public static ViewUrl getRecipientUrl(EnvelopesApi envelopesApi, string accountId, EnvelopeDefinition envDef, string envelopeId, Signer recipient)
            // set the url where you want the recipient to go once they are done signing
            // - this can be used by your app to watch the URL and detect when signing has completed (or was canceled)
            var returnUrl = new RecipientViewRequest();

            //Get Config settings from App.config
            DocuSignConfig configSettings = new DocuSignConfig();

            returnUrl.ReturnUrl = configSettings.LOCAL_RETURN_URL + "pop/" + envelopeId;

            returnUrl.AuthenticationMethod = "email";

            // recipient information must match embedded recipient info we provided
            returnUrl.UserName     = recipient.Name;
            returnUrl.Email        = recipient.Email;
            returnUrl.RecipientId  = recipient.RecipientId;
            returnUrl.ClientUserId = recipient.ClientUserId;

            RecipientViewRequest recipipentViewRequest = new RecipientViewRequest();
            ViewUrl viewUrl = new ViewUrl();

            viewUrl = envelopesApi.CreateRecipientView(accountId, envelopeId, returnUrl);
        public static string InitializeDocuSignAPI()
                //Get Config settings from App.config
                DocuSignConfig configSettings = new DocuSignConfig();

                string userName      = configSettings.DOCUSIGN_USERNAME;
                string password      = configSettings.DOCUSIGN_PASSWORD;
                string integratorKey = configSettings.DOCUSIGN_IK;

                // initialize client for desired environment (for production change to www)
                ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient("");
                eSign.Client.Configuration.Default.ApiClient = apiClient;

                // configure 'X-DocuSign-Authentication' header
                string authHeader = "{\"Username\":\"" + userName + "\", \"Password\":\"" + password + "\", \"IntegratorKey\":\"" + integratorKey + "\"}";
                eSign.Client.Configuration.Default.AddDefaultHeader("X-DocuSign-Authentication", authHeader);

                // we will retrieve this from the login API call
                string accountId = null;

                // login call is available in the authentication api
                AuthenticationApi authApi   = new AuthenticationApi();
                LoginInformation  loginInfo = authApi.Login();

                // parse the first account ID that is returned (user might belong to multiple accounts)
                accountId = loginInfo.LoginAccounts[0].AccountId;

                // Update ApiClient with the new base url from login call, but separate string to extract the base path
                string   baseUrl   = loginInfo.LoginAccounts[0].BaseUrl;
                string[] separator = new string[] { "/restapi" };
                string   basePath  = baseUrl.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None)[0] + "/restapi";
                apiClient = new ApiClient(basePath);

                //IMPORTANT: Reassign apiClient object - if this isn't done, the call will fail in production
                eSign.Client.Configuration.Default.ApiClient = apiClient;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        //Main() is used to test running the program as an exe, not as a DLL
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string accountId = DocuSign.Startup.InitializeDocuSignAPI();

            object[] reqArray = new object[4];

            DocuSignConfig configSettings = new DocuSignConfig();

