            if (!StaticAbortProcessing)
                foreach (ProjectItemWrapper sourceItem in sourceProjectItems)
                    string sourceItemName     = sourceItem.GetName();
                    string sourceItemFullPath = sourceItem.GetFullPath();

                    // If it is a folder:
                    if (FoldersHelper.IsAFolder(sourceItemFullPath))
                        // If it is NOT the "Properties" folder (which exists by default in all projects):
                        if (level != 1 || sourceItemName.ToLower() != "properties")
                            // Create a new folder with the same name in the destination project:
                            EnvDTE.ProjectItem newFolder = destinationProjectItems.AddFolder(sourceItemName);

                            // Log:
                            AddLogEntryOnUIThread(string.Format(@"Created folder ""{0}"".", sourceItemName));

                            // Continue the recursion:
                            CopyFilesAndFoldersRecursively(sourceItem.GetChildItems(), newFolder.ProjectItems, howToDealWithCSharpFiles, level + 1);
                    // If it is a file:
                        EnvDTE.ProjectItem newFile = null;
                        if (sourceItemFullPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".cs"))
                            // C# file:

                            // Check if the file exists (this can be the case for example if we previously copied a file such as "UserControl.xaml", which automatically copies its child "UserControl.xaml.cs"):
                            EnvDTE.ProjectItem existingItem = FindProjectItemOrNull(sourceItemName, destinationProjectItems);

                            // Copy the file or add it as link:
                            if (howToDealWithCSharpFiles == Context.CopyOrAddAsLink.Copy)
                                // Copy only if the file is not already there:
                                if (existingItem == null)
                                    newFile = destinationProjectItems.AddFromFileCopy(sourceItemFullPath);

                                // Log:
                                AddLogEntryOnUIThread(string.Format(@"Copied file ""{0}"".", sourceItemName));
                            else if (howToDealWithCSharpFiles == Context.CopyOrAddAsLink.AddAsLink)
                                // Delete the copied file in order to replace it with a linked file (this can happen for example if we previously copied a file such as "UserControl.xaml", which automatically copies its child "UserControl.xaml.cs", so we need to delete this child):
                                if (existingItem != null)

                                // Add the file "as link":
                                newFile = destinationProjectItems.AddFromFile(sourceItemFullPath);

                                // Log:
                                AddLogEntryOnUIThread(string.Format(@"Added file ""{0}"" as link.", sourceItemName));
                                throw new NotSupportedException();
                        else if (sourceItemFullPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".xaml") ||
                                 DoesFileHaveOneOfTheseExtensions(sourceItemFullPath, ExtensionsOfFilesToCopy)) // JPG, PNG, etc.
                            // XAML file:

                            // Copy the file:
                            newFile = destinationProjectItems.AddFromFileCopy(sourceItemFullPath);

                            // Log:
                            AddLogEntryOnUIThread(string.Format(@"Copied file ""{0}"".", sourceItemName));

                        // Continue the recursion:
                        if (newFile != null)
                            CopyFilesAndFoldersRecursively(sourceItem.GetChildItems(), newFile.ProjectItems, howToDealWithCSharpFiles, level + 1);

                    if (StaticAbortProcessing)