private void DrawDashedLine(Wpg.WordprocessingGroup wordprocessingGroup, Rect cmlExtents, Point bondStart, Point bondEnd, string colour = "000000") { UInt32Value id = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)m_ooxmlId++); string bondLineName = "DashedBondLine" + id; Int64Value width = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(cmlExtents.Width); Int64Value height = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(cmlExtents.Height); Int64Value top = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(cmlExtents.Top); Int64Value left = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(cmlExtents.Left); Wps.WordprocessingShape shape = new Wps.WordprocessingShape(); Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = id, Name = bondLineName }; Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties(); Wps.ShapeProperties shapeProperties = new Wps.ShapeProperties(); A.Transform2D transform2D = new A.Transform2D(); A.Offset offset = new A.Offset { X = left, Y = top }; A.Extents extents = new A.Extents { Cx = width, Cy = height }; transform2D.Append(offset); transform2D.Append(extents); A.CustomGeometry customGeometry = new A.CustomGeometry(); A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList = new A.AdjustValueList(); A.Rectangle rectangle = new A.Rectangle { Left = "l", Top = "t", Right = "r", Bottom = "b" }; A.PathList pathList = new A.PathList(); A.Path path = new A.Path { Width = width, Height = height }; A.MoveTo moveTo = new A.MoveTo(); A.Point point1 = new A.Point { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(bondStart.X).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(bondStart.Y).ToString() }; moveTo.Append(point1); A.LineTo lineTo = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point2 = new A.Point { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(bondEnd.X).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(bondEnd.Y).ToString() }; lineTo.Append(point2); path.Append(moveTo); path.Append(lineTo); pathList.Append(path); customGeometry.Append(adjustValueList); customGeometry.Append(rectangle); customGeometry.Append(pathList); A.Outline outline = new A.Outline { Width = OoXmlHelper.ACS_LINE_WIDTH_EMUS, CapType = A.LineCapValues.Round }; A.SolidFill solidFill = new A.SolidFill(); A.PresetDash presetDash = new A.PresetDash() { Val = A.PresetLineDashValues.SystemDash }; A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex = new A.RgbColorModelHex { Val = colour }; solidFill.Append(rgbColorModelHex); outline.Append(solidFill); outline.Append(presetDash); shapeProperties.Append(transform2D); shapeProperties.Append(customGeometry); shapeProperties.Append(outline); OoXmlHelper.AppendShapeStyle(shape, nonVisualDrawingProperties, nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties, shapeProperties); wordprocessingGroup.Append(shape); }
private void DrawDashedLine(Wpg.WordprocessingGroup wordprocessingGroup1, Rect extents, Point bondStart, Point bondEnd) { UInt32Value bondLineId = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)m_ooxmlId++); string bondLineName = "DashedBondLine" + bondLineId; Int64Value width = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Width); Int64Value height = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Height); Int64Value top = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Top); Int64Value left = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Left); Wps.WordprocessingShape wordprocessingShape1 = new Wps.WordprocessingShape(); Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties1 = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = bondLineId, Name = bondLineName }; Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties1 = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties(); Wps.ShapeProperties shapeProperties1 = new Wps.ShapeProperties(); A.Transform2D transform2D1 = new A.Transform2D(); A.Offset offset2 = new A.Offset() { X = left, Y = top }; A.Extents extents2 = new A.Extents() { Cx = width, Cy = height }; transform2D1.Append(offset2); transform2D1.Append(extents2); A.CustomGeometry customGeometry1 = new A.CustomGeometry(); A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList1 = new A.AdjustValueList(); A.Rectangle rectangle1 = new A.Rectangle() { Left = "l", Top = "t", Right = "r", Bottom = "b" }; A.PathList pathList1 = new A.PathList(); A.Path path1 = new A.Path() { Width = width, Height = height }; A.MoveTo moveTo1 = new A.MoveTo(); A.Point point1 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(bondStart.X).