private string GetHtmlVersionReplaced(string HtmlSrc, string HtmlDest) { Dictionary <string, string> dicUrlAndVer = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Regex rDest = new Regex(_PatternUrl, CRegex.Options.Compiled_Multiline_IgnoreCase_IgnorePatternWhitespace); foreach (Match m in rDest.Matches(HtmlDest)) { string Url = m.Groups["Url"].Value; CQueryString qs = new CQueryString(Url); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qs["v"])) { continue; } dicUrlAndVer.Add(qs.PathOnly, qs["v"]); } StringBuilder sbHtml = new StringBuilder(); List <string> aUrl = new List <string>(); bool IsFound = false; Regex rSrc = new Regex(_PatternUrl, CRegex.Options.Compiled_Multiline_IgnoreCase_IgnorePatternWhitespace); foreach (CMatchInfo mi in CRegex.GetMatchResult(rSrc, HtmlSrc)) { sbHtml.Append(mi.ValueBeforeMatch); if (mi.Match == null) { break; } string Url = mi.Match.Groups["Url"].Value; CQueryString qs = new CQueryString(Url); string VersionIs; dicUrlAndVer.TryGetValue(qs.PathOnly, out VersionIs); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VersionIs)) { sbHtml.Append(mi.Match.Value); } else { IsFound = true; sbHtml.Append(mi.Match.Value.Replace(mi.Match.Groups["Url"].Value, qs.PathOnly + "?v=" + VersionIs)); } } if (!IsFound) { return(""); } return(sbHtml.ToString()); }
private List <Tuple <string, string, CFtpInfoSync> > GetPathAndHtmlAndFtpInfoDest(string[] aFullPathReferencingJs, FileInfo fiSrc) { List <Tuple <string, string, CFtpInfoSync> > tpPathAndHtml = new List <Tuple <string, string, CFtpInfoSync> >(); if (aFullPathReferencingJs.Length == 0) { return(tpPathAndHtml); } List <Tuple <string, string, CFtpInfoSync> > tpFullPathReferencingDest = GetFullPathReferencingDest(aFullPathReferencingJs); if (tpFullPathReferencingDest.Count == 0) { return(tpPathAndHtml); } foreach (Tuple <string, string, CFtpInfoSync> kv in tpFullPathReferencingDest) { string FullPathSrc = kv.Item1; string FullPathDest = kv.Item2; CFtpInfoSync FtpInfo = kv.Item3; string Html = ""; if (_DestType == DestTypes.FileSystem) { if (!File.Exists(FullPathDest)) { continue; } Html = CFile.GetTextInFile(FullPathDest); } else if (_DestType == DestTypes.Ftp) { CFtp2 Ftp = new CFtp2(FtpInfo); if (!Ftp.FileExists(FullPathDest)) { continue; } string TmpFullPath = CFile.GetTempFileName(); Ftp.DownloadFile(TmpFullPath, FullPathDest); Html = CFile.GetTextInFile(TmpFullPath); } List <string> aHtmlNew = new List <string>(); string Pattern = string.Format(_PatternUrlSpecific, fiSrc.Name.Replace(".", "\\.")); Regex r = new Regex(Pattern, CRegex.Options.Compiled_Multiline_IgnoreCase_IgnorePatternWhitespace); bool IsFound = false; foreach (CMatchInfo mi in CRegex.GetMatchResult(r, Html)) { aHtmlNew.Add(mi.ValueBeforeMatch); Match m = mi.Match; if (m == null) { break; } string Url = m.Groups["Url"].Value; CQueryString qs = new CQueryString(Url); //Commented because v parameter can be setted to empty when referencing file uploaded alone. //When that situation, v parameter will get value of 1 again. //qs["v"] = (CFindRep.IfNotNumberThen0(qs["v"]) + 1).ToString(); qs["v"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(CConst.Format_yyyyMMddHHmmss); aHtmlNew.Add(m.Value.Replace(m.Groups["Url"].Value, qs.PathAndQuery)); IsFound = true; } if (IsFound) { string HtmlNew = string.Join("", aHtmlNew); tpPathAndHtml.Add(new Tuple <string, string, CFtpInfoSync>(FullPathDest, HtmlNew, FtpInfo)); } } return(tpPathAndHtml); }
public string ConvertToSsml(string TextToSpeak) { //숫자 읽는 방식은 say-as로 변경 가능함. (telephone으로 설정해도 전화번호 형식이 아니면 안됨) //<say-as interpret-as="telephone">1-800-282-0114</say-as> // //속도는 <prosody rate="+100%">two time fast.</prosody> //원래는 xmlns="" 이나 xmlns 속성이 자동으로 생겨 :w를 추가함. string XmlTemplate = @"<?xml version=""1.0""?> <speak version=""1.0"" xmlns:w="""" xmlns:xsi="""" xsi:schemaLocation="""" xml:lang=""en-US""> </speak>"; XmlDocument XDoc = new XmlDocument(); XDoc.LoadXml(XmlTemplate); XmlElement Doc = XDoc.DocumentElement; //string Pattern = "(^" + VarMan + ")|(^" + VarWoman + ")|(^" + VarBreak + "(?<Seconds>\\d+[\\.\\d]*))"; string Pattern = string.Format("(?<Man>{0})|(?<Woman>{1})|(?<Break>{2})|(?<Ignore>{3})", _Variable.Man, _Variable.Woman, _Variable.Break, _Variable.Ignore); Regex r = new Regex(Pattern, CRegex.Options.Compiled_Multiline_IgnoreCase_IgnorePatternWhitespace); List <XmlAttribute> aAttr = new List <XmlAttribute>(); List <XmlElement> aElemBreak = new List <XmlElement>(); XmlElement VoiceCur = XDoc.CreateElement("voice"); foreach (CMatchInfo mi in CRegex.GetMatchResult(r, TextToSpeak)) { Match m = mi.Match; string Value = CFindRep.TrimWhiteSpace(mi.ValueBeforeMatch); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value)) { //int PosColon = Value.IndexOf(":"); //if (PosColon != -1) //{ // CParagraph p = new CParagraph(); // List<string> aWord = p.GetWords(Value.Substring(0, PosColon + 1), false); // throw new Exception(aWord[aWord.Count - 1] + ":은 잘못된 변수명입니다. ':' 문자열을 지우거나 허용된 변수명을 입력하세요."); //} AddElementVoice(XDoc, Value, VoiceCur); VoiceCur = XDoc.CreateElement("voice"); } if (m == null) { break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["Man"].Value)) { foreach (XmlAttribute AttrCur in GetAttrNameGender(XDoc, false)) { VoiceCur.Attributes.Append(AttrCur); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["Woman"].Value)) { foreach (XmlAttribute AttrCur in GetAttrNameGender(XDoc, true)) { VoiceCur.Attributes.Append(AttrCur); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["Break"].Value)) { VoiceCur.AppendChild(GetElementBreak(XDoc, m.Groups["Seconds"].Value)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["Ignore"].Value)) { // } } string Indented = CXml.GetIndentedContent(XDoc); return(Indented); //return XDoc.OuterXml; }