private static CirceComConnection TryCreateOpenedConnection([NotNull] string portName,
            [CanBeNull] Action<CirceComConnection> attachHandlersCallback,
            [CanBeNull] Action<CirceComConnection> detachHandlersCallback)
            CirceComConnection connection = null;
            Exception error;
                connection = new CirceComConnection(portName);


                return connection;
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                // This may happen when you unplug the serial port cable while writing to the port.
                // The exception indicates that the port has been closed, so writing fails.
                error = ex;
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                error = ex;
            catch (SecurityException ex)
                error = ex;
            catch (IOException ex)
                error = ex;

            Log.Debug($"Failed to open port {portName}: {error.GetType()}: {error.Message}");
            if (connection != null)


            return null;
        private void CreateSession()
            Log.Debug("Entering CreateSession.");

            // Block until we have successfully sent a Login operation.
            Exception connectError;
            CirceComConnection newConnection;
                // Block until we have obtained a COM port.
                bool raisedWaitEvent = false;

                Log.Debug("Entering wait loop until at least one port found.");

                string comPortName = "COM3"; // Force single COM port
                string comPortName = portRotator.GetNextPortName();

                while (comPortName == null)
                    if (disposeRequestedWaitHandle.IsSet)
                        Log.Debug("CreateSession: Disposal has been requested while scanning for ports.");
                        OnStateChanged(ControllerConnectionState.Disconnected, null);

                    if (!raisedWaitEvent)
                        OnStateChanged(ControllerConnectionState.WaitingForComPort, null);
                        raisedWaitEvent = true;

                    comPortName = portRotator.GetNextPortName();

                if (disposeRequestedWaitHandle.IsSet)
                    Log.Debug("CreateSession: Disposal has been requested after port detection.");
                    OnStateChanged(ControllerConnectionState.Disconnected, null);

                OnStateChanged(ControllerConnectionState.Connecting, comPortName);

                seenProtocolVersionMismatch.Value = null;

                newConnection = new CirceComConnection(comPortName);
                newConnection.PacketSending += NewConnectionOnPacketSending;
                newConnection.PacketReceived += NewConnectionOnPacketReceived;
                newConnection.OperationReceived += NewConnectionOnOperationReceived;

                // The caller has closed a previous connection and paused the outgoing queue. So we
                // are guaranteed to be the only thread that is writing to the port. So locking
                // for exclusive write access is not needed here.
                if (TryDirectSend(newConnection, true, new LoginOperation(), out connectError))
                    // A KeepAlive response should be received shortly, so we'll set the lifetime to one 
                    // second in the past, which leaves a single second for the mediator to respond.
                    lastRefreshTimeInUtc.Value = SystemContext.UtcNow().AddSeconds(-1);

                if (connectError != null)
                    Log.Warn($"Failed to open port {comPortName} and send Login operation.", connectError);

                    // Because the lifetime of this instance is longer than the lifetime of a connection, it
                    // is critical to detach event handlers so the garbage collector can run. Failing to detach
                    // event handlers will cause a memory leak that increases at each reconnect.
                    newConnection.PacketSending -= NewConnectionOnPacketSending;
                    newConnection.PacketReceived -= NewConnectionOnPacketReceived;
                    newConnection.OperationReceived -= NewConnectionOnOperationReceived;

                    OnStateChanged(ControllerConnectionState.Disconnected, comPortName);
            while (connectError != null);

            activeConnection.Value = newConnection;