private static DibalScale[] GetScales(string MP) // Записываем в массив настройки подключения весов { try { ConfigTxt config = new ConfigTxt(); SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); mySqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT IpAddress , ReceptionPortRx From ScalesDibal Where fAct = 'true' and MP = '" + MP + "' and [NumberScale] = '" + config.NumberProgramImport + "' "; SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); mySqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = mySqlCommand; DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet(); mySqlConnection.Open(); int numberScales = mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "Scales"); mySqlConnection.Close(); DataTable myDataTable = myDataSet.Tables["Scales"]; DibalScale scale; DibalScale[] myScales = new DibalScale[numberScales]; ArrayList arlScale = new ArrayList(); //Default Scale variables int scaleMasterAddressAux = 0; string scaleIpAddressAux = string.Empty; int scalePortRxAux = 3000; int scalePortTxAux = 3001; string scaleModelAux = MODEL500RANGE; string scaleDisplayAux = string.Empty; string scaleSectionsAux = string.Empty; int scaleGroupAux = 0; string scaleLogsPathAux = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow myDataRow in myDataTable.Rows) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myDataRow["IpAddress"].ToString())) { scaleIpAddressAux = myDataRow["IpAddress"].ToString(); } int.TryParse(myDataRow["ReceptionPortRx"].ToString(), out scalePortRxAux); scaleModelAux = MODEL500RANGE; scale = new DibalScale(scaleMasterAddressAux, scaleIpAddressAux, scalePortTxAux, scalePortRxAux, scaleModelAux, scaleDisplayAux, scaleSectionsAux, scaleGroupAux, scaleLogsPathAux); arlScale.Add(scale); myScales = (DibalScale[])arlScale.ToArray(typeof(DibalScale)); } return(myScales); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex, "Ошибка записи в массив настройки подключения весов DibalScale[] GetScales(string id ) "); throw ex; } finally { if (mySqlConnection != null) { mySqlConnection.Close(); } } }
public static string ConnectionString() { try { ConfigTxt config = new ConfigTxt(); return("Data Source=" + config.Server + @"\" + config.SqlServer + ";Initial Catalog=" + config.DateBase + ";Integrated Security=True"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex, " - Ошибка в class DBConStrs"); throw ex; } }