public bool Cmp(cmsStationSet SS) { if ( SS.IP == this.IP && SS.Port == this.Port && SS.StaName == this.StaName && SS.IPandPort == this.IPandPort ) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void btn_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str1 = textBox_IP.Text; string str2 = textBox_SatName.Text; string str3 = textBox_Port.Text; if (str1 == "" || str2 == "" || str3 == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please complete the filling", "WARN"); } else { if (fm.getValidIP(str1) != null && fm.getValidPort(str3) != -1) { string insertstr = "insert into tb_StaSet(IP,StaName,Port,IPandPort) values('"; insertstr += str1 + "', '"; insertstr += str2 + "', '"; insertstr += str3 + "', '"; insertstr += str1 + ":" + str3 + "')"; cmsStationSet addSS = new cmsStationSet(); addSS.IP = str1; addSS.StaName = str2; addSS.Port = str3; addSS.IPandPort = str1 + ":" + str3; bool isRepeat = true; foreach (cmsStationSet tmpSS in FormMain.DataModel.StationSet) { if (addSS.Cmp(tmpSS)) { isRepeat = false; break; } } if (isRepeat) { FormMain.DataModel.StationSet.Add(addSS); } else { MessageBox.Show("Repeat Infomation", "Warn"); } DataLength++; label_all.Text = DataLength.ToString(); update_Data(insertstr); GetDatabaseData(); } else { if (fm.getValidIP(str1) == null && fm.getValidPort(str3) != -1) { MessageBox.Show(" IP format error", "WARN"); } else if (fm.getValidIP(str1) != null && fm.getValidPort(str3) == -1) { MessageBox.Show(" Port format error", "WARN"); } else { MessageBox.Show("IP and Port formats error", "WARN"); } } } }
private void btn_confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ipn = textBox_IPn.Text.Trim(); string namen = textBox_SatNamen.Text.Trim(); string portn = textBox_Portn.Text.Trim(); if (true) { string sql = null; try { sql = " update tb_StaSet set"; sql += " IP= '" + ipn; sql += "' , Port= '" + portn; sql += "' , StaName= '" + namen; sql += "' , IPandPort= '" + ipn + ":" + portn; sql += " 'Where IPandPort = '" + ip + ":" + port + "'"; for (int i = 0; i < FormMain.DataModel.StationSet.Count; i++) { cmsStationSet udSS = FormMain.DataModel.StationSet[i]; if (udSS.IPandPort == (ip + ":" + port)) { udSS.IP = ipn; udSS.Port = portn; udSS.StaName = namen; udSS.IPandPort = ipn + ":" + portn; FormMain.DataModel.StationSet[i] = udSS; } } update_datagridView(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("change failed"); } try { sql = " update tb_AreaSet set "; sql += " IPandPort= '" + ipn + ":" + portn; sql += "' , Map = replace( Map , '" + ip + ":" + port + "' , '" + ipn + ":" + portn + "' )"; sql += " Where IPandPort = '" + ip + ":" + port + "'"; for (int i = 0; i < FormMain.DataModel.AreaSet.Count; i++) { cmsAreaSet udAS = FormMain.DataModel.AreaSet[i]; if (udAS.IPport == (ip + ":" + port)) { udAS.IPport = ipn + ":" + portn; udAS.Map = udAS.Map.Replace(ip + ":" + port, ipn + ":" + portn); FormMain.DataModel.AreaSet[i] = udAS; } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("change failed"); } try { sql = " update tb_Map set "; sql += " MapInfo = replace( MapInfo , '" + ip + ":" + port + "' , '" + ipn + ":" + portn + "' )"; foreach (cmsMap udMap in FormMain.DataModel.Map) { udMap.MapInfo = udMap.MapInfo.Replace(ip + ":" + port, ipn + ":" + portn); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("change failed"); } GetDatabaseData(); LoadTreeView(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fill in non-standard"); } }