public Guid AddInventory(Inventory inventory) { ValidationResultInfo vri=Validate(inventory); if (!vri.IsValid) { throw new DomainValidationException(vri,"Failed to validate Inventory"); } tblInventory tblInv = _ctx.tblInventory.FirstOrDefault(n => == inventory.Id); ; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; if (tblInv == null) { tblInv = new tblInventory(); = inventory.Id; tblInv.IM_DateCreated = dt; tblInv.IM_Status = (int)EntityStatus.Active;// true; _ctx.tblInventory.AddObject(tblInv); } var entityStatus = (inventory._Status == EntityStatus.New) ? EntityStatus.Active : inventory._Status; if (tblInv.IM_Status != (int)entityStatus) tblInv.IM_Status = (int)inventory._Status; tblInv.IM_DateLastUpdated = dt; tblInv.ProductId = inventory.Product.Id; tblInv.WareHouseId = inventory.Warehouse.Id; tblInv.Balance = inventory.Balance; tblInv.UnavailableBalance = inventory.UnavailableBalance; tblInv.Value = inventory.Value; _ctx.SaveChanges(); return; }
private void AssertInventory(Inventory infection, Inventory savedInfection) { Assert.AreEqual(infection.Warehouse, savedInfection.Warehouse); Assert.AreEqual(infection.Product, savedInfection.Product); Assert.AreEqual(infection.Balance, savedInfection.Balance); Assert.AreEqual(infection.Value, savedInfection.Value); Assert.AreEqual(infection._Status, savedInfection._Status); }
private void InsertProduct(string description, decimal inventoryBalance = 0) { var saleProduct = new SaleProduct(Guid.NewGuid()); saleProduct.Description = description; var inventoryProduct = new Inventory(Guid.NewGuid()); inventoryProduct.Balance = inventoryBalance; inventoryProduct.ProductMasterID = saleProduct.Id; Database.InsertWithChildren(saleProduct, recursive: true); Database.InsertWithChildren(inventoryProduct, recursive:true); }
void AddBasicProduct(Inventory inv) { InventorySummaryItem isi = new InventorySummaryItem { ProductId = inv.Product.Id, Description = inv.Product.Description, Product = inv.Product, Warehouse = inv.Warehouse, Qty = inv.Balance, IsConsolidatedProductChild = false, ProductType = GetProductType(inv.Product) }; Items.Add(isi); }
public void InventoryAdjust(Guid costCentreId, Guid productId, decimal qty, DocumentType docType, Guid documentId, DateTime date, InventoryAdjustmentNoteType inventoryAdjustmentNoteType) { // _log.InfoFormat("Inventory Adjust costcentreid : {0} - productid : {1} - qty : {2} - doctype : {3} - docid : {4}", costCentreId, productId, qty, docType, documentId); try { Product p = _productRepository.GetById(productId); CostCentre cc = _costCentreRepository.GetById(costCentreId); if (!(cc is Warehouse)) throw new Exception("Can only have inventory in a cost centre that is a warehouse"); //does inventory item exist for costcentre if (!_inventoryRepository.GetByProductId(productId).Any(n => n.Warehouse.Id == costCentreId)) { var inv = new Inventory(Guid.NewGuid()) { Balance = 0, Value = 0, Product = p, Warehouse = (Warehouse)cc }; _inventoryRepository.AddInventory(inv); } Inventory inv1 = _inventoryRepository.GetByProductId(productId).First(n => n.Warehouse.Id == costCentreId); var it = new InventoryTransaction(Guid.NewGuid()) { DateInserted = DateTime.Now, DocumentId = documentId, DocumentType = docType, Inventory = inv1, NoItems = qty, }; _inventoryTransactionRepository.Add(it); _inventoryRepository.AdjustInventoryBalance(inv1.Id, qty, (int)inventoryAdjustmentNoteType); } catch (Exception) { //_log.Error(ex); } }
