public static bool CanAttemptToConnectToCDN() { #if RC_BUILD return(true); #else CloudStorageAPI cloudStorageAPI = new CloudStorageAPI(null); StreamingAssetsStorage streamingAssetsStorage = new StreamingAssetsStorage(Game.None, null); bool ret = true; streamingAssetsStorage.LoadStreamingAssetsFile(cloudStorageAPI.cloudData.P12Path, (error, p12Bytes) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Log.Warning("Unable to load " + cloudStorageAPI.cloudData.P12Path); ret = false; } }, true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cloudStorageAPI.cloudData.Password)) { Log.Warning("No cloudData.Password specified " + cloudStorageAPI.cloudData.Password); ret = false; } if (!ret) { Log.Warning("You need to have both a .p12 file and password to run this locally"); } return(ret); #endif }
protected void OnSdkReady() { // no further initialization needed if FTUE is complete if (FtueDataController.IsFtueComplete(FtueType.Intro)) { return; } // adding controller saberPeripheral = new ControllerPeripheral(VisionSDK.ControllerName, ControllerTransform, null, container.GetSavedSaberColorID()); Sdk.Connections.AddPeripheral(saberPeripheral); // adding beacon Sdk.Tracking.OnBeaconStateChange += OnBeaconStateChange; // checking beacon signal if (Sdk.Tracking.IsBeaconTracked) { beaconSeen = true; // playing audio - signal acquired AudioEvent.Play(AudioEventName.Ftue.Computer.SignalAcquired, gameObject); } else { // playing audio - searching for signal AudioEvent.Play(AudioEventName.Ftue.Computer.AcquireSignal, gameObject); } // setting input handler Sdk.Input.OnButtonDown += OnButtonDown; // adding input listeners Sdk.Connections.OnPeripheralStateChange += OnPeripheralConnected; Sdk.Connections.OnPeripheralStateChange += OnPeripheralDisconnected; // adding animation listener HolocronAnimations.OnAnimationComplete += OnHolocronEnterAnimationComplete; // loading animation sequence config StreamingAssetsStorage loader = new StreamingAssetsStorage(Game.ForceVision, null); loader.LoadStreamingAssetsText(AnimationConfigFile, OnConfigLoaded, true); // playing sound AudioEvent.Play(AudioEventName.Ftue.MusicStart, gameObject); }
protected void OnSdkReady() { // no further initialization needed if FTUE is complete if (FtueDataController.IsFtueComplete(FtueType.DarkSide)) { return; } // adding controller saberPeripheral = new ControllerPeripheral( VisionSDK.ControllerName, ControllerTransform, null, container.GetSavedSaberColorID() ); Sdk.Connections.AddPeripheral(saberPeripheral); // adding beacon Sdk.Tracking.OnBeaconStateChange += OnBeaconStateChange; // checking beacon signal if (Sdk.Tracking.IsBeaconTracked) { beaconSeen = true; } else { } // setting input handler Sdk.Input.OnButtonDown += OnButtonDown; // adding input listeners Sdk.Connections.OnPeripheralStateChange += OnPeripheralConnected; Sdk.Connections.OnPeripheralStateChange += OnPeripheralDisconnected; // loading animation sequence config StreamingAssetsStorage loader = new StreamingAssetsStorage(Game.ForceVision, null); loader.LoadStreamingAssetsText(AnimationConfigFile, OnConfigLoaded, true); // playing the menu FTUE animation Menu.GetComponent <Animator>().Play(MenuFtue); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Disney.ForceVision.ContainerAPI"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Game.</param> public ContainerAPI(Game game) { // We need a MonoBehaviour for Native to call into as well for Streaming Asset loading. GameObject bridge = GameObject.Find("ForceVisionNativeBridge") ?? new GameObject("ForceVisionNativeBridge", typeof(NativeBridge)); NativeBridge = bridge.GetComponent <NativeBridge>(); // Data Storage / Loading StreamingAssets = new StreamingAssetsStorage(game, NativeBridge); PersistentData = new PersistentDataStorage(game); PlayerPrefs = new PlayerPrefsStorage(game); cdnAssetLoaderApi = new Disney.ForceVision.Internal.CdnAssetLoaderApi(NativeBridge); // Native Settings NativeSettings = new NativeSettings(); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR NativeBridge.StartLowMemoryPoll(NativeSettings); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Plays the trailer /// </summary> /// <param name="showVideoControls">If set to <c>true</c> show video controls.