예제 #1
        private bool is_in_circle(double circle_x, double circle_y, double r, double x, double y)
            double d = new DotNetCoords.LatLng(Convert.ToDouble(circle_x), Convert.ToDouble(circle_y)).DistanceMiles(new DotNetCoords.LatLng(Convert.ToDouble(x), Convert.ToDouble(y)));

            //double d = Math.Sqrt(((circle_x - x) * (circle_x - x)) + ((circle_y - y) * (circle_y - y)));
            return(d <= r);
예제 #2
 public void LatLongDms()
     const double Lat = 47.99999993;
     const double Lng = -122.000001509;
     var ll = new LatLng(47, 59, 59.99975, NorthSouth.North, 122, 00, 00.00543, EastWest.West);
     Assert.AreEqual(Lat, ll.Latitude, 0.00000001);
     Assert.AreEqual(Lng, ll.Longitude, 0.00000001);
예제 #3
 public void LatLonHeDatInvalidLat()
     const double Lat = 99;
     const double Lng = -122.000001509;
     const double Height = 10;
     var dat = WGS84Datum.Instance;
     var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lng, Height, dat);
예제 #4
 public void LatLongDec()
     const double Lat = 47.99999993;
     const double Lng = -122.000001509;
     var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lng);
     Assert.AreEqual(Lat, ll.Latitude);
     Assert.AreEqual(Lng, ll.Longitude);
예제 #5
 public void LatLongHeight()
     const double Lat = 47.99999993;
     const double Lng = -122.000001509;
     const double height = 10;
     var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lng, height);
     Assert.AreEqual(Lat, ll.Latitude);
     Assert.AreEqual(Lng, ll.Longitude);
     Assert.AreEqual(height, ll.Height);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create a new earth-centered, earth-fixed reference from the given latitude and longitude.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ll"> The latitude and longitude. </param>
        public ECEFRef(LatLng ll)
            : base(ll.Datum)
            var ellipsoid = Datum.ReferenceEllipsoid;

            var phi = Util.ToRadians(ll.Latitude);
            var lambda = Util.ToRadians(ll.Longitude);
            var h = ll.Height;
            var a = ellipsoid.SemiMajorAxis;
            var f = ellipsoid.Flattening;
            var eSquared = 2*f - f*f;
            var nphi = a/Math.Sqrt(1 - eSquared*Util.sinSquared(phi));

            X = (nphi + h)*Math.Cos(phi)*Math.Cos(lambda);
            Y = (nphi + h)*Math.Cos(phi)*Math.Sin(lambda);
            Z = (nphi*(1 - eSquared) + h)*Math.Sin(phi);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new earth-centred, earth-fixed reference from the given latitude
        /// and longitude.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ll">The latitude and longitude.</param>
        public ECEFRef(LatLng ll)
            : base(ll.Datum)
            DotNetCoords.Ellipsoid.Ellipsoid ellipsoid = Datum.ReferenceEllipsoid;

              double phi = Util.ToRadians(ll.Latitude);
              double lambda = Util.ToRadians(ll.Longitude);
              double h = ll.Height;
              double a = ellipsoid.SemiMajorAxis;
              double f = ellipsoid.Flattening;
              double eSquared = (2 * f) - (f * f);
              double nphi = a / Math.Sqrt(1 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phi));