            //create dictionary for all possible combinations in every loan scenario
            Dictionary <string, object> nodeBody = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            nodeBody = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            nodeBody.Add("inputEmail", configSettings.EMPLOYEE_EMAIL);
            nodeBody.Add("inputFirstName", "FirstName");
            nodeBody.Add("inputLastName", "LastName");
            nodeBody.Add("inputAppraiserEmail", configSettings.EMPLOYEE_EMAIL);
            nodeBody.Add("inputAppraiserFirstName", "AppraiserFirstName");
            nodeBody.Add("inputAppraiserLastName", "AppraiserLastName");
            nodeBody.Add("inputSigningLocation", "");
            nodeBody.Add("inputSigningLocationAppraiser", "");
            nodeBody.Add("inputPhone", "(877) 720-2040");
            nodeBody.Add("inputAddress1", "221 Main Street");
            nodeBody.Add("inputAddress2", "#1000");
            nodeBody.Add("inputCity", "San Francisco");
            nodeBody.Add("inputState", "CA");
            nodeBody.Add("inputZip", "94105");
            nodeBody.Add("inputLoanAmount", "1000.00");
            nodeBody.Add("inputLoanLength", "36");
            nodeBody.Add("inputAccessCode", "");
            nodeBody.Add("inputAuthentication", "");
            nodeBody.Add("inputCosignerCheckbox", "on");    //will be "on" if checked
            nodeBody.Add("inputCosignerFirstName", "CoSignerFirstName");
            nodeBody.Add("inputCosignerLastName", "CoSignerLastName");
            nodeBody.Add("inputCosignerEmail", configSettings.EMPLOYEE_EMAIL);
            nodeBody.Add("inputSigningLocationCosigner", "");
            nodeBody.Add("inputAccessCodeCosigner", "");
            nodeBody.Add("inputAuthenticationCosigner", "");
            nodeBody.Add("inputCosignerPhone", "(425)111-1111");

            reqArray[0] = nodeBody; //body
            reqArray[1] = null;     //session

            //get path of assembly, but this is too deep from where the node.js path will be at runtime
            string path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

            for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                //get parent path 5 times
                path = Directory.GetParent(path).FullName;
            //append path from solution structure (assumes this didn't change)
            path += "\\GitHub Source\\sample-app-loanco-nodejs-master";

            reqArray[2] = path; //current path
            reqArray[3] = "";   //gmapBase64Doc

            object rtn = DocuSign.Startup.CreateEnvelope_PersonalLoan(reqArray, accountId);
            //object rtn = DocuSign.Startup.CreateEnvelope_AutoLoan(reqArray, accountId);
            //object rtn = DocuSign.Startup.CreateEnvelope_SailboatLoan(reqArray, accountId);
        public static object CreateEnvelope_SailboatLoan(object[] reqArray, string accountId)
                //list to store all objects that will be returned to Node.js
                List <object> rtn = new List <object>();

                object nodeReqBody     = reqArray[0];            //extract req.body from array passed in
                object nodeReqSession  = reqArray[1];            //extract req.session from array passed in
                string nodeCurrentPath = reqArray[2].ToString(); //extract current path from array passed in
                string gmapBase64Doc   = reqArray[3].ToString(); //extract gmapBase64Doc from array passed in

                //create dictionary from Node object and extract object values from request body
                var bodyDictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)nodeReqBody;
                var body           = new Body()
                    inputEmail                    = (string)bodyDictionary["inputEmail"],
                    inputFirstName                = (string)bodyDictionary["inputFirstName"],
                    inputLastName                 = (string)bodyDictionary["inputLastName"],
                    inputAppraiserEmail           = (string)bodyDictionary["inputAppraiserEmail"],
                    inputAppraiserFirstName       = (string)bodyDictionary["inputAppraiserFirstName"],
                    inputAppraiserLastName        = (string)bodyDictionary["inputAppraiserLastName"],
                    inputSigningLocation          = (string)bodyDictionary["inputSigningLocation"],
                    inputSigningLocationAppraiser = (string)bodyDictionary["inputSigningLocationAppraiser"],

                    //the fields below may not exist (depending on the UI options selected, so test to see if they are in the dictionary first
                    inputAccessCode              = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAccessCode") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAccessCode"] : "",
                    inputAccessCodeAppraiser     = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAccessCodeAppraiser") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAccessCodeAppraiser"] : "",
                    inputAuthentication          = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAuthentication") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAuthentication"] : "",
                    inputAuthenticationAppraiser = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAuthenticationAppraiser") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAuthenticationAppraiser"] : "",
                    inputPhone          = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputPhone") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputPhone"] : "",
                    inputAppraiserPhone = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAppraiserPhone") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAppraiserPhone"] : ""

                var file1Base64 = Helper.getLocalDocument(nodeCurrentPath + "/pdfs/LoanSailboat.docx");
                var file2Base64 = Helper.getLocalDocument(nodeCurrentPath + "/pdfs/LoanSailboatAppraiser.docx");