</param> public IEnumerator PlayTrailer(bool showVideoControls = false) { StreamingAssetsStorage storage = new StreamingAssetsStorage(Game.ForceVision, null); string introVideoPath = ""; //copying to persistent data may work, you can also try prefixing the path with "jar://" #if UNITY_ANDROID PersistentDataStorage persistentStorage = new PersistentDataStorage(Game.ForceVision); if (persistentStorage.FileExists(StarWarsIntroVideo) == false) { storage.LoadStreamingAssetsFile(StarWarsIntroVideo, (string error, byte[] bytes) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { //save file in persistentdata bool writeSuccess = persistentStorage.SaveBytes(StarWarsIntroVideo, bytes); if (writeSuccess) { introVideoPath = persistentStorage.GetPersistentDataPath(StarWarsIntroVideo); } else { //handle error Log.Error("Error! Unable to save the video file to persistent data."); } } else { //handle error Log.Error("Error! Unable to load from streaming assets."); } }, true); } else { introVideoPath = persistentStorage.GetPersistentDataPath(StarWarsIntroVideo); } #else introVideoPath = storage.GetStreamingAssetPath(StarWarsIntroVideo); #endif // checking that path is valid string if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(introVideoPath)) { if (PlayCount > 0) { // setting button state if (TrailerPlayButton) { TrailerPlayButton.interactable = false; } // stopping background music AudioEvent.Play(AudioEventName.Ftue.Stereo.BackgroundMusicPause, gameObject); } if (Application.isEditor) { Debug.Log("Playing Trailer (Trailer cannot play in Editor)"); } else { // playing intro video Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie(introVideoPath,, showVideoControls ? FullScreenMovieControlMode.CancelOnInput : FullScreenMovieControlMode.Hidden); } // adding pause yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); if (PlayCount > 0) { // setting button state if (TrailerPlayButton) { TrailerPlayButton.interactable = true; } // starting background music AudioEvent.Play(AudioEventName.Ftue.Stereo.BackgroundMusicResume, gameObject); } // setting new play count StereoStorage.SetPrefInt(IntroPlayedCountKey, PlayCount + 1); } }
public void AuthenticateWithGAE(Action <Response> callback = null, Action <float> fileProgressCallback = null, Func <string, Dictionary <string, string>, Dictionary <string, string>, int> OverrideRequestMethod = null) { Log.Debug("[DEBUG-AUTH] CloudStorageAPI AuthenticateWithGAE", Log.LogChannel.General); #if RC_BUILD callback(null); return; #endif Dictionary <string, string> requestFields = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>(); X509Certificate2 cert; try { StreamingAssetsStorage streamingAssetsStorage = new StreamingAssetsStorage(Game.None, null); byte[] bytes = null; streamingAssetsStorage.LoadStreamingAssetsFile(cloudData.P12Path, (success, p12Bytes) => { bytes = p12Bytes; }, true); Log.Debug("p12 bytes length = " + bytes.Length); cert = new X509Certificate2(bytes, cloudData.Password, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa.FromXmlString(cert.PrivateKey.ToXmlString(true)); long assertionTime = GetTimeInSeconds(); string claimSet = string.Format(ClaimSetSchema, cloudData.ServiceAccountEmail, ScopeStorageReadOnly, ApiEndpoint, assertionTime, assertionTime + expiration); string headerClaim = string.Format("{0}.{1}", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ClaimHeader)), Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(claimSet))); byte[] dataToSign = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(headerClaim); byte[] signedData = rsa.SignData(dataToSign, "SHA256"); string sgn = Convert.ToBase64String(signedData); string jwt = string.Format("{0}.{1}", headerClaim, sgn); requestFields["grant_type"] = "assertion"; requestFields["assertion_type"] = AssertionType; requestFields["assertion"] = jwt; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } catch (Exception e) { #if CI_BUILD || QA_BUILD || RC_BUILD Log.Exception(e); #else Log.Warning("missing p12 file: " + cloudData.P12Path + e.Message); #endif callback(null); return; } if (OverrideRequestMethod != null) { OverrideRequestMethod(ApiEndpoint, headers, requestFields); } else { Request authRequest = new Request(requestRunner, callback, "authRequest", ApiEndpoint, headers, requestFields, fileProgressCallback); authRequest.PostData(); } }
