public override void DecompileMethod(ilspy::Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition method, ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ITextOutput output, DecompilationOptions options) { var cmethod = GetCompiledMethod(method); if ((cmethod != null) && (cmethod.DexMethod != null)) { try { var f = new MethodBodyDisassemblyFormatter(cmethod.DexMethod, MapFile); var formatOptions = FormatOptions.EmbedSourceCode | FormatOptions.ShowJumpTargets; if(ShowFullNames) formatOptions |= FormatOptions.FullTypeNames; if(DebugOperandTypes) formatOptions |= FormatOptions.DebugOperandTypes; var s = f.Format(formatOptions); output.Write(s); } catch (Exception) { output.Write("\n\n// Formatting error. Using Fallback.\n\n"); FallbackFormatting(output, cmethod); } } else { output.Write("Method not found in dex"); output.WriteLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// Load the text to display /// </summary> protected override string LoadText(ISpyContext settings) { var nl = Environment.NewLine; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("AccessFlags: {0}{1}", _methodDef.AccessFlags, nl); sb.AppendFormat("Prototype: {0}{1}", _methodDef.Prototype, nl); var body = _methodDef.Body; if (body != null) { sb.AppendFormat("#Registers: {0}{1}", body.Registers.Count, nl); sb.AppendFormat("#Incoming: {0}{1}", body.IncomingArguments, nl); sb.AppendFormat("#Outgoing: {0}{1}", body.OutgoingArguments, nl); sb.AppendLine(); _formatter = _formatter ?? new MethodBodyDisassemblyFormatter(_methodDef, settings.MapFile); FormatOptions format = FormatOptions.Default; if(settings.EmbedSourceCode) format |= FormatOptions.EmbedSourceCode; if (settings.EmbedSourceCodePositions) format |= FormatOptions.EmbedSourcePositions; if (settings.ShowControlFlow) format |= FormatOptions.ShowControlFlow; if (settings.FullTypeNames) format |= FormatOptions.FullTypeNames; var code = _formatter.Format(format); sb.AppendLine(code); #if DEBUG var debugInfo = body.DebugInfo; if (debugInfo != null) { sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("DEX Debug info:"); sb.AppendFormat("\tStart line: {0}{1}", debugInfo.LineStart, nl); int lineNumber = (int) debugInfo.LineStart; var address = 0; var index = 0; foreach (var ins in debugInfo.DebugInstructions) { if (!ins.IsLowLevel) sb.AppendFormat("\t{0:x4}\tline {1}, address {2:x4} -> {3}{4}", index, lineNumber, address, ins, nl); ins.UpdateLineAndAddress(ref lineNumber, ref address); index++; } } #endif } return sb.ToString(); }