                // create an envelope that will store the document(s), field(s), and recipient(s)
                EnvelopeDefinition envDef = new EnvelopeDefinition();
                envDef.EmailSubject = "Sailboat Loan Application";
                envDef.EmailBlurb   = "Please sign the Loan application to start the application process.";

                // add documents to the envelope
                Document doc1 = new Document();
                doc1.DocumentBase64 = file1Base64;
                doc1.Name           = "Application"; // can be different from actual file name
                doc1.FileExtension  = "docx";
                doc1.DocumentId     = "1";           // hardcode so we can easily refer to this document later

                Document doc2 = new Document();
                //                MessageBox.Show(gmapBase64Doc);
                if (gmapBase64Doc != "")
                    doc2.DocumentBase64 = gmapBase64Doc;
                    doc2.Name           = "Map"; // can be different from actual file name
                    doc2.FileExtension  = "png";
                    doc2.DocumentId     = "2";   // hardcode so we can easily refer to this document later

                Document doc3 = new Document();
                doc3.DocumentBase64 = file2Base64;
                doc3.Name           = "Appraiser"; // can be different from actual file name
                doc3.FileExtension  = "docx";
                doc3.DocumentId     = "3";         // hardcode so we can easily refer to this document later

                envDef.Documents = new List <Document>();
                if (gmapBase64Doc != "")
                envDef.EnforceSignerVisibility = "true";

                // Recipients
                Signer signer = new Signer();
                signer.RoutingOrder      = "1";
                signer.Email             = body.inputEmail;
                signer.Name              = body.inputFirstName + " " + body.inputLastName;
                signer.RecipientId       = "1";
                signer.ExcludedDocuments = new List <String>();

                if (body.inputSigningLocation == "embedded")
                    signer.ClientUserId = "1001";
                if (body.inputAccessCode != "" && body.inputAccessCode.Length > 0)
                    signer.AccessCode = body.inputAccessCode;
                if (body.inputAuthentication == "phone")
                    Helper.addPhoneAuthToRecipient(signer, body.inputPhone);

                Signer appraiserSigner = new Signer();
                appraiserSigner.RoutingOrder = "2";
                appraiserSigner.Email        = body.inputAppraiserEmail;
                appraiserSigner.Name         = body.inputAppraiserFirstName + " " + body.inputAppraiserLastName;
                appraiserSigner.RecipientId  = "2";

                if (body.inputSigningLocationAppraiser == "embedded")
                    appraiserSigner.ClientUserId = "2002";
                if (body.inputAccessCodeAppraiser != "" && body.inputAccessCodeAppraiser.Length > 0)
                    appraiserSigner.AccessCode = body.inputAccessCodeAppraiser;
                if (body.inputAuthenticationAppraiser == "phone")
                    Helper.addPhoneAuthToRecipient(appraiserSigner, body.inputAppraiserPhone);

                // Signer Tabs
                signer.Tabs                      = new Tabs();
                signer.Tabs.TextTabs             = new List <Text>();
                signer.Tabs.NumberTabs           = new List <Number>();
                signer.Tabs.FormulaTabs          = new List <FormulaTab>();
                signer.Tabs.EmailTabs            = new List <Email>();
                signer.Tabs.FullNameTabs         = new List <FullName>();
                signer.Tabs.SignerAttachmentTabs = new List <SignerAttachment>();
                signer.Tabs.SignHereTabs         = new List <SignHere>();
                signer.Tabs.InitialHereTabs      = new List <InitialHere>();
                signer.Tabs.DateSignedTabs       = new List <DateSigned>();

                // Note: using anchorStrings (in tabs below) makes documentId and pageNumber irrelevant (they affect all documents and pages)

                // Email
                Email signerEmail = new Email();
                signerEmail.RecipientId   = "1";
                signerEmail.AnchorString  = "Applicant Email";
                signerEmail.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                signerEmail.AnchorYOffset = "0";
                signerEmail.Value         = body.inputEmail;

