예제 #1
        public void CreateButtonHelp_Hidden()
            // Arrange
            var isHidden = true;
            var buttonHtml = "<span>[TEXT]</span><span>[DESCRIPTION]</span>";
            var text = "Button Text";
            var description = "Button Description";

            var htmlBuilder = new HtmlBuilder(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

            // Act
            var result = htmlBuilder.CreateButtonHelp(isHidden, buttonHtml, text, description);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty), "The button content should be hidden.");
예제 #2
        public void CreateDocumentationPageHtml_CachedResponse()
            // Arrange
            var html = "<html><body>This is only a test.</body></html>";

            var memoryCache = Mocks.Create<ObjectCache>();
            memoryCache.Setup(c => c.Contains(HtmlBuilder._documentationHtmlCacheKey, null as string)).Returns(true);
            memoryCache.Setup(c => c.Get(HtmlBuilder._documentationHtmlCacheKey, null as string)).Returns(html);

            var builder = new HtmlBuilder(null, null, null, null, null, memoryCache.Object, null, null);

            // Act
            var result = builder.CreateDocumentationPageHtml();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(html), "The result should be the HTML returned from the cache.");
예제 #3
        public void CreateDocumentationPageHtml_FirstResponseConfiguredUrls()
            // Arrange
            var titleToken = "[TITLE]";
            var jsTreeCssToken = "[JSTREECSS]";
            var customCssToken = "[CUSTOMCSS]";
            var jQueryUrlToken = "[JQUERYURL]";
            var jQueryUiUrlToken = "[JQUERYUIURL]";
            var jsTreeUrlToken = "[JSTREEURL]";
            var html = string.Concat(titleToken, jsTreeCssToken, customCssToken, jQueryUrlToken, jQueryUiUrlToken, jsTreeUrlToken);

            var title = "Test Title -";
            var jsTreeCss = "jsTree CSS -";
            var customCss = "custom CSS - ";
            var jQueryUrl = "jQuery URL - ";

            var minifier = Mocks.Create<IMinifier>();
            minifier.Setup(m => m.Minify(HtmlContent.Documentation, HtmlContent.Documentation_min)).Returns(html);

            Configuration.DocumentationConfiguration.Setup(c => c.PageTitle).Returns(title);
            Configuration.DocumentationConfiguration.Setup(c => c.CustomCss).Returns(customCss);
            Configuration.DocmahConfiguration.Setup(c => c.CssUrl).Returns(jsTreeCss);
            Configuration.DocmahConfiguration.Setup(c => c.JsUrl).Returns(jQueryUrl);

            var memoryCache = Mocks.Create<ObjectCache>();
            memoryCache.Setup(c => c.Contains(HtmlBuilder._documentationHtmlCacheKey, null as string)).Returns(false);
            memoryCache.Setup(c => c.Set(HtmlBuilder._documentationHtmlCacheKey, It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<CacheItemPolicy>(), null as string));

            var htmlBuilder = new HtmlBuilder(null, null, Configuration.Object, null, null, memoryCache.Object, minifier.Object, null);

            // Act
            var result = htmlBuilder.CreateDocumentationPageHtml();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result.Contains(titleToken), Is.False, "The title token should be replaced.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(jsTreeCssToken), Is.False, "The jsTree CSS token should be replaced.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(customCssToken), Is.False, "The custom CSS token should be replaced.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(jQueryUrlToken), Is.False, "The jQuery URL token should be replaced.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(jQueryUiUrlToken), Is.False, "The jQuery UI URL token should be replaced.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(jsTreeUrlToken), Is.False, "The jsTree URL token should be replaced.");

            Assert.That(result.Contains(title), Is.True, "The configured title should be inserted.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(jsTreeCss), Is.True, "The configured jsTree CSS URL should be inserted.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(customCss), Is.True, "The configured custom CSS URL should be instered.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(jQueryUrl), Is.True, "The configured jQuery URL should be inserted.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(CdnUrls.jsJQueryUi), Is.False, "The jQuery UI URL should not be inserted when a custom JS URL is configured.");
            Assert.That(result.Contains(CdnUrls.jsJsTree), Is.False, "The jsTree URL should not be inserted when a custom JS URL is configured.");

예제 #4
        public void CreateHelpButton_Visible()
            // Arrange
            var isHidden = false;
            var buttonFormat = "<span>{0}</span><span>{1}</span>";
            var buttonHtml = string.Format(buttonFormat, "[TEXT]", "[DESCRIPTION]");
            var text = "Button Text";
            var description = "Button Description";

            var htmlBuilder = new HtmlBuilder(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

            // Act
            var result = htmlBuilder.CreateButtonHelp(isHidden, buttonHtml, text, description);

            // Assert
            var expected = string.Format(buttonFormat, text, description);
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expected), "The button content should be visible and formatted.");