예제 #1
        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            if (!CanWrite)
                throw new IOException("Attempt to write to read-only stream");

            if (_position + count > _length)
                throw new IOException("Attempt to write beyond end of stream");

            int numWritten = 0;

            while (numWritten < count)
                long block         = _position / _blockSize;
                uint offsetInBlock = (uint)(_position % _blockSize);

                int toWrite = count - numWritten;

                // Need to read - we're not handling a full block
                if (offsetInBlock != 0 || toWrite < _blockSize)
                    toWrite = (int)Math.Min(toWrite, _blockSize - offsetInBlock);

                    byte[] blockBuffer = new byte[_blockSize];
                    int    numRead     = _session.Read(_lun, block, 1, blockBuffer, 0);

                    if (numRead != _blockSize)
                        throw new IOException("Incomplete read, received " + numRead + " bytes from 1 block");

                    // Overlay as much data as we have for this block
                    Array.Copy(buffer, offset + numWritten, blockBuffer, offsetInBlock, toWrite);

                    // Write the block back
                    _session.Write(_lun, block, 1, _blockSize, blockBuffer, 0);
                    // Processing at least one whole block, just write (after making sure to trim any partial sectors from the end)...
                    short numBlocks = (short)(toWrite / _blockSize);
                    toWrite = numBlocks * _blockSize;

                    _session.Write(_lun, block, numBlocks, _blockSize, buffer, offset + numWritten);

                numWritten += toWrite;
                _position  += toWrite;