                // FullName
                FullName signerFullName = new FullName();
                signerFullName.RecipientId   = "1";
                signerFullName.AnchorString  = "Applicant Full Name";
                signerFullName.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                signerFullName.AnchorYOffset = "0";

                // Attachment
                SignerAttachment signerAttachment = new SignerAttachment();
                signerAttachment.RecipientId   = "1";
                signerAttachment.AnchorString  = "Please attach";
                signerAttachment.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                signerAttachment.AnchorYOffset = "40";
                signerAttachment.Optional      = "true";

                // SignHere
                SignHere signerSignHere = new SignHere();
                signerSignHere.RecipientId   = "1";
                signerSignHere.AnchorString  = "Applicant Signature";
                signerSignHere.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                signerSignHere.AnchorYOffset = "4";

                // InitialHere
                InitialHere signerInitialHere = new InitialHere();
                signerInitialHere.RecipientId   = "1";
                signerInitialHere.AnchorString  = "Applicant Initial";
                signerInitialHere.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                signerInitialHere.AnchorYOffset = "0";

                // Appraiser Tabs
                appraiserSigner.Tabs                      = new Tabs();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.TextTabs             = new List <Text>();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.EmailTabs            = new List <Email>();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.FullNameTabs         = new List <FullName>();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.SignHereTabs         = new List <SignHere>();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.InitialHereTabs      = new List <InitialHere>();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.DateSignedTabs       = new List <DateSigned>();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.FormulaTabs          = new List <FormulaTab>();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.SignerAttachmentTabs = new List <SignerAttachment>();
                appraiserSigner.Tabs.NumberTabs           = new List <Number>();

                // Email
                Email appraiserSignerEmail = new Email();
                appraiserSignerEmail.RecipientId   = "2";
                appraiserSignerEmail.AnchorString  = "Appraiser Email";
                appraiserSignerEmail.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                appraiserSignerEmail.AnchorYOffset = "0";
                appraiserSignerEmail.Value         = body.inputAppraiserEmail;

                // FullName
                FullName appraiserSignerFullName = new FullName();
                appraiserSignerFullName.RecipientId   = "2";
                appraiserSignerFullName.AnchorString  = "Appraiser Full Name";
                appraiserSignerFullName.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                appraiserSignerFullName.AnchorYOffset = "0";

                // Appraisal amount
                Number appraiserSignerAmount = new Number();
                appraiserSignerAmount.RecipientId   = "2";
                appraiserSignerAmount.AnchorString  = "Appraiser Estimate";
                appraiserSignerAmount.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                appraiserSignerAmount.AnchorYOffset = "0";
                appraiserSignerAmount.Locked        = "false";

                // SignHere
                SignHere appraisalSignerSignHere = new SignHere();
                appraisalSignerSignHere.RecipientId   = "2";
                appraisalSignerSignHere.AnchorString  = "Appraiser Signature";
                appraisalSignerSignHere.AnchorXOffset = "0";
                appraisalSignerSignHere.AnchorYOffset = "4";

                // BLANK TEXT (on first document, to make it visible to our Appraiser)
                Text appraisalSignerText = new Text();
                appraisalSignerText.RecipientId = "2";
                appraisalSignerText.DocumentId  = "1";
                appraisalSignerText.PageNumber  = "1";
                appraisalSignerText.XPosition   = "0";
                appraisalSignerText.YPosition   = "0";
                appraisalSignerText.Value       = "";
                appraisalSignerText.Locked      = "true";

                // add recipients
                envDef.Recipients         = new Recipients();
                envDef.Recipients.Signers = new List <Signer>();

                // send the envelope by setting |status| to "sent". To save as a draft set to "created"
                // - note that the envelope will only be 'sent' when it reaches the DocuSign server with the 'sent' status (not in the following call)
                envDef.Status = "sent";

