private void bunifuThinButton_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = bunifuTextbox_User._TextBox.Text, password = bunifuTextbox_Password._TextBox.Text; if (username != "" && password != "") { var worker = workerModel.get(username); var owner = ownerModel.get(username); if (worker != null) { if (worker.ID == username && worker.Password == password) { WorkerOwnerForm workerOwnerForm = new WorkerOwnerForm("Worker", username, worker.Role); workerOwnerForm.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("One of the data is incorrect"); } } else if (owner != null) { if (owner.ID == username && owner.Password == password) { WorkerOwnerForm workerOwnerForm = new WorkerOwnerForm("Owner", username); workerOwnerForm.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("One of the data is incorrect"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("The user does not exit"); } } else if (username == "" && password == "") { MessageBox.Show("Enter the user's ID and password"); } else if (username == "") { MessageBox.Show("Enter the user's ID"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter the user's password"); } }
private void bunifuThinButton_Create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { label_Error_ID.Visible = false; label_Error_Password_1.Visible = false; label_Error_Password_2.Visible = false; label_Error_Firstname.Visible = false; label_Error_Lastname.Visible = false; label_Error_Date.Visible = false; label_Error_Email.Visible = false; label_Error_Phone.Visible = false; label_Error_Address.Visible = false; label_Error_Gender.Visible = false; bool idB = false, passB = false, firstnameB = false, lastnameB = false, dateB = false, emailB = false, phoneB = false, addressB = false, genderB = false; string id = "", pass = "", name = "", date = "", email = "", phone = "", address = "", gender = ""; var owner = ownerModel.get(textBox_ID.Text); var worker = workerModel.get(textBox_ID.Text); //ID if (textBox_ID.Text == "" || textBox_ID.TextLength != 9 || (person != "Worker" && owner != null) || (person == "Worker" && worker != null)) { //label_Error_ID.Visible = true; //label_Error_ID.Location = new Point(label_Error_ID.Location.X - 100, label_Error_ID.Location.Y); if (textBox_ID.Text == "") { label_Error_ID.Text = "Enter your ID"; } else if (textBox_ID.TextLength != 9) { label_Error_ID.Text = "Enter full ID (9 number)"; } else if (owner != null) { label_Error_ID.Text = "The user with ID number exits"; } else if (worker != null) { label_Error_ID.Text = "The user with ID number exits"; } } else { idB = true; id = textBox_ID.Text; } //password if (textBox_Password_1.Text == "" || textBox_Password_2.Text == "") { if (textBox_Password_1.Text == "") { label_Error_Password_1.Text = "Enter your password"; label_Error_Password_1.Visible = true; } if (textBox_Password_2.Text == "") { label_Error_Password_2.Text = "Enter your password"; label_Error_Password_2.Visible = true; } } if (textBox_Password_1.Text != textBox_Password_2.Text) { label_Error_Password_2.Text = "the passwords do not match"; label_Error_Password_2.Visible = true; } else { passB = true; pass = textBox_Password_1.Text; } //firstname if (textBox_Firstname.Text == "") { label_Error_Firstname.Visible = true; label_Error_Firstname.Text = "Enter your firstname"; } else { firstnameB = true; } //lastname if (textBox_Lastname.Text == "") { label_Error_Lastname.Visible = true; label_Error_Lastname.Text = "Enter your lastname"; } else { lastnameB = true; } if (firstnameB && lastnameB) { name = textBox_Firstname.Text + " " + textBox_Lastname.Text; } //phone if (textBox_Phone.TextLength > 0 && textBox_Phone.TextLength < 10) { label_Error_Phone.Visible = true; label_Error_Phone.Text = "Enter correct your phone"; } else { phoneB = true; phone = textBox_Phone.Text; } //Email if (textBox_firstEmail.Text != "" && comboBox_Email.Text == "Choose mail") { label_Error_Email.Visible = true; label_Error_Email.Text = "Enter correct name email"; } else if (textBox_firstEmail.Text == "" && comboBox_Email.Text != "Choose mail") { label_Error_Email.Visible = true; label_Error_Email.Text = "Choose mail"; } else { emailB = true; email = textBox_firstEmail.Text + "@" + comboBox_Email.Text; } //Date of birth date = textBox_DateOfBirth.Value.ToShortDateString(); //Address address = textBox_Address.Text; //Gender if (comboBox_Gender.Text == "Choose Gender") { label_Error_Gender.Visible = true; label_Error_Gender.Text = "Choose your gender"; } else { genderB = true; gender = comboBox_Gender.Text; } if (idB && passB && firstnameB && lastnameB && genderB) { this.Hide(); if (person != "Worker") { ownerModel.add(new Owner(id, name, date, gender, pass, phone, email, address)); WorkerOwnerForm workerOwnerForm = new WorkerOwnerForm("Owner", id); workerOwnerForm.ShowDialog(); } else { workerModel.add(new Worker(id, name, date, gender, pass, phone, email, address, "Employee")); } } }