private void loginbt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string st; string user = UserName.Text; string pass = UserPass.Text; if (user != null && pass != null) { DataAccess db = new DataAccess(); if (radioButtondoclog.Checked) { st = "select * from Doctor where User_name='" + user + "' and Password='******';"; DataTable dt = db.Data(st); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { DHome.dd = dt; DoctorsPortal p = new DoctorsPortal(); this.Hide(); p.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("invalid username or password"); } } else if (radioButtonpatientlog.Checked) { st = "select * from Patient where User_name='" + user + "' and Password='******';"; DataTable dt = db.Data(st); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { PHome.ds = dt; PatientsPortal p = new PatientsPortal(); this.Hide(); p.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("invalid username or password"); } } else if (adminradiobtnlog.Checked) { st = "select * from Admin where User_name='" + user + "' and Password='******';"; DataTable dt = db.Data(st); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { //MessageBox.Show("admin"); admin a = new admin(); this.Hide(); a.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("invalid username or password"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Let us know whether you're a doctor or a patient!!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Maybe you left some fields blank!!"); } }
private void createbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataAccess db = new DataAccess(); if (radioButtondoc.Checked) { string st; int flag = 0, noentry = 0, id; if (name != null && add != null && pass != null && cpass != null && username != null && special != null && ((hospital1 != null && hos1time != null) || (hospital2 != null && hos2time != null))) { st = "select * from Doctor where Name='" + name + "' and Address ='" + add + "';"; DataTable dd = db.Data(st); if (dd.Rows.Count != 1) { st = "INSERT INTO Doctor(Name,Address,User_Name,Password,Specialist) VALUES ('" + name + "','" + add + "','" + username + "','" + pass + "','" + special + "');"; db.Execute(st); st = "select * from Doctor where Name='" + name + "' and Address ='" + add + "';"; dd = db.Data(st); int a; string s = dd.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString(); bool result = Int32.TryParse(s, out a); id = a; } else { int a; string s = dd.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString(); bool result = Int32.TryParse(s, out a); id = a; } if (hospital1 != null && hos1time != null && noentry == 0) { hospital1 = hospital1.Replace(' ', '_'); flag = 1; noentry = 0; } else if ((hospital1 != null && hos1time == null) || (hospital1 == null && hos1time != null)) { noentry = 1; } if (hospital2 != null && hos2time != null && noentry == 0) { hospital2 = hospital2.Replace(' ', '_'); flag = 1; noentry = 0; } else if ((hospital2 != null && hos2time == null) || (hospital2 == null && hos2time != null)) { noentry = 1; } if (flag == 0) { MessageBox.Show("You haven't chosen any hospital!! "); } else if (noentry == 1) { MessageBox.Show("You missed something!!"); } else { if (hospital1 != null) { st = "INSERT INTO " + hospital1 + "(Id,Name,Address,Specialist,Slot) VALUES ( '" + id + "','" + name + "','" + add + "','" + special + "','" + hos1time + "');"; db.Execute(st); } if (hospital2 != null) { st = "INSERT INTO " + hospital2 + "(Id,Name,Address,Specialist,Slot) VALUES ( '" + id + "','" + name + "','" + add + "','" + special + "','" + hos2time + "');"; db.Execute(st); } //doctor's portal st = "select * from Doctor where User_name='" + username + "' and Password='******';"; DataTable dt = db.Data(st); DHome.dd = dt; DoctorsPortal p = new DoctorsPortal(); this.Hide(); p.Show(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Maybe you left some fields blank!!"); } } else if (radioButtonpatient.Checked || adminradiobtn.Checked) { if (name != null && add != null && pass != null && cpass != null && username != null) { if (pass == cpass) { string st; if (radioButtonpatient.Checked) { st = "INSERT INTO patient(Name,Address,User_name,Password) VALUES ('" + name + "','" + add + "','" + username + "','" + pass + "');"; } else { st = "INSERT INTO Admin(Name,Address,User_name,Password) VALUES ('" + name + "','" + add + "','" + username + "','" + pass + "');"; } db.Execute(st); if (radioButtonpatient.Checked) { st = "select * from Patient where User_name='" + username + "' and Password='******';"; DataTable dt = db.Data(st); PHome.ds = dt; PatientsPortal p = new PatientsPortal(); this.Hide(); p.Show(); } else { admin a = new admin(); this.Hide(); a.Show(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Password and Confirm Password doesnt match!!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Maybe you left some fields blank!!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Let us know whether you're a doctor or a patient!!"); } }