                //Get Config settings from App.config
                DocuSignConfig configSettings = new DocuSignConfig();

                if (configSettings.BRAND_ID != "" && configSettings.BRAND_ID.Length > 0)
                    envDef.BrandId = configSettings.BRAND_ID;

                // instantiate a new EnvelopesApi object
                EnvelopesApi    envelopesApi    = new EnvelopesApi();
                EnvelopeSummary envelopeSummary = envelopesApi.CreateEnvelope(accountId, envDef);

                rtn.Add(envelopeSummary);   //Index 0: add envelopeSummary to the return object

                // Create and save envelope locally (temporary)
                //app.helpers.createAndSaveLocal(req, envelopeSummary.envelopeId)

                List <object> remainingSigners = new List <object>();

                if (body.inputSigningLocationAppraiser == "embedded")

                remainingSigners.Add("remote-signer"); // last signer is remote (employee)

                if (body.inputSigningLocation == "embedded")
                    ViewUrl viewUrl = Helper.getRecipientUrl(envelopesApi, accountId, envDef, envelopeSummary.EnvelopeId.ToString(), signer);
                    rtn.Add(viewUrl);       //Index 1: add viewURL to the return object
                rtn.Add(signer);            //Index 2: add signer to the return object
                rtn.Add(appraiserSigner);   //Index 3: add appraiserSigner to the return object

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public static object CreateEnvelope_AutoLoan(object[] reqArray, string accountId)
                //Get Config settings from App.config
                DocuSignConfig configSettings = new DocuSignConfig();

                //list to store all objects that will be returned to Node.js
                List <object> rtn = new List <object>();

                object nodeReqBody     = reqArray[0];            //extract req.body from array passed in
                object nodeReqSession  = reqArray[1];            //extract req.session from array passed in
                string nodeCurrentPath = reqArray[2].ToString(); //extract current path from array passed in

                //create dictionary from Node object and extract object values from request body
                var bodyDictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)nodeReqBody;
                var body           = new Body()
                    inputSigningLocation = (string)bodyDictionary["inputSigningLocation"],
                    inputEmail           = (string)bodyDictionary["inputEmail"],
                    inputFirstName       = (string)bodyDictionary["inputFirstName"],
                    inputLastName        = (string)bodyDictionary["inputLastName"],
                    inputPhone           = (string)bodyDictionary["inputPhone"],

                    //the fields below may not exist (depending on the UI options selected, so test to see if they are in the dictionary first
                    inputLoanAmount              = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputLoanAmount") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputLoanAmount"] : "",
                    inputLoanLength              = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputLoanLength") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputLoanLength"] : "",
                    inputAccessCode              = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAccessCode") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAccessCode"] : "",
                    inputAuthentication          = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAuthentication") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAuthentication"] : "",
                    inputCosignerCheckbox        = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputCosignerCheckbox") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputCosignerCheckbox"] : "",
                    inputCosignerFirstName       = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputCosignerFirstName") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputCosignerFirstName"] : "",
                    inputCosignerLastName        = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputCosignerLastName") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputCosignerLastName"] : "",
                    inputCosignerEmail           = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputCosignerEmail") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputCosignerEmail"] : "",
                    inputSigningLocationCosigner = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputSigningLocationCosigner") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputSigningLocationCosigner"] : "",
                    inputAccessCodeCosigner      = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAccessCodeCosigner") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAccessCodeCosigner"] : "",
                    inputAuthenticationCosigner  = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputAuthenticationCosigner") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputAuthenticationCosigner"] : "",
                    inputCosignerPhone           = bodyDictionary.ContainsKey("inputCosignerPhone") ? (string)bodyDictionary["inputCosignerPhone"] : "",

                // create a new envelope which we will use to send the signature request
                EnvelopeDefinition envDef = new EnvelopeDefinition();
                envDef.EmailSubject = "Auto Loan Application";
                envDef.EmailBlurb   = "Please sign the Loan application to start the application process.";
                envDef.TemplateId   = configSettings.AUTOLOAN_TEMPLATEID;

