예제 #1
 protected void SetConnectorDecoratorTemplate(DesignerItem item)
     if (item.ApplyTemplate() && item.Content is UIElement)
         ControlTemplate template  = DesignerItem.GetConnectorDecoratorTemplate(item.Content as UIElement);
         Control         decorator = item.Template.FindName("PART_ConnectorDecorator", item) as Control;
         if (decorator != null && template != null)
             decorator.Template = template;
예제 #2
        void DesignerItem_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // if DragThumbTemplate and ConnectorDecoratorTemplate properties of this class
            // are set these templates are applied;
            // Note: this method is only executed when the Loaded event is fired, so
            // setting DragThumbTemplate or ConnectorDecoratorTemplate properties after
            // will have no effect.
            if (base.Template != null)
                ContentPresenter contentPresenter =
                    this.Template.FindName("PART_ContentPresenter", this) as ContentPresenter;
                if (contentPresenter != null)
                    UIElement contentVisual = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(contentPresenter, 0) as UIElement;
                    if (contentVisual != null)
                        DragThumb thumb = this.Template.FindName("PART_DragThumb", this) as DragThumb;
                        Control   connectorDecorator = this.Template.FindName("PART_ConnectorDecorator", this) as Control;

                        if (thumb != null)
                            ControlTemplate template =
                                DesignerItem.GetDragThumbTemplate(contentVisual) as ControlTemplate;
                            if (template != null)
                                thumb.Template = template;

                        if (connectorDecorator != null)
                            ControlTemplate template =
                                DesignerItem.GetConnectorDecoratorTemplate(contentVisual) as ControlTemplate;
                            if (template != null)
                                connectorDecorator.Template = template;