              X = (nphi + h) * Math.Cos(phi) * Math.Cos(lambda);
              Y = (nphi + h) * Math.Cos(phi) * Math.Sin(lambda);
              Z = (nphi * (1 - eSquared) + h) * Math.Sin(phi);
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LatLng"/> class based on another <see cref="LatLng"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="original">The original <see cref="LatLng"/> instance.</param>
 public LatLng(LatLng original) : this(original.Latitude, original.Longitude, original.Height, original.Datum)
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert this latitude and longitude into an OSGB (Ordnance Survey of Great
        /// Britain) grid reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ll">The latitude and longitude.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the northing or easting are out of range</exception>
        public OSRef(LatLng ll)
            : base(OSGB36Datum.Instance)
            Airy1830Ellipsoid airy1830 = Airy1830Ellipsoid.Instance;
              double OSGB_F0 = 0.9996012717;
              double N0 = -100000.0;
              double E0 = 400000.0;
              double phi0 = Util.ToRadians(49.0);
              double lambda0 = Util.ToRadians(-2.0);
              double a = airy1830.SemiMajorAxis;
              double b = airy1830.SemiMinorAxis;
              double eSquared = airy1830.EccentricitySquared;
              double phi = Util.ToRadians(ll.Latitude);
              double lambda = Util.ToRadians(ll.Longitude);
              double E = 0.0;
              double N = 0.0;
              double n = (a - b) / (a + b);
              double v = a * OSGB_F0
              * Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phi), -0.5);
              double rho = a * OSGB_F0 * (1.0 - eSquared)
              * Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phi), -1.5);
              double etaSquared = (v / rho) - 1.0;
              double M = (b * OSGB_F0)
              * (((1 + n + ((5.0 / 4.0) * n * n) + ((5.0 / 4.0) * n * n * n)) * (phi - phi0))
              - (((3 * n) + (3 * n * n) + ((21.0 / 8.0) * n * n * n))
                  * Math.Sin(phi - phi0) * Math.Cos(phi + phi0))
              + ((((15.0 / 8.0) * n * n) + ((15.0 / 8.0) * n * n * n))
                  * Math.Sin(2.0 * (phi - phi0)) * Math.Cos(2.0 * (phi + phi0))) - (((35.0 / 24.0)
              * n * n * n)
              * Math.Sin(3.0 * (phi - phi0)) * Math.Cos(3.0 * (phi + phi0))));
              double I = M + N0;
              double II = (v / 2.0) * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Cos(phi);
              double III = (v / 24.0) * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 3.0)
              * (5.0 - Util.tanSquared(phi) + (9.0 * etaSquared));
              double IIIA = (v / 720.0) * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 5.0)
              * (61.0 - (58.0 * Util.tanSquared(phi)) + Math.Pow(Math.Tan(phi), 4.0));
              double IV = v * Math.Cos(phi);
              double V = (v / 6.0) * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 3.0)
              * ((v / rho) - Util.tanSquared(phi));
              double VI = (v / 120.0)
              * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 5.0)
              * (5.0 - (18.0 * Util.tanSquared(phi)) + (Math.Pow(Math.Tan(phi), 4.0))
              + (14 * etaSquared) - (58 * Util.tanSquared(phi) * etaSquared));

              N = I + (II * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 2.0))
              + (III * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 4.0))
              + (IIIA * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 6.0));
              E = E0 + (IV * (lambda - lambda0)) + (V * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 3.0))
              + (VI * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 5.0));

              Easting = E;
              Northing = N;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the surface distance in kilometres from this LatLng to the given
        /// LatLng.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ll">The LatLng object to measure the distance to..</param>
        /// <returns>The surface distance in kilometres.</returns>
        public double Distance(LatLng ll)
            double er = 6366.707;

              double latFrom = Util.ToRadians(Latitude);
              double latTo = Util.ToRadians(ll.Latitude);
              double lngFrom = Util.ToRadians(Longitude);
              double lngTo = Util.ToRadians(ll.Longitude);

              double d = Math.Acos(Math.Sin(latFrom) * Math.Sin(latTo)
              + Math.Cos(latFrom) * Math.Cos(latTo) * Math.Cos(lngTo - lngFrom))
              * er;

              return d;
예제 #11
 public void LatLonToDms()
     const double Lat = 47.99999993;
     const double Lng = -122.000001509;
     var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lng);
     var expected = "47 59 59.9997480000047 N 122 0 0.00543240000183687 W";
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, ll.ToDmsString());
예제 #12
 public void LatLonToString()
     const double Lat = 47.99999993;
     const double Lng = -122.000001509;
     var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lng);
     var expected = string.Format("{0}, {1}", Lat, Lng);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, ll.ToString());
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Convert this latitude and longitude into an OSGB (Ordnance Survey of Great
        ///     Britain) grid reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ll"> The latitude and longitude. </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> If the northing or easting are out of range </exception>
        public OsRef(LatLng ll)
            : base(OSGB36Datum.Instance)