void AddConsolidatedProduct(Inventory inv) { ConsolidatedProduct cp = inv.Product as ConsolidatedProduct; InventorySummaryItem isi = new InventorySummaryItem { ProductId = cp.Id, Description = cp.Description, ProductType = DomainProductType.Consolidated, Product = inv.Product, Warehouse = inv.Warehouse, Qty = inv.Balance, IsConsolidatedProductChild = false, HomeConsolidatedProductId = cp.Id, Level = 0, HomeConsolidatedProduct = cp, ParentConsolidatedProduct = null, QuantityPerConsolidatedProduct = 1, TotalProductsForHomeConsolidatedProduct = inv.Balance }; Items.Add(isi); var fps = cp.GetFlattenedProducts(); foreach (var fp in fps) { var isic = new InventorySummaryItem { ProductId = fp.Product.Id, Description = fp.Product.Description, ProductType = GetProductType(fp.Product), Warehouse = inv.Warehouse, IsConsolidatedProductChild = true, HomeConsolidatedProductId = cp.Id, Level = fp.Level, HomeConsolidatedProduct = cp, ParentConsolidatedProduct = fp.DirectParent, QuantityPerConsolidatedProduct = fp.QuantityPerConsolidatedProduct, TotalProductsForHomeConsolidatedProduct = fp.TotalProductsForHomeConsolidatedProduct, Qty = inv.Balance * fp.TotalProductsForHomeConsolidatedProduct }; Items.Add(isic); } }
public InventoryDTO Map(Inventory inventory) { if (inventory == null) return null; return Mapper.Map<Inventory, InventoryDTO>(inventory); }
public List<InventoryTransaction> GetByWarehouse(Guid wareHouseId, Inventory inventory, DocumentType? documentType, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { List<InventoryTransaction> qry = null; if (documentType == null) { qry = _ctx.tblInventoryTransaction.Where(n => n.tblInventory.WareHouseId == wareHouseId && == inventory.Id && n.DateInserted >= startDate && n.IM_DateLastUpdated <= endDate).ToList().Select(n => Map(n)).ToList(); } else { int docType = (int)documentType; qry = _ctx.tblInventoryTransaction.Where(n => n.tblInventory.WareHouseId == wareHouseId && == inventory.Id && n.DateInserted >= startDate && n.IM_DateLastUpdated <= endDate).ToList().Select(n => Map(n)).ToList(); } return qry; }
public List<InventoryTransaction> GetByWarehouse(Guid wareHouseId, Inventory inventory, DocumentType? documentType) { List<InventoryTransaction> qry = null; if (documentType == null) { qry = _ctx.tblInventoryTransaction .Where(n => n.tblInventory.WareHouseId == wareHouseId && == inventory.Id ) .ToList().Select(n => Map(n)).ToList(); } else { int docType = (int)documentType; qry = _ctx.tblInventoryTransaction .Where(n => n.tblInventory.WareHouseId == wareHouseId && == inventory.Id) .ToList().Select(n => Map(n)).ToList(); } return qry; }
protected Guid AddInventory(Guid wareHouseId, decimal Val, int Bal, Guid ProductId) { Inventory inv = new Inventory(Guid.NewGuid()) { Warehouse = _costCentreRepository.GetById(wareHouseId) as Warehouse, Value = Val, Balance = Bal, Product = _productRepository.GetById(ProductId) }; inv._SetStatus(EntityStatus.Active); return _inventoryRepository.AddInventory(inv); }
public ValidationResultInfo Validate(Inventory itemToValidate) { ValidationResultInfo vri = itemToValidate.BasicValidation(); if (itemToValidate._Status == EntityStatus.Inactive || itemToValidate._Status == EntityStatus.Deleted) return vri; if (itemToValidate.Id == Guid.Empty) vri.Results.Add(new ValidationResult("Enter Valid Guid ID")); return vri; }
protected Inventory Map(tblInventory tblInv) { Inventory inv = new Inventory( { Warehouse = _costCentreRepository.GetById(tblInv.tblCostCentre.Id) as Warehouse, Product = _productRepository.GetById(tblInv.ProductId), Balance = tblInv.Balance.Value, Value = (decimal) tblInv.Value, UnavailableBalance = tblInv.UnavailableBalance, }; return inv; }