private string InternalSingularize(string word)
            // words that we know of
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word))

            if (IsNoOpWord(word))

            string suffixWord = GetSuffixWord(word, out string prefixWord);

            if (IsNoOpWord(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord);

            // handle the word that is the same as the plural form
            if (this.IsUninflective(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord);

            // if word is one of the known singular words, then just return

            if (this._knownSingluarWords.Contains(suffixWord.ToLowerInvariant()))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord);

            // handle simple irregular verbs, e.g. was -> were
            if (this._irregularVerbPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._irregularVerbPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            // handle irregular plurals, e.g. "ox" -> "oxen"
            if (this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            // handle singluarization for words ending with sis and pluralized to ses,
            // e.g. "ses" -> "sis"
            if (this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            // handle words ending with se, e.g. "ses" -> "se"
            if (this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            // handle words ending with sus, e.g. "suses" -> "sus"
            if (this._wordsEndingWithSusPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSusPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "an", this.Culture, out string newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            // handle irregular inflections for common suffixes, e.g. "mouse" -> "mice"
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "lice", "mice"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "ouse", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ooth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "oose", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oot", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "oon", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            // [cs]h and ss that take es as plural form, this is being moved up since the sses will be override by the ses
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "ches", "shes", "sses"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            // handle assimilated classical inflections, e.g. vertebra -> vertebrae
            if (this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            // Handle the classical variants of modern inflections
            if (this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "eaux", "ieux"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            // f, fe that take ves as plural form
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "alves", "elves", "olves", "eaves", "arves"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "f", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "nives", "lives", "wives"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "fe", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            // y takes ys as plural form if preceded by a vowel, but ies if preceded by a consonant, e.g. stays, skies
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "ays", "eys", "iys", "oys", "uys"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);


            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("ies", true, this.Culture))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 3, 3) + "y");

            // handle some of the words o -> os, and [vowel]o -> os, and the rest are o->oes
            if (this._oSuffixPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._oSuffixPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord));

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "aos", "eos", "ios", "oos", "uos"
                                                                  (s) => suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);


            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "ces", "ses", "xes"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("oes", true, this.Culture))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 2, 2));

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("ss", true, this.Culture))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord);

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("s", true, this.Culture))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1));

            // word is a singlar
            return(prefixWord + suffixWord);
        private string InternalPluralize(string word)
            // words that we know of
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word))

            if (IsNoOpWord(word))

            string suffixWord = GetSuffixWord(word, out string prefixWord);

            // by me -> by me
            if (IsNoOpWord(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord);

            // handle the word that do not inflect in the plural form
            if (this.IsUninflective(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord);

            // if word is one of the known plural forms, then just return
            if (this._knownPluralWords.Contains(suffixWord.ToLowerInvariant()) || this.IsPlural(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord);

            // handle irregular plurals, e.g. "ox" -> "oxen"
            if (this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord));

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "en", this.Culture, out string newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            // handle irregular inflections for common suffixes, e.g. "mouse" -> "mice"
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "louse", "mouse"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ice", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eeth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eese", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "eet", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oa", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "cis", "sis", "xis"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            // handle assimilated classical inflections, e.g. vertebra -> vertebrae
            if (this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord));

            // Handle the classical variants of modern inflections
            if (this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord));

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ces", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "eau", "ieu"
                                                                  (s) => s + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord));

            // [cs]h and ss that take es as plural form
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List <string>()
                "ch", "sh", "ss"
            }, (s) => s + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            // f, fe that take ves as plural form
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "alf", "elf", "olf", "eaf", "arf"
                                                                  (s) => s.EndsWith("deaf", true, this.Culture) ? s : s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "nife", "life", "wife"
                                                                  (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            // y takes ys as plural form if preceded by a vowel, but ies if preceded by a consonant, e.g. stays, skies
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "ay", "ey", "iy", "oy", "uy"
                                                                  (s) => s + "s", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);


            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("y", true, this.Culture))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1) + "ies");

            // handle some of the words o -> os, and [vowel]o -> os, and the rest are o->oes
            if (this._oSuffixPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + this._oSuffixPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord));

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                                                                  new List <string>()
                "ao", "eo", "io", "oo", "uo"
                                                                  (s) => s + "s", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return(prefixWord + newSuffixWord);

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("o", true, this.Culture) || suffixWord.EndsWith("s", true, this.Culture))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord + "es");

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("x", true, this.Culture))
                return(prefixWord + suffixWord + "es");

            // cats, bags, hats, speakers
            return(prefixWord + suffixWord + "s");