            var airy1830 = Airy1830Ellipsoid.Instance;
            var OSGB_F0 = 0.9996012717;
            var N0 = -100000.0;
            var E0 = 400000.0;
            var phi0 = Util.ToRadians(49.0);
            var lambda0 = Util.ToRadians(-2.0);
            var a = airy1830.SemiMajorAxis;
            var b = airy1830.SemiMinorAxis;
            var eSquared = airy1830.EccentricitySquared;
            var phi = Util.ToRadians(ll.Latitude);
            var lambda = Util.ToRadians(ll.Longitude);
            var E = 0.0;
            var N = 0.0;
            var n = (a - b)/(a + b);
            var v = a*OSGB_F0
                    *Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared*Util.sinSquared(phi), -0.5);
            var rho = a*OSGB_F0*(1.0 - eSquared)
                      *Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared*Util.sinSquared(phi), -1.5);
            var etaSquared = v/rho - 1.0;
            var M = b*OSGB_F0
                    *((1 + n + 5.0/4.0*n*n + 5.0/4.0*n*n*n)*(phi - phi0)
                      - (3*n + 3*n*n + 21.0/8.0*n*n*n)
                      *Math.Sin(phi - phi0)*Math.Cos(phi + phi0)
                      + (15.0/8.0*n*n + 15.0/8.0*n*n*n)
                      *Math.Sin(2.0*(phi - phi0))*Math.Cos(2.0*(phi + phi0)) - 35.0/24.0
                      *Math.Sin(3.0*(phi - phi0))*
                      Math.Cos(3.0*(phi + phi0)));
            var I = M + N0;
            var II = v/2.0*Math.Sin(phi)*Math.Cos(phi);
            var III = v/24.0*Math.Sin(phi)*Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 3.0)
                      *(5.0 - Util.tanSquared(phi) + 9.0*etaSquared);
            var IIIA = v/720.0*Math.Sin(phi)*Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 5.0)
                       *(61.0 - 58.0*Util.tanSquared(phi) + Math.Pow(Math.Tan(phi), 4.0));
            var IV = v*Math.Cos(phi);
            var V = v/6.0*Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 3.0)
                    *(v/rho - Util.tanSquared(phi));
            var VI = v/120.0
                     *Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 5.0)
                     *(5.0 - 18.0*Util.tanSquared(phi) + Math.Pow(Math.Tan(phi), 4.0)
                       + 14*etaSquared - 58*Util.tanSquared(phi)*etaSquared);

            N = I + II*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 2.0)
                + III*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 4.0)
                + IIIA*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 6.0);
            E = E0 + IV*(lambda - lambda0) + V*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 3.0)
                + VI*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 5.0);

            Easting = E;
            Northing = N;
예제 #14
 public void LatLonInvalidLat()
     const double Lat = 99;
     const double Lng = -122.000001509;
     var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lng);
예제 #15
        public void LatLontoUtmRef()
            const double Lat = 47.99999993;
            const double Lon = -122.000001509;
            var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lon);
            var utmActual = ll.ToUtmRef();
            var utmExpected = new UtmRef(10, 'T', 574595, 5316784, WGS84Datum.Instance);

            Assert.AreEqual(utmExpected, utmActual);
예제 #16
 public void LatLonInvalidLon()
     const double Lat = 55;
     const double Lng = -190;
     var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lng);
예제 #17
        public void LatLngDistanceKm()
            const double Lat1 = 1;
            const double Lng1 = 1;

            const double Lat2 = 2;
            const double Lng2 = 2;

            var ll1 = new LatLng(Lat1, Lng1);
            var ll2 = new LatLng(Lat2, Lng2);

            var expected = 157.2;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, ll1.Distance(ll2), 0.1);
예제 #18
        public void LatLongHeightDatum()
            const double Lat = 55;
            const double Lng = -122.000001509;
            const double Height = 10;
            var dat = WGS84Datum.Instance;
            var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lng, Height, dat);