                // create a template role with a valid templateId and roleName and assign signer info
                var tRoleApplicant = new TemplateRole();
                tRoleApplicant.RoleName = "applicant";
                tRoleApplicant.Name     = body.inputFirstName + " " + body.inputLastName;
                tRoleApplicant.Email    = body.inputEmail;
                if (body.inputSigningLocation == "embedded")
                    tRoleApplicant.ClientUserId = "1001";
                if (body.inputAccessCode != "" && body.inputAccessCode.Length > 0)
                    tRoleApplicant.AccessCode = body.inputAccessCode;
                if (body.inputAuthentication == "phone")
                    Helper.addPhoneAuthToRecipient(tRoleApplicant, body.inputPhone);

                tRoleApplicant.Tabs = new Tabs();

                // Phone
                tRoleApplicant.Tabs.TextTabs = new List <Text>();
                Text text1Applicant = new Text();
                text1Applicant.TabLabel = "Phone";
                text1Applicant.Value    = body.inputPhone;

                // Amount
                tRoleApplicant.Tabs.NumberTabs = new List <Number>();
                Number number1Applicant = new Number();
                number1Applicant.TabLabel = "Amount";
                number1Applicant.Value    = body.inputLoanAmount;

                // Payment payback period (months)
                //                signer.Tabs.NumberTabs = new List<Number>();
                Number number2Applicant = new Number();
                number2Applicant.TabLabel = "PaymentDuration";
                number2Applicant.Value    = body.inputLoanLength;

                var tRoleCosigner = new TemplateRole();
                tRoleCosigner.RoleName = "cosigner";
                tRoleCosigner.Name     = body.inputCosignerFirstName + " " + body.inputCosignerLastName;
                tRoleCosigner.Email    = body.inputCosignerEmail;
                if (body.inputSigningLocationCosigner == "embedded")
                    tRoleCosigner.ClientUserId = "2002";
                if (body.inputAccessCodeCosigner != "" && body.inputAccessCodeCosigner.Length > 0)
                    tRoleCosigner.AccessCode = body.inputAccessCodeCosigner;
                if (body.inputAuthenticationCosigner == "phone")
                    Helper.addPhoneAuthToRecipient(tRoleCosigner, body.inputCosignerPhone);

                tRoleCosigner.Tabs = new Tabs();

                // Phone
                tRoleCosigner.Tabs.TextTabs = new List <Text>();
                Text text1Cosigner = new Text();
                text1Cosigner.TabLabel = "Phone";
                text1Cosigner.Value    = body.inputCosignerPhone;

                var tRoleEmployee = new TemplateRole();
                tRoleEmployee.RoleName = "employee";

                tRoleEmployee.Name  = configSettings.EMPLOYEE_NAME;
                tRoleEmployee.Email = configSettings.EMPLOYEE_EMAIL;

                // set envelope status to "sent" to immediately send the signature request
                envDef.Status = "sent";

                List <TemplateRole> rolesList = new List <TemplateRole>()
                    tRoleApplicant, tRoleEmployee

                //add the cosigner if the checkbox is selected on the web page
                if (body.inputCosignerCheckbox == "on")

                envDef.TemplateRoles = rolesList;

                EnvelopesApi    envelopesApi    = new EnvelopesApi();
                EnvelopeSummary envelopeSummary = envelopesApi.CreateEnvelope(accountId, envDef);

                rtn.Add(envelopeSummary);   //Index 0: add envelopeSummary to the return object
                if (body.inputSigningLocation == "embedded")
                    ViewUrl viewUrl = Helper.getRecipientUrl(envelopesApi, accountId, envDef, envelopeSummary.EnvelopeId.ToString(), tRoleApplicant);
                    rtn.Add(viewUrl);    //Index 1: add viewURL to the return object
                rtn.Add(tRoleApplicant); //Index 2: add tRoleApplicant to the return object
                rtn.Add(tRoleCosigner);  //Index 3: add tRoleCosigner to the return object
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;