/// <summary> /// Purges the cpipe cache. /// Called when app starts and runs if the app version on disk is older then the app verison. /// The purge will delete any english or non loc specific files and update the cache with all of the latest version from the embedded manifest. /// </summary> public static void PurgeCpipeCache() { bool doPurge = false; Dictionary <string, string> cache = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PersistentDataStorage persistentDataStorage = new PersistentDataStorage(Game.None); StreamingAssetsStorage streamingAssetsStorage = new StreamingAssetsStorage(Game.None, null); //if app version has increased, do purge AppVersion appVersion = new AppVersion(Application.version); if (persistentDataStorage.FileExists(appVerisonFile)) { AppVersion storedVersion = new AppVersion(persistentDataStorage.LoadText(appVerisonFile)); if (storedVersion.Major > appVersion.Major) { doPurge = true; } else if (storedVersion.Major >= appVersion.Major && storedVersion.Minor > appVersion.Minor) { doPurge = true; } else if (storedVersion.Major >= appVersion.Major && storedVersion.Minor >= appVersion.Minor && storedVersion.Revision > appVersion.Revision) { doPurge = true; } } else { doPurge = true; } Log.Debug("dopurge " + doPurge, Log.LogChannel.General); if (doPurge == false) { return; } string oldCache = ""; if (persistentDataStorage.FileExists(CacheName)) { oldCache = persistentDataStorage.LoadText(CacheName); string[] tempOldCacheLines = oldCache.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < tempOldCacheLines.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempOldCacheLines[i])) { string rawLine = tempOldCacheLines[i]; string[] rawLineComponents = rawLine.Split(':'); cache[rawLineComponents[0]] = rawLineComponents[1]; } } } Log.Debug("load manifest from streaming at " + Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + Game.ForceVision + "/" + EmbeddedCpipeManifestFile, Log.LogChannel.General); //load streaming assets manifest and write cache file of embedded content streamingAssetsStorage.LoadStreamingAssetsText(Game.ForceVision + "/" + EmbeddedCpipeManifestFile, (error, text) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { try { JSONObject manifest = new JSONObject(text); WriteManifestVersion(manifest["version"].ToString()); JSONObject paths = manifest["paths"]; string newCacheString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < paths.keys.Count; i++) { string folder = paths.keys[i]; string v = paths[i]["v"].ToString(); //update english only bool isEnglishFile = true; foreach (string languageFolder in Localizer.LanguageFolders) { if (folder.Contains("GeneratedSoundBanks") && folder.Contains("/" + languageFolder + "/") && languageFolder != Localizer.LanguageFolders[0]) { isEnglishFile = false; Log.Debug("non english file found. path = " + folder, Log.LogChannel.Download); } } if (isEnglishFile) { if (cache.ContainsKey(folder)) { //if in cache already then update to local version and delete local file if (persistentDataStorage.FileExists(folder)) { persistentDataStorage.DeleteFile(folder); Log.Debug("deleteing file in " + folder, Log.LogChannel.Download); } } newCacheString += folder + ":" + v + "\n"; } else { if (cache.ContainsKey(folder)) { newCacheString += folder + ":" + v + "\n"; } } } persistentDataStorage.SaveText(CacheName, newCacheString, false); persistentDataStorage.SaveText(appVerisonFile, Application.version, false); } catch (System.Exception e) { Log.Exception(e); } } else { #if !UNITY_EDITOR Log.Error("error loading manifest from streamingassets. " + error); #endif } }, true); }