            Assert.AreEqual(Lat, ll.Latitude);
            Assert.AreEqual(Lng, ll.Longitude);
            Assert.AreEqual(Height, ll.Height);
            Assert.AreEqual(dat, WGS84Datum.Instance);
예제 #19
        public void LatLngDistanceMi()
            const double Lat1 = 1;
            const double Lng1 = 1;

            const double Lat2 = 2;
            const double Lng2 = 2;

            var ll1 = new LatLng(Lat1, Lng1);
            var ll2 = new LatLng(Lat2, Lng2);

            var expected = 97.6796;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, ll1.DistanceMiles(ll2), 0.1);
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate the surface distance in miles from this LatLng to the given
 /// LatLng.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ll">The LatLng object to measure the distance to.</param>
 /// <returns>The surface distance in miles.</returns>
 public double DistanceMiles(LatLng ll)
     return Distance(ll) / 1.609344;
예제 #21
 public void LatLontoUtmRefInvalidLat()
     const double Lat = 85;
     const double Lon = -122.000001509;
     var ll = new LatLng(Lat, Lon);
     var utmActual = ll.ToUtmRef();
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an IrishRef object from the given latitude and longitude.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ll">The latitude and longitude.</param>
        public IrishRef(LatLng ll)
            : base(Ireland1965Datum.Instance)

              DotNetCoords.Ellipsoid.Ellipsoid ellipsoid = Datum.ReferenceEllipsoid;
              double N0 = FALSE_ORIGIN_NORTHING;
              double E0 = FALSE_ORIGIN_EASTING;
              double phi0 = Util.ToRadians(FALSE_ORIGIN_LATITUDE);
              double lambda0 = Util.ToRadians(FALSE_ORIGIN_LONGITUDE);
              double a = ellipsoid.SemiMajorAxis * SCALE_FACTOR;
              double b = ellipsoid.SemiMinorAxis * SCALE_FACTOR;
              double eSquared = ellipsoid.EccentricitySquared;
              double phi = Util.ToRadians(ll.Latitude);
              double lambda = Util.ToRadians(ll.Longitude);
              double E = 0.0;
              double N = 0.0;
              double n = (a - b) / (a + b);
              double v = a
              * Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phi), -0.5);
              double rho = a * (1.0 - eSquared)
              * Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared * Util.sinSquared(phi), -1.5);
              double etaSquared = (v / rho) - 1.0;
              double M = b
              * (((1 + n + ((5.0 / 4.0) * n * n) + ((5.0 / 4.0) * n * n * n)) * (phi - phi0))
              - (((3 * n) + (3 * n * n) + ((21.0 / 8.0) * n * n * n))
                  * Math.Sin(phi - phi0) * Math.Cos(phi + phi0))
              + ((((15.0 / 8.0) * n * n) + ((15.0 / 8.0) * n * n * n))
                  * Math.Sin(2.0 * (phi - phi0)) * Math.Cos(2.0 * (phi + phi0))) - (((35.0 / 24.0)
              * n * n * n)
              * Math.Sin(3.0 * (phi - phi0)) * Math.Cos(3.0 * (phi + phi0))));
              double I = M + N0;
              double II = (v / 2.0) * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Cos(phi);
              double III = (v / 24.0) * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 3.0)
              * (5.0 - Util.tanSquared(phi) + (9.0 * etaSquared));
              double IIIA = (v / 720.0) * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 5.0)
              * (61.0 - (58.0 * Util.tanSquared(phi)) + Math.Pow(Math.Tan(phi), 4.0));
              double IV = v * Math.Cos(phi);
              double V = (v / 6.0) * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 3.0)
              * ((v / rho) - Util.tanSquared(phi));
              double VI = (v / 120.0)
              * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 5.0)
              * (5.0 - (18.0 * Util.tanSquared(phi)) + (Math.Pow(Math.Tan(phi), 4.0))
              + (14 * etaSquared) - (58 * Util.tanSquared(phi) * etaSquared));

