예제 #1
        public void update(float dt)
            if (this.isAlive() == false)
                this.life     = (float)Math2.randomNumber(0.0d, 2.0d);
                this.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);

            //this.position.Add(this.velocity.X * dt, this.velocity.Y * dt, this.velocity.Z * dt);
            //this.position.Add(0f, -((float)(Earth.Gravity)) * dt, 0f);
            this.life -= dt;

            if (this.angle != 0.0f)
                this.texture.SetRotation(this.texture.GetRotationAngle() + (this.angle * dt));
예제 #2
        private bool loadContent()

            frustum = new Frustum();

            cube = new VBOCube[10];
            for (int i = 0; i < maxCubes; i++)
                cube[i] = new VBOCube(i);
                cube[i].setColor(new ColorRGBA(180, 20, 20, 0));
                cube[i].setPosition(new Vector3((float)Math2.randomNumber(0, 25), 0, (float)Math2.randomNumber(0, 25)));

            earth = new Planet();

예제 #3
        public Terrain(Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 axisX, Vector3 axisZ, int LODLevels, int terrainSize, int patchSize, float planetRadius, int textureID, string heightmapURL)
            if ((!Math2.IsPowerOfTwo(terrainSize - 1)) || (!Math2.IsPowerOfTwo(patchSize - 1)))
                Core.ErrorExit("Error: (Class: Terrain) Patch size must be 2^x+1 and terrain size must be 2^x+1");

            if (!File.Exists(heightmapURL))
                Core.ErrorExit("Error: (Class: Terrain) heightmap not found!");

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(heightmapURL);

            texID     = textureID;
            lodLevels = LODLevels;
            tSize     = terrainSize;
            pSize     = patchSize;
            radius    = planetRadius;
            // Number of patches per row
            ppR = (terrainSize - 1) / patchSize;

            // Temp arrays to ease the vertex and uv calculation
            Vector3[] vertArray = new Vector3[terrainSize * terrainSize];
            Vector2[] uvArray   = new Vector2[terrainSize * terrainSize];

            int   index  = 0;
            float height = 0;

            for (int z = 0; z < terrainSize; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < terrainSize; x++)
                    index = (z * terrainSize) + x;
                    // Since the heightmap is in greyscales, we can use any color channel
                    if ((x < bitmap.Height) && (z < bitmap.Width))
                        height = bitmap.GetPixel(x, z).R *heightMult;
                    //vertArray[index] = new Vector3(x, height, z);
                    vertArray[index] = new Vector3(centerPos + (axisX) * ((x))
                                                   //+ (axisY / terrainScale) * ((terrainSize) / terrainScale)
                                                   + (axisZ) * ((z)));

                    vertArray[index] = GenerateCubeToSphereCoordinates(vertArray[index], height);

                    // calculate uv coordinates for that vertex point
                    uvArray[index] = new Vector2((float)(1.0 / terrainSize * x), (float)(1.0 / terrainSize * z));

            // Vertices array holds all terrain vertices multiplied by the 3 coordinates (x, y and z)
            vertices = new List <Vector3>();
            index    = 0;
            foreach (Vector3 vert in vertArray)

            // UV array array holds all uv texture coordinates multiplied by the 2 coordinates (u and v)
            uvCoor = new List <Vector2>();
            index  = 0;
            foreach (Vector2 vert in uvArray)

            indicesCount = new int[(int)Math.Pow(2, lodLevels - 1) + 1];
            indexBuffer  = new int[(int)Math.Pow(2, lodLevels - 1) + 1];

            // this array stores the indice count for the bridges - for the case Resolution-To-Resolution and the case Resolution-To-(Resolution-1)
            bridgeIndicesCount = new int[2, (int)Math.Pow(2, lodLevels - 1) + 1];
            // this array stores all bridges buffers. 4 bridges to the same resolution, 4 bridges to a lower resolution.
            bridgeIndexBuffer = new int[(int)Math.Pow(2, lodLevels - 1) + 1, 8];

            for (int i = 1; i <= lodLevels; i++)
                int resolution = (int)Math.Pow(2, i - 1);
                // calculate indices count for every lod level
                int currLevel = 0, lastLevel = 0;
                if (i == 1)
                    // there are 3 indices per triangle and 2 triangle to make a polygon
                    indicesCount[i] = ((patchSize) * (patchSize) * 3 * 2);
                    currLevel = resolution;
                    lastLevel = resolution - (int)Math.Pow(2, i - 2);
                    indicesCount[currLevel] = indicesCount[lastLevel] / 4;

                // assign the index buffer ids and then calculate and create the index buffers

                // calculate the 8 bridges
                bridgeIndicesCount[0, resolution] = ((pSize - 1) / resolution) * 3 * 2;
                // top bridge (to same level)
                BuildDefaultHoriBridge(resolution, true);
                // right bridge (to same level)
                BuildDefaultVertBridge(resolution, false);
                // bottom bridge (to same level)
                BuildDefaultHoriBridge(resolution, false);
                // left bridge (to same level)
                BuildDefaultVertBridge(resolution, true);

                bridgeIndicesCount[1, resolution] = ((((pSize - 1) / (resolution * 2)) * 3) - 2) * 3;
                // top bridge (to lower level)
                BuildLowerHoriBridge(resolution, true);
                // right bridge (to lower level)
                BuildLowerVertBridge(resolution, false);
                // bottom bridge (to lower level)
                BuildLowerHoriBridge(resolution, false);
                // left bridge (to lower level)
                BuildLowerVertBridge(resolution, true);
            Debug.Trace("(Class: Terrain) Terrain created");