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(bondStart.Y).ToString() }; moveTo1.Append(point1); A.LineTo lineTo1 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point2 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(bondEnd.X).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(bondEnd.Y).ToString() }; lineTo1.Append(point2); path1.Append(moveTo1); path1.Append(lineTo1); pathList1.Append(path1); customGeometry1.Append(adjustValueList1); customGeometry1.Append(rectangle1); customGeometry1.Append(pathList1); A.Outline outline1 = new A.Outline() { Width = 9525, CapType = A.LineCapValues.Round }; A.SolidFill solidFill1 = new A.SolidFill(); A.PresetDash presetDash1 = new A.PresetDash() { Val = A.PresetLineDashValues.LargeDash }; A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex1 = new A.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "000000" }; A.Alpha alpha1 = new A.Alpha() { Val = new Int32Value() { InnerText = "100%" } }; rgbColorModelHex1.Append(alpha1); solidFill1.Append(rgbColorModelHex1); outline1.Append(solidFill1); outline1.Append(presetDash1); shapeProperties1.Append(transform2D1); shapeProperties1.Append(customGeometry1); shapeProperties1.Append(outline1); Wps.ShapeStyle shapeStyle1 = new Wps.ShapeStyle(); A.LineReference lineReference1 = new A.LineReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.FillReference fillReference1 = new A.FillReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.EffectReference effectReference1 = new A.EffectReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.FontReference fontReference1 = new A.FontReference() { Index = A.FontCollectionIndexValues.Minor }; shapeStyle1.Append(lineReference1); shapeStyle1.Append(fillReference1); shapeStyle1.Append(effectReference1); shapeStyle1.Append(fontReference1); Wps.TextBodyProperties textBodyProperties1 = new Wps.TextBodyProperties(); wordprocessingShape1.Append(nonVisualDrawingProperties1); wordprocessingShape1.Append(nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties1); wordprocessingShape1.Append(shapeProperties1); wordprocessingShape1.Append(shapeStyle1); wordprocessingShape1.Append(textBodyProperties1); wordprocessingGroup1.Append(wordprocessingShape1); }
private void DrawWedgeBond(Wpg.WordprocessingGroup wordprocessingGroup, List <Point> points) { UInt32Value id = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)m_ooxmlId++); string atomLabelName = "WedgeBond" + id; Rect cmlExtents = new Rect(points[0], points[points.Count - 1]); for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++) { cmlExtents.Union(new Rect(points[i], points[i + 1])); } // Move Extents to have 0,0 Top Left Reference cmlExtents.Offset(-m_canvasExtents.Left, -m_canvasExtents.Top); Int64Value top = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(cmlExtents.Y); Int64Value left = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(cmlExtents.X); Int64Value width = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(cmlExtents.Width); Int64Value height = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(cmlExtents.Height); Wps.WordprocessingShape shape = new Wps.WordprocessingShape(); Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = id, Name = atomLabelName }; Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties(); Wps.ShapeProperties shapeProperties = new Wps.ShapeProperties(); A.Transform2D transform2D = new A.Transform2D(); A.Offset offset = new A.Offset { X = left, Y = top }; A.Extents extents = new A.Extents { Cx = width, Cy = height }; transform2D.Append(offset); transform2D.Append(extents); A.CustomGeometry customGeometry = new A.CustomGeometry(); A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList = new A.AdjustValueList(); A.Rectangle rectangle = new A.Rectangle { Left = "l", Top = "t", Right = "r", Bottom = "b" }; A.PathList pathList = new A.PathList(); A.Path path = new A.Path { Width = width, Height = height }; A.MoveTo moveTo = new A.MoveTo(); moveTo.Append(MakePoint(points[0])); path.Append(moveTo); for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; i++) { A.LineTo lineTo = new A.LineTo(); lineTo.Append(MakePoint(points[i])); path.Append(lineTo); } A.CloseShapePath