예제 #1
        public NewCatalogue(string catPath, string catName, string catDesc)
             * J Vincent
             * CReate catalogue file in own folder within catalogue root
             * catalogue name is a Globally Unique ID + extension
             * this can be useful to identify different versions of the same catalogue
             * also include readme file giving name of catalogue and instructions not to delete.

                string CatUUID;
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                catch (NotImplementedException snotImp)
                    Boolean bName = false;
                    Boolean bDesc = false;
                    Boolean bDir  = false;

                    //check the chosen directory is OK
                    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(catPath);
                    if (di.Exists)
                        bDir = true;
                    if (catName.Length > 5 && catName.Length < 121)
                        bName = true;
                    if (catDesc.Length > 10 && catDesc.Length < 256)
                        bDesc = true;

                    if (bDir == true && bName == true && bDesc == true)
                        //create unique file name for catalogue
                        string myGuid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        //create DACAT folder for catalogue to sit in
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(catPath + "\\DACAT");
                        //create readme.txt with instructions not to delete!
                        File.WriteAllText(catPath + "\\DACAT\\" + catName.Replace(' ', '_') + "_ReadMe.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() +
                                          "\r\nDigital Archive: " + catName + "\r\n\r\n" + catDesc + "\r\n" +
                                          "\r\nDO NOT DELETE THE CATALOGUE FILE: " + myGuid + ".dacat " +
                                          "\r\n\r\nFurther Instructions for the catalogue and application to go here:\r\n\r\n" +
                                          "=====================================================================\r\n\r\n" +
                                          "Changes to this catalogue:\r\n\r\n");
                        //change log will append to this file as well as the change logs
                        //full path for catalogue
                        CatUUID = catPath + "\\DACAT\\" + myGuid + ".dacat";
                        //create cataloge and connection
                        using (SQLiteConnection dbConn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + CatUUID + "; Version = 3; Compress = True;"))
                            //populate the database with tables
                            string sql = "CREATE TABLE tblCatalogue(catName       VARCHAR(120) UNIQUE NOT NULL, " +
                                         "catUUID       VARCHAR(255)  UNIQUE  NOT NULL, " +
                                         "catCreated    DATETIME          NOT NULL UNIQUE, " +
                                         "catDesc       VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL, " +
                                         "catVersion    VARCHAR(18)  UNIQUE NOT NULL, " +
                                         "catLastUpdate DATETIME          UNIQUE NOT NULL " +
                                         "); ";
                            sql += "CREATE TABLE tblItems (" +
                                   "itemID INTEGER       PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, " +
                                   "itemAdded DATETIME      NOT NULL, " +
                                   "itemAddedBy    VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL, " +
                                   "itemName       VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, " +
                                   "itemPath       VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, " +
                                   "itemChecksum   VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL, " +
                                   "itemLastChange DATETIME NOT NULL, " +
                                   "itemOwner      VARCHAR(128), " +
                                   "itemCopyright  BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT(0), " +
                                   "itemGDPR       BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT(0) " +
                                   ");   ";
                            sql += "CREATE TABLE tbllkpMetaFormat(metaTitle VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY ASC);";
                            sql += "CREATE TABLE tblItemMeta(metaID     INTEGER       PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE NOT NULL, " +
                                   "itemID     INTEGER       REFERENCES tblItems(itemID) NOT NULL, " +
                                   "metaOrig   BOOLEAN       NOT NULL DEFAULT(0), " +
                                   "metaTitle  VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES tbllkpMetaFormat(metaTitle), " +
                                   "metaFormat VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL, " +
                                   "metaData   VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL " +
                                   "); ";
                            sql += "CREATE TABLE tblChangeLog ( " +
                                   "logID INTEGER        PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE NOT NULL, " +
                                   "logItemID INTEGER        NOT NULL, " +
                                   "logDateTime   DATETIME NOT NULL, " +
                                   "logChangedBy VARCHAR(15)  NOT NULL, " +
                                   "logChangeDets VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, " +
                                   "logCatVersion VARCHAR(16)   NOT NULL " +
                                   "); ";

                            using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, dbConn))

                            DateTime theDate    = DateTime.Now;
                            string   newVersion = theDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssFFF");
                            //Insert startup information into tables
                            sql = "INSERT INTO tblCatalogue VALUES (@catName," +
                                  "@catUUID, @catDate, " +
                                  "@catDesc, @catVer, @catDateC); ";
                            //these are the types of Metadata we want to store (keywords can be added)
                            sql += "INSERT INTO tbllkpMetaFormat (metaTitle)" +
                                   "VALUES ('TYPE OF FILE'), ('NAME'), ('SIZE'), ('CREATED'), ('MODIFIED'), ('READ ONLY'), ('LOCATION'), " +
                                   "('HIDDEN'), ('DATE TAKEN'), ('KEYWORDS');";
                            using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, dbConn))
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@catName", catName));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@catUUID", CatUUID));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@catDate", DateTime.Now));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@catDesc", catDesc));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@catVer", newVersion));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@catDateC", theDate));
                        // add data to digarch.dacat to update with latest catalogue
                        Catalogue curCat = new Catalogue(CatUUID);

                        // update info on screen
                        this.retMessage = "Catalogue " + curCat.catUUID + " has been created";
                        this.retMessage = "You must choose a location for the catalogue \r\nand enter a name between 5 and 120 characters \r\nand description between 10 and 255 characters";