public static void onsetDetection() { Time timer = new Time(); int starts = 0; int stops = 0; List<int> noteStops; List<double> pitches; noteStarts = new List<int>(100); noteStops = new List<int>(100); lengths = new List<int>(100); pitches = new List<double>(100); HFC = new float[stftRep.timeFreqData[0].Length]; //"Onset setup"); Thread[] mine = new Thread[MainProgram.Num_threads]; for (int a = 0; a < MainProgram.Num_threads; a++) { mine[a] = new Thread(onsetloop1); mine[a].Start(a); } for (int a = 0; a < MainProgram.Num_threads; a++) { mine[a].Join(); } //"Onset loop 1"); float maxi = HFC.Max(); for (int jj = 0; jj < stftRep.timeFreqData[0].Length; jj++) { HFC[jj] = (float)Math.Pow((HFC[jj] / maxi), 2); } //"Onset loop 2"); for (int jj = 0; jj < stftRep.timeFreqData[0].Length; jj++) { if (starts > stops) { if (HFC[jj] < 0.001) { noteStops.Add(jj * ((stftRep.wSamp - 1) / 2)); stops = stops + 1; } } else if (starts - stops == 0) { if (HFC[jj] > 0.001) { noteStarts.Add(jj * ((stftRep.wSamp - 1) / 2)); starts = starts + 1; } } } //"Onset loop 3"); if (starts > stops) { noteStops.Add(; } // DETERMINES START AND FINISH TIME OF NOTES BASED ON ONSET DETECTION ///* // timer.restart(); for (int ii = 0; ii < noteStops.Count; ii++) { lengths.Add(noteStops[ii] - noteStarts[ii]); }"Onset loop 4"); allpitches = new List<double>[Num_threads]; for (int a = 0; a < Num_threads; a++) { allpitches[a] = new List<double>(); mine[a] = new Thread(onsetloopmm); mine[a].Start(a); } for (int a = 0; a < Num_threads; a++) { mine[a].Join(); pitches.AddRange(allpitches[a]); }"onset mm loop"); musicNote[] noteArray; noteArray = new musicNote[noteStarts.Count()]; for (int ii = 0; ii < noteStarts.Count(); ii++) { noteArray[ii] = new musicNote(pitches[ii], lengths[ii]); } //"onset loop 6"); int[] sheetPitchArray = new int[sheetmusic.Length]; int[] notePitchArray = new int[noteArray.Length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < sheetmusic.Length; ii++) { sheetPitchArray[ii] = sheetmusic[ii].pitch % 12; } //"onset loop 7"); for (int jj = 0; jj < noteArray.Length; jj++) { notePitchArray[jj] = noteArray[jj].pitch % 12; } //"onset loop 8"); string[] alignedStrings = new string[2]; alignedStrings = stringMatch(sheetPitchArray, notePitchArray); musicNote[] alignedStaffArray = new musicNote[alignedStrings[0].Length / 2]; musicNote[] alignedNoteArray = new musicNote[alignedStrings[1].Length / 2]; int staffCount = 0; int noteCount = 0; //"onset stuff"); for (int ii = 0; ii < alignedStrings[0].Length / 2; ii++) { if (alignedStrings[0][2 * ii] == ' ') { alignedStaffArray[ii] = new musicNote(0, 0); } else { alignedStaffArray[ii] = sheetmusic[staffCount]; staffCount++; } if (alignedStrings[1][2 * ii] == ' ') { alignedNoteArray[ii] = new musicNote(0, 0); } else { alignedNoteArray[ii] = noteArray[noteCount]; noteCount++; } } timer.end("onset last"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string filename = "..//..//Jupiter.wav"; string xmlfile = "..//..//Jupiter.xml"; Time timewhole = new Time(); Time timer = new Time(); loadWave(filename);"\nsetup"); freqDomain();"\nfreqDomain"); sheetmusic = readXML(xmlfile);"\nsheetmusic"); onsetDetection();"\nonsetDetection"); //"\nloadImage"); //"\nloadHistogram"); //"\nplayBack"); timer.end("\nOther stuff"); Console.WriteLine("It is done!"); timewhole.end("Overall time"); Console.ReadKey(); }