closeShapePath = new A.CloseShapePath(); path.Append(closeShapePath); pathList.Append(path); customGeometry.Append(adjustValueList); customGeometry.Append(rectangle); customGeometry.Append(pathList); // Set shape fill colour A.SolidFill solidFill1 = new A.SolidFill(); A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex = new A.RgbColorModelHex { Val = "000000" }; solidFill1.Append(rgbColorModelHex); // Set shape outline colour A.Outline outline = new A.Outline { Width = OoXmlHelper.ACS_LINE_WIDTH_EMUS, CapType = A.LineCapValues.Round }; A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex2 = new A.RgbColorModelHex { Val = "000000" }; A.SolidFill solidFill2 = new A.SolidFill(); solidFill2.Append(rgbColorModelHex2); outline.Append(solidFill2); shapeProperties.Append(transform2D); shapeProperties.Append(customGeometry); shapeProperties.Append(solidFill1); shapeProperties.Append(outline); OoXmlHelper.AppendShapeStyle(shape, nonVisualDrawingProperties, nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties, shapeProperties); wordprocessingGroup.Append(shape); // Local Function A.Point MakePoint(Point pp) { pp.Offset(-m_canvasExtents.Left, -m_canvasExtents.Top); pp.Offset(-cmlExtents.Left, -cmlExtents.Top); return(new A.Point { X = $"{OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(pp.X)}", Y = $"{OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(pp.Y)}" }); } }
private void DrawFilledTriangle(Wpg.WordprocessingGroup wordprocessingGroup1, List <Point> points) { UInt32Value atomLabelId = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)m_ooxmlId++); string atomLabelName = "WedgeBond" + atomLabelId; double minX = double.MaxValue; double maxX = double.MinValue; double minY = double.MaxValue; double maxY = double.MinValue; foreach (Point p in points) { maxX = Math.Max(p.X, maxX); minX = Math.Min(p.X, minX); maxY = Math.Max(p.Y, maxY); minY = Math.Min(p.Y, minY); } Rect extents = new Rect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY); // Create modifyable Points Point p0 = new Point(points[0].X, points[0].Y); Point p1 = new Point(points[1].X, points[1].Y); Point p2 = new Point(points[2].X, points[2].Y); // Move Points to have 0,0 Top Left Reference within the drawing canvas p0.Offset(-m_canvasExtents.Left, -m_canvasExtents.Top); p1.Offset(-m_canvasExtents.Left, -m_canvasExtents.Top); p2.Offset(-m_canvasExtents.Left, -m_canvasExtents.Top); // Move shape's extents to correct place in drawing canvas extents.Offset(-m_canvasExtents.Left, -m_canvasExtents.Top); // Move points again to put them inside the shape's extents p0.Offset(-extents.Left, -extents.Top); p1.Offset(-extents.Left, -extents.Top); p2.Offset(-extents.Left, -extents.Top); Int64Value top = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Y); Int64Value left = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.X); Int64Value width = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Width); Int64Value height = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Height); Wps.WordprocessingShape wordprocessingShape10 = new Wps.WordprocessingShape(); Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties10 = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = atomLabelId, Name = atomLabelName }; Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties10 = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties(); Wps.ShapeProperties shapeProperties10 = new Wps.ShapeProperties(); A.Transform2D transform2D10 = new A.Transform2D(); A.Offset offset11 = new A.Offset() { X = left, Y = top }; A.Extents extents11 = new A.Extents() { Cx = width, Cy = height }; transform2D10.Append(offset11); transform2D10.Append(extents11); A.CustomGeometry customGeometry10 = new A.CustomGeometry(); A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList10 = new A.AdjustValueList(); A.Rectangle rectangle10 = new A.Rectangle() { Left = "l", Top = "t", Right = "r", Bottom = "b" }; A.PathList pathList10 = new A.PathList(); A.Path path10 = new A.Path() { Width = width, Height = height }; string xCoOrdinate = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(p0.X).ToString(); string yCoOrdinate = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(p0.Y).ToString(); A.MoveTo moveTo10 = new A.MoveTo(); A.Point point19 = new A.Point() { X = xCoOrdinate, Y = yCoOrdinate }; moveTo10.Append(point19); path10.Append(moveTo10); xCoOrdinate = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(p1.X).ToString(); yCoOrdinate = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(p1.Y).ToString(); A.LineTo lineTo10 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point20 = new A.Point() { X = xCoOrdinate, Y = yCoOrdinate }; lineTo10.Append(point20); path10.Append(lineTo10); xCoOrdinate = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(p2.X).ToString(); yCoOrdinate = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(p2.Y).ToString(); A.LineTo lineTo19 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point29 = new A.Point() { X = xCoOrdinate, Y = yCoOrdinate }; lineTo19.Append(point29); path10.Append(lineTo19); A.CloseShapePath closeShapePath1 = new A.CloseShapePath(); path10.Append(closeShapePath1); pathList10.Append(path10); customGeometry10.Append(adjustValueList10); customGeometry10.Append(rectangle10); customGeometry10.Append(pathList10); A.SolidFill solidFill10 = new A.SolidFill(); A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex10 = new A.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "000000" }; A.Alpha alpha10 = new A.Alpha() { Val = new Int32Value() { InnerText = "100%" } }; rgbColorModelHex10.Append(alpha10); solidFill10.Append(rgbColorModelHex10); shapeProperties10.Append(transform2D10); shapeProperties10.Append(customGeometry10); shapeProperties10.Append(solidFill10); Wps.ShapeStyle shapeStyle10 = new Wps.ShapeStyle(); A.LineReference lineReference10 = new A.LineReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.FillReference fillReference10 = new A.FillReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.EffectReference effectReference10 = new A.EffectReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.FontReference fontReference10 = new A.FontReference() { Index = A.FontCollectionIndexValues.Minor }; shapeStyle10.Append(lineReference10); shapeStyle10.Append(fillReference10); shapeStyle10.Append(effectReference10); shapeStyle10.Append(fontReference10); Wps.TextBodyProperties textBodyProperties10 = new Wps.TextBodyProperties(); wordprocessingShape10.Append(nonVisualDrawingProperties10); wordprocessingShape10.Append(nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties10); wordprocessingShape10.Append(shapeProperties10); wordprocessingShape10.Append(shapeStyle10); wordprocessingShape10.Append(textBodyProperties10); wordprocessingGroup1.Append(wordprocessingShape10); }
private void DrawBox(Wpg.WordprocessingGroup wordprocessingGroup1, Rect extents, string colour, int thick) { UInt32Value bondLineId = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)_ooxmlId++); string bondLineName = "diag-box-" + bondLineId; Int64Value width1 = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Width); Int64Value height1 = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Height); Int64Value top1 = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Top); Int64Value left1 = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(extents.Left); Point pp1 = new Point(left1, top1); Size ss2 = new Size(width1, height1); pp1.Offset(OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(-_canvasExtents.Left), OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(-_canvasExtents.Top)); Rect boundingBox = new Rect(pp1, ss2); Int64Value width = (Int64Value)boundingBox.Width; Int64Value height = (Int64Value)boundingBox.Height; Int64Value top = (Int64Value)boundingBox.Top; Int64Value left = (Int64Value)boundingBox.Left; Wps.WordprocessingShape wordprocessingShape1 = new Wps.WordprocessingShape(); Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties1 = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = bondLineId, Name = bondLineName }; Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties1 = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties(); Wps.ShapeProperties shapeProperties1 = new Wps.ShapeProperties(); A.Transform2D transform2D1 = new A.Transform2D(); A.Offset offset2 = new A.Offset() { X = left, Y = top }; A.Extents extents2 = new A.Extents() { Cx = width, Cy = height }; transform2D1.Append(offset2); transform2D1.Append(extents2); A.CustomGeometry customGeometry1 = new A.CustomGeometry(); A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList1 = new A.AdjustValueList(); A.Rectangle rectangle1 = new A.Rectangle() { Left = "l", Top = "t", Right = "r", Bottom = "b" }; A.PathList pathList1 = new A.PathList(); A.Path path1 = new A.Path() { Width = width, Height = height }; // Starting Point A.MoveTo moveTo1 = new A.MoveTo(); A.Point point1 = new A.Point() { X = "0", Y = "0" }; moveTo1.Append(point1); // Mid Point A.LineTo lineTo1 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point2 = new A.Point() { X = boundingBox.Width.ToString("0"), Y = "0" }; lineTo1.Append(point2); // Mid Point A.LineTo lineTo2 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point3 = new A.Point() { X = boundingBox.Width.ToString("0"), Y = boundingBox.Height.ToString("0") }; lineTo2.Append(point3); // Last Point A.LineTo lineTo3 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point4 = new A.Point() { X = "0", Y = boundingBox.Height.ToString("0") }; lineTo3.Append(point4); // Back to Start Point A.LineTo lineTo4 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point5 = new A.Point() { X = "0", Y = "0" }; lineTo4.Append(point5); path1.Append(moveTo1); path1.Append(lineTo1); path1.Append(lineTo2); path1.Append(lineTo3); path1.Append(lineTo4); pathList1.Append(path1); customGeometry1.Append(adjustValueList1); customGeometry1.Append(rectangle1); customGeometry1.Append(pathList1); A.Outline outline1 = new A.Outline() { Width = thick, CapType = A.LineCapValues.Round }; A.SolidFill solidFill1 = new A.SolidFill(); A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex1 = new A.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = colour }; A.Alpha alpha1 = new A.Alpha() { Val = new Int32Value() { InnerText = "100%" } }; rgbColorModelHex1.Append(alpha1); solidFill1.Append(rgbColorModelHex1); outline1.Append(solidFill1); shapeProperties1.Append(transform2D1); shapeProperties1.Append(customGeometry1); shapeProperties1.Append(outline1); Wps.ShapeStyle shapeStyle1 = new Wps.ShapeStyle(); A.LineReference lineReference1 = new A.LineReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.FillReference fillReference1 = new A.FillReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.EffectReference effectReference1 = new A.EffectReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.FontReference fontReference1 = new A.FontReference() { Index = A.FontCollectionIndexValues.Minor }; shapeStyle1.Append(lineReference1); shapeStyle1.Append(fillReference1); shapeStyle1.Append(effectReference1); shapeStyle1.Append(fontReference1); Wps.TextBodyProperties textBodyProperties1 = new Wps.TextBodyProperties(); wordprocessingShape1.Append(nonVisualDrawingProperties1); wordprocessingShape1.Append(nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties1); wordprocessingShape1.Append(shapeProperties1); wordprocessingShape1.Append(shapeStyle1); wordprocessingShape1.Append(textBodyProperties1); wordprocessingGroup1.Append(wordprocessingShape1); }
public void DrawCharacter(Wpg.WordprocessingGroup wordprocessingGroup, AtomLabelCharacter alc) { Point characterPosition = new Point(alc.Position.X, alc.Position.Y); characterPosition.Offset(-_canvasExtents.Left, -_canvasExtents.Top); UInt32Value id = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)_ooxmlId++); string atomLabelName = "Atom " + alc.ParentAtom; Int64Value width = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Width, _meanBondLength); Int64Value height = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Height, _meanBondLength); if (alc.IsSmaller) { width = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Width, _meanBondLength); height = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Height, _meanBondLength); } Int64Value top = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(characterPosition.Y); Int64Value left = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(characterPosition.X); // Set variable true to show bounding box of (every) character if (_options.ShowCharacterBoundingBoxes) { Rect boundingBox = new Rect(new Point(left, top), new Size(width, height)); DrawCharacterBox(wordprocessingGroup, boundingBox, "00ff00", 0.25); } Wps.WordprocessingShape shape = new Wps.WordprocessingShape(); Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = id, Name = atomLabelName }; Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties(); Wps.ShapeProperties shapeProperties = new Wps.ShapeProperties(); A.Transform2D transform2D = new A.Transform2D(); A.Offset offset = new A.Offset { X = left, Y = top }; A.Extents