예제 #1
		public void OpenHandler_WhenEventApplied_SetsAllValues()
			var solution = new Solution(Guid.Empty, "solution");
			var version = new AppVersion(Guid.Empty, "version");
			var build = new Build(Guid.Empty, "build");
			string title = "title", description = "description", steps = "steps", expected = "expected", actual = "actual";

			OpenIssue.Opening += EventApplier;

			DateTimeOffset now = 12.November(2011).At(t => t.MidNight).In(TimeSpan.Zero);
			OpenIssue open = null;
			HappeningIn(now, () =>
					open = Issue.Open(solution, version, build, title, description, steps, expected, actual);

			Assert.That(open.Solution, Is.SameAs(solution));
			Assert.That(open.Version, Is.SameAs(version));
			Assert.That(open.Build, Is.SameAs(build));
			Assert.That(open.Title, Is.EqualTo(title));
			Assert.That(open.Description, Is.EqualTo(description));

			Assert.That(open.StepsToReproduce, Is.EqualTo(steps));
			Assert.That(open.ExpectedResult, Is.EqualTo(expected));
			Assert.That(open.ActualResult, Is.EqualTo(actual));

			Assert.That(open.Opened, Is.EqualTo(now));
예제 #2
		// not virtual as is called from the ctor
		protected void OnOpening(Guid id, Solution solution, AppVersion version, Build build, string title, string description, string stepsToReproduce, string expectedResult, string actualResult, DateTimeOffset opened)
			DomainEventHandler<IssueOpened> handler = Opening;
			if (handler != null) handler(this, new DomainEventEventArgs<IssueOpened>(
				new IssueOpened(id) { Solution = solution, Version = version, Build = build, Title = title, Description = description, StepsToReproduce = stepsToReproduce, ExpectedResult = expectedResult, ActualResult = actualResult, Opened = opened },
예제 #3
		// not virtual as is called from the ctor
		protected void OnFixing(AppVersion versionFixed, Build buildFixed, string resolution, DateTimeOffset @fixed)
			DomainEventHandler<IssueFixed> handler = Fixing;
			if (handler != null) handler(this, new DomainEventEventArgs<IssueFixed>(
				new IssueFixed(Id) {  VersionFixed = versionFixed, BuildFixed = buildFixed, Resolution = resolution, Fixed = @fixed },
예제 #4
		internal FixedIssue(OpenIssue self, AppVersion versionFixed, Build buildFixed, string resolution) : base(self.Id, self.Solution, self.Version, self.Build, self.Title, self.Description)
			StepsToReproduce = self.StepsToReproduce;
			ExpectedResult = self.ExpectedResult;
			ActualResult = self.ActualResult;
			Opened = self.Opened;

			OnFixing(versionFixed, buildFixed, resolution, Time.UtcNow);
예제 #5
		protected Issue(Guid id, Solution solution, AppVersion version, Build build, string title, string description)
			Id = id;
			Solution = solution;
			Version = version;
			Build = build;
			Title = title;
			Description = description;
예제 #6
		public void Open_RaisesEvent()
			var solution = new Solution(Guid.Empty, "solution");
			var version = new AppVersion(Guid.Empty, "version");
			var build = new Build(Guid.Empty, "build");
			string title = "title", description = "description", steps = "steps", expected = "expected", actual = "actual";

			bool raised = false;
			OpenIssue.Opening += (sender, e) => { raised = true; };

			Issue.Open(solution, version, build, title, description, steps, expected, actual);

			Assert.That(raised, Is.True);
예제 #7
		public void Fix_RaisesEvent()
			AppVersion fixingVersion = new AppVersion(Guid.Empty, "fix");
			Build fixingBuild = new Build(Guid.Empty, "fix");
			string resolution = "resolution";

			bool raised = false;
			FixedIssue.Fixing += (sender, e) => { raised = true; };

			Issue.Open(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
				.Fix(fixingVersion, fixingBuild, resolution);

			Assert.That(raised, Is.True);
예제 #8
		public void Fix_WhenEventApplied_SetsAllValues()
			AppVersion fixingVersion = new AppVersion(Guid.Empty, "fix");
			Build fixingBuild = new Build(Guid.Empty, "fix");
			string resolution = "resolution";

			FixedIssue.Fixing += EventApplier;

			DateTimeOffset now = 12.November(2011).At(t => t.MidNight).In(TimeSpan.Zero);
			FixedIssue @fixed = null;
			HappeningIn(now, () =>
					@fixed = Issue.Open(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
						.Fix(fixingVersion, fixingBuild, resolution);

			Assert.That(@fixed.VersionFixed, Is.SameAs(fixingVersion));
			Assert.That(@fixed.BuildFixed, Is.SameAs(fixingBuild));
			Assert.That(@fixed.Resolution, Is.EqualTo(resolution));

			Assert.That(@fixed.Fixed, Is.EqualTo(now));
예제 #9
		public void Fix_OnItsOwn_OnlySetsMandatoryValues()
			AppVersion fixingVersion = new AppVersion(Guid.Empty, "fix");
			Build fixingBuild = new Build(Guid.Empty, "fix");
			string resolution = "resolution";

			DateTimeOffset now = 12.November(2011).At(t => t.MidNight).In(TimeSpan.Zero);
			FixedIssue @fixed = null;
			HappeningIn(now, () =>
					@fixed = Issue.Open(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
						.Fix(fixingVersion, fixingBuild, resolution);

			Assert.That(@fixed.VersionFixed, Is.Null);
			Assert.That(@fixed.BuildFixed, Is.Null);
			Assert.That(@fixed.Resolution, Is.Null);

			Assert.That(@fixed.Fixed, Is.EqualTo(default(DateTimeOffset)));

예제 #10
		protected internal OpenIssue(Solution solution, AppVersion version, Build build, string title, string description, string stepsToReproduce, string expectedResult, string actualResult)
			: base(solution, version, build, title, description)
			OnOpening(Comb.Generate(), solution, version, build, title, description, stepsToReproduce, expectedResult, actualResult, Time.UtcNow);
예제 #11
		public FixedIssue Fix(AppVersion versionFixed, Build buildFixed, string resolution)
			return new FixedIssue(this, versionFixed, buildFixed, resolution);
예제 #12
		protected Issue(Solution solution, AppVersion version, Build build, string title, string description) :
			this(Comb.Generate(), solution, version, build, title, description) { }
예제 #13
		public static OpenIssue Open(Solution solution, AppVersion version, Build build, string title, string description, string stepsToReproduce, string expectedResult, string actualResult)
			return new OpenIssue(solution, version, build, title, description, stepsToReproduce, expectedResult, actualResult);