예제 #1
         * Based on "New Algorithm for Classical Modular Inverse" Róbert Lórencz.
         * LNCS 2523 (2002)
         * @return a^(-1) mod m
        static BigInteger modInverseLorencz(BigInteger a, BigInteger modulo)
            // PRE: a is coprime with modulo, a < modulo

            int max = System.Math.Max(a.numberLength, modulo.numberLength);

            int[] uDigits = new int[max + 1];             // enough place to make all the inplace operation
            int[] vDigits = new int[max + 1];
            Array.Copy(modulo.digits, 0, uDigits, 0, modulo.numberLength);
            Array.Copy(a.digits, 0, vDigits, 0, a.numberLength);
            BigInteger u = new BigInteger(modulo.sign, modulo.numberLength,
            BigInteger v = new BigInteger(a.sign, a.numberLength, vDigits);

            BigInteger r = new BigInteger(0, 1, new int[max + 1]);             // BigInteger.ZERO;
            BigInteger s = new BigInteger(1, 1, new int[max + 1]);

            s.digits[0] = 1;
            // r == 0 && s == 1, but with enough place

            int coefU = 0, coefV = 0;
            int n = modulo.BitLength;
            int k;

            while (!isPowerOfTwo(u, coefU) && !isPowerOfTwo(v, coefV))
                // modification of original algorithm: I calculate how many times the algorithm will enter in the same branch of if
                k = howManyIterations(u, n);

                if (k != 0)
                    BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(u, k);
                    if (coefU >= coefV)
                        BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(r, k);
                        BitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(s, System.Math.Min(coefV - coefU, k));
                        if (k - (coefV - coefU) > 0)
                            BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(r, k - coefV + coefU);
                    coefU += k;

                k = howManyIterations(v, n);
                if (k != 0)
                    BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(v, k);
                    if (coefV >= coefU)
                        BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(s, k);
                        BitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(r, System.Math.Min(coefU - coefV, k));
                        if (k - (coefU - coefV) > 0)
                            BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(s, k - coefU + coefV);
                    coefV += k;

                if (u.Signum() == v.Signum())
                    if (coefU <= coefV)
                        Elementary.completeInPlaceSubtract(u, v);
                        Elementary.completeInPlaceSubtract(r, s);
                        Elementary.completeInPlaceSubtract(v, u);
                        Elementary.completeInPlaceSubtract(s, r);
                    if (coefU <= coefV)
                        Elementary.completeInPlaceAdd(u, v);
                        Elementary.completeInPlaceAdd(r, s);
                        Elementary.completeInPlaceAdd(v, u);
                        Elementary.completeInPlaceAdd(s, r);
                if (v.Signum() == 0 || u.Signum() == 0)
                    // math.19: BigInteger not invertible
                    throw new ArithmeticException(Messages.math19);

            if (isPowerOfTwo(v, coefV))
                r = s;
                if (v.Signum() != u.Signum())
                    u = u.Negate();
            if (u.TestBit(n))
                if (r.Signum() < 0)
                    r = r.Negate();
                    r = modulo.Subtract(r);
            if (r.Signum() < 0)
                r = r.Add(modulo);

예제 #2
         * Calculates a.modInverse(p) Based on: Savas, E; Koc, C "The Montgomery Modular
         * Inverse - Revised"
        internal static BigInteger modInverseMontgomery(BigInteger a, BigInteger p)
            if (a.sign == 0)
                // ZERO hasn't inverse
                // math.19: BigInteger not invertible
                throw new ArithmeticException(Messages.math19);

            if (!p.TestBit(0))
                // montgomery inverse require even modulo
                return(modInverseLorencz(a, p));

            int m = p.numberLength * 32;
            // PRE: a \in [1, p - 1]
            BigInteger u, v, r, s;

            u = p.Copy();              // make copy to use inplace method
            v = a.Copy();
            int max = System.Math.Max(v.numberLength, u.numberLength);

            r           = new BigInteger(1, 1, new int[max + 1]);
            s           = new BigInteger(1, 1, new int[max + 1]);
            s.digits[0] = 1;
            // s == 1 && v == 0

            int k = 0;

            int lsbu = u.LowestSetBit;
            int lsbv = v.LowestSetBit;
            int toShift;

            if (lsbu > lsbv)
                BitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(u, lsbu);
                BitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(v, lsbv);
                BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(r, lsbv);
                k += lsbu - lsbv;
                BitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(u, lsbu);
                BitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(v, lsbv);
                BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(s, lsbu);
                k += lsbv - lsbu;

            r.sign = 1;
            while (v.Signum() > 0)
                // INV v >= 0, u >= 0, v odd, u odd (except last iteration when v is even (0))

                while (u.CompareTo(v) > BigInteger.EQUALS)
                    Elementary.inplaceSubtract(u, v);
                    toShift = u.LowestSetBit;
                    BitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(u, toShift);
                    Elementary.inplaceAdd(r, s);
                    BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(s, toShift);
                    k += toShift;

                while (u.CompareTo(v) <= BigInteger.EQUALS)
                    Elementary.inplaceSubtract(v, u);
                    if (v.Signum() == 0)
                    toShift = v.LowestSetBit;
                    BitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(v, toShift);
                    Elementary.inplaceAdd(s, r);
                    BitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(r, toShift);
                    k += toShift;
            if (!u.IsOne())
                // in u is stored the gcd
                // math.19: BigInteger not invertible.
                throw new ArithmeticException(Messages.math19);
            if (r.CompareTo(p) >= BigInteger.EQUALS)
                Elementary.inplaceSubtract(r, p);

            r = p.Subtract(r);

            // Have pair: ((BigInteger)r, (Integer)k) where r == a^(-1) * 2^k mod (module)
            int n1 = calcN(p);

            if (k > m)
                r = monPro(r, BigInteger.One, p, n1);
                k = k - m;

            r = monPro(r, BigInteger.GetPowerOfTwo(m - k), p, n1);