extents = new A.Extents { Cx = width, Cy = height }; transform2D.Append(offset); transform2D.Append(extents); A.CustomGeometry geometry = new A.CustomGeometry(); A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList = new A.AdjustValueList(); A.Rectangle rectangle = new A.Rectangle { Left = "l", Top = "t", Right = "r", Bottom = "b" }; A.PathList pathList = new A.PathList(); A.Path path = new A.Path { Width = width, Height = height }; foreach (TtfContour contour in alc.Character.Contours) { int i = 0; while (i < contour.Points.Count) { TtfPoint thisPoint = contour.Points[i]; TtfPoint nextPoint = null; if (i < contour.Points.Count - 1) { nextPoint = contour.Points[i + 1]; } switch (thisPoint.Type) { case TtfPoint.PointType.Start: A.MoveTo moveTo = new A.MoveTo(); if (alc.IsSmaller) { A.Point point = MakeSubscriptPoint(thisPoint); moveTo.Append(point); path.Append(moveTo); } else { A.Point point = MakeNormalPoint(thisPoint); moveTo.Append(point); path.Append(moveTo); } i++; break; case TtfPoint.PointType.Line: A.LineTo lineTo = new A.LineTo(); if (alc.IsSmaller) { A.Point point = MakeSubscriptPoint(thisPoint); lineTo.Append(point); path.Append(lineTo); } else { A.Point point = MakeNormalPoint(thisPoint); lineTo.Append(point); path.Append(lineTo); } i++; break; case TtfPoint.PointType.CurveOff: A.QuadraticBezierCurveTo quadraticBezierCurveTo = new A.QuadraticBezierCurveTo(); if (alc.IsSmaller) { A.Point pointA = MakeSubscriptPoint(thisPoint); A.Point pointB = MakeSubscriptPoint(nextPoint); quadraticBezierCurveTo.Append(pointA); quadraticBezierCurveTo.Append(pointB); path.Append(quadraticBezierCurveTo); } else { A.Point pointA = MakeNormalPoint(thisPoint); A.Point pointB = MakeNormalPoint(nextPoint); quadraticBezierCurveTo.Append(pointA); quadraticBezierCurveTo.Append(pointB); path.Append(quadraticBezierCurveTo); } i++; i++; break; case TtfPoint.PointType.CurveOn: // Should never get here ! i++; break; } } A.CloseShapePath closeShapePath = new A.CloseShapePath(); path.Append(closeShapePath); } pathList.Append(path); geometry.Append(adjustValueList); geometry.Append(rectangle); geometry.Append(pathList); A.SolidFill solidFill = new A.SolidFill(); // Set Colour A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex = new A.RgbColorModelHex { Val = alc.Colour }; solidFill.Append(rgbColorModelHex); shapeProperties.Append(transform2D); shapeProperties.Append(geometry); shapeProperties.Append(solidFill); OoXmlHelper.AppendShapeStyle(shape, nonVisualDrawingProperties, nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties, shapeProperties); wordprocessingGroup.Append(shape); // Local Functions A.Point MakeSubscriptPoint(TtfPoint ttfPoint) { A.Point pp = new A.Point { X = $"{OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(ttfPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX, _meanBondLength)}", Y = $"{OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Height + ttfPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY), _meanBondLength)}" }; return(pp); } A.Point MakeNormalPoint(TtfPoint ttfPoint) { A.Point pp = new A.Point { X = $"{OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(ttfPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX, _meanBondLength)}", Y = $"{OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Height + ttfPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY), _meanBondLength)}" }; return(pp); } }
private void DrawCharacterBox(Wpg.WordprocessingGroup wordprocessingGroup, Rect boxExtents, string colour, double points) { UInt32Value id = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)_ooxmlId++); string bondLineName = "char-diag-box-" + id; Int64Value width = (Int64Value)boxExtents.Width; Int64Value height = (Int64Value)boxExtents.Height; Int64Value top = (Int64Value)boxExtents.Top; Int64Value left = (Int64Value)boxExtents.Left; Wps.WordprocessingShape shape = new Wps.WordprocessingShape(); Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = id, Name = bondLineName }; Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties(); Wps.ShapeProperties shapeProperties = new Wps.ShapeProperties(); A.Transform2D transform2D = new A.Transform2D(); A.Offset offset = new A.Offset { X = left, Y = top }; A.Extents extents = new A.Extents { Cx = width, Cy = height }; transform2D.Append(offset); transform2D.Append(extents); A.CustomGeometry customGeometry = new A.CustomGeometry(); A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList = new A.AdjustValueList(); A.Rectangle rectangle = new A.Rectangle { Left = "l", Top = "t", Right = "r", Bottom = "b" }; A.PathList pathList = new A.PathList(); A.Path path = new A.Path { Width = width, Height = height }; // Starting Point A.MoveTo moveTo = new A.MoveTo(); A.Point point1 = new A.Point { X = "0", Y = "0" }; moveTo.Append(point1); // Mid Point A.LineTo lineTo1 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point2 = new A.Point { X = boxExtents.Width.ToString("0"), Y = "0" }; lineTo1.Append(point2); // Mid Point A.LineTo lineTo2 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point3 = new A.Point { X = boxExtents.Width.ToString("0"), Y = boxExtents.Height.ToString("0") }; lineTo2.Append(point3); // Last Point A.LineTo lineTo3 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point4 = new A.Point { X = "0", Y = boxExtents.Height.ToString("0") }; lineTo3.Append(point4); // Back to Start Point A.LineTo lineTo4 = new A.LineTo(); A.Point point5 = new A.Point { X = "0", Y = "0" }; lineTo4.Append(point5); path.Append(moveTo); path.Append(lineTo1); path.Append(lineTo2); path.Append(lineTo3); path.Append(lineTo4); pathList.Append(path); customGeometry.Append(adjustValueList); customGeometry.Append(rectangle); customGeometry.Append(pathList); Int32Value emus = (Int32Value)(points * OoXmlHelper.EMUS_PER_WORD_POINT); A.Outline outline = new A.Outline { Width = emus, CapType = A.LineCapValues.Round }; A.SolidFill solidFill = new A.SolidFill(); A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex = new A.RgbColorModelHex { Val = colour }; solidFill.Append(rgbColorModelHex); outline.Append(solidFill); shapeProperties.Append(transform2D); shapeProperties.Append(customGeometry); shapeProperties.Append(outline); OoXmlHelper.AppendShapeStyle(shape, nonVisualDrawingProperties, nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties, shapeProperties); wordprocessingGroup.Append(shape); }
public void DrawCharacter(Wpg.WordprocessingGroup wordprocessingGroup1, AtomLabelCharacter alc) { Point characterPosition = new Point(alc.Position.X, alc.Position.Y); characterPosition.Offset(-_canvasExtents.Left, -_canvasExtents.Top); UInt32Value atomLabelId = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)_ooxmlId++); string atomLabelName = "AtomLabel" + atomLabelId; Int64Value width = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Width); Int64Value height = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Height); if (alc.IsSubScript) { width = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Width); height = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Height); } Int64Value top = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(characterPosition.Y); Int64Value left = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCmlToEmu(characterPosition.X); // Set variable true to show bounding box of (every) character if (_options.ShowCharacterBoundingBoxes) { Rect boundingBox = new Rect(new Point(left, top), new Size(width, height)); DrawCharacterBox(wordprocessingGroup1, boundingBox, "00ff00", 10); } Wps.WordprocessingShape wordprocessingShape10 = new Wps.WordprocessingShape(); Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties10 = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = atomLabelId, Name = atomLabelName }; Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties10 = new Wps.NonVisualDrawingShapeProperties(); Wps.ShapeProperties shapeProperties10 = new Wps.ShapeProperties(); A.Transform2D transform2D10 = new A.Transform2D(); A.Offset offset11 = new A.Offset() { X = left, Y = top }; A.Extents extents11 = new A.Extents() { Cx = width, Cy = height }; transform2D10.Append(offset11); transform2D10.Append(extents11); A.CustomGeometry customGeometry10 = new A.CustomGeometry(); A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList10 = new A.AdjustValueList(); A.Rectangle rectangle10 = new A.Rectangle() { Left = "l", Top = "t", Right = "r", Bottom = "b" }; A.PathList pathList10 = new A.PathList(); A.Path path10 = new A.Path() { Width = width, Height = height }; foreach (TtfContour contour in alc.Character.Contours) { int i = 0; while (i < contour.Points.Count) { TtfPoint thisPoint = contour.Points[i]; TtfPoint nextPoint = null; if (i < contour.Points.Count - 