public ActionResult addRecordInfo(string userId, string classId, int scoType, string recordData, string timestamp) { int result; string msg; #region 验证参数 string teacherNo = ApiTools.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(userId), aesKey, aesIV).Replace("\0", ""); //userId = Dianda.Common.StringSecurity.DES.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(userId)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(teacherNo)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:userId的加密格式错误"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } classId = ApiTools.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(classId), aesKey, aesIV); //classId = Dianda.Common.StringSecurity.DES.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(classId)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(classId)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:classId的加密格式错误"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } int trainingId; if (!int.TryParse(classId.Replace("\0", ""), out trainingId)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:classId不是合法的整数类型"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } if (scoType < 1 || scoType > 7) { result = 0; msg = "参数:scoType不合法"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } recordData = ApiTools.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(recordData), aesKey, aesIV); //recordData = Dianda.Common.StringSecurity.DES.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(recordData)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recordData)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:recordData的加密格式错误"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); OutCourse outcourse; try { outcourse = jss.Deserialize<OutCourse>(recordData.Replace("\0", "")); } catch (Exception) { result = 0; msg = "参数:recordData不是合法的Json格式"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } if (!Dianda.Common.StringSecurity.MD5Lib.Encrypt( DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + teacherNo + trainingId).Equals(timestamp, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:timestamp验证不通过"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } #endregion Member_ClassRegisterBLL mcBLL = new Member_ClassRegisterBLL(); Member_ClassRegister mcModel = mcBLL.GetModel("Delflag=0 and TrainingId=" + this.ConvertTrainingId(trainingId) + " and AccountId=(select top 1.AccountId from Member_BaseInfo where Delflag=0 and TeacherNo='" + teacherNo + "') and PlanId=" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.PlanId); if (mcModel == null) { result = 0; msg = "学员班级信息不存在"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } switch (scoType) { case 1: if (mcModel.ReadingScore == null) mcModel.ReadingScore = 1; else mcModel.ReadingScore += 1; break; case 2: if (mcModel.ReadingScore == null) mcModel.ReadingScore = 1; else mcModel.ReadingScore += 1; break; case 3: if (mcModel.TestingScore == null) mcModel.TestingScore = 1; else mcModel.TestingScore += 1; break; case 4: if (mcModel.DiscussScore == null) mcModel.DiscussScore = 1; else mcModel.DiscussScore += 1; break; case 5: if (mcModel.HomeWorkScore == null) mcModel.HomeWorkScore = 1; else mcModel.HomeWorkScore += 1; break; case 6: if (mcModel.ExaminationScore == null) mcModel.ExaminationScore = 1; else mcModel.ExaminationScore += 1; break; case 7: if (mcModel.OtherScore == null) mcModel.OtherScore = 1; else mcModel.OtherScore += 1; break; } Course_OutCourseRecordBLL bll = new Course_OutCourseRecordBLL(); Course_OutCourseRecord model = new Course_OutCourseRecord(); model.ClassId = mcModel.ClassId; model.TrainingId = mcModel.TrainingId; model.AccountId = mcModel.AccountId; model.DataType = scoType; model.Status = true; model.Delflag = false; ConvertModel(outcourse, model); try { using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope()) { bll.Add(model); mcBLL.Update(mcModel); trans.Complete(); result = 1; msg = "新增学习记录成功"; ApiTools.WriteLog(TraceEventType.Information, 1, "新增学习活动记录"); return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } } catch (Exception e) { ApiTools.WriteLog(TraceEventType.Error, 0, e.ToString()); result = 0; msg = "新增学习记录失败"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } }
//获取学员外部活动列表 public JsonResult GetOutCourseRecord(int classId, int traningId, int accountId, int type) { try { var recordList = new Course_OutCourseRecordBLL() .GetList(" Delflag=0 and ClassId=" + classId + " and TrainingId=" + traningId + " and AccountId=" + accountId + " and DataType in (" + (type == 1 ? "1,2" : type.ToString()) + ")", ""); return Json(recordList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(new { Code = -1, Msg = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public ActionResult setEvaluation(string userId, string classId, int isPassed, string assessmentName, string remark, string timestamp) { int result; string msg; #region 验证参数 string teacherNo = ApiTools.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(userId), aesKey, aesIV).Replace("\0", ""); //userId = Dianda.Common.StringSecurity.DES.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(userId)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:userId的加密格式错误"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } classId = ApiTools.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(classId), aesKey, aesIV); //classId = Dianda.Common.StringSecurity.DES.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(classId)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(classId)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:classId的加密格式错误"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } int trainingId; if (!int.TryParse(classId.Replace("\0", ""), out trainingId)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:classId不是合法的整数类型"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } if (!Dianda.Common.StringSecurity.MD5Lib.Encrypt( DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + teacherNo + trainingId).Equals(timestamp, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result = 0; msg = "参数:timestamp验证不通过"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } #endregion Member_ClassRegisterBLL mcBLL = new Member_ClassRegisterBLL(); Member_ClassRegister mcModel = mcBLL.GetModel("Delflag=0 and TrainingId=" + this.ConvertTrainingId(trainingId) + " and AccountId=(select top 1.AccountId from Member_BaseInfo where Delflag=0 and TeacherNo='" + teacherNo + "') and PlanId=" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.PlanId); if (mcModel == null) { result = 0; msg = "学员班级信息不存在"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } if (isPassed == 1) mcModel.Result = 1; else mcModel.Result = 0; Course_OutCourseRecordBLL bll = new Course_OutCourseRecordBLL(); Course_OutCourseRecord model = new Course_OutCourseRecord(); model.AssessmentName = assessmentName; model.ClassId = mcModel.ClassId; model.TrainingId = mcModel.TrainingId; model.AccountId = mcModel.AccountId; model.DataType = 0; if (isPassed == 1) model.IsPassed = true; else model.IsPassed = false; model.Remark = remark; model.Status = true; model.Delflag = false; model.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; try { using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope()) { bll.Add(model); mcBLL.Update(mcModel); trans.Complete(); result = 1; msg = "结业评定操作成功"; ApiTools.WriteLog(TraceEventType.Information, 1, "结业评定"); return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } } catch (Exception e) { ApiTools.WriteLog(TraceEventType.Error, 0, e.ToString()); result = 0; msg = "结业评定操作失败"; return Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg }); } }