              N = I + (II * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 2.0))
              + (III * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 4.0))
              + (IIIA * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 6.0));
              E = E0 + (IV * (lambda - lambda0)) + (V * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 3.0))
              + (VI * Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 5.0));

              Easting = E;
              Northing = N;
예제 #23
        //  [TestMethod]
        public void LatLonToWgs84()
            const double lat = 47.950967;
            const double lon = -122.197045;
            var actual = new LatLng(lat, lon, 10, OSGB36Datum.Instance);
            var expected = new LatLng(47.99999993, -122.000001509);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create an IrishRef object from the given latitude and longitude.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ll"> The latitude and longitude. </param>
        public IrishRef(LatLng ll)
            : base(Ireland1965Datum.Instance)

            var ellipsoid = Datum.ReferenceEllipsoid;
            var N0 = FALSE_ORIGIN_NORTHING;
            var E0 = FALSE_ORIGIN_EASTING;
            var phi0 = Util.ToRadians(FALSE_ORIGIN_LATITUDE);
            var lambda0 = Util.ToRadians(FALSE_ORIGIN_LONGITUDE);
            var a = ellipsoid.SemiMajorAxis*SCALE_FACTOR;
            var b = ellipsoid.SemiMinorAxis*SCALE_FACTOR;
            var eSquared = ellipsoid.EccentricitySquared;
            var phi = Util.ToRadians(ll.Latitude);
            var lambda = Util.ToRadians(ll.Longitude);
            var E = 0.0;
            var N = 0.0;
            var n = (a - b)/(a + b);
            var v = a
                    *Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared*Util.sinSquared(phi), -0.5);
            var rho = a*(1.0 - eSquared)
                      *Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared*Util.sinSquared(phi), -1.5);
            var etaSquared = v/rho - 1.0;
            var M = b
                    *((1 + n + 5.0/4.0*n*n + 5.0/4.0*n*n*n)*(phi - phi0)
                      - (3*n + 3*n*n + 21.0/8.0*n*n*n)
                      *Math.Sin(phi - phi0)*Math.Cos(phi + phi0)
                      + (15.0/8.0*n*n + 15.0/8.0*n*n*n)
                      *Math.Sin(2.0*(phi - phi0))*Math.Cos(2.0*(phi + phi0)) - 35.0/24.0
                      *Math.Sin(3.0*(phi - phi0))*
                      Math.Cos(3.0*(phi + phi0)));
            var I = M + N0;
            var II = v/2.0*Math.Sin(phi)*Math.Cos(phi);
            var III = v/24.0*Math.Sin(phi)*Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 3.0)
                      *(5.0 - Util.tanSquared(phi) + 9.0*etaSquared);
            var IIIA = v/720.0*Math.Sin(phi)*Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 5.0)
                       *(61.0 - 58.0*Util.tanSquared(phi) + Math.Pow(Math.Tan(phi), 4.0));
            var IV = v*Math.Cos(phi);
            var V = v/6.0*Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 3.0)
                    *(v/rho - Util.tanSquared(phi));
            var VI = v/120.0
                     *Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 5.0)
                     *(5.0 - 18.0*Util.tanSquared(phi) + Math.Pow(Math.Tan(phi), 4.0)
                       + 14*etaSquared - 58*Util.tanSquared(phi)*etaSquared);

            N = I + II*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 2.0)
                + III*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 4.0)
                + IIIA*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 6.0);
            E = E0 + IV*(lambda - lambda0) + V*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 3.0)
                + VI*Math.Pow(lambda - lambda0, 5.0);

            Easting = E;
            Northing = N;
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate the surface distance in miles from this LatLng to the given
 /// LatLng.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ll">The LatLng object to measure the distance to.</param>
 /// <returns>The surface distance in miles.</returns>
 public double DistanceMiles(LatLng ll)
     return(Distance(ll) / 1.609344);