1) { nextPoint = contour.Points[i + 1]; } switch (thisPoint.Type) { case TtfPoint.PointType.Start: A.MoveTo moveTo1 = new A.MoveTo(); if (alc.IsSubScript) { A.Point point1 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(thisPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Height + thisPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY)).ToString() }; moveTo1.Append(point1); path10.Append(moveTo1); } else { A.Point point1 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(thisPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Height + thisPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY)).ToString() }; moveTo1.Append(point1); path10.Append(moveTo1); } i++; break; case TtfPoint.PointType.Line: A.LineTo lineTo1 = new A.LineTo(); if (alc.IsSubScript) { A.Point point2 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(thisPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Height + thisPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY)).ToString() }; lineTo1.Append(point2); path10.Append(lineTo1); } else { A.Point point2 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(thisPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Height + thisPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY)).ToString() }; lineTo1.Append(point2); path10.Append(lineTo1); } i++; break; case TtfPoint.PointType.CurveOff: A.QuadraticBezierCurveTo quadraticBezierCurveTo13 = new A.QuadraticBezierCurveTo(); if (alc.IsSubScript) { A.Point point3 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(thisPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Height + thisPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY)).ToString() }; A.Point point4 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(nextPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfSubScriptToEmu(alc.Character.Height + nextPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY)).ToString() }; quadraticBezierCurveTo13.Append(point3); quadraticBezierCurveTo13.Append(point4); path10.Append(quadraticBezierCurveTo13); } else { A.Point point3 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(thisPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Height + thisPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY)).ToString() }; A.Point point4 = new A.Point() { X = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(nextPoint.X - alc.Character.OriginX).ToString(), Y = OoXmlHelper.ScaleCsTtfToEmu(alc.Character.Height + nextPoint.Y - (alc.Character.Height + alc.Character.OriginY)).ToString() }; quadraticBezierCurveTo13.Append(point3); quadraticBezierCurveTo13.Append(point4); path10.Append(quadraticBezierCurveTo13); } i++; i++; break; case TtfPoint.PointType.CurveOn: // Should never get here ! i++; break; } } A.CloseShapePath closeShapePath1 = new A.CloseShapePath(); path10.Append(closeShapePath1); } pathList10.Append(path10); customGeometry10.Append(adjustValueList10); customGeometry10.Append(rectangle10); customGeometry10.Append(pathList10); A.SolidFill solidFill10 = new A.SolidFill(); // Set Colour A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex10 = new A.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = alc.Colour }; solidFill10.Append(rgbColorModelHex10); shapeProperties10.Append(transform2D10); shapeProperties10.Append(customGeometry10); shapeProperties10.Append(solidFill10); Wps.ShapeStyle shapeStyle10 = new Wps.ShapeStyle(); A.LineReference lineReference10 = new A.LineReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.FillReference fillReference10 = new A.FillReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.EffectReference effectReference10 = new A.EffectReference() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U }; A.FontReference fontReference10 = new A.FontReference() { Index = A.FontCollectionIndexValues.Minor }; shapeStyle10.Append(lineReference10); shapeStyle10.Append(fillReference10); shapeStyle10.Append(effectReference10); shapeStyle10.Append(fontReference10); Wps.TextBodyProperties textBodyProperties10 = new Wps.TextBodyProperties(); wordprocessingShape10.Append(nonVisualDrawingProperties10); wordprocessingShape10.Append(nonVisualDrawingShapeProperties10); wordprocessingShape10.Append(shapeProperties10); wordprocessingShape10.Append(shapeStyle10); wordprocessingShape10.Append(textBodyProperties10); wordprocessingGroup1.Append(wordprocessingShape10); }