private void CheckForLightning()
     // time for another strike?
     if (Time.time >= script.nextLightningTime)
         bool intense = UnityEngine.Random.value < script.LightningIntenseProbability;
         script.StartCoroutine(ProcessLightning(null, null, intense, script.LightningAlwaysVisible));
예제 #2
            public IEnumerator ProcessLightning(bool intense, bool visible)
                float sleepTime;

                AudioClip[] sounds;
                float       intensity;

                script.lightningInProgress = true;

                if (intense)
                    float percent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
                    intensity = Mathf.Lerp(2.0f, 8.0f, percent);
                    sleepTime = 5.0f / intensity;
                    script.lightningDuration = UnityEngine.Random.Range(script.LightningShowTimeRange.x, script.LightningShowTimeRange.y);
                    sounds = script.ThunderSoundsIntense;
                    float percent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
                    intensity = Mathf.Lerp(0.0f, 2.0f, percent);
                    sleepTime = 30.0f / intensity;
                    script.lightningDuration = UnityEngine.Random.Range(script.LightningShowTimeRange.x, script.LightningShowTimeRange.y);
                    sounds = script.ThunderSoundsNormal;
                if (script.skyboxMaterial != null && script.ModifySkyboxExposure)
                    script.skyboxMaterial.SetFloat("_Exposure", Mathf.Max(intensity * 0.5f, script.skyboxExposureStorm));

                // determine number of lightning strikes
                int count;
                int num = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);

                if (num > 95)
                    count = 3;
                else if (num > 80)
                    count = 2;
                    count = 1;

                // determine duration - for multiple strikes, add a little extra time
                float duration = (count == 1 ? script.lightningDuration : (script.lightningDuration / count) * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1.05f, 1.25f));

                // make sure the duration lasts for all the lightning strikes
                script.lightningDuration *= count;

                // perform the strike
                Strike(intense, script.Generations, duration, intensity, script.ChaosFactor, script.GlowIntensity, script.GlowWidthMultiplier, script.Forkedness, count, script.Camera, visible ? script.Camera : null);

                // calculate the next lightning strike

                // thunder will play depending on intensity of lightning
                bool playThunder = (intensity >= 1.0f);

                //Debug.Log("Lightning intensity: " + intensity.ToString("0.00") + ", thunder delay: " +
                //          (playThunder ? sleepTime.ToString("0.00") : "No Thunder"));

                if (playThunder && sounds != null && sounds.Length != 0)
                    // wait for a bit then play a thunder sound
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(sleepTime));

                    AudioClip clip = null;
                        // pick a random thunder sound that wasn't the same as the last sound, unless there is only one sound, then we have no choice
                        clip = sounds[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, sounds.Length - 1)];
                    }while (sounds.Length > 1 && clip == script.lastThunderSound);

                    // set the last sound and play it
                    script.lastThunderSound = clip;
                    script.audioSourceThunder.PlayOneShot(clip, intensity * 0.5f);