private void SetPowerPlanButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Guid powerPlanGUID = new Guid(GUID_BALANCED); switch (powerPlanComboBox.SelectedItem) { case NAME_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE: if (ultimatePerformanceGUIDIndex == 2) { powerPlanGUID = new Guid(GUID_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE_2); } else { powerPlanGUID = new Guid(GUID_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE); } break; case NAME_MAX_PERFORMANCE: powerPlanGUID = new Guid(GUID_MAX_PERFORMANCE); break; case NAME_BALANCED: powerPlanGUID = new Guid(GUID_BALANCED); break; case NAME_POWER_SAVER: powerPlanGUID = new Guid(GUID_POWER_SAVER); break; } WinApiCalls.PowerSetActiveScheme(IntPtr.Zero, ref powerPlanGUID); setPowerPlanButton.Enabled = false; }
public SystemPerformanceManagerForm(ModManagerForm form) { InitializeComponent(); modManager = form; timer = new Timer() { Enabled = true, Interval = 1000 }; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(TimerTick); // Use the same icon as executable Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Application.ExecutablePath); TimerCaps caps = WinApiCalls.QueryTimerResolution(); minimumTimerResolutionTextBox.Text = caps.PeriodMax / 10000.0 + " ms"; maximumTimerResolutionTextBox.Text = caps.PeriodMin / 10000.0 + " ms"; currentTimerResolutionTextBox.Text = caps.PeriodCurrent / 10000.0 + " ms"; if (caps.PeriodCurrent / 10000.0 < 0.8) { modManager.IsTimerResolutionLowered = true; } REG_DOW_PATH = modManager.CurrentDir + "\\" + modManager.CurrentGameEXE; // We are checking for Compatibility settings in Registry using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(REG_COMPATIBILITY_PATH, false)) { if (key != null) { object valueObject = key.GetValue(REG_DOW_PATH); if (valueObject != null) { string value = valueObject.ToString(); if (value.Contains(REG_VALUE_FULLSCREEN_OPTIMIZATIONS)) { fullscreenOptimizationsCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (value.Contains(REG_VALUE_RUN_AS_ADMIN)) { runAsAdministratorCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (value.Contains(REG_VALUE_HDPI_AWARE)) { HDPIiScalingCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (value.Contains(REG_VALUE_COMPATIBILITY_WITH)) { comatibilityModeCheckBox.Checked = true; } } } } // We are checking for Power Settings in Registry using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(REG_POWER_SCHEMES_PATH + "\\" + GUID_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE_2, false)) { if (key != null) { powerPlanComboBox.Items.Add(NAME_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE); unlockUltimatePerformanceButton.Enabled = false; ultimatePerformanceGUIDIndex = 2; } } using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(REG_POWER_SCHEMES_PATH + "\\" + GUID_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE, false)) { if (key != null && ultimatePerformanceGUIDIndex == 0) { powerPlanComboBox.Items.Add(NAME_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE); unlockUltimatePerformanceButton.Enabled = false; ultimatePerformanceGUIDIndex = 1; } } using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(REG_POWER_SCHEMES_PATH + "\\" + GUID_MAX_PERFORMANCE, false)) { if (key != null) { powerPlanComboBox.Items.Add(NAME_MAX_PERFORMANCE); } } using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(REG_POWER_SCHEMES_PATH + "\\" + GUID_BALANCED, false)) { if (key != null) { powerPlanComboBox.Items.Add(NAME_BALANCED); } } using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(REG_POWER_SCHEMES_PATH + "\\" + GUID_POWER_SAVER, false)) { if (key != null) { powerPlanComboBox.Items.Add(NAME_POWER_SAVER); } } using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(REG_POWER_SCHEMES_PATH, false)) { if (key != null) { object valueObject = key.GetValue("ActivePowerScheme"); if (valueObject != null) { string value = valueObject.ToString(); switch (value) { case GUID_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE: case GUID_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE_2: powerPlanComboBox.SelectedItem = NAME_ULTIMATE_PERFORMANCE; break; case GUID_MAX_PERFORMANCE: powerPlanComboBox.SelectedItem = NAME_MAX_PERFORMANCE; break; case GUID_BALANCED: powerPlanComboBox.SelectedItem = NAME_BALANCED; break; case GUID_POWER_SAVER: powerPlanComboBox.SelectedItem = NAME_POWER_SAVER; break; } } } } // We have to add those methods to the EventHandler here so we could avoid accidental firing of those methods after we would change the state of the CheckBox runAsAdministratorCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox_CheckedChanged); HDPIiScalingCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox_CheckedChanged); comatibilityModeCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox_CheckedChanged); fullscreenOptimizationsCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox_CheckedChanged); powerPlanComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(PowerPlanComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); }
private void OpenDoWPropertiesButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WinApiCalls.ShowFileProperties(modManager.CurrentGameEXE); }
private void DefaultTimerResolutionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WinApiCalls.SetTimerResolution(0, false); modManager.IsTimerResolutionLowered = false; }
private void SetTimerResolutionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WinApiCalls.SetTimerResolution((uint)(0.5 * 10000)); modManager.IsTimerResolutionLowered = true; }
private void TimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { TimerCaps caps = WinApiCalls.QueryTimerResolution(); currentTimerResolutionTextBox.Text = caps.PeriodCurrent / 10000.0 + " ms"; }