private static DicomDataset ReadFragment(byte[] bytes, Endian endian, bool explicitVr) { var dataset = new DicomDataset(); var reader = new DicomReader { IsExplicitVR = explicitVr }; var byteSource = new ByteBufferByteSource(new MemoryByteBuffer(bytes)) { Endian = endian }; reader.Read(byteSource, new DicomDatasetReaderObserver(dataset)); return dataset; }
public static IAsyncResult BeginRead( this DicomReader @this, IByteSource source, IDicomReaderObserver observer, Func <ParseState, bool> stop, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { return(AsyncFactory.ToBegin(@this.ReadAsync(source, observer, stop), callback, state)); }
public void Read_ValidExplicitVRSequence_YieldsSuccess(byte[] bytes) { var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes); var source = new StreamByteSource(stream); var reader = new DicomReader { IsExplicitVR = true }; var observer = new MockObserver(); var result = reader.Read(source, observer); Assert.Equal(DicomReaderResult.Success, result); }
public void BeginRead_ValidExplicitVRData_YieldsSuccess(DicomTag tag, DicomVR vr, string data, byte[] bytes) { var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes); var source = new StreamByteSource(stream); var reader = new DicomReader { IsExplicitVR = true }; var observer = new LastElementObserver(); var result = reader.EndRead(reader.BeginRead(source, observer, null, null, null)); Assert.Equal(DicomReaderResult.Success, result); Assert.Equal(tag, observer.Tag); Assert.Equal(vr, observer.VR); Assert.Equal(data, observer.Data); }
private DicomDataset DeepClone_(DicomDataset dataset) { var ms = new MemoryStream(); var target = new StreamByteTarget(ms); var writer = new DicomWriter(DicomTransferSyntax.ImplicitVRLittleEndian, DicomWriteOptions.Default, target); var walker = new DicomDatasetWalker(dataset); walker.Walk(writer); var clone = new DicomDataset(); var reader = new DicomReader { IsExplicitVR = false }; var byteSource = new ByteBufferByteSource( new MemoryByteBuffer(ms.ToArray())); reader.Read(byteSource, new DicomDatasetReaderObserver(clone)); return clone; }
public static DicomReaderResult EndRead(this DicomReader @this, IAsyncResult result) { return(AsyncFactory.ToEnd <DicomReaderResult>(result)); }
private static async Task <Tuple <DicomReaderResult, DicomFileFormat, DicomTransferSyntax> > DoParseAsync( IByteSource source, IDicomReaderObserver fileMetasetInfoObserver, IDicomReaderObserver datasetObserver, Func <ParseState, bool> stop, DicomTransferSyntax syntax, DicomFileFormat fileFormat) { string code = null, uid = null; var obs = new DicomReaderCallbackObserver(); if (fileFormat != DicomFileFormat.DICOM3) { obs.Add( DicomTag.RecognitionCodeRETIRED, (sender, ea) => { try { code = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Data.Data, 0, ea.Data.Data.Length); } catch { } }); } obs.Add( DicomTag.TransferSyntaxUID, (sender, ea) => { try { uid = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Data.Data, 0, ea.Data.Data.Length); } catch { } }); var reader = new DicomReader { IsExplicitVR = syntax.IsExplicitVR, IsDeflated = false }; DicomReaderResult result; if (fileFormat == DicomFileFormat.DICOM3NoFileMetaInfo) { result = await reader.ReadAsync(source, new DicomReaderMultiObserver(obs, datasetObserver), stop).ConfigureAwait(false); UpdateFileFormatAndSyntax(code, uid, ref fileFormat, ref syntax); } else { if ( await reader.ReadAsync( source, new DicomReaderMultiObserver(obs, fileMetasetInfoObserver), _FileMetaInfoStopCriterion).ConfigureAwait(false) != DicomReaderResult.Stopped) { throw new DicomReaderException("DICOM File Meta Info ended prematurely"); } UpdateFileFormatAndSyntax(code, uid, ref fileFormat, ref syntax); // rewind to last marker (start of previous tag)... ugly because // it requires knowledge of how the parser is implemented source.Rewind(); source.Endian = syntax.Endian; reader.IsExplicitVR = syntax.IsExplicitVR; reader.IsDeflated = syntax.IsDeflate; result = await reader.ReadAsync(source, datasetObserver, stop).ConfigureAwait(false); } return(Tuple.Create(result, fileFormat, syntax)); }
/// <summary> /// Process P-DATA-TF PDUs. /// </summary> /// <param name="pdu">PDU to process.</param> private async Task ProcessPDataTFAsync(PDataTF pdu) { try { foreach (var pdv in pdu.PDVs) { if (_dimse == null) { // create stream for receiving command if (_dimseStream == null) { _dimseStream = new MemoryStream(); _dimseStreamFile = null; } } else { // create stream for receiving dataset if (_dimseStream == null) { if (_dimse.Type == DicomCommandField.CStoreRequest) { var pc = Association.PresentationContexts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == pdv.PCID); var file = new DicomFile(); file.FileMetaInfo.MediaStorageSOPClassUID = pc.AbstractSyntax; file.FileMetaInfo.MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID = _dimse.Command.Get<DicomUID>(DicomTag.AffectedSOPInstanceUID); file.FileMetaInfo.TransferSyntax = pc.AcceptedTransferSyntax; file.FileMetaInfo.ImplementationClassUID = Association.RemoteImplemetationClassUID; file.FileMetaInfo.ImplementationVersionName = Association.RemoteImplementationVersion; file.FileMetaInfo.SourceApplicationEntityTitle = Association.CallingAE; CreateCStoreReceiveStream(file); } else { _dimseStream = new MemoryStream(); _dimseStreamFile = null; } } } await this._dimseStream.WriteAsync(pdv.Value, 0, pdv.Value.Length).ConfigureAwait(false); if (pdv.IsLastFragment) { if (pdv.IsCommand) { _dimseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var command = new DicomDataset(); var reader = new DicomReader(); reader.IsExplicitVR = false; reader.Read(new StreamByteSource(_dimseStream), new DicomDatasetReaderObserver(command)); _dimseStream = null; _dimseStreamFile = null; var type = command.Get<DicomCommandField>(DicomTag.CommandField); switch (type) { case DicomCommandField.CStoreRequest: _dimse = new DicomCStoreRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CStoreResponse: _dimse = new DicomCStoreResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CFindRequest: _dimse = new DicomCFindRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CFindResponse: _dimse = new DicomCFindResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CMoveRequest: _dimse = new DicomCMoveRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CMoveResponse: _dimse = new DicomCMoveResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CEchoRequest: _dimse = new DicomCEchoRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CEchoResponse: _dimse = new DicomCEchoResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NActionRequest: _dimse = new DicomNActionRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NActionResponse: _dimse = new DicomNActionResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NCreateRequest: _dimse = new DicomNCreateRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NCreateResponse: _dimse = new DicomNCreateResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NDeleteRequest: _dimse = new DicomNDeleteRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NDeleteResponse: _dimse = new DicomNDeleteResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NEventReportRequest: _dimse = new DicomNEventReportRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NEventReportResponse: _dimse = new DicomNEventReportResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NGetRequest: _dimse = new DicomNGetRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NGetResponse: _dimse = new DicomNGetResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NSetRequest: _dimse = new DicomNSetRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NSetResponse: _dimse = new DicomNSetResponse(command); break; default: _dimse = new DicomMessage(command); break; } _dimse.PresentationContext = Association.PresentationContexts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == pdv.PCID); if (!_dimse.HasDataset) { this.PerformDimse(this._dimse); _dimse = null; return; } } else { if (_dimse.Type != DicomCommandField.CStoreRequest) { _dimseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var pc = Association.PresentationContexts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == pdv.PCID); _dimse.Dataset = new DicomDataset(); _dimse.Dataset.InternalTransferSyntax = pc.AcceptedTransferSyntax; var source = new StreamByteSource(_dimseStream); source.Endian = pc.AcceptedTransferSyntax.Endian; var reader = new DicomReader(); reader.IsExplicitVR = pc.AcceptedTransferSyntax.IsExplicitVR; reader.Read(source, new DicomDatasetReaderObserver(_dimse.Dataset)); _dimseStream = null; _dimseStreamFile = null; } else { var request = _dimse as DicomCStoreRequest; try { var dicomFile = GetCStoreDicomFile(); _dimseStream = null; _dimseStreamFile = null; // NOTE: dicomFile will be valid with the default implementation of CreateCStoreReceiveStream() and // GetCStoreDicomFile(), but can be null if a child class overrides either method and changes behavior. // See documentation on CreateCStoreReceiveStream() and GetCStoreDicomFile() for information about why // this might be desired. request.File = dicomFile; if (request.File != null) { request.Dataset = request.File.Dataset; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse received DICOM file; send error response instead of aborting connection SendResponse( new DicomCStoreResponse( request, new DicomStatus(DicomStatus.ProcessingFailure, e.Message))); Logger.Error("Error parsing C-Store dataset: {@error}", e); (this as IDicomCStoreProvider).OnCStoreRequestException( _dimseStreamFile != null ? _dimseStreamFile.Name : null, e); return; } } this.PerformDimse(this._dimse); _dimse = null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { SendAbort(DicomAbortSource.ServiceUser, DicomAbortReason.NotSpecified); Logger.Error("Exception processing P-Data-TF PDU: {@error}", e); } finally { SendNextMessage(); } }
private static async Task<Tuple<DicomReaderResult, DicomFileFormat, DicomTransferSyntax>> DoParseAsync( IByteSource source, IDicomReaderObserver fileMetasetInfoObserver, IDicomReaderObserver datasetObserver, Func<ParseState, bool> stop, DicomTransferSyntax syntax, DicomFileFormat fileFormat) { string code = null, uid = null; var obs = new DicomReaderCallbackObserver(); if (fileFormat != DicomFileFormat.DICOM3) { obs.Add( DicomTag.RecognitionCodeRETIRED, (sender, ea) => { try { code = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Data.Data, 0, ea.Data.Data.Length); } catch { } }); } obs.Add( DicomTag.TransferSyntaxUID, (sender, ea) => { try { uid = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Data.Data, 0, ea.Data.Data.Length); } catch { } }); var reader = new DicomReader { IsExplicitVR = syntax.IsExplicitVR, IsDeflated = false }; DicomReaderResult result; if (fileFormat == DicomFileFormat.DICOM3NoFileMetaInfo) { result = await reader.ReadAsync(source, new DicomReaderMultiObserver(obs, datasetObserver), stop).ConfigureAwait(false); UpdateFileFormatAndSyntax(code, uid, ref fileFormat, ref syntax); } else { if ( await reader.ReadAsync( source, new DicomReaderMultiObserver(obs, fileMetasetInfoObserver), FileMetaInfoStopCriterion).ConfigureAwait(false) != DicomReaderResult.Stopped) { throw new DicomReaderException("DICOM File Meta Info ended prematurely"); } UpdateFileFormatAndSyntax(code, uid, ref fileFormat, ref syntax); // rewind to last marker (start of previous tag)... ugly because // it requires knowledge of how the parser is implemented source.Rewind(); source.Endian = syntax.Endian; reader.IsExplicitVR = syntax.IsExplicitVR; reader.IsDeflated = syntax.IsDeflate; result = await reader.ReadAsync(source, datasetObserver, stop).ConfigureAwait(false); } return Tuple.Create(result, fileFormat, syntax); }
private void ProcessPDataTF(object state) { var pdu = (PDataTF)state; try { foreach (var pdv in pdu.PDVs) { if (_dimse == null) { // create stream for receiving command if (_dimseStream == null) _dimseStream = new MemoryStream(); } else { // create stream for receiving dataset if (_dimseStream == null) { if (_dimse.Type == DicomCommandField.CStoreRequest) { var pc = Association.PresentationContexts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == pdv.PCID); var file = new DicomFile(); file.FileMetaInfo.MediaStorageSOPClassUID = pc.AbstractSyntax; file.FileMetaInfo.MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID = _dimse.Command.Get<DicomUID>(DicomTag.AffectedSOPInstanceUID); file.FileMetaInfo.TransferSyntax = pc.AcceptedTransferSyntax; file.FileMetaInfo.ImplementationClassUID = Association.RemoteImplemetationClassUID; file.FileMetaInfo.ImplementationVersionName = Association.RemoteImplementationVersion; file.FileMetaInfo.SourceApplicationEntityTitle = Association.CallingAE; var fileName = TemporaryFile.Create(); file.Save(fileName); _dimseStream = File.OpenWrite(fileName); _dimseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); } else { _dimseStream = new MemoryStream(); } } } _dimseStream.Write(pdv.Value, 0, pdv.Value.Length); if (pdv.IsLastFragment) { if (pdv.IsCommand) { _dimseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var command = new DicomDataset(); var reader = new DicomReader(); reader.IsExplicitVR = false; reader.Read(new StreamByteSource(_dimseStream), new DicomDatasetReaderObserver(command)); _dimseStream = null; var type = command.Get<DicomCommandField>(DicomTag.CommandField); switch (type) { case DicomCommandField.CStoreRequest: _dimse = new DicomCStoreRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CStoreResponse: _dimse = new DicomCStoreResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CFindRequest: _dimse = new DicomCFindRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CFindResponse: _dimse = new DicomCFindResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CMoveRequest: _dimse = new DicomCMoveRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CMoveResponse: _dimse = new DicomCMoveResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CEchoRequest: _dimse = new DicomCEchoRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.CEchoResponse: _dimse = new DicomCEchoResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NActionRequest: _dimse = new DicomNActionRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NActionResponse: _dimse = new DicomNActionResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NCreateRequest: _dimse = new DicomNCreateRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NCreateResponse: _dimse = new DicomNCreateResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NDeleteRequest: _dimse = new DicomNDeleteRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NDeleteResponse: _dimse = new DicomNDeleteResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NEventReportRequest: _dimse = new DicomNEventReportRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NEventReportResponse: _dimse = new DicomNEventReportResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NGetRequest: _dimse = new DicomNGetRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NGetResponse: _dimse = new DicomNGetResponse(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NSetRequest: _dimse = new DicomNSetRequest(command); break; case DicomCommandField.NSetResponse: _dimse = new DicomNSetResponse(command); break; default: _dimse = new DicomMessage(command); break; } if (!_dimse.HasDataset) { if (DicomMessage.IsRequest(_dimse.Type)) ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(PerformDimseCallback, _dimse); else _processQueue.Queue((_dimse as DicomResponse).RequestMessageID, PerformDimseCallback, _dimse); _dimse = null; return; } } else { if (_dimse.Type != DicomCommandField.CStoreRequest) { _dimseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var pc = Association.PresentationContexts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == pdv.PCID); _dimse.Dataset = new DicomDataset(); _dimse.Dataset.InternalTransferSyntax = pc.AcceptedTransferSyntax; var source = new StreamByteSource(_dimseStream); source.Endian = pc.AcceptedTransferSyntax.Endian; var reader = new DicomReader(); reader.IsExplicitVR = pc.AcceptedTransferSyntax.IsExplicitVR; reader.Read(source, new DicomDatasetReaderObserver(_dimse.Dataset)); _dimseStream = null; } else { var fileName = (_dimseStream as FileStream).Name; _dimseStream.Close(); _dimseStream = null; var request = _dimse as DicomCStoreRequest; try { request.File = DicomFile.Open(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse received DICOM file; send error response instead of aborting connection SendResponse(new DicomCStoreResponse(request, new DicomStatus(DicomStatus.ProcessingFailure, e.Message))); Logger.Error("Error parsing C-Store dataset: " + e.ToString()); (this as IDicomCStoreProvider).OnCStoreRequestException(fileName, e); return; } request.File.File.IsTempFile = true; request.Dataset = request.File.Dataset; } if (DicomMessage.IsRequest(_dimse.Type)) ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(PerformDimseCallback, _dimse); else _processQueue.Queue((_dimse as DicomResponse).RequestMessageID, PerformDimseCallback, _dimse); _dimse = null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { SendAbort(DicomAbortSource.ServiceUser, DicomAbortReason.NotSpecified); Logger.Error("Exception processing P-Data-TF PDU: " + e.ToString()); } finally